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File 129473923021.jpg - (64.56KB , 600x600 , nagato_yuki.jpg )
249 No. 249 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I think I'm going to stop collecting all kinds of different figs and just focus my money on Nendoroids from now on.

They're cute, sturdy, are almost always nicely done and have the perfect size. They won't stick out like other figs if they're among other Nendos and my OCPD won't bother me again.

My next purchase will be a Yuki for sure, if I find one.

This thread can serve as a Nendo General if you like.
27 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1119 [Edit]
File 130644606876.jpg - (38.04KB , 413x600 , 1306444825793.jpg )
Oh my god.
>> No. 3781 [Edit]
File 158952880837.jpg - (69.06KB , 600x600 , FIGURE-059117.jpg )

>> No. 3804 [Edit]

feel the burn.
>> No. 4044 [Edit]
File 168675752215.jpg - (2.21MB , 3328x2496 , nendoroids2.jpg )

File 16584917156.jpg - (786.46KB , 734x1043 , VIP.jpg )
3812 No. 3812 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Venus in Paradise or V.I.P is a collection of cards featuring illustrations of cute girls by famous and not so famous doujinshi artists. Usually sold during Comiket, several hundred cards were printed from 1998 to 2008 and there are special prints from years after that. Within VIP, there are several runs, usually linking the cards' motifs. Some make sense like VIP Adult that usually features characters partially nude, others, like VIP Natural, is probably because they found the word sounded cool for a card collection featuring 2Dbijins. I've managed to find pictures of around 350 cards so far. Most of it is from the years 98 to 02, the golden years for Venus in Paradise, when a lot of cards from a lot of different artists were being made. Apparently the thing waned after that and it came mostly to a close around 2008. I found about this by accident, while looking for art by 香川友信 (Kagawa Tomonobu). He did a card for VIP in 98.

This is actually a very interesting way to have a large sample of late 90s, early 00s doujinshi artwork and also a nice way to have a good idea about the 2D aesthetic ideals of the Japanese entertainment industry at the time. I'll be sharing the cards I find itt and when available I might also share information about the specific run and/or artist. People usually resell these cards in auction sites like pages, but there's very little information online about VIP and I haven't found a catalog for any of the runs, even in Japanese sites so far, but I'll be on the lookout from now on. Information available in English is virtually nonexistent att, so we might be breaking some ground here at tc with this.

I know a little bit about image editing so I'll be trying to clean up the pictures I find and improving the quality (like using shake reduction and removing glare, etc) so it might take a little while before I manage to upload everything I found. Unfortunately, sellers very rarely use scanners to put up their auctions, using normal cameras instead. I'll do what I can.
195 posts and 171 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4029 [Edit]
File 16606116544.jpg - (429.90KB , 561x789 , 2000 Winter.jpg )
Artist info
介錯 (Kaishaku)

竹本泉 (Takemoto Izumi)
>> No. 4030 [Edit]
File 166078609152.jpg - (312.72KB , 866x402 , 99 Summer Pleasure.jpg )
Artist info

Yumeji Kiriko

Yasuyuki Syuri

Fujimoto Sei
>> No. 4031 [Edit]
Just want to say that you're doing a great job. I appreciate it very much. Keep it going.
>> No. 4038 [Edit]
It's been a while since the last reply in this thread but I'm replying to say that I'm trying to buy a bunch of V.I.P cards online and if i get any that aren't in this thread I'll post them with information.

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146 No. 146 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
This will be a doll thread, post your dolls, different outfits you might have etc.
I'm thinking of buying this next.
544 posts and 471 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3791 [Edit]
If this isn't a particular character then I'd like to know, where do I buy that specific doll? I saw a lot of similar dolls on the linked websites but I didn't see that particular doll in question. Suppose I wanted to buy that particular doll ASAP, how do I do so?
>> No. 3792 [Edit]
That doll might not exist since I think they're customizable. Step 1. Learn Japanese. Step 2. Do research.
>> No. 3793 [Edit]
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>> No. 4033 [Edit]
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File 16567729426.png - (5.37MB , 2000x1659 , 幽霊図.png )
3807 No. 3807 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
You're not supposed to look at her upclose, nor while there's too much light, it doesn't work that way and she won't be there, you'll be looking at a nice toy, not the intended entity. It's a ghost, her dominium is at the end of dusk or at night, cornered in shadows and dying colors. A tricky figure, but beautiful sculpt. Smooth, long lines for the clothing and a lovely, oblique gaze. I like traditional Japanese art and this figure really captures the long, unobstructed lines and bewitching quality of those characters. This is based on a painting by Maruyama Okyo, and despite being a solid object, if you place her under the right circumstances, her diffused appearance will be fully exposed to you. You have to give it some thought in order to respect the needs of this figure.

I never really felt like buying any toys from anime and games despite liking many titles over the years. It never felt like I wanted a piece of that media beyond experiencing them for a while. This one is different though. As soon as I saw it I knew this is the one I wanted to have and it's the only one I own. I bought it back in October 2020, when the pandemic was just starting out. I didn't realize all mail services were closed or working in reduced capabilities until weeks later. It finally arrived at the end of July 2021, 2 months short of a year later. I didn't forget about it and was always checking the package tracking on a weekly basis.

I don't think this is a popular figma. Not much about it online. A couple of reviews on yt. It never sold out anywhere and you can buy this at increasingly lower prices. There's a Japanese guy on yt who posted a figure he bought and I mentioned I was waiting for this one. He basically said 'Why did you get this though, she doesn't have any legs'. He didn't get it. He's a toy collector so in his eyes the lack of legs means less posability and therefore less value. He's right though, it is less posable than a traditional Figma but he failed to see that this is really unique as far as Figma goes and of course he probably doesn't particularly care about ghosts like I do. Also, this is something very important that needs to be
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>> No. 3809 [Edit]
File 165774499085.png - (1.05MB , 1000x1000 , 02.png )
A litle more of a straightforward ghost picture this time, so I don't have to take any background into consideration and focus on the figure itself. Not very happy with it, but that's the best I managed to do today.
>> No. 3810 [Edit]
That looks pretty nice. If I saw that when I woke up in the middle of the night I would be rightly terrified.
>> No. 3811 [Edit]
Thanks. It's very far from the quality I want to reach. Basically I want to produce the best, most atmospheric picture of this figure you could find anywhere. Granted there's not much competition but there's plenty of room for improvement.

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3799 No. 3799 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you think 3d printers have advanced to the point where they can play a role in the figurine market? Imagine being able to download a professionally made design file and making your own figurine without having to pay any shipping costs. This also allows for a greater variety of figurines since actually producing designs would no longer a hurdle for the company responsible, so they can pump out hundreds of designs at low cost.

Pic was made with 3d printer.

Post edited on 13th Mar 2021, 2:45pm
>> No. 3801 [Edit]
File 161567917813.jpg - (222.96KB , 1151x2048 , EuiIkPJXIAE9TO8.jpg )
I believe fig makers already use 3D printers for prototypes. I've seen tons of unpainted and unreleased figures with those very obvious horizontal printing lines. I'd like to think it helps a lot in the pre-production phase. I don't think it's changed the market much though, but might be why we've been able to have nicer quality figures these days if nothing else.
For home use, you'd need a pretty good printer and the right materials. You would also need to do a considerable amount of work on the figure once printed to make it passable. Sanding and smoothing the entire thing for starters, and of course painting it. This wouldn't really be anything new for veterans who are used to a time when nearly all figures were garage kits, but people who expect to hit a few buttons and get a perfect figure, they might be in for a surprise.
>> No. 3802 [Edit]
3D printers are really only good for primitives and base models that you plan to use only for the general shape, and add on all the details later.
>> No. 3803 [Edit]
Somewhat related.

File 131283711791.jpg - (315.18KB , 900x1200 , 08.jpg )
1407 No. 1407 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Since there doesn't seem to be one per say exactly.
how about a thread just for general photos of figs?

bonus points if you took the pic yourself.
513 posts and 400 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3785 [Edit]
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>> No. 3786 [Edit]
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>> No. 3787 [Edit]
New arrival?
>> No. 3788 [Edit]
Very cute! Where did you get her?

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3767 No. 3767 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I know this board is sort of dead and I don't know if anyone else collects non /jp/ toys, but /toy/ is back up and I invite anyone here who collects other toys to come and join us. Hope some of you guys make it.
>> No. 3768 [Edit]
Yeah thanks for trying to suck out what little life this place has.
>> No. 3769 [Edit]
You misread my post or didn't read it at all. I was saying that anyone that wants to talk about Western toys and the like (which isn't allowed here) could come join. I know there are some people that collect both Western and Eastern toys, so I was putting it out there.
>> No. 3770 [Edit]
>Didn't post a link
Yeah, I think I'm retarded.

File 129497973270.jpg - (43.34KB , 550x800 , 10107296a4.jpg )
260 No. 260 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Might as well make a figma thread.

I'm about to get this figma (within two-three months, probably). It's still in 'preorder' because I preordered something else along with it.
227 posts and 126 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3682 [Edit]
Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it.
>> No. 3689 [Edit]
File 154814857284.jpg - (825.10KB , 670x1200 , Boxes.jpg )
They've been making figma boxes is a fairly uniform size for the past ten years or so, with hundreds of figs in two main sizes (save for special cases). Now They've decided to start making the boxes smaller, likely to save money/space in shipping. They're both thinner and shorter than the standard box, but just as thick. I have to say, I found this a bit annoying.
>> No. 3740 [Edit]
>They made an Ein figma
Ah fuck, when did they make her? Now that I've seen she exists, I've GT t add her to my collection
>> No. 3741 [Edit]
That was years and years ago, back when they still had interest in making figma based on anime characters who aren't from super main stream series.

File 136989100810.jpg - (31.65KB , 500x384 , kill it with fire!.jpg )
2472 No. 2472 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Suppose you could bring your figures and toys to life, at the cost of them becoming murderous monsters. would you?
>> No. 2562 [Edit]
Stupid fucking thread from a bumbling retard OP.
>> No. 3643 [Edit]
Provided they don't harm me, fuck yeah. Who wouldn't want an army of toys at their command?
>> No. 3667 [Edit]
I would, only if they had the same powers and special abilities specified in their characters. I would not want my Flandre figure coming to life only to be mowed down in a hail of bullets.
>> No. 3731 [Edit]
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3712 No. 3712 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you guy think about netsuke? I've wanted to collect some for a while, but they're pretty out of my price range. Trying to get an ivory figurine into the country is also pretty dicey. I like how they're made out of expensive shit, intricate, and individually crafted by artists. Netuke actually served a function in the past, but that's largely obsolete now, so I guess they can just be considered a style of figurine. Contemporary ones have been made, but movie kaiju are the only pop culture figures anybody has based them off of, as far as I know.
>> No. 3713 [Edit]
I didn't know there were modern ones. Where would you find these?
>> No. 3714 [Edit]
It doesn't surprise me. As long as some people have an interest in something, there'll be a few who still make them. Same for medieval swords. At least a few of these guys sell, but they're all fairly conservative. I haven't seen anyone carving individual figures of characters from wood.

File 155595365627.gif - (21.21KB , 969x140 , ttl_01_en.gif )
3697 No. 3697 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
They do them every once in a while, asking for input on a special character release or re-release. In fact, here's one right now, until May 10th. Make sure to vote for your waifu.
>> No. 3698 [Edit]
I really wish they would make more Nendoriod petites and Nendoroid plushies.
>> No. 3699 [Edit]
Yeah those were nice.

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