No. 3340
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, 4608x3456
, DSCN0589.jpg
Package came in safe. Thanks Tohno.
I wonder if the rumours are true and more tape does prevent lazy customs officers from opening things? Most of the figma I've ordered over the years get searched. I used to keep the customs tape, but I ended up having too much of it, became pointless to collect.
Sorry the picture is so ass, I tried to jury rig a decent light setup and I shake like like a blender on high when holding a camera.
The Rei is really pretty, amazing how far painting has come over the decades, she's so small, yet the details are exquisite.
The EVA-02 keychain fig looked like plastic uranium glass, so I put it under blacklight, but it only sorta fluoresces, doesn't seem intentional.
Sorry to keep you in suspense, but I didn't think it was worth posting to point out the obvious.