No. 129
yes, I bought two there, and marinas go for about 30 on average.
Of course there is the problem of having to find a proxy bidder, because most sellers wont ship outside of japan, and don't accept paypal, and probably not credit cards, not sure how their system works really.
I normally use babelfish for translating pages, and I've been using goodyjapan for the proxy bidding.
I used rinkya before, but they had some real fags working for them, and I rather not go into it.
Goodyjapan has a site that looks like crap, but they work well.
just so you know, there are other charges as said earlier.
first they have this "bank fee" thing, which is always 300yen from what I've seen, then you have "domestic shipping" (shipping from the seller to the proxy bidder), for that you'll want to find out where your proxy bidder is located in japan, and see how much the seller charges to ship there, if they even list it, sellers more often though list shipping price as the responsibility of the buyer. and then there's commision which is around 500 or 600 yen per item.
So you should keep that in mine, the average fig might cost you 1500 yen - 2000 yen extra because of that stuff, before the cost of shipping to you of course., but sometimes shipping might be free, or the fig might be so cheep it makes it still worth it.