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File 159871195032.png - (53.24KB , 300x256 , about.png )
3119 No. 3119 [Edit]
I revived the Lolifox browser.
It's based on Pale Moon.
>> No. 3120 [Edit]
Are you affiliated with https://lolifox.cc/boards.html ?
Are you Russian? Is this anything more than a reskinned pale moon?
>> No. 3121 [Edit]
I like the idea but is there anything that makes the browser unique from Palemoon other than the style? It seems like you can just edit Palemoon yourself and achieve the same result.
>> No. 3122 [Edit]
That's pretty cool!
>> No. 3129 [Edit]
The site is dead
>> No. 3130 [Edit]
Well that didn't take long.
>> No. 3175 [Edit]
revive it please
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