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File 160031349336.png - (2.08MB , 1460x824 , d5bd6a1cfae4d57872c9281da5516334.png )
2193 No. 2193 [Edit]
Without going into spoilers, this is a visual novel about a knight girl who gets sucked into our(?) world from her own. There isn't really much to this one, it's just about dating a knight girl and exploring her personality through various events but I like it's simplicity. The main character's name is Cattleya and they give her a personality and skills that are very befitting of a knight but they make sure to throw some moe into the recipe of her personality. I liked eating pizza and chips when I read it on weekends for maximum easy.
One other thing I like, and maybe it's common and I just don't know, it doesn't beat you over the head constantly with mean remarks from the characters that just feel like whoever wrote it couldn't bring themselves to cool down their boiling hatred for otaku. Maybe I've just read the wrong VNs but I've read that in some from time to time and it makes them near impossible to enjoy.
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>> No. 2194 [Edit]
I downloaded this VN a while back, it sounded comfortable but I haven't read it yet. I'll give it a read when I can.
>> No. 2206 [Edit]
I read this, it made me feel sad that I was pretty much playing a gimmicky friend simulator.
Cattleya has a very nice design, but it made my heart feel heavy and guilty.
>it doesn't beat you over the head constantly with mean remarks from the characters that just feel like whoever wrote it couldn't bring themselves to cool down their boiling hatred for otaku.
This was a trend, bullying was really popular in the late 2010s and may also be translation meddling or "meming".
>> No. 2209 [Edit]
File 16058591384.jpg - (367.28KB , 2048x2046 , 07ddfa312fba87b88d3d83db39e3d95f.jpg )
>This was a trend
It doesn't feel like it ever really ended and it has been in anime for as long as I can remember.
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