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File 129964087031.jpg - (181.71KB , 800x500 , 1245346032326.jpg )
1364 No. 1364 [Edit]
I realized recently i haven't read a VN in ages and have been wanting to read one lately, but i'm terrible at finding translated versions and good ones to try.

So yeah, pretty much a 'recommendation thread'.

What i've read:
Katawa Shoujo
Yume Miru
possibly a couple others, but i can't remember...

preferred genre: action/romance
Anything not like saya is fine though.

I'd prefer torrents, which is part of my issue finding anything, cause it's always trash sites like TPB...
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>> No. 1365 [Edit]
Ever 17 if you haven't read that already. Sci-fi thriller with romance subplots and convoluted storyline (need to see all the routes to get the true end). This had an official (if bad) translation so it can generally be found on any general torrent site.

Also, chaos;head is good even if you've seen the anime. The VN has much better production values and the delusion trigger system is very cool. A lot of people are turned off by the main character, though, he's meant to be similar to a /tc/-type person.
>> No. 1368 [Edit]
File 129964461823.jpg - (40.94KB , 400x580 , RBvPnpnFigVLoCm.jpg )
old school uber-classic: Kana Imouto

not the best backgrounds. no voices. no animation at all. meh music...
outstanding characters. good ero. powerful/dramatic realistic story. deep thoughts.

I used this torrent ages ago, but you might give it a shot:
>> No. 1369 [Edit]
I'll throw out a few suggestions.

Action: Hanachirasu
Romance: Clannad, Kanon, ONE, ef
Neither, but fucking awesome: Higurashi and Sharin no Kuni

Obviously not a definitive list but enough to get you started.
>> No. 1370 [Edit]

>A lot of people are turned off by the main character, though

Wait what? Takumi was pretty much the sole reason why I kept bothering with it. I thought it was rather boring and had terrible pacing (like pretty much all VNs) but Takumi (and the delusion system, but that was part of his personality, too) made it somewhat worthwile.

>I'd prefer torrents, which is part of my issue finding anything, cause it's always trash sites like TPB...

I'm pretty sure you can find torrents for ~90% of translated VNs on Nyaa.
>> No. 1371 [Edit]
I read Chaos;Head recently, and I thought the pacing was pretty poor, too. It's not really a VN that grips you, but it's a decent enough ride, even if the climax and ending are pretty dumb. I didn't even understand why Takumi didn't die when Shogun did. Unless I'm just dumb and missed something.

Surtic, I know you've posted in the other Umineko threads before, so you should give Higurashi a shot if you haven't already. Even if you've watched the anime, it's still a really good VN. Just make sure to pick up the music patches, because MangaGamer had to remove a bunch of tracks due to license issues.
>> No. 1372 [Edit]
I've read a bunch of comments from people about the main character either being too similar to them (i.e. the reader) for them to enjoy it. Personally that's part of what I liked about it, but different strokes and all.
>> No. 1373 [Edit]
Common opinion seems to be that Chaos;Head is good for the first half and shitty for the second half. I thought it was shitty the whole way through. I also thought the protagonist was shitty. Not because he was too much or not enough like me. He was just annoying and poorly written (no development at all until a sudden and very unnatural change at the very end).
>> No. 1374 [Edit]
To clarify, by action i mean like how F/SN and Tsukihime are. Kinda actiony stories, but there are lots of choices that can give bad ends and such.
Kinda want a romance VN with lots of choices too...i know clannad is that way.

Sharin no kuni?

i actually tried to find this once, but for some reason the only link i found was an artbook or something.

I don't have money if you're suggesting to buy it.

>I'm pretty sure you can find torrents for ~90% of translated VNs on Nyaa.
I never thought about checking nyaa actually...
>> No. 1375 [Edit]
>To clarify, by action i mean like how F/SN and Tsukihime are. Kinda actiony stories, but there are lots of choices that can give bad ends and such.
I can't think of any other translated VNs like that.

>Kinda want a romance VN with lots of choices too...i know clannad is that way.
ONE has a ton of choices. It was made by the Key guys before they started Key so you should have some idea of what to expect. The art is even worse than Key games though.

>Sharin no kuni?
>> No. 1376 [Edit]
If you want action/romance try Sekien no Inganock
>> No. 1377 [Edit]
I'm reading through Kikokugai right now and the fight scenes are pretty damn good, but there are no choices.
>> No. 1378 [Edit]
Did you like the ending?
>> No. 1379 [Edit]
Yeah. The twist seemed out of place but overall they handled the ending pretty well.
>> No. 1380 [Edit]
Clannad (Romance, comedy, drama)
Sharin no Kuni (Thriller, romance)
G-Senjou no Maou (Thriller, romance)
Symphonic Rain (Romance, drama)
Narcissu (Drama)
Little Busters (Romance, comedy, drama)
Muv Luv Alternative (Action, mecha, drama)
Swan Song (Drama)
Ever 17 (Drama, thriller, romance)
Kira Kira (Romance, comedy, drama)
Cross Channel (Drama, romance)
Planetarian (Drama)

They're all translated, so choose your pick and enjoy.

Also, even if you've already seen the Clannad anime, go read the VN. It has 10x the content and is a much better experience overall. It's probably my favorite VN ever.
>> No. 1381 [Edit]

Seconding Narcissu, times a bazillion. Though Setsumi is my waifu, so I'm admittedly biased.


ALSO THIS. My first VN ever; cried like a baby the first time I finished it; forever changed the way I look at life. I replayed it the other day and had that same emotional experience all over again, just as strong as the first time. Granted, it feels pretty dated compared to more recent works, it uses every VN cliche in the book, and the English translation is meh. But trust me, all the hype is completely justified. Kana will make you a better person.

I would also recommend Clannad, but I haven't played the VN, so I can't technically comment on it. Assuming that the anime doesn't stray too far from its source, though, I have nothing but praise.
>> No. 1382 [Edit]
>Muv-Luv Alternative

I just checked vndb and I see two patches.

>Muv-Luv Alternative - Patch 1 - the Coup d'etat Arc (patch)
>TBA18+ Muv-Luv Alternative (patch)

What does it mean? Is the first one only a translation from the frist chapter? Or is it the full tranlation?
>> No. 1383 [Edit]
Partial patch was the last officially released one, but the full patch leaked, and here's a link and installation instructions for it:
Download this http://www.mediafire.com/?z0n3df4bd8n3d0z
Extract, install using the exe provided.
Re-extract and overwrite data.ami with the one in the archive.
>> No. 1384 [Edit]
I just realised that we already have a specific thread for this vn. I feel like an idiot.

Thank you for your kind answer.

Post edited on 30th Apr 2011, 5:01pm
>> No. 1385 [Edit]
File 130438511614.png - (51.09KB , 555x59 , kana115n.png )
>Kana will make you a better person.

By all means, one of the greatest features of the game is how you can not only interfere on the course of events -as expected- but with the very development of the characters. That is: you can pretty much RAISE KANA, from a very tender age, to the point that it's fair to say that (wereas there's only one-you, forever changed by her) there isn't just one Kana with several possible endings but several Kanas to choose from: to give birth to and live with and in consequence of...

And one of them, indeed, earned my respect, admiration and... anyway: I don't know if she made me a better man but one thing I'm sure: she was worth it; I was glad I didn't die before I could meet her.

And I mean it.

Post edited on 2nd May 2011, 6:22pm
>> No. 1386 [Edit]
Every time I download Kana Little Sister and try to mount it my computer says it's a trojan horse. I just want to read this VN, dammit.
>> No. 1387 [Edit]

I am pretty new to VNs. I've only played Clannad and I really liked it. I am looking for VN that has zero ero/ecchi/fanservice stuff. Genre doesn't matter that much as long plot is intresting. Care to recommend anything?

Post edited on 11th Aug 2011, 12:31am
>> No. 1388 [Edit]
No H scenes at all? Most plot heavy VNs usually have H scenes as an afterthought, crammed in near the end of routes.

Some VNs that have no H that are generally considered to be good: Ever17, Symphonic Rain, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni + Kai, Chaos;Head, Narcissu 1+2, Brass Restoration, and True Remembrance.
>> No. 1389 [Edit]

Also 999, Planetarian, Aoi Shiro.
>> No. 1390 [Edit]
Kanon with all-ages patch
Ef (it has an option to switch off H-scenes, though they still be part of the plot)
>> No. 1391 [Edit]
I'm looking for something with yanderes, suicides, and all that good stuff...
>> No. 1392 [Edit]
Cross Channel and Higurashi. Neither of them might necessarily fit what you're looking for, but they both have general fucked up stuff.
>> No. 1393 [Edit]
OP, you should try Symphonic Rain and Planetarian. Both are fairly short, but great stories and atmosphere.

It was because he was a delusion turned reality, and as such he evolved into an individual entity separate from Shogun.

I enjoyed Chaos;Head, though I will agree that the ending/second half is terribly haphazard. It started as a great psychological thriller and then they went and dragged it down with lolswords, psychobabble, and poor execution.
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