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File 130008802459.jpg - (1.02MB , 1400x675 , boxes.jpg )
837 No. 837 [Edit]
What do you do with your figure boxes?

Pic related, I stack them as high as I can in my closet.
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>> No. 842 [Edit]
Same thing, I put them in and over my closet but they're starting to take a lot of place so pondering whether to throw some out.

You bought miniature Konami arcades? Awesome. Do they make any sounds?
>> No. 843 [Edit]
File 130012941440.jpg - (431.68KB , 670x1090 , boxes.jpg )
We have this sort of mini-shed, filled with boxes ad stuff, so I storage them in there together in a couple of trash bags.

I don't know about the future, but I really don't want to throw them away.
>> No. 844 [Edit]
no, no sound.
>> No. 845 [Edit]
In my desk drawers and closet.
>> No. 883 [Edit]
File 130120130692.png - (15.18KB , 849x431 , boxes.png )
Diagram of my shelf on a smaller scale.

They make good staging for displaying other collectibles. I keep them in case I have to move the items they came in. I want them to be safe when that happens.
>> No. 884 [Edit]
Its because they just look so nice, isn't it?
>> No. 1640 [Edit]
I keep common figure boxes for a week or so before throwing them away. Special figures, like my Brave Version Haruhi, I keep. If I kept every single box, my little room would be too junky looking.
>> No. 1641 [Edit]
I can't help but think condensation would be a problem when it rains, even with the plastic bags.

If space is a problem, what about folding the boxes up?
>> No. 1756 [Edit]
No: as you probably do yourself, I also want to keep the plastics they come with inside...

It does bother me that they are outside, but they can't possibly be anywhere inside the house right now. If over the next years, as my family has framed, we go and radically change my room within other things, I could make space for them; we'll see.
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