What are some memorable items from your childhood or years past? Any toys or objects you've tried hunting down to reclaim or wish you still had?
I'm sentimental for everything, not just things I had as a child. I can't bear (heh) to see stuffed animals thrown away, especially.
I've always been the same way, especially for gifts.
Why aren't small scale trading figs a thing anymore? Seemed like these things cheap little things used to exist for just about every character from every anime. In recent years though they seem to have died out and been replaced mostly by super deformed Nendoroid Petit/Minicchu style figures. What the hell happend?
They actually are, you can get them in the gorillion Gachas that exist in Japan.
>>3133 Strange, I haven't seen any around for any recent anime. I guess no one cares enough to sell them online or something?
>>3134 Try Yahoo auctions (Japan). This guy can help you get pretty much anything in moonland you want http://personalshopperj.com/
Post some figs you have on your wish list! I'll probably be ordering this sometime soon.
Not bad at all.
KYO Nendo #683
This is a thread for discussing all sorts of custom made items. Be it figures, displays sets, or whatever.
>>2994 Looks great. May I ask if she's a character from series or just OC?
>>2997 OC
Wouldn't be complete without one of these to go with it.
>>2994 >>2999 Nice self-portrait.
sup /fig/ how about a still life thread?
Figs are pretty tasty
>>2927 lewd
Figs are easily the most disgusting looking fruit of all time. The high chance of them containing dead wasps doesn't help much.
If I was to acquire some figs from someone who smoked, what would be a good way to remove the stink? would it even be wise to buy them in the first place? Smoke of any kind can be harmful to figures right?
Get a look at them first to see if they don't have that subtle dark grime that chain smokers' things normally have. Maybe you could try to use those bathroom odor things in a room with your figures in it so it could try to neutralize the smell on the surface, not sure.
I have one that smelled mildly of smoke but it gradually went away after a couple of weeks. Basically, if the figure looks fine and you don't mind the smell of smoke (which I don't) then it shouldn't be a problem.
Does anyone here collect 3A?
Sorry, no.
in the thumbnail i thought she maybe had a cute little belly overhanging her waistline, but it turned out to be wrong. anyone know of any cute figs with cute bellies?
If you're looking for tubby girls try the super sonico figs. they seem to come out fairly regularly.
She looks great the way she is though, OP.
My local Barnes and Noble started selling figma and gunpla stuff. You guys should check yours out, if you have one locally. I went in to pick up some manga and I spent more than I should have
>>2838 I'll take a look next time I'm around a b&n
>>2838 I was around a b&n today so I went in to check. Turns out they do sell figures. Stuff was Sailor Moon, Naruto, DBZ, and Gundam. They had them on some shelves and some display cases for them too. Didn't check the prices. Was pretty close to the front entrance of the store too, wasn't hard to find. This is in maryland. Also might add that they had some action figures from american series in the same area.Post edited on 7th Feb 2015, 2:27pm
>>2837 >Do they really sell figma there? Yeah but the displays they have piss me off because they are all out of scale.
I checked my Barnes and Noble last week. They had some figures but the only Japanese ones were three Sailor Moon figures; the rest were western super heroes and the like.
I haven't cleaned my stuff in a long time, and now they all have a thick layer of dust and crap. They look like they have freckles. Is there any way to undo the damage? I looked at a bunch of guides and used water like they recommended, but it didn't change much. How (and how often?) do you guys clean them?
I need cleaning after this pose
I use compressed air. That's okay, right? I hope there's no crazy long-term chemical reaction. I have a closed cabinet, so I only clean once a year at best.
>>2744 I've never had issues with compressed air. I would let them air out just in case though.
>>2745 Yeah I do let them air, it's next to a window as well. That's most for my own safety, though.Post edited on 26th Jun 2014, 8:01pm
please do not judge her on her resin, she is japanese too you know!
I like her. She looks gentle and a bit melancholic. You can always contribute with more of her to the general doll thread in this board, if you want.
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