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File 130963684449.jpg - (189.42KB , 1000x770 , 100107211541044.jpg )
1419 No. 1419 [Edit]
Aksys announced at AX 2011 that they're picking up Fate/Extra for PSP and the otome title Hakuouki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom, also for PSP. Both will see retail and PSN releases.

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>> No. 1420 [Edit]
Some screens/CG at the links.

>Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom will be released for PSP, in stores and on PSN, in the first quarter of 2012.

>Fate/Extra will be released on PSP, in stores and PSN, later this year.
>> No. 1421 [Edit]
Bunch of Hakuoki info and screens.
>> No. 1422 [Edit]
fate/extra is out tomorrow btw, if anyone cares.
>> No. 1423 [Edit]
I'll care, just as soon as there's a translated undubbed version out.
>> No. 1424 [Edit]

It doesn't have a dub, silly.
>> No. 1425 [Edit]
Alright, I only played FSN, but I'm interested in this. I have almost no knowledge on videogames, so where can I download this, and what program do I need to play it?
>> No. 1426 [Edit]

Download a program called Jpcsp. It should let you play PSP games on your PC. I've heard that it's not very good but people seem to be using it with success.

The game is on NyaaTorrents.
>> No. 1427 [Edit]
A different person is Saber, but she looks basically identical. Why?

I mean the obvious answer is that they want Saber to be recognizable. But is there an in-story explanation?

I do like the inclusion of Li Shuwen, Lu Bu, and Robin Hood.
>> No. 1428 [Edit]
Well, it seemed to be a important plot point in fate/zero anyway.
It's why caster mistook and obsessed over the saber in zero, thinking it was the saber from extra.
>> No. 1429 [Edit]
saber in extra is this guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nero
i dont think joan of arc is in any fate material
>> No. 1430 [Edit]
what the shit?
>> No. 1431 [Edit]
I'm quite happy with Fate/Extra. It's a really fun (and fucking frustrating) RPG.

I'm not so happy with Hakuoki. Of all the PSP visual novels that need a localization they choose an otome game. I know Fujoshi need their stuff too but come on.
>> No. 1432 [Edit]
Sorry I've been trying to figure out how this works, but I can't seem to load the game. Whenever I load the game, I get some kind of error.
>> No. 1433 [Edit]
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Joan was gonna be a servant in the cancelled fate/apocrypha project
>> No. 1434 [Edit]
And Shakespeare, too. God damn, that would've been cool as hell. Joan of Arc and Semiramis and Frankenstein, all so damn cute. And there was an Archer that's actually know for using a bow (c'mon Type-Moon, two Archers in the main work and only one of them uses a bow - sometimes).

It's being turned into a light novel now. Probably irrelevant for the American audience...They lost a lot of cool material with that, I hope they do something else with those characters.

As for Fate/Extra, I'd like to get it at some point. I've always thought the Fate/ universe would be damn perfect RPG material. It seems really interesting from what I've seen. And Caster is voiced by Chiwa Saito. I love her voice in Horizon, but I doubt shed be doing her Kimi Aoi voice, considering the differences in character. Or maybe there isn't that big a difference? I dunno. If there isn't, then fuck yeah, I'm totally getting it.

And Saber as Nero is an awesome idea. Tyrants and Type-Moon seem to gel together real nice.
>> No. 1435 [Edit]
The Fate/Apocrypha short novel things are being translated over here if you want to read them. http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/1451-Fate-Apocrypha

Also haven't played Fate/Extra yet, been busy trying to fix my borked PSP before it will work.
>> No. 1436 [Edit]
does this really just have two roots?
kind of weak, since I'm not particularly interested in either, but whatever..
>> No. 1437 [Edit]
I got Fate/Extra. It's quite enjoyable. Only problem is, it strikes me as too damn hard. And repetitive. It's really repetitive, but that's not too bad. Tried playing as Caster, but everything was destroying me. Now I reset my file and I'm going to just pick Saber...
>> No. 1438 [Edit]
I picked caster and also thought the same.

I don't get why they have you select difficulty at the start of the game, if they're just gonna assign difficult to servants also.

It's driving me insaine, running around those blue hallways, killing those blocks over and over for a tiny amount of xp for hours on end.
stuff like this is why I don't play rpgs more often.
but caster is moe as hell, and I don't regret picking her, even if it means the game will be a pain in the ass.

Post edited on 10th Jan 2012, 6:08pm
>> No. 1439 [Edit]
Almost at the absolute end of the game with Saber now - Round 7.

Oh my god, the 7th Chimeric Sea is so damn pretty. Overwhelmingly pretty, even. Prettier than some Final Fantasy stages, I'd say. Like Niagara Falls. Just...not real, and as such, all the more beautiful. If it weren't for the out-of-place disco music playing in the background, it'd be great. I very much like this game, and I'm definitely going to play the other Servants as well.

I just couldn't even imagine getting this far with Caster. That really is "Maniac" mode.
>> No. 1440 [Edit]
Kind of on the annoying/confusing side, how they mix what the main character is saying and thinking.
It's hard to tell when/if he's narrating or talking to the other person, I'm not even sure at this point if they're not just one in the same.

game certinly does get a heck of a lot harder half way in it seems, more and more often I'm getting gameovers from regular enemies, where as before, I made it up to where the game splits it's story roots in two, without having had died yet.
third rare monster I came across must have killed me 10 times at least.
>> No. 1441 [Edit]
File 132701747947.png - (1.22MB , 873x1000 , behold.png )
Caster is the best.
>> No. 1442 [Edit]
File 132713964656.png - (576.86KB , 800x462 , who needs air.png )
why is every level underwater?
>> No. 1443 [Edit]
I was playing this but then I accidentally smashed my PSP's screen.
>> No. 1444 [Edit]
Whelp, that ending sure did suck.
the protag could change anything they wanted to, and it didn't seem limited to just one thing, so... Why didn't the protagonist wish not be killed by the grail or maybe make themselves into a real person, so that the grail wouldn't delete them? theeeen all that other crap?
not like time was an issue like they built it up to be, protag made of point of how it was taking longer than it should.

I was really hoping for a servant end, in which they somehow end up together after the war and stuff, but there was obviously no way that could happen I guess...

Tried loading a save and playing the other root after beating the game, but the difference seemed so superficial, and it didn't seem like the story would be very different at all.
also seems the servants have the exact same dialog on each root.
so I couldn't work up the will power to spend the time required to grind this repetitive game again.
really wish the story split was farther in the game...

Heard they made a sequel, but the premise sounds kind of dumb.
like, the same game from a different perspective or something.
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