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File 133408111048.jpg - (142.10KB , 515x554 , 14e5424355d025.jpg )
1934 No. 1934 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Looks like Good Smile is going to be polling for which of their figures they should re-release. Info on voting and a link are here:

I'm hoping for the original Miku Hatsune and nendo Yoshika Miyafuji, as well as Konata, and for future figs, Hartmann. 
>> No. 2014 [Edit]

I'm disappointed. Too much Miku/Saber, not enough Azusa.

Post edited on 21st May 2012, 10:44am
>> No. 2015 [Edit]
Considering how many Miku/Saber figures are already out there, and how often Good Smile company re-releases figures of those characters.
I'm inclined to say the people who voted are idiots, or it's rigged.
>> No. 2017 [Edit]
When will you be able to order them?

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1832 No. 1832 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
/fig/, I'm trying to get my hands on one of these, but I can't find one for less than 160 dollars.
Could anyone point me in a better direction?

Also, old-figures-for-less-than-160-dollars thread.
11 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1948 [Edit]
How long did it take to ship? I'm getting nervous because I ordered something from them last week.
>> No. 1960 [Edit]
once they took just 1 day. another time, they took 5 days. it maybe depends on the amount of work they have atm.
>> No. 1988 [Edit]
My figure finally arrived today. No problems either.
>> No. 1989 [Edit]
Thanks for reporting! I did feel unease and responsability for sugesting it...
I'm glad it turned out well.

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5 No. 5 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Post your figures!
96 posts and 46 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1176 [Edit]
Oh you got your Haruhi. How do you like her? I'm quite impressed with the quality given the price.
>> No. 1178 [Edit]

I think I talked about it in another thread. Essentially, the face and body proportions aren't just that haruhistic like that of Figma's; but, on his favour, the overall appearance is much more elegant (slimer) and sexy, with a fair level of detail, careful painting and high quality finishing (I mentioned that I specially liked that her uniform isn't black, but a nice deep brown)...

So yeah, IMHO, it was quite a bargain.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2011, 3:12pm
>> No. 1976 [Edit]
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>> No. 1979 [Edit]
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Somebody likes himself some idols. Kudos.

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1965 No. 1965 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This might be an odd question, but have any of you ever had a problem with figs sort of sweating?
I don't know the term for it, or what's going on with them, but a few of my figs seem to have produced a sticky transparent substance, and the figs as a result kind of looks as if they're sweating.
is this something toxic and something I should worry about?
Also, I don't think the figs doing it are bootlegs.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1967 [Edit]
interesting read.
Now I wish more than ever that I had a working ac unit in my room.
that page also explained why the guitars of my k-on figma got stuck to their uniforms and left paint marks when pulled off.

I already knew figs were really delicate, but jeez...
Sticking figs in a freezer every 4 months sounds like a hassle...
>> No. 1968 [Edit]
Not OP, but: HOLLY SHI*-
My room is hot as fuck...
>> No. 1971 [Edit]
It won't be toxic, but if you're room is really hot, then maybe it's worth doing this >>1966

Fortunately I have AC running pretty much 24/7 in my room otherwise I'm sure all my figures would be messy blobs on my shelves by now.
>> No. 1987 [Edit]
I thank my lucky stars I'm in Canada.

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1339 No. 1339 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This weather has me scared shitless.

Humidity, temps in the 100 F range, and sweating miserably.

What effect does this have on my figs?

I find myself avoiding my room whenever I can for fear that I will raise the temperatures and humidity and make everything crumble.

The picture here is my equivalent to a horror movie, and I am currently proverbially walking through a dense forest in the dead of night.

3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1442 [Edit]
Haruhi $#%^ing %$#*
I got a bunch of figma today in the mail, and wouldn't you know it, a hand on one broke right off like nothing at all.
damn, I really can't believe how easy that thing broke off, I didn't twist it or pull it at an angel or anything, it just came right off with the ball joint thing still in the arm, damn it.
It's no wonder why they have smooth shafts on the hands now with all new figma.
I bet they got tons of complaints on this.
oh and this was the Fate figma by the way (old version, 009)
oh joy, now I get to try and dig the ball end out of the arm somehow.
>> No. 1443 [Edit]
fyi, using a needle is a bad idea.
I just tried prying it out with a needle, and the darn thing snapped off into my face.

Managed to get it out without much visable damage.
took the arm part off, and hammered a nail into the opposite end to push it out, sounds worse then it is, you can't see any damage unless you take the fig apart and look down the hole/slot.

Post edited on 16th Aug 2011, 12:41am
>> No. 1785 [Edit]
Lo and behold, something like this happened to me a couple weeks ago.

My Konata Figma was somehow bumped off my shelf onto my bed, under my pillow. When I jumped onto my bed, I heard a tiny SNAP.

and my heart dropped.

the insert where the stand goes into the back of her hair snapped off, and was stuck in there...

After a lot of experimenting, I finally used a tiny screw, screwed it into the insert, and pulled it out, no damage done.

However, I do need a new stand...
>> No. 1886 [Edit]
Forgot to post about it, but my Tsuruya figma I purchased for myself for my birthday broke.

Out ot the box, her right shoulder joint was frozen. I tried to wiggle it a little (usually they're just a little stuck), but it just SNAPPED. the joint was literally fused together.

The shoulder joint is a sphere in a socket in the body, with a revolver joint attached to the outer part. The revolving joint was fused and the socket wasn't moving well.

Using some tools I carved out a hole in the socket ball after intentionally breaking off the useless revolving joint. I then found a spare revolver joint from a revoltech fig I have, and after doing some gluing and curing, the joint works like a charm.

Revoltech and Figma joints are interchangeable but make the figma look silly. Her right shoulder sticks out a scale two inches from her body but I at least fixed the damn thing.

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1852 No. 1852 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So my dumbass cousin was forced to stay with me, his parents and my own were out of town and he needed someone to stay with.

Long story short he was fucking around with my stuff and snapped the figma stand of my Saber Lily, and now the peg is stuck in the hole.

Do you guys have any tips on how to get it out? It's too deep in there for fingers.
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1856 [Edit]
well, in that case, why not use the other half of the part that broke off as the 'glued something' ?

and yeah, probably would, you'd leave tons of unsightly cut like marks around the rim of the hole.

possibly worth noting.
are you familiar with the di stage for figma?
they're sort of like deluxe versions of figma stands, usually sell for around 500jpy a peace, but more importantly, they come with a arm for figma, the tip of which is the same as the ones that come with figma.
the arm is pretty much the same, except for one of those two long clear bars are short, but both ends and the other segment are the same.
>> No. 1859 [Edit]
hmmm that's interesting, if I can manage to get the peg out later today I'll maybe look into one.
>> No. 1860 [Edit]
Gluing does not work at all, this happened to me actually. the glue will make it worse.

What I suggest is getting a tiny screw, making a pilot hole in the dead centre of the peg, screwing the screw in and pulling it out.

On a side note, anyone know where I can find a replacement figma stand? (´・ω・`)
>> No. 1864 [Edit]
Thanks for the tip, I asked /toy/ and they seemed to echo that glue could make it worse.

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1784 No. 1784 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A little bit different than >>100, but still a prominent issue.

Any items you see sold for ¥2000 in Japan, but nobody cared enough to import them/ jacked up the price to $130 or more on eBay, and your only options are to either pay out the ass to a proxy bidder because the Japanese sellers refuse to ship international or you have to actually go to Japan to find them?

For me, an immaculate plush of my waifu and the Yoshika Miyafuji Nendoroid are on my list. When I have the money for a long trip...
>> No. 1795 [Edit]

This is an example of the awesome deals you can get there.
I tryed my hand at bidding on it with a proxy bidder, but all the proxie's fees and the two way shipping, really jacks up the price and makes it impractical.
the stuff there must have been worth 50000jpy, but went for 32,020.

man, If I lived in japan, I could buy stuff like this all the time and resell it to dumb Americans and be able to live without having to keep a real job.

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215 No. 215 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do you guys feel about artbooks?

Do you have any?

I recently came into possession of a Hyakko one, and I've got say that I love it.
10 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 960 [Edit]
I have the art sketch books for the first two seasons of Nanoha. I felt like they were worth it. I'm actually kind of sad I haven't been able to find anything else as far as Nanoha art books go. Though I usually only look for them and buy them at conventions (mostly because for some reason Nanoha merch is actually rare here in the states and it makes me very sad).

I've been tempted to get one of the Berserk art books too every time I see one. Though I usually try and wait to see if I can find something else to buy at the convention (and I usually do) so maybe next time.

I do like actually having the book though because it's nice to flip through and look at it every now and then. It's also nice for when my more normal friends or family come visit they'll look through it, which is something that would never happen with just having the digital copies.
>> No. 1639 [Edit]
When I bought Etrian Odyssey III, its artbook was included free of charge because I bought it so early (it was like the day after release). It's pretty cool, but I would never spend money on one.
>> No. 1760 [Edit]
I'm fucking jealous, I want that JoJo book.

I have an iDOLM@STER art book and one for Kino's Journey.
>> No. 1783 [Edit]
The price makes me not buy them, but when I used to go out I would leaf through them at Kinikuniya. Yeah...

I d/n them every once in a while but I always end up with gigs of stuff I like and won't delete... so I restrict myself.

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837 No. 837 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you do with your figure boxes?

Pic related, I stack them as high as I can in my closet.
5 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 884 [Edit]
Its because they just look so nice, isn't it?
>> No. 1640 [Edit]
I keep common figure boxes for a week or so before throwing them away. Special figures, like my Brave Version Haruhi, I keep. If I kept every single box, my little room would be too junky looking.
>> No. 1641 [Edit]
I can't help but think condensation would be a problem when it rains, even with the plastic bags.

If space is a problem, what about folding the boxes up?
>> No. 1756 [Edit]
No: as you probably do yourself, I also want to keep the plastics they come with inside...

It does bother me that they are outside, but they can't possibly be anywhere inside the house right now. If over the next years, as my family has framed, we go and radically change my room within other things, I could make space for them; we'll see.

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294 No. 294 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What kind of things do you think your figs and dolls would talk about if they could talk and interact with one another?
what do you think they'd think about you?
What kind of things do you think they might get up to during the short times your not around?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 298 [Edit]
Nono is now too busy playing with her onee-sama Noriko to bother thinking of me.
>> No. 1523 [Edit]
Well, I got like 5 Asukas, so they'd probably spend their time arguing who was the real one or who I love the most. (While the big Asuka next to my bed would feel forever alone)

The Haruhis and the Konata would probably poke around everywhere and molest Mikuru, while Ritsu plays the drums and tries to reach for her drumsticks when I leave them on another shelf.

>what do you think they'd think about you?
Most likely that I fap too much. That'd be the number one thought.

>What kind of things do you think your figs and dolls would talk about if they could talk and interact with one another?

Most likely random, pointless things and arguments. Except for Konata, who'd be busy probing my gigantic manga.
>> No. 1549 [Edit]
This is way too cute.

I've never thought much about my figures. I've looked at them like trophies. I guess they would complain to each other that I don't interact with them enough, and would hold me in light contempt. Then hopefully someone would mention how lovingly and carefully I handle them when I pose them. As for what they'd do... maybe a mini-Olympics of sorts? I've got girls like Marisa and Haruhi and Yotsuba in my collection, with only Nerine and Rei being quiet ones. Konata would be participating if only out of sheer disappointment at how "mundane" my room is (I read all my manga online and stream and download anime, so nothing for her to go through really).
>> No. 1638 [Edit]
They're probably board out their mind being stuck in the same position all the time and rarely having the change to stretch, since I don't leave this room much.

I wonder who they have out on guard, watching by the living room window on those rare occasions when I do head out, so they can run back and warn the rest of my return.
maybe they alternate, hmm...

I imagin room leadership would be decided, at least somewhat, by who's been around the longest.
Who knows, maybe they even have a elder counsel.

I kind of get the feeling my lego dudes would have their own little community, and not like hanging out with the bigger toys.

Many are probably worrying about finding themselves on ebay.
I wouldn't be surprised if some actually wish for it.
I know I wouldn't want to live with me if I was in their place.
But I guess it could be worse, some people really abuse their figs/toys and do some awful things to them.
At least they don't have to worry about me growing up, going off to collage and giving them all away.
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1490 No. 1490 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
These are what I currently have.

I'd have more, but I'm a buyfag, so most money goes to that. Also, I'm poor.
12 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1604 [Edit]
This fig may very wellmake the series worth it.
>> No. 1605 [Edit]
It's the only good thing that came out of the show after all.
>> No. 1613 [Edit]
Ah! Ah! I just noticed the Konata cell strap!

I have two! One of them is beat to shit and the other is just my display one...
>> No. 1616 [Edit]
one for the vault and one to spread the gospel?

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