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File 129419704027.jpg - (371.35KB , 1920x1200 , 46013.jpg )
215 No. 215 [Edit]
How do you guys feel about artbooks?

Do you have any?

I recently came into possession of a Hyakko one, and I've got say that I love it.
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>> No. 217 [Edit]
I dig 'em but I always feel ripped off after purchasing one. Like... I coulda found all of these images on the internet... Where I live... WHAT HAVE I DONE WITH THAT $80 HOLY SHIT!
>> No. 234 [Edit]

Yeah, some of the stuff from this one had been scanned, but the majority of it hadn't(At least not on any site I came upon in my search), so I think it was worth it. Even if I have no scanner to use to scan and share with.

I think as a whole, Art books are pretty low on the collectors scale, but they are pretty nice when you don't have much else from the series.
>> No. 235 [Edit]
I would buy an artbook of mai waifu, but probably not of any other char/anime. Too much investment for something I could probably find, if in lower quality, on the internet.
>> No. 236 [Edit]
I have a bunch of Evangelion and Masamune Shirow artbooks. and a few others.

>I always feel ripped off after purchasing one
yeah kind of. but I should be able to sell them for about the same price I bought them for (mostly bought on ebay). or possibly more if I keep them for a few years and theyre still out of print.
>> No. 237 [Edit]
File 129426893624.png - (193.70KB , 310x383 , still needs full pic.png )
I've been thinking of getting the AIR artbook, because it does seem to have some nice images I've not seen anywhere online, that I might be able to scan for wallpapers or reprint for posters and such, but $50 does seem a bit much for it, when half of it is scanned already.

This pic is one of the pages never scanned, just a photo of the books pages that I cropped and edited.
>> No. 238 [Edit]
File 129429469717.jpg - (51.30KB , 400x563 , artbook--jojo-s-bizzare-adventures---jojo-6251-.jpg )
The only true artbook I own is a JoJo one, because Araki is a god. I own fanbooks of Fate/Stay Night and Aria which are partly artbooks with other goodies, and a Star Ocean 2 postcard book which is basically an artbook.

I really do treasure the JoJo book though, it is full of 100% amazing art I probably wouldn't come by too easily.
>> No. 239 [Edit]
I love them. I have those I wanted, but all in HQ downloaded files: just until recently, I didn't have any means to buy online stuff, so I didn't even consider that posibility.

About right now: there's no-one I particularily feel like buying. I don't discard the possibility, but I still pretty much share the obvious standment: multimedia can be downloaded (images/series/OSTs/VNs...), so better spend that money on figures.
>> No. 272 [Edit]
I have the Serial Experiments Lain art book.

I was dressed as her when I found it, and it was only 10 dollars. I was so happy.
>> No. 958 [Edit]

This is my first art book, too! It's a nice one.

I enjoy AR releases, because some of the pictures are very nice.
>> No. 959 [Edit]
When it comes to manga, I actually prefer reading it on my computer than having a physical copy but artbooks are another matter entirely. It's probably because they're in full colour and not the small-sized like the little tankoubons. I only have One Piece Colour Walk 1 but I intend to buy the rest in the future.
>> No. 960 [Edit]
I have the art sketch books for the first two seasons of Nanoha. I felt like they were worth it. I'm actually kind of sad I haven't been able to find anything else as far as Nanoha art books go. Though I usually only look for them and buy them at conventions (mostly because for some reason Nanoha merch is actually rare here in the states and it makes me very sad).

I've been tempted to get one of the Berserk art books too every time I see one. Though I usually try and wait to see if I can find something else to buy at the convention (and I usually do) so maybe next time.

I do like actually having the book though because it's nice to flip through and look at it every now and then. It's also nice for when my more normal friends or family come visit they'll look through it, which is something that would never happen with just having the digital copies.
>> No. 1639 [Edit]
When I bought Etrian Odyssey III, its artbook was included free of charge because I bought it so early (it was like the day after release). It's pretty cool, but I would never spend money on one.
>> No. 1760 [Edit]
I'm fucking jealous, I want that JoJo book.

I have an iDOLM@STER art book and one for Kino's Journey.
>> No. 1783 [Edit]
The price makes me not buy them, but when I used to go out I would leaf through them at Kinikuniya. Yeah...

I d/n them every once in a while but I always end up with gigs of stuff I like and won't delete... so I restrict myself.
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