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294 No. 294 [Edit]
What kind of things do you think your figs and dolls would talk about if they could talk and interact with one another?
what do you think they'd think about you?
What kind of things do you think they might get up to during the short times your not around?
>> No. 297 [Edit]
I have 4/5 of the k-on figmas, so I assume they'd play music together, and have cake and tea. I hope my Haruhi and Yotsuba get along with them.

>what do you think they'd think about you?

I hope they think positively of me..
>> No. 298 [Edit]
Nono is now too busy playing with her onee-sama Noriko to bother thinking of me.
>> No. 1523 [Edit]
Well, I got like 5 Asukas, so they'd probably spend their time arguing who was the real one or who I love the most. (While the big Asuka next to my bed would feel forever alone)

The Haruhis and the Konata would probably poke around everywhere and molest Mikuru, while Ritsu plays the drums and tries to reach for her drumsticks when I leave them on another shelf.

>what do you think they'd think about you?
Most likely that I fap too much. That'd be the number one thought.

>What kind of things do you think your figs and dolls would talk about if they could talk and interact with one another?

Most likely random, pointless things and arguments. Except for Konata, who'd be busy probing my gigantic manga.
>> No. 1549 [Edit]
This is way too cute.

I've never thought much about my figures. I've looked at them like trophies. I guess they would complain to each other that I don't interact with them enough, and would hold me in light contempt. Then hopefully someone would mention how lovingly and carefully I handle them when I pose them. As for what they'd do... maybe a mini-Olympics of sorts? I've got girls like Marisa and Haruhi and Yotsuba in my collection, with only Nerine and Rei being quiet ones. Konata would be participating if only out of sheer disappointment at how "mundane" my room is (I read all my manga online and stream and download anime, so nothing for her to go through really).
>> No. 1638 [Edit]
They're probably board out their mind being stuck in the same position all the time and rarely having the change to stretch, since I don't leave this room much.

I wonder who they have out on guard, watching by the living room window on those rare occasions when I do head out, so they can run back and warn the rest of my return.
maybe they alternate, hmm...

I imagin room leadership would be decided, at least somewhat, by who's been around the longest.
Who knows, maybe they even have a elder counsel.

I kind of get the feeling my lego dudes would have their own little community, and not like hanging out with the bigger toys.

Many are probably worrying about finding themselves on ebay.
I wouldn't be surprised if some actually wish for it.
I know I wouldn't want to live with me if I was in their place.
But I guess it could be worse, some people really abuse their figs/toys and do some awful things to them.
At least they don't have to worry about me growing up, going off to collage and giving them all away.
For many of them, it's till death do we part.

I bet they consider the different shelves as housing areas or districts, gee I hope they aren't discriminating against each other based on placement..
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