No. 1268
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Thanks for the response. There's been a delay because of a mishap with the finish on the top-side of my top plates, so I have to use the bottom side instead, but need more oil the finish it up. Otherwise it's done. Another layer of colored oil, and lacqeur on the top plates, some screws and it's good to go. You can see the table's mentioned novelity in the attatched picture - it's a second plate for semi-concealed floating storage. One of the top plates will be cut in half, ofwhich the half above the floating bottom plate will be turned into a hatch via piano hinges.
What I might change is the color of the framework and maybe the bottom plate as well. What I probably will change is the feet. They work very well as is, and are certainly most practical, but I might want to build something out of woood to mesh better in with the rest of the table - something massive, i.e. a width similar to the beams used in the framework, with a special design. Could make out a cool fix.
Sounds risky, but if you can scavange good material without making dear sacrifices, that should be as good as anything - honestly. Wood is usually easy to work with; oil it, paint it, sand it, cut it, fill it, whatever. Once you make yourself familiar with the type of wood you're working with, you'll see the opportunities. Making it look pretty will obviously demand more workpower, and it doesn't look to be on your agenda, but as long as your hands are dirty, you can always do little tweaks here and there.
Post edited on 12th Jun 2011, 8:39am