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1852 No. 1852 [Edit]
So my dumbass cousin was forced to stay with me, his parents and my own were out of town and he needed someone to stay with.

Long story short he was fucking around with my stuff and snapped the figma stand of my Saber Lily, and now the peg is stuck in the hole.

Do you guys have any tips on how to get it out? It's too deep in there for fingers.
>> No. 1853 [Edit]
If it was me, I would apply a very very tiny drop of glue onto the peg, making sure not to get it on the surrounding area or crack between the back and the peg.
then stick something, whatever, onto that peg, and pull it out when it's dried a little bit.
>> No. 1855 [Edit]
That's what I'm thinking, although I'm worried about detaching the glued something from the peg, because I still need to reattach it to the stand.

I was also thinking of heating it with a hair dryer and sticking a pin into the plastic and levering it out, but that would probably damage the figure.
>> No. 1856 [Edit]
well, in that case, why not use the other half of the part that broke off as the 'glued something' ?

and yeah, probably would, you'd leave tons of unsightly cut like marks around the rim of the hole.

possibly worth noting.
are you familiar with the di stage for figma?
they're sort of like deluxe versions of figma stands, usually sell for around 500jpy a peace, but more importantly, they come with a arm for figma, the tip of which is the same as the ones that come with figma.
the arm is pretty much the same, except for one of those two long clear bars are short, but both ends and the other segment are the same.
>> No. 1859 [Edit]
hmmm that's interesting, if I can manage to get the peg out later today I'll maybe look into one.
>> No. 1860 [Edit]
Gluing does not work at all, this happened to me actually. the glue will make it worse.

What I suggest is getting a tiny screw, making a pilot hole in the dead centre of the peg, screwing the screw in and pulling it out.

On a side note, anyone know where I can find a replacement figma stand? (´・ω・`)
>> No. 1864 [Edit]
Thanks for the tip, I asked /toy/ and they seemed to echo that glue could make it worse.
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