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File 137602363414.jpg - (523.50KB , 1024x768 , Konachan_com - 23536 air kamio_misuzu key kirishim.jpg )
1748 No. 1748 [Edit]
AIR has finally been translated!

>This is a 100% translated, readable, beta patch for Air released by Gao Gao Translations. It is NOT the final patch. In patch beta1, Air Arc, Minagi Route and Kano Route are solid. Common Route and Misuzu’s route need more work.

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>> No. 1749 [Edit]
>This is a 100% translated
>Common Route needs more work.

contradiction in terms spotted, cap'm.
>> No. 1750 [Edit]
Thanks, Tohno. I'm planning to dedicate myself to this one and Ef sometime soon to get to know Misuzu and Yuuko better. Good luck with Minagi.
>> No. 1751 [Edit]
File 137627915991.jpg - (85.24KB , 654x517 , 9.jpg )
I never did care much for the mc...
>> No. 1752 [Edit]
File 137646221035.jpg - (1.42MB , 640x2400 , bugs so far.jpg )
This is most certainly a beta release. While errors have been few and far between, here are a few I've come across.
>> No. 1753 [Edit]
Sounds like a classic t-cer.
>> No. 2127 [Edit]
h-hey, I may have been homeless for a few months and may arguably be a pervert, but I've never kidnapped anyone
>> No. 2128 [Edit]
>In the depths of her eyes, I could do the beauty limited only to ethereal things

Pure poetry...
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