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File 129038709279.jpg - (1.82MB , 1500x1125 , figs.jpg )
5 No. 5 [Edit]
Post your figures!
Expand all images
>> No. 6 [Edit]
File 129039303764.jpg - (170.20KB , 512x384 , Imagen1116a.jpg )
>> No. 7 [Edit]
File 129107309632.jpg - (817.58KB , 1024x1226 , my figures.jpg )
That's a really impressive collection, friend. I wish I could have that many eventually. Being poor sucks.
>> No. 8 [Edit]
Yotsuba! that one we don't see that often (even on /jp/'s insane collections). good.
>> No. 9 [Edit]
One day, when I'm finally living by myself, I'll have a room dedicated to all this stuff full of them.
Until then.
>> No. 10 [Edit]
better start now broh, if you can, little by little; because you're longing for a situation none of us have guaranteed (and not just because of the Hiki/NEET factor).
>> No. 11 [Edit]
If I had them now I'd feel too embarrassed to have them on plain sight or guilty of hiding them somewhere.
They must never know my secret. That's why I'm waiting for the day I'm living alone.
I really respect you guys. You buy what you want and display it proudly. I would never be able to do that, even with my family or any person that would ever enter my room.
>> No. 12 [Edit]

When you hit the point of having a large collection, you either know your family has lost respect for you or you've stopped caring all together. Very few people can display their collections and be proud about it.
>> No. 19 [Edit]
File 129110746146.jpg - (32.51KB , 598x448 , 1263198118368.jpg )

on topic I've wanted figures for a while but they're so expensive I can't afford them... and if I could I doubt I'd be able to put them up for fear of being laughed at by my parents and/or brother.
>> No. 21 [Edit]
omg this is getting bad... quick: someone post his figures (my last adquisition's still on shipping)
>> No. 24 [Edit]
File 129187616646.jpg - (249.04KB , 1432x720 , Kasugano Sora 4-Leaves figure.jpg )
FINALLY arrived (shitty camera, sorry).
quite bigger than tought; just as pretty.
>> No. 25 [Edit]
That's really nice. It's sensual, but still tasteful in my opinion. Once I scrape together the money, I am going to buy an Osaka swimsuit figure. The facial expression she has is the cutest.
>> No. 26 [Edit]
>The facial expression she has is the cutest.

On the Osaka swimsuit figure? I think I know exactly which one you're talking about! I've been wanting to purchase that for ages, but it's a bit pricy for me, sadly.
>> No. 27 [Edit]
youre kidding right? Yotsuba is the most common figure ever, at least on 4chan /toy/ everyone owns one. theyre pretty cheap on ebay if you want one (yes they are legit).

I'll post some pics of mine when I can. I bought a camera but now I need a card reader and I think the one I ordered from dealextreme probably got lost in the mail or something. cant use my phone because Vista wont recognise it (tried installing drivers, etc. etc.)
>> No. 28 [Edit]
I've also got one and have seen a fair share of people with them.
>> No. 29 [Edit]
I always thought that Yotsuba was one of the figures to get when you start out. It was my second one, after EVA-01
I got mine off ebay as well. I am still wanting a Fuuka to go with it. Osaka comes first though.
>> No. 30 [Edit]
File 129206779154.jpg - (123.70KB , 749x999 , 10112870a3.jpg )

>not 02

Come on, you're doing it wrong. I've been meaning to get 02 for years now but somehow I never managed to go through with it. Also, I was very close to buying this <- beauty here but in the end I decided I don't have THAT much spare money. I still want it, though, so I might buy it someday.
>> No. 31 [Edit]
>Doing it wrong
Eh, probably. Nobody's perfect. On the other hand. That figure you just posted looks really nice. How much is it going for?
>> No. 32 [Edit]
I don't think there's anything wrong with 01.
01 was one of my first figs also, but don't know if I'll ever get an 02
>> No. 33 [Edit]

Again guys, take it easy. I try to respond jokingly and yet lately people always take it seriously. There's absolutely nothing wrong with 01. Actually, you couldn't go wrong no matter what fig you bought, even if it was Sasuke or Naruto. As long as you like it, it's fine with me. If this trend will keep up I'm totally gonna use emoticons whenever I'm joking.

>How much is it going for?

The lowest price I've seen yet was ~70 USD. That was long ago, though. Just after they were released they were sold for ~80-85 USD. I don't know whether they're cheaper or more expensive right now and I'm too lazy to check.
>> No. 34 [Edit]
File 129216389929.jpg - (42.41KB , 450x600 , 12.jpg )
>~80-85 USD.
That's not too bad. What is the scale like. Also, there wasn't any offense taken. I was just kinda ignoring it. We're all bros here, right?

On topic, I am sorely waiting for the money to get osaka and for this figma to be released. Then I will be able to go DOWN TOWN as well.
>> No. 35 [Edit]
File 129216688460.jpg - (463.44KB , 830x900 , 325357__muramasa-the-demon-blade-momohime-pvc-figu.jpg )

>We're all bros here, right?

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm getting at. I know it might sound almost like something some troll would say but you guys need to be more confident and secure. I know that there are people out there who are more than willing to harass us and make fun of us but you're among... well, friends here. So keep it easy and if someone says something like I did just respond in a playful manner. If he was serious it's even better, as you just avoided getting angry at some asshole for little to no reason.

>What is the scale like.

1/8, ~21cm tall.
Well, maybe 80USD isn't THAT much but it's more than I could afford to pay for it. Also, I think it's sold out pretty much everywhere by now so it might be more expensive.
>> No. 36 [Edit]
Wow, I had no idea she was getting a figma, awesome.
>> No. 37 [Edit]
Biribiri (Good Smile)

On the way:

I wanted to get >>1206 and a few Kyou figs.

Trouble is that they were expensive or the scale was quite huge compared to my other figs (1/8 is usually enough for me).

And why are all the Kyou figs in her gym outfit? Can't they come up with something different rather than having the same outfit every time?
>> No. 38 [Edit]
File 129221787950.jpg - (27.89KB , 530x448 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
That isn't even the best bit.
>> No. 39 [Edit]
Good lord man!
>> No. 40 [Edit]
File 129240574138.jpg - (97.30KB , 550x978 , SumPi1292366285.jpg )
It's about time.
>> No. 41 [Edit]
File 129240869788.jpg - (41.15KB , 238x177 , 1271140477382.jpg )
its been over 2 weeks and I havent received my Figma Mari. she probably got lost in the mail
>> No. 42 [Edit]
Do post pics when/if you get it!
>> No. 43 [Edit]
File 129241399662.jpg - (52.92KB , 400x266 , 102631.jpg )
Will I ever get the Miyako figure I sorely desire?
My gut instinct says no. ;__;
>> No. 44 [Edit]
have you tried looking here?
>> No. 45 [Edit]
A few times, yeah. Couldn't find much there in terms of figures though. Mainly character sleeves. I am disappointed, but it can't be helped.
>> No. 46 [Edit]

Or have you tried any option possible?

>character sleeves
Unless if you play Magic or a TCG that has cards of a similar size, then character sleeves would be of little use to you.
>> No. 47 [Edit]
File 129254573273.jpg - (215.13KB , 800x533 , er_tf2008w_041.jpg )
How about some itasha models?

I might get one...
>> No. 48 [Edit]
Yeah, I don't play any card games, so they are useless to me. I had a look at mandarake and there was no Miyako figure. A yuno figure though, but that was going for 8000 yen. I could always buy a model kit of her and build that but I would have to paint it and I am not confident in doing that. Is it cheap/easy to start painting those types of things?
>> No. 49 [Edit]

Yeah, but yours are pretty quality, man. You've got all the basic food groups covered.
>> No. 50 [Edit]
I rather get a full size version.
some day....
>> No. 51 [Edit]
File 129307231922.jpg - (189.87KB , 1549x871 , S6300534.jpg )
no not really, you pretty much definitely need an airbrush and an air compressor. and a lot of skill.
there are a bunch of websites you can check out for more information, I still have them bookmarked from when I was thinking about getting into this stuff...

she arrived yesterday. I wish she was in scale with larger Figmas but whatever.
>> No. 52 [Edit]
File 129307995143.jpg - (552.51KB , 1600x1200 , 2010-12-22-figures.jpg )
>> No. 53 [Edit]
Who is that figure of on the far right?
>> No. 54 [Edit]
Think it's Satsuki from Tsukihime. Not sure if I'm wrong.
>> No. 55 [Edit]
strange, I played Tsukihime but never once saw a character that looked like her.
>> No. 56 [Edit]
File 129308580498.jpg - (21.98KB , 282x320 , 1193547237166.jpg )
Isn't it sad, Sacchin?
>> No. 57 [Edit]
File 129322851684.jpg - (447.07KB , 750x755 , 965543.jpg )
This looks pretty good. Not so sure if it's worth it. It probably would be nice though.
>> No. 58 [Edit]
File 129329743430.jpg - (29.72KB , 480x360 , 343d5dcf7c1292416d9e757c53080302c4096759.jpg )
>> No. 59 [Edit]
File 129333494091.jpg - (84.42KB , 600x600 , FIG-MOE-2107.jpg )
I hate it when the release date for a figure that I've been looking forward to receiving for several months gets pushed back. Pic related, she was supposed to be out this month but the release has been pushed back until the end of January ;_;

Well, I guess the good thing about that is now it'll be a nice birthday present.
>> No. 60 [Edit]
File 129335863372.jpg - (176.22KB , 496x700 , 760c28c9c1b27b0ef4fa18dc712398e3.jpg )
Christmas money is making me want to order some more things, but it'd be foolish to impulse while the exchange rate is still the pits. Maybe it'll improve.

Besides, I already have six figures coming in the next 1-2 weeks, including this overwhelming, long-overdue beauty.
>> No. 119 [Edit]
File 129350297065.jpg - (481.22KB , 768x1024 , displaycase.jpg )
Here's a shot of one of my display cases. My plastic addiction has had the better of me for several years now. I have eschewed NEET living in order to support it.
>> No. 140 [Edit]
File 129358139162.jpg - (99.97KB , 767x1023 , DSCN7737.jpg )
my only fig
>> No. 191 [Edit]
File 129383488516.jpg - (382.13KB , 1000x1500 , IMG_0065.jpg )
>> No. 192 [Edit]
File 129385910188.jpg - (175.66KB , 1239x929 , S6300550.jpg )
>> No. 193 [Edit]
Really nice.

Shame for the plastic box. Oh well.
>> No. 196 [Edit]
File 12939433656.jpg - (184.21KB , 700x1050 , IMG_0070.jpg )
>Shame for the plastic box. Oh well.

Sorry I was too excited to open it then then a picture. Here's a shot with the alternate arms. I didn't really put the left one on properly either, oh well.
>> No. 336 [Edit]
File 129652013922.jpg - (2.17MB , 3488x2616 , DSCF1991.jpg )
I took another photo of my collection. It's a bit bigger now. I am proud, but I am also dreading the point where I run out of room on my table.
>> No. 339 [Edit]
File 129660332319.jpg - (288.23KB , 1000x750 , S5000049.jpg )
Playing photographer today.

Dat face~
>> No. 340 [Edit]
File 129660334043.jpg - (142.17KB , 727x750 , S5000042.jpg )
Dat ass.
>> No. 341 [Edit]
File 129663554815.jpg - (2.19MB , 3488x2616 , DSCF1971.jpg )
Speaking of ass. Here's one I took of Hartmann. Strike Witches and gratuitous panty shots go hand in hand.
>> No. 383 [Edit]
File 129716101077.jpg - (147.24KB , 1240x880 , S6300596.jpg )
>> No. 384 [Edit]
Dat hat
>> No. 385 [Edit]
That hat is really hard to get off. Seriously.
>> No. 386 [Edit]
Try Hitler's hat, I hear it was too big.
>> No. 434 [Edit]
File 129771034744.jpg - (130.96KB , 1092x332 , figs 1.jpg )
It's been a while.
I'm still waiting for a few ones (not counting garage kits), but here's a (major) update.
>> No. 435 [Edit]
File 129771117121.jpg - (220.36KB , 1011x335 , kirino hips.jpg )
Taking advantage from panchira, Kirino's hips, belly and pubis are probably the most beautifully sculpted I've seen up to now.
>> No. 436 [Edit]
File 129771163970.jpg - (94.57KB , 483x655 , soras 0.jpg )
In other news, just after I finally spent an obscene quantity on this one, 3 days latter, out of the blue, Play-Asia announced a rerun (for may)...

Doesn't matter anymore: I got so happy when I recieved it, that nothing mattered anymore. I'm actually glad to think that more people will get the opprtunnity to have it.
>> No. 437 [Edit]
So lewd~

Such a delicious sculpt.
>> No. 438 [Edit]
>> No. 557 [Edit]
File 12986640524.jpg - (245.29KB , 1900x399 , fig.jpg )
>> No. 561 [Edit]
Hey! I'm waiting for that Haruhi too; it's looking good, from your other post.
On a side note: such a shame, really, that good old school Gainax never finished Karekano.
>> No. 563 [Edit]
>On a side note: such a shame, really, that good old school Gainax never finished Karekano.

Yeah. It's still one of my favorite anime, though.
>> No. 564 [Edit]
File 129869603095.jpg - (474.92KB , 1280x960 , 0225111503.jpg )
The next few posts are my figures, in order of when I got them.

First was Revoltech Yotsuba. a New Year's gift from 20xx, not sure when exactly. She's in kinda bad shape because she survived a house fire. She's not melted or physically damaged or anything, just needs cleaning and repainting.
>> No. 565 [Edit]
File 129869658321.jpg - (596.25KB , 1280x960 , 0225111504a.jpg )
My next purchase was in Harvard Square at Tokyo Kid. This fun little store is a must-see if you are in the area. One of my favourite retail places, but is not immune to bootleg items, but you can see before you buy, which is better than online.

It's Yoshika Miyafuji from Strike Witches, Mobip made. Decent quality, a nice steal for $40. I went there looking for Erica Hartmann's PVC and walked out with this, since they didn't have Hartmann. A nice souvenir from my fun visit to Boston.
>> No. 566 [Edit]
File 129869695454.jpg - (584.25KB , 960x1280 , 0225111505.jpg )
My next was an impulse buy from Amazon. I really wanted this when I saw it. Fraulein Revoltech Yuki Nagato. Revoltech is pretty decent, so I knew I would be getting a good item.

Problem is this: posture is unnatural. Posing can be difficult, so I didn't bother with this photo. The body is unnaturally thin, but other than this, she's pretty decent given that you make sure all the glued areas are kept together. She fell apart upon exiting the box, forcing me into a superglue run on the one day Walmart and Staples had run out of superglue.

Made me happy for about $30.
>> No. 567 [Edit]
File 129869722755.jpg - (458.29KB , 960x1280 , 0225111511a.jpg )
An impulse buy from Amazon. Saw something that could take up some space in my shelf so I went for it. Konata, not sure what brand. This is a "limited-edition special version," the difference being her winking.

This was my personal consolation prize after a bad eBay deal where the seller took my paypal payment and never sent the item I bought. I later got my refund, but found out the item I had attempted to purchase for $19 was suddenly being sold for $120.
>> No. 568 [Edit]
File 129869737567.jpg - (384.79KB , 1280x960 , 0225111515a.jpg )
Finally, my newest items. Not sure what brand these are, but I got them for pretty cheap at the Harvard Square store a couple days ago. Disappearance Haruhi and Mikuru. If anyone knows what this series is called, and if there is a Nagato I can purchase to complete this set, please let me know.
>> No. 569 [Edit]
File 129869755299.jpg - (419.07KB , 1280x960 , 0225111044a.jpg )
Final picture: my display area. Complete with LED Christmas lights, an under-counter light, and a shrine for my lucky cat. All this right next to my head when I go to sleep.

NEETest rave I ever did see.

Sorry for terrible photo quality throughout my posts. Going to get better pictures with something that isn't my camera phone.
>> No. 570 [Edit]
Ha, that's great
>> No. 577 [Edit]

That is seizure-inducingly awesome.
>> No. 818 [Edit]
File 129990115763.jpg - (653.84KB , 2080x1552 , HPIM2704.jpg )
DESUville's population is now 2.

And I had some fun with Yotsuba.
>> No. 819 [Edit]
File 12999012977.jpg - (1.61MB , 1552x2080 , HPIM2702.jpg )
Also I already have some other figs on order, but 2 of them ain't gonna show up for a couple months because they're preorders, and I'm gonna order a few more as my paychecks start to roll in.
>> No. 820 [Edit]
I can't wait until i move so i can start getting some figs ;_;
>> No. 821 [Edit]
I feel the same way. I look at peoples' nice collections and get a little sad knowing I can't even have one without my parents thinking I'm weird(er). All the more reason for me to try to get over my various problems and get a job, I guess
>> No. 822 [Edit]
My issue is less about my mother (she'd laugh, but generally not care), but that there are animals here and little kids visit often. Money is an issue too though.
>> No. 841 [Edit]
That's why I keep them in a high place (and far from strangers/visitors peeking, in my room).

About having problems with your family: you're gonna hate me but I live only with women (my mom, an aunt, and my elder sister) and they, well, kind of like my figures. They like how detailed and carefully made they are; they just laugh a bit at the fact that most of them have panties (and some slightly sexy poses), but don't get scandalized about them; even when I got my dakimakura (wich is ecchi but not hentai), I didn't want them to see it but they insisted and found it kind of pretty as well (wich left me just speechless)...

The thing is, I've had MAJOR problems with them in the past. It was a long and very hard way for all of us to learn to understand and tolerate each other, to the minimal point in wich I can be treated as (enough of) an adult amongst them and have most of my ways being respected, whereas we still live together. I can understand that, for some of you, the familiar situation is such as that's simply not likely to ever be possible; but neither it was for me about 7+ years ago and, whatever your personal situation is, aparently sometimes we simply must really stand up, pissing some people off, and somehow fight for that (minimal, attainable) freedom we (desperately) need.

Anyway: don't give up. If you like me have to do a couple things to earn your own money and buy this kind of expensive stuff, go for it. It can get really hard, but we're all together in this otaku/hikki thing, always struggling somehow to live the (clossest to the) way we want.
>> No. 919 [Edit]
File 130205636556.jpg - (498.48KB , 1140x858 , HPIM0288.jpg )
Slowly building up my Fate fig collection. Not looking forward to paying $200 for her older Alter's or the 1/4 StrikerS swimsuit figure though.
>> No. 920 [Edit]
File 130205664849.jpg - (537.52KB , 1140x858 , HPIM0287.jpg )
Next paycheck I'll probably get the Nanoha air striker to go with the Fate one because the combined scene actually looks pretty cool.

Also got that gashophon set for a pretty reasonable price at the last con I went to. They were a pain to put together though, the amount of force needed to put the pieces together just made me feel so uneasy.

Also I know I need to redust everything and I'm going to get a detolf finally when the first Ikea store in my state opens up. But I don't currently live in the same house as where I'm keeping my figures. Makes me sad but I don't have a good light or temperature controlled place to keep them where I currently live.
>> No. 932 [Edit]
I haven't bought any figures since I bought the Detroit Metal City Revoltechs. I am sad. Very sad.
>> No. 933 [Edit]
Damn, you guys are cool.
Someday I wish to have my own secret room behind a book shelf full of anime goods, figures, plushies, dakimakura's, posters and all that jazz.
Keep this thread alive and in 5 to 8 years I'll show it to y'all.
>> No. 954 [Edit]

That's awesome. I need to start building up something like that myself, but I'm the poorest of the poor, so it takes a while to scrounge up.

I've purchased one fig (the only big official one), and spotted two trading figures and a plush. I'm not too worried about someone else tagging them right now, but I better get to it fast I guess.
I started while still living at home. You could just keep them boxed if they really worry you; you don't wanna miss out on something real good that you can't pick up later after all.
>> No. 956 [Edit]
You know...I don't know any figs but I think I might buy some. I live with family so I'll keep them hidden due to ridicule but whatever.
>> No. 957 [Edit]
I'm waiting until I move out (if ever...) to get into figs, among other things
>> No. 961 [Edit]
File 130265676651.jpg - (2.75MB , 3240x4320 , mikufig.jpg )
Bored, stoned, and just got paid so I picked this up for $60 earlier. No logos or brand names on it, but I like it.
>> No. 963 [Edit]
Definitely a bootleg, and that figure was only $20 when it was released a year ago. You got gypped man, sorry.
>> No. 964 [Edit]
Yeah I figured as much. I just felt like buying it anyway.
>> No. 966 [Edit]
Anyone have any experience with US amazon? There are some figures I'm looking to get from there that seem like they are legit (price fits about right and all) but just don't want to get burned and drop $150+ on a figure to have it be bootlegged.

It'd be cool to get some slightly older stuff for $20-40 less than ordering it from say mandarake because of the terrible USD:JPY conversion rate and shipping costs.
>> No. 967 [Edit]
You could check up the individual sellers, amazon just lists them.
>> No. 1173 [Edit]
File 130808279341.jpg - (79.50KB , 1280x426 , P140611_13_34 0.jpg )
Near-summer update.
Such a road, this has been.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2011, 1:20pm
>> No. 1174 [Edit]
File 130808374631.jpg - (116.79KB , 1280x736 , P140611_15_23 0.jpg )

For TL;DReasons, at the end I just could get the X-rated versions. But I do have decent recasts of the original figures so, maybe, someday, I shall change this for the less lewdy ones, just keeping the same bases and motorbikes. We'll see.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2011, 2:25pm
>> No. 1176 [Edit]
Oh you got your Haruhi. How do you like her? I'm quite impressed with the quality given the price.
>> No. 1178 [Edit]

I think I talked about it in another thread. Essentially, the face and body proportions aren't just that haruhistic like that of Figma's; but, on his favour, the overall appearance is much more elegant (slimer) and sexy, with a fair level of detail, careful painting and high quality finishing (I mentioned that I specially liked that her uniform isn't black, but a nice deep brown)...

So yeah, IMHO, it was quite a bargain.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2011, 3:12pm
>> No. 1976 [Edit]
File 133541755346.jpg - (1.02MB , 4752x3168 , loot5.jpg )
>> No. 1979 [Edit]
File 133551623033.png - (588.61KB , 733x733 , grinning_marisa.png )
Somebody likes himself some idols. Kudos.
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