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File 138905560999.jpg - (131.84KB , 400x554 , tomoko_kuroki_36282.jpg )
2589 No. 2589 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone know if there are high-quality tomoko kuroki figs out there?

I'm extremely new to figs and fig collecting, so any tips/info on where to look would also be appreciated.
5 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2629 [Edit]
File 139115734530.jpg - (115.82KB , 600x904 , tomoko_prototype.jpg )
I wouldn't really call her high quality but Sega released a PM figure recently. I'm actually bidding on her right now. She's dirt cheap but I think she'll look cute paired with the Nendoroid.
>> No. 2635 [Edit]
looks pretty nice
>> No. 2636 [Edit]
It's good! SEGA actually does great and affordable works. However, right now I'm totally broke; will search for it later.
>> No. 2638 [Edit]
yea, it cost me like 40$ to ship a hobby magazine with a little p0-1 from horizon.

File 129605520171.jpg - (106.13KB , 900x600 , 1296047184733.jpg )
295 No. 295 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
9 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 423 [Edit]
File 129741054166.jpg - (69.78KB , 665x1000 , 1297376395854.jpg )
Speaking of Chen, I like this one too.
>> No. 580 [Edit]

I beg you to not post kigurumi. They make my dreams turn into twisted Hideaki Anno affairs... but with more gayness.
>> No. 892 [Edit]
File 130148322257.jpg - (6.22KB , 259x194 , フミンバイン(bkub)さんの橙フィギ.jpg )
>> No. 893 [Edit]
File 130148324590.jpg - (80.08KB , 600x450 , フミンバイン(bkub)さんの橙フィギ.jpg )

File 136869843131.jpg - (100.08KB , 583x146 , otacute_logo.jpg )
2460 No. 2460 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
otacute is shutting down.
>> No. 2461 [Edit]
Welcome to Amiami?
>> No. 2469 [Edit]
Do you think there will be a big sale?
>> No. 2470 [Edit]
Otacute has been shit. So no big loss there and a lot of their stuff is expensive compared to AmiAmi.

No. 2386 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How about a thread for /fig/ related videos?
6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2396 [Edit]
Not made by me, but this is great.
>> No. 2399 [Edit]
I'm not entirely sure what was going through my head with this one, but I feel it ended up a bit rushed since I was too lazy to add little touches like the game's text boxes and more sound effects.

Only watch if you can stand my shitty voice coming through a shitty headset mic.
>> No. 2401 [Edit]
And that's all you need to know about where Pokemon parodies come from.

Post edited on 23rd Mar 2013, 5:53pm
>> No. 2402 [Edit]
File 136409573948.jpg - (81.68KB , 821x493 , resp.jpg )

File 134722239828.jpg - (40.31KB , 715x1000 , 400150_1.jpg )
2144 No. 2144 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Has a figure ever made you want to watch the anime or read the VN it's from ?
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2164 [Edit]
Got a tiny Gundam Wing Zero in a grab bag kind of thing hoping for G Gundam, and I went to watch Gundam Wing afterwards.

It was ok, but I never watched it as a kid, so it really wasn't that great without the nostalgia factor.

Post edited on 20th Sep 2012, 6:48pm
>> No. 2171 [Edit]
Did the same thing with Gundam 00 after buying HG Exia a few years ago.

You can't really expect much from most Gundam series, but season 1 was mostly enjoyable. Season 2 was pretty bad.
>> No. 2384 [Edit]
File 136320316627.jpg - (97.70KB , 640x392 , hg-seed-raider-gundam-pa.jpg )
>You can't really expect much from most Gundam series,
I find it hard to overstate my disagreement with this sentence, but this isn't /an/, so fuck it.

Funny thing, though. I got a Gundam SEED model kit last Christmas from my sister. Some anime memorabilia place in New York had a $50 grab bag full of random shit, and among said shit was a Raider Gundam model kit.

SEED, and even moreso SEED Destiny are two of the most notoriously hated series among Gundam fans, but damned if the thing's design didn't make me a little curious to see what all the anti-hype's about.

The K-ON! Mio plushy from the same gift bag kinda makes me want to finally get around to watching K-ON! as well. It's pretty far from my usual taste, but it's looking a lot more appealing than Gundam SEED. For me, that's saying a lot. About both.
>> No. 2563 [Edit]
Gundam is just awful.
Its all one big toy commercial with no substance.
Next you're going to tell me beyblade or that youtube anime video for internet explorer is good

File 135823677539.jpg - (39.29KB , 750x616 , d4101155x.jpg )
2316 No. 2316 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
To be fair, she is 188cm tall and has removable pants
1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2318 [Edit]
oh my lord
>> No. 2319 [Edit]
>To be fair, she is 188cm tall and has removable pants

At that height, you can just put normal clothes onto the bare PVC naked body.
>> No. 2320 [Edit]
Why do figs look uglier and uglier the bigger they get?
>> No. 2403 [Edit]
because they look more and more like a horrific kigurumi

File 135544438794.jpg - (333.14KB , 1920x1080 , 1355030476660_jpg1440292595.jpg )
2264 No. 2264 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I have decided my life needs more moe, amd so I want to build a collection of dolls and figs. Where can I get good quality non-knock-offs?

File 130180627227.jpg - (141.32KB , 640x1440 , YotsubaAutocannon.jpg )
908 No. 908 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Didn't see a thread so yeah.

So I just got a new camera and got bord, so I had some fun. Yes, I know I'm not good at this and I know I don't have a light box, I was just having fun ok?
13 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1635 [Edit]
File 132004696679.jpg - (547.61KB , 900x1332 , WITH MY FACE copy.jpg )
Kind of dumb I know, but I had an overwhelming urge to make this all the same.
>> No. 1637 [Edit]
i like it.
>> No. 2189 [Edit]
File 135133112116.jpg - (641.26KB , 1000x1655 , a cat.jpg )
I guess this should go in this thread.
>> No. 2190 [Edit]

File 134731191449.jpg - (1.77MB , 3264x2448 , DSCN0024.jpg )
2147 No. 2147 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
My Negi and Asuna figs.

Sorry if camera quality is shit.
>> No. 2150 [Edit]
Cool figs. Out of curiosity, why so many phrasebooks?
>> No. 2151 [Edit]
I bought them each at times when I thought they were neat and then forgot about them.

I sold off a handful of them and the ones that are left are ones that I still look at from time to time.

File 134692572244.jpg - (68.93KB , 701x467 , alice motors miniz.jpg )
2140 No. 2140 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Any of you guys have RC cars?
>> No. 2141 [Edit]
No, but I always wanted this one.
>> No. 2142 [Edit]
I think I got one every christmas from age 5 to age 11. They never ran very well on our carpet and broke easily
>> No. 2143 [Edit]
Had that one. It worked as advertised, and was very durable.

File 134261320970.jpg - (615.86KB , 1600x900 , mpc-hc 2012-07-18 05-02-11-54.jpg )
2062 No. 2062 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you do when you get a new figure?

Do you have any rituals or anything?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2064 [Edit]
I smell them. I love the smell of new things.

I also look over them for any imperfections and then get annoyed when I find some and wish I hadn't looked for them, since they're so small I wouldn't have naturally have noticed but knowing they're there is enough to bug me forever.
>> No. 2066 [Edit]
I leave 'em in the box for a day or two to admire them, then I take them out and pose them. I'll probably change the poses of my other figures too. The first pose I put them in is one shown on the box, which I'll keep for a while as a reference for the next couple of poses.
>> No. 2135 [Edit]
Not really.

If it's a model kit though, I'll usually look up a bunch of gunpla tutorials to try to figure out how to paint it. Then I'll remember I have no money, regret buying it, let it sit for ages, and put it together minimally and unpainted eventually.
>> No. 2136 [Edit]
File 134622786747.jpg - (451.59KB , 1200x900 , 07.jpg )
I take a bunch of photos of it, including the box.
then when I find a pose I'm happy with, I look for a decent spot to keep it.
Latter I edit the previously taken pics when I don't feel like doing much else, and eventually use them while reviewing the fig on my half-assed blog.
which of course no one cares about becuase the fig has already been out for a good while by then. (among other reasons)

latter on if I decide to change up the figure's pose, I'll possibly take more pics of it to update the old post I made about it.

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