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File 142069561648.jpg - (45.84KB , 791x546 , narcissu - traveling in imagination.jpg )
1844 No. 1844 [Edit]
Is there a translation of Narcissu Side 2nd other than the one currently on Steam? (Because that's a bit bad)

narcissu.insani.org has a link to Haeleth's personal website for news & downloads regarding Narcissu Side 2nd; but the link is broken and the site seems to be shut down. Is there an upload of Haeleth's translation somewhere?
>> No. 2145 [Edit]
>> No. 2146 [Edit]
>> No. 2149 [Edit]
I feel ashamed for not knowing about this. I already have some of these, but I'm going to try and grab them all and seed them into perpetuity, or at least until better alternatives appear.
Thank you, anon, and may visual novels be preserved until the death of the universe.
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