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3556 No. 3556 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you guys do with old stuff that you don't really like anymore, or possibly bought really early on for cheap? I can't sell them on craigslist or anything, but I'd feel bad throwing them away. I'm only really concerned about the crab one but at some point I want more like the 1/7th size ones in the back, and I think it would look nice to have all my figures be similarly sized.
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3559 [Edit]
I usually stuff them in a cardboard box and bury them underground. Once they pile up I gather them all together and throw them away. Don't feel bad throwing them away OP, give them a big hug and a goodbye.
>> No. 3560 [Edit]
That feels almost cruel.
>> No. 3561 [Edit]
It's put into a care package (with manga, old DVDs and flash drives filled with downloads) and dropped off at a nearby orphanage for Christmas. They really do appreciate the stuff, and it makes me feel better knowing I've found a good home for my figs.
>> No. 3563 [Edit]
That's very nice of you. What have the said about the flash drives and their contents though?

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100 No. 100 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
ITT: stuff you wish you had bought at the right moment, and now is nowhere to be found/way too expensive to acquire ;_;
76 posts and 41 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3132 [Edit]
Yes: Schlitzie or 'pinhead'.
I treasure that movie.
>> No. 3410 [Edit]
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I know it is stupid but if I ever wanted a hand spinner it was this one. I could probably just put a sticker on any hand spinner but still.
>> No. 3411 [Edit]
I don't know much about spinners (never even touched one) but those look like it would be shit quality and wouldn't spin too well.
>> No. 3412 [Edit]
But it has LED!

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162 No. 162 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I'll just be listing what I think of each of the online shops I brought from. These are all just opinions.

They throw in free stuff, but some of their prices are unreasonable. Overall, their prices are still tolerable. I bought a bunch of stuff once and they gave me a MtG life counter and a calendar. Plus, unlike the others, preorders and already in stock items can be shipped together rather than shipped separately, because I'd like them to ship all my merchandise at once, to save up on shipping costs. So far, I think I'll be buying from there more often, even if my first SAL shipment from there took more than 3 weeks to arrive. Plus, it's all conveniently priced in USD.

I forget how many times I fucked up there and they still think as if it were nothing. (I ordered a bunch of shit multiple times there, got pissed off at the shipping rates, but decided not to pay them; eventually I did buy some deck boxes from there, so it was fine in the end) Prices were decent, but I don't like the way they handle their payments and shipping.

Hobby Search
The only good thing is the points collection system in which you save up points for discounts and shit like that. Otherwise, most of the time, their prices are somewhat steep, but I'd buy from there if I couldn't get something from any of the other two.

I've checked some other English-language stores, but their prices were extremely unreasonable at best.
9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 209 [Edit]
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>receiving a smelly hotglued fig
That scares the shit out of me.

And I dislike buying in JPY. It seems that with each passing day, I'm getting less and less for what I paid for.
>> No. 222 [Edit]
Well, Necro got the only three I bother to order from anymore, however I HIGHLY recommend amiami over any of the others. They are the fastest and the most reliable, with the easiest staff to get along with. Their prices are good, too. Except for shipping...


EMS shipping is butthole rape. However, there is an air of uncertainty about SAL that I can not come to terms with. All my shit I've gotten via SAL has come to me looking like it was shipped from Afghanistan instead of Tokyo. So, ya gotta weigh your options.
>> No. 225 [Edit]

Yet, I'd like to reiterate that I don't want to get assraped by shipping from AmiAmi and the exchange rate. So I'd much rather deal with Otacute than any place that deals in JPY, even if I ended up with a fucked up box. Plus, I mostly order tcg-related materials anyway, aside from cheap figs that are on sale.
>> No. 3406 [Edit]
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3389 No. 3389 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The fuck happened to Beach queens? Did they stop making them or what? why?
>> No. 3399 [Edit]
Usually they stop making them if people aren't buying them.
I don't know the exact circumstance of them, though it does feel like awhile since I last saw a new one.

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3393 No. 3393 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I'm surprised there isn't a thread for this yet so I'll make one now!
Do any of you have any collections of merchandise for a certain character? If so, please post pictures here or even just tell us about it!
Shrines are okay too!
This is all of my Rosalina merchandise, I don't think there is much in terms of official stuff.

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1386 No. 1386 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What did your parents do when you bought your first dakimakura? I really want to buy one. But I think they would be too sad if I did, they really want me to socialize (does this go to /soc/?). They say this I should have fun like other guys my age (19 yrs old). I can't convince them that I have fun. So what did your parents do?
10 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1765 [Edit]

Each Catleya's boob can be a dakimakura on its own.
>> No. 1766 [Edit]
OP here. First I bought a cheap body pillow. "I can sleep better with it". After some time I bought a cover. "The old pillow was too small." And pillow stuffing. They didn't say much. So everything worked out fine. Thank you. I really recommend buying a dakimakura. I can't stop grinning when I hug her.

Post edited on 3rd Dec 2011, 1:02pm
>> No. 2166 [Edit]
Both of my parents accepted it with varying degrees of disappointment. I think my mom is a little embarrassed when she sees it. My dad doesn't really care.

It's the best purchase I've ever made.
>> No. 3379 [Edit]
I keep her hidden under a blanket under my mattress. The downside is I can only ever hug my daki when mom isn't home. Don't like to think what would happen if she found out about my secret.

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1179 No. 1179 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What's the best kind of light for displaying figs?
I've heard some kinds of lights can really fade the color on figures and ruin them forever, daylight namely.
and some lights, mostly the yellowish ones, seem to be able to stain some white surfaces and turn them yellow in my experience (I've got a piss yellow Dreamcast which I think is becuase of my lights).
I was thinking of using a bunch of white LEDs to light up my fig case, would this be safe?
Mainly I was going to just have a group of them at the top, possibly cover it with something to defuse the light, and was also contemplating running wires down the edges of the display case and placing a single white LED in each corner.

is this a good or bad idea?
9 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3365 [Edit]
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You guys know about LED strip lighting right? You can buy spools of the stuff at hardware stores and they often sell plug in wires for them for running the cable around things where you don't need the light to be.
They even have other forms of the lights, if pucks, bars or tracks.
They sell a small kit called "Dioder" at IKEA that's perfect for backlighting a monitor, bookcase or TV and it's really cheap.
I anticipate they also have separate parts to extend the kit at the parts desk where you'd order replacement tabletops and get replacement screws.

LED lights won't damage figs. They don't get very hot with the proper voltage and ventilation. As long as you don't put one of those standing 20k lumen worklights right beside your shelf.

It probably goes without saying but sunlight is the number one thing you have to avoid with any collectible.
Honestly, you should avoid sunlight in general because it'll degenerate your macula / make you blind and give you skin cancer. Don't forget to take vitamin D pills.
>> No. 3366 [Edit]
Why not share example of figs + this thingies? I have no clue what you're talking about in practice.
>> No. 3367 [Edit]
LED lightbulbs are just 3 or 4 of those stuck in a lightbulb shell and do the same job. They can be bought in any supermarket and fit a standard lamp connection.
That said cfls will do pretty much the same thing.
Any lightbulb that doesn't get hot is fine I would have thought? Is there some advantage i'm not seeing?
>> No. 3369 [Edit]
10 watt and below cfl don't get hot enough to warrant concern in colder climates but I see your point. LED strips would make a very cost effective way of lighting any glass door cabinet.

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3228 No. 3228 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
I've been thinking I should give more back to the site here, and figured a give away might not be a bad idea. I've got a number of figs I haven't been able to sell from my shop, and a few from my collection that could use new homes so this seemed like the most logical thing to do. If things go well maybe we'll be able to give out better prizes in the future.

So simply put, once every month I'll give out a fig (or figs) to a randomly selected winner. All you have to do is post your steam id in this thread, and if you win I'll message you asking for shipping details. I'll select the winner on the 22nd.

Why steam ids you might ask? It's a simple way of keeping people from cheating is all. TC has no user accounts and plenty of people here change IPs all the time (which would be an issue for confirming winner identities and make it easy for people to cheat), not to mention we have no PM system here. meanwhile most people aren't gonna have more than one or two steam accounts (with content on them at least).

Post edited on 3rd Apr 2017, 8:48pm
50 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3328 [Edit]
Ah, so you will be picking item 11, the Rei Ayanami clock?
>> No. 3340 [Edit]
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Package came in safe. Thanks Tohno.

I wonder if the rumours are true and more tape does prevent lazy customs officers from opening things? Most of the figma I've ordered over the years get searched. I used to keep the customs tape, but I ended up having too much of it, became pointless to collect.

Sorry the picture is so ass, I tried to jury rig a decent light setup and I shake like like a blender on high when holding a camera.
The Rei is really pretty, amazing how far painting has come over the decades, she's so small, yet the details are exquisite.
The EVA-02 keychain fig looked like plastic uranium glass, so I put it under blacklight, but it only sorta fluoresces, doesn't seem intentional.

Sorry to keep you in suspense, but I didn't think it was worth posting to point out the obvious.
>> No. 3341 [Edit]
Sorry to say but I wont be doing the drawing this month since I'm in the middle of moving and have been very busy, and probably wont have easy access to my stuff for a while due to it going into storage for a few weeks.
Maybe I can start doing this again in October.
>> No. 3342 [Edit]
No problems Tohno. I hope the move goes as smooth as possible.

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3289 No. 3289 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Don't you love it when Miku figs look nothing at all like Miku?

>> No. 3291 [Edit]
Why can't Miku just be Miku?
>> No. 3292 [Edit]
Because there's already a billion Miku figs based on her original standard design with every pose possible. They need to keep making more Miku figs but the original design is played out, so they redesign her and redesign her again until the designs look like a completely different character.
>> No. 3339 [Edit]
It looks good though.

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1068 No. 1068 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Hello /fig/. I was wondering: where do you guys keep your figures? Inside display cases of glass? On top of a table or object? Does it get hard to clean the dust from time to time?

I currently have two figures and was thinking about buying a display case of glass for them since I kept them for a while on the table and took the dust away with soft brushes to not give chance to cause damage to the paint or whatnot. What do you do with yours to display them?
54 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3306 [Edit]
Half the threads here have been around for years, and no one really cares or minds the dates.

Detolfs might not be the nicest display cases out there, but it's hard finding decent display cases at prices that aren't highway robbery. you'd think there'd be more options for storing collectibles, but it just isn't a big enough market in the west to warrant mass produced cases with variety to pick from. Generally they're produced more for businesses and professional settings which brings large price tags, or are custom made which is also pricey. Of course if you're willing to settle there's always china cabinets designed for old women to store glass wear in, those do the job but tend to be very cumbersome and don't portray collectibles very well due to door trim blocking views and probably come with poor quality lighting. Honestly I'd say a couple Detolfs are better than a granny cabinet or two.
>> No. 3307 [Edit]
Words of wisdom. I was looking around for some nicer cabinets and they generally started at the $500 mark, some even getting up into the thousands. While I love my figures and want to take care of them I can't justify spending that much on a display cabinet.
>> No. 3308 [Edit]
It's still worth checking out second hand stores from time to time, Never know what you might find. I got a pretty decent one myself that might have come from a business setting for like $100-$150 or something. The shelves were missing but that was no big issue to replace. That said you may want to be wary of acrylic or Plexiglass display cases. The case I just mentioned is made out of something like that, and it cracks/pops very loudly all the time and has been doing so for years. I've kind of gotten used to it, but very loud random poping sounds could easily drive some people insane.
>> No. 3309 [Edit]
That's definitely a good idea and I'll keep that in mind next time I have to expand.

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3299 No. 3299 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Wouldn't the stand on a fig like this break very easily with time?
>> No. 3300 [Edit]
It looks really cool and cute though.

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