hey brohnos, What's up with anime,manga,eroge villains always coming up with elaborate plans that inevitably fail and backfire? Pic related,It's possibly one of the worst offenders. Snatching defeat from the jaws of flawless victory takes it to a whole new level.
You'll have to refresh my memory because I played this game over a year ago.
>>411 I mean that too many anime/manga/and other media have ordinary people who somehow prevail against enemies that are a hair's width from omnipotence.
>>472 But that's just basic story telling 101. It wouldn't be a fulfilling story (to the average reader, at least) otherwise.
Probably because it gives a comforting signal of "no problem is too daunting to solve" to the audience.
I think it's lame and idiotic as hell. It's why I like some stuff from Junji Ito a lot, because it shows how a normal person (or anyone really) won't do jack fucking shit to a cosmic horror and all they can do is delay the inevitable.
>>503 You may be right; >>501 Not really, I mean goku fighting frieza was an epic fight you might say,but Frieza was overconfident and strong ,but not omnipotent. I mean if frieza could twist time and space or control Gohan and Vegeta,do you think Goku would stand a chance?
OK, all the talk and hype about this game on the internet finally got me to cave. I downloaded it ,and.....what next ;_;
>>523 This one appears to contain images.
>>524 This was inside that folder
>>526 And this was inside the patch folder
There is no fully translated Gore Screaming Show patch, unless one of the numerous translators that have picked it up and dropped it somehow released a 5% or something translation patch.
>>528 It's not a translation patch, it's an update patch from Black Cyc. I think the guy already got help from /jp/. He just needs to change his locale, like with almost any other VN.
>>529 Oh, I saw patch and assumed translation patch. My bad.
OP here , I installed the east asian language files today. See
Unfortunately , shit still won't work , pic related. Goddammit why are uploaders such buttfuckers. I mean I understand they have to break it up,but why cant they do it so it leaves the game as a simple fucking executable. It looks like they yanked the guts out of the game and threw them everywhere.
>>550 http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?ogg
http://sukebei.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=8804&showfiles=1 Is this safe? Anyway it says it has an iso which being a 1:1 rip sounds like what I want. >>551 I downloaded that and unzipped it. Still more incomprehensible shit. I tried dragging the different files over what appeared to be the main application , still no luck.
OK this my downloads folder...
And this looks like an iso file.When I clicked on it though it started trying to burn it to a DVD using my DVD burner.
And yet when I started up utorrent it showed me this, do I already have the game or not?
OK , I deleted utorrent and my old winrar stuff. The only thing I have is the is file. I checked google then downloaded daemon tools and yet I have no idea what the problem is.
>>555 You don't have it downloaded, what you see in your folder is basically an empty file. You have to wait for the torrent to reach 100% before you can use it. Also note that the torrent you are using has zero seeds, which means no one with the complete file is connected, and you probably won't be able to finish the download.
>>557 Oh...Thanks for telling me. ;_; I deleted them both after I fucked up what I thought was the game file with IZarc. Sigh....I would actually buy the game at this point if I had a credit card and dlsite didn't charge fucking outrageous prices.
OK, I think I'm slowly getting closer. I downloaded east asian characters. I completely finished the torrent. I extracted the files from the iso using winrar. It looks like I finally got an executable. I try to run it and this happens. I tried applocale set under nihongo and still no go. I think If I can fi whatever is causing the fucked up gibberish at the top of the blue box ,I'll be in business.help please ;_;
OK I saw this in the folder before I clicked on the icon in the bottom right which is how I got the exe.
I'm not sure what this says.
Ok evidently ,My memory was wrong. Applocale removed the crap at the top of the screen ,but the game still fails to launch. This is some really annoying shit.
Here's a kouryaku , I finally got it to work by the way.
And that's almost the last of them. I posting in case any bronos want it ,and this way no need to worry if the website goes down.
Last one. For some reason my other screencap wouldn't work and I just got around to making a new one.
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