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File 131501108495.jpg - (18.67KB , 352x288 , Picture 016.jpg )
1490 No. 1490 [Edit]
These are what I currently have.

I'd have more, but I'm a buyfag, so most money goes to that. Also, I'm poor.
Expand all images
>> No. 1491 [Edit]
File 131501112286.jpg - (16.80KB , 352x288 , Picture 015.jpg )
I'm aware of how shitty these images are.

My camera sucks. Saving for a new one.
>> No. 1492 [Edit]
File 131501114587.jpg - (18.05KB , 352x288 , Picture 018.jpg )
>> No. 1493 [Edit]
File 131501116733.jpg - (19.78KB , 352x288 , Picture 019.jpg )
>> No. 1494 [Edit]
File 131501118180.jpg - (18.31KB , 352x288 , Picture 017.jpg )
>> No. 1495 [Edit]
Mini Kitty Kona-chan: Bought at a convention.
Gurren Lagann: Amazon. Revoltech No.50 Kikuchi Series.
Saber/Arturia: Revoltech Fraulein. Bought on Amzon. Box is missing, sadly...
Nagisa Furukawa: 10th Key Memorial FES. Memorial Collection figure 1 of 3. Imported from a Person in Canada.

I also have a little luck cat ceramic, from an asian restaurant.
>> No. 1498 [Edit]
File 131502847367.png - (76.49KB , 421x248 , 1313194096045.png )
>> No. 1520 [Edit]
File 131565300848.jpg - (72.84KB , 500x500 , TH-CF0148-4.jpg )
Some I really want.
>> No. 1521 [Edit]
File 131565302931.jpg - (129.14KB , 368x550 , disappearance_002.jpg )
>> No. 1522 [Edit]
File 131565306694.jpg - (77.25KB , 600x600 , FIG-MOE-2509.jpg )
IB4 PSG hate. I am aware of your dislike of it.
>> No. 1528 [Edit]
There are threads for this you know...
>> No. 1530 [Edit]
I found that out AFTER I made this, and just decided to keep it.
>> No. 1531 [Edit]
Typically people should lurk a little before posting.
This is the general rule of thumb pretty much everywhere.
>> No. 1604 [Edit]
This fig may very wellmake the series worth it.
>> No. 1605 [Edit]
It's the only good thing that came out of the show after all.
>> No. 1613 [Edit]
Ah! Ah! I just noticed the Konata cell strap!

I have two! One of them is beat to shit and the other is just my display one...
>> No. 1616 [Edit]
one for the vault and one to spread the gospel?
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