No. 841
That's why I keep them in a high place (and far from strangers/visitors peeking, in my room).
About having problems with your family: you're gonna hate me but I live only with women (my mom, an aunt, and my elder sister) and they, well, kind of like my figures. They like how detailed and carefully made they are; they just laugh a bit at the fact that most of them have panties (and some slightly sexy poses), but don't get scandalized about them; even when I got my dakimakura (wich is ecchi but not hentai), I didn't want them to see it but they insisted and found it kind of pretty as well (wich left me just speechless)...
The thing is, I've had MAJOR problems with them in the past. It was a long and very hard way for all of us to learn to understand and tolerate each other, to the minimal point in wich I can be treated as (enough of) an adult amongst them and have most of my ways being respected, whereas we still live together. I can understand that, for some of you, the familiar situation is such as that's simply not likely to ever be possible; but neither it was for me about 7+ years ago and, whatever your personal situation is, aparently sometimes we simply must really stand up, pissing some people off, and somehow fight for that (minimal, attainable) freedom we (desperately) need.
Anyway: don't give up. If you like me have to do a couple things to earn your own money and buy this kind of expensive stuff, go for it. It can get really hard, but we're all together in this otaku/hikki thing, always struggling somehow to live the (clossest to the) way we want.