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File 129731178413.jpg - (351.20KB , 1264x944 , HPIM2681.jpg )
387 No. 387 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
I didn't see a thread for it, so I guess I'll make my own.

Do you have any anime-related merchandise that ISN'T figs? This is all I have, and as you can see the string is pretty worn cause I wear it all the time.
48 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1554 [Edit]

fell in love twice in one thread ~

where to get?
>> No. 1588 [Edit]
I don;t actually collect(video game stuff excluded; though I don't actively collect that either), but I've got 2 naruto stamp key chains which were free.

That is rad.
>> No. 1602 [Edit]
File 13186346587.jpg - (61.70KB , 270x410 , 22a915c9b597a516e3fa4c824ac96f77 copy.jpg )
I just got my first piece of merchandise of mai waifu: a set of pencil boards. I cannot put into words how wonderful it feels to finally have something tangible of the girl I love most in the world.
>> No. 1764 [Edit]
A travel "passport" and some clear files. Before I didn't know what a clear file was. Now I know.

File 131406467178.jpg - (422.72KB , 1024x768 , hatsune_miku_clothing_1024x768.jpg )
1450 No. 1450 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I think we work best as otaku when working in solidarity, as a community, so we aren't taken advantage of.

That said, I have started this thread to see what we can teach each other about collecting animerch like figs, plush, swingers and other collectable merch, and how much we SHOULD be paying for these kinds of things.

When we make a purchase, we talk about the purchase we made, how good the seller was, how much we payed for it, where it shipped from, how prompt the shipping was, and if we feel that we were ripped off or the merchandise was bootleg. Also, before making a purchase, discussing the pros and cons of buying from that retailer.

I would like to start off with a purchase I have been putting off until Friday, when I have money for it. It's a Miku Gift Nendoroid plush:

This was $45 last week, then $54, until hours ago, when the price went up to stupid levels. I am NOT paying that much for something that was just below $50.

So, I looked at my options:
First would be buying the "like new" one for $45, which I am afraid of risking.

Second is buying from PlayAsia:
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>> No. 1467 [Edit]
you could always try to pretend the used one is new.
>> No. 1543 [Edit]
Hey guys. i need some advice please. I fell in love with this great oreimo poster, and see a couple of sellers, but am a bit wary about buying from overseas. Here are the options:


From Australia supposedly and around 14 dollars.


From osaka, but for 24 dollars


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>> No. 1544 [Edit]
I know seller from Taiwan is trustworty. I've bought one poster from him before and it was fine.

Also note: is the first item actually same item than in others? Others are double sided posters, while in first link there is no mention about being double sided.
>> No. 1583 [Edit]
Does anyone know if there are online sellser besides Mandarake that are willing to 'lower the price' when they ship. It would be really useful as I thi nk import taxes are quite high (~20%).

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1557 No. 1557 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
why do Resin/garage Kits cost so much more then they would assembled and painted?
sometimes figures will have both pre-painted and kit versions available of the same figures, but the kit would cost twice as much.
Logically, shouldn't they be cheaper?

Post edited on 18th Sep 2011, 2:51am
>> No. 1558 [Edit]
I wonder if anyone has ever bought an assembled figure, smashed it to pieces, painted it white and rebuilt+painted it.

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1278 No. 1278 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
I'm not sure. If I wanted to make a lewd figs thread, should I make it here or on /ns/?
48 posts and 38 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1333 [Edit]
I remember seeing it on /toy/ ages ago, I think they were on Yahoo Japan auctions. It was a nude figma body that came with different breast sizes.
>> No. 1337 [Edit]
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>> No. 1338 [Edit]
would be nice to know the origin site( tineye and google failed me)
>> No. 1363 [Edit]
This thread pleases me.

What's this from? A picture in particular as with headphone girl?

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1266 No. 1266 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does anyone else have that problem where you can't bring yourself to open a fig/remove it from it's packaging?

Pic related, I've had it for months now and its still not opened.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1275 [Edit]
I kind of know that feeling I guess, even though I never ever bought a fig - I'm a NEET so where should I get the money from? I would feel sick if I were to spend my parents' money like that.

I remember that back in the day when someone would remove wrapping from anything I bought (be it games or anything else) I was ready to gauge their eyeballs out. Goddamn normals, they didn't even know what they have done wrong! Oh well. The worst kind of offense was punching stuff out from punch sheets in boardgames. That's half the fun of buying the game you idiots!

Three or so years ago I bought two Guildwars collector's edition expansions (Nightfall and Factions) even though I don't own the main game (well, they are standalone expansions but still). They were like 10$ each at my local game store so I just kinda picked them up. They are still unopened. (Digression: For some retarded reason I often don't play the games I buy.)

So again, I know what you mean. And I guess I really would leave my figs unopened if I could buy any. There are lots of reasons for this but here's one that I only realized as valid lately: just owning something makes me satisfied. You don't really have to do anything with it once you bought it (like me and said games). It's kind of hard to explain why but overall it's the feeling that if you wanted you could play it/listen to it/put it on you shelf anytime. I don't know if that makes any sense but that's how I always feel (I even bought some consoles I barely use just so I could say 'well if I wanted I could download any of those games and play them'). It's just to eliminate this feelings of not possessing something you'd like to have.
>> No. 1340 [Edit]
I did broke my Figma BRS left arm; but it wasn't because of the box, but because I was still unfamiliar with the joints functioning (i.e. because I was stupid). But I glued it to a convenient pose and it was ok; I don't really change their poses that much or that often anyway.
>> No. 1368 [Edit]
When I first started collecting. But then I realized, "What good is a toy (albeit a collectible one) if you don't play with it?" But the especially rare ones I keep in their box to admire for a few days.
>> No. 1445 [Edit]
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Yeah I've got a few.

Part of it is due to value, I half worry about the day when my savings drys up and I'm left with money trubble, it might be a last resort scinario, but if things get really bad, I might end up having to sell some of my figs, so it kind of worrys be a bit in the back of my head.

dust/damage/condision is another thing, I'm not crazy about the idea of them collecting dust or possibly getting damaged somehow, I wish I had more room for another display case, but even then, I noticed dust is starting to build up in the case, so even there my figs aren't safe from dust.
but as someone here said, what's the point of buying them if you're never gonna open em? that's what got me to open a marisa fig I could have sold for like $200+ on ebay, but the fact of the matter was, I didn't buy it to sell it, I hunted down that pacific fig because I wanted it.

Then there's the fact that I don't have a ton of room left for figs, my fig case is crammed full, and my shelves are cluttered.
Many figs are hidden behind other figs becuase of this as is.

One last deciding factor is my laziness.
sometime back I started taking tons of pics of my figs as I unbox them, but setting up the lightbox for the photo shoots and all, like I said, I'm lazy sometimes.

No. 1413 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So /fig/ I was wondering if you could help me out with something. I am interested in getting a daki cover in a couple of days. I've seen a particular design on eBay I like, but it costs about 40 with shipping and is imported from Hong Kong. I was able to then see that same design, along with a couple more on milanoo (link:

Question is what your opinion is on buying it there, it's cheaper and it seems it won't have to go through customs or anything. I think it's most likely legitimate and good quality, but what does /fig/ think?

Also I think we can turn this thread into a general dakimakura thread when this is answered .

Picture somewhat unrelated but funny.
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>> No. 1423 [Edit]
Actually, I linked to the REi so i wouldn't have a sudden influx of brohnos who might buy the Asuka daki I found before I bought it.

Wouldn't want it to run out of stock.
>> No. 1436 [Edit]
Now I want to know what picture OP posted...
>> No. 1437 [Edit]
a yoko cosplayer
>> No. 1438 [Edit]
Ew, do not want.

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1205 No. 1205 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Thread for posters. Post some posters!

I ordered this print from snapfish. The art is of course by Huke, and it's 20"x30".
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>> No. 1227 [Edit]
you don't have to put the pins through the poster, if you put enough pressure on it it will be enough to hold it up, then for the bottom pins, you rest the top of the poster on them, while still using lots of pressure ofcourse.
>> No. 1383 [Edit]
I've got a bunch of posters and I'm a bit concerned here.
It's stupidly hot in this room (even with fans running nonstop becuase it has no window), and I want to buy an ac unit, but what I'm worried about is weather or not it could damage or affect my posters in some way.
I'm not exactly loaded with cash, so I wanted to get something cheep, but all the cheep ones use some sort of water evaporating system.
I got a really cheep $10 one which I used for about a week, and I think it made my posters warp up a little, but not sure, might be my imagination. (it certainly did make me sick and feel like crap as least.)

tldr, would a swamp cooler ruin posters?
>> No. 1390 [Edit]
I got a bunch of issues of Megami magazine for the posters but I feel like theyre too lewd to hang
>> No. 1447 [Edit]
oh never mind, I got a normal non-water based ac unit.

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812 No. 812 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hey /fig/.

I think I just got screwed over. How can you tell a real figure from a knock off? My version if this girl seems legit enough, but I have this uneasy feeling.
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>> No. 1235 [Edit]
Might want to be careful with that, I've heard people say the paint used on bootleg figures is toxic.

At least, try not to lick the thing okay?
>> No. 1244 [Edit]
I have a feeling I may be referencing this on /so/...
>> No. 1245 [Edit]
So um, do people do this? I licked a figure of my waifu once but it felt really wrong and I haven't done it since. Stupid, I know.
>> No. 1246 [Edit]
It was a joke, relax.

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994 No. 994 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
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>> No. 1004 [Edit]
Oh, it's you...
>> No. 1054 [Edit]
I totally read that in GLaDOS' voice.
>> No. 1138 [Edit]
Wow. Didn't expect to see Turret over here.
>> No. 1139 [Edit]
That's what I was going for
Me neither

File 130378318620.jpg - (332.37KB , 960x1280 , 0425111609a.jpg )
1017 No. 1017 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Last weekend, I went to a big regional con. Full three days, drained my wallet and account to thirteen dollars. I hope you don't mind if I post what I bought in this thread.

Things I bought were at a reasonable price compared to others I have seen online. Also a lot of import goods I never saw anywhere else. The best part is that you can check everything and make sure you have a quality purchase.

First is an overview of all the merch I purchased. There are some really overpriced items I went nowhere near, and a few dealers were selling with overinflated prices. I'll find out the names of them so I can avoid them.
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>> No. 1024 [Edit]
File 130378441656.jpg - (343.82KB , 960x1280 , 0425111617a.jpg )
Final purchase (of interest to TC) was this Konata plush for a decent price. I know I could find lower than $15 online but sneaking shipped packages into my house is harder than just packing it into my suitcase and bringing it home.
>> No. 1025 [Edit]
File 130378474739.jpg - (389.21KB , 1280x960 , THE MANCAVE.jpg )
My last pic is my new setup, after an hour of rearranging, dusting, setting up, relocating and trashing. If anyone wants other angles or info, please ask.

Has anyone else made purchases from conventions?
>> No. 1031 [Edit]
Looks nice.

The only things I ever bought from the four conventions to which I've been were a Lucky Star trading figure, a TTGL shirt, and a Hoshii Miki Revoltech. Conventions rarely have things I can't find online, and online is usually for cheaper.
>> No. 1036 [Edit]

Sexy set up. The colored lights are a nice touch.

File 129338503538.jpg - (56.28KB , 265x370 , Crusader 2.jpg )
94 No. 94 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Magic, anything about Magic.

(And Magic-sized sleeve/deck box discussion is also fine.) - Check out the stats of your deck. - Pretty much the same as Gatherer, but superior. - Price changes in cards

And do not play MTGO. (Because of its horrible shuffling system, unless if you are okay playing some form of monoblack with a Consume Spirit/Corrupt finisher)
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>> No. 926 [Edit]

Now, buying a box of this set literally pays for itself.
>> No. 990 [Edit]
Wow, what the hell?
A potentially free spell with that kind of power, as the buy-a-box?
What the hell is Wizards doing?
>> No. 1006 [Edit]
The set is entirely spoiled.

It's as if they took one third of the Scars block and made it less shittier. The last two sets were trash, aside from some obvious money cards and EDH cards.

You haven't seen anything yet.
>> No. 1007 [Edit]
I bought one of the new decks they're selling, before realizing I have no one to play it with.

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