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File 133202185510.png - (44.99KB , 800x569 , 1332021357068.png )
1784 No. 1784 [Edit]

Moeblob creator thread

Make yourself, make your waifu, make a little girl, make yourself as a little girl, make your waifu as a little girl
Expand all images
>> No. 1785 [Edit]
maybe if/when they add cloths.
>> No. 1786 [Edit]
File 13320424852.png - (43.15KB , 800x564 , moeblob.png )
>> No. 1787 [Edit]
File 133204941145.jpg - (38.78KB , 800x561 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
She didn't want to do it, but I won in the end.

Caution: Very lewd.
>> No. 1788 [Edit]
File 133206920972.png - (122.68KB , 1345x900 , thrxdstgf.png )
>> No. 1789 [Edit]
File 133211594378.png - (44.45KB , 797x562 , kaolla.png )
Well, it was worth a shot. I'll try not to rant about how much I dislike the K-ON! stylistic design, but dear me those legs/feet are so tiny it's almost gross.
>> No. 1792 [Edit]
File 133256880388.png - (35.46KB , 366x534 , shindengirl.png )
Not an indicator of what I want to look like, but what I would actually look like, as a girl.
>> No. 1793 [Edit]
File 133257752537.png - (53.70KB , 801x551 , fun in the sun.png )
>> No. 1794 [Edit]
File 133257759321.png - (67.29KB , 799x536 , v2.png )
>> No. 1795 [Edit]
File 133259882358.jpg - (176.88KB , 1200x821 , All Together.jpg )
Thats fun.
>> No. 1900 [Edit]
File 133864195359.png - (51.60KB , 800x488 , untitled.png )
This is (me and) mai waifu. There are many like her but this one is mine.
>> No. 1901 [Edit]
File 133864222979.png - (74.17KB , 796x567 , untitled2q.png )
Well this was fun.
>> No. 1902 [Edit]
File 133864356774.jpg - (382.94KB , 1400x1050 , DEARDROPS.jpg )
>> No. 1903 [Edit]
File 133865238633.jpg - (236.70KB , 800x560 , Scarlet Jazz Trio.jpg )
I really should do more post-edition, but it takes so long and looks so bad anyway.
>> No. 1904 [Edit]
I don't like that Patche; just thought I'd let you know.
>> No. 1929 [Edit]
File 134315087064.png - (35.68KB , 220x506 , Screen shot 2012-07-24 at 1_25_31 PM.png )
I think it came out alright.
>> No. 1942 [Edit]
Great, now I feel stupid. How do you delete some of the defaults? I think I've clicked everything but that.
>> No. 2000 [Edit]
File 135636166290.png - (258.79KB , 1279x907 , 1356361165728.png )
>> No. 2001 [Edit]
Nice job
>> No. 2004 [Edit]
File 135767342292.png - (126.89KB , 721x1080 , Together.png )
Wow, they really have added a lot stuff. Neat.
>> No. 2005 [Edit]
File 135768622811.png - (142.41KB , 1425x1113 , 1234.png )
>> No. 2007 [Edit]
That looks great, much better than my version.
>> No. 2257 [Edit]
File 138513097685.png - (106.48KB , 1024x768 , melanthe2.png )
Made a picture of my mary-sue OC. I spent way too much time doing this.
>> No. 2352 [Edit]
File 140123137397.png - (26.45KB , 276x485 , ankh.png )
I'm happy with it.
>> No. 2354 [Edit]
File 140125012914.jpg - (68.79KB , 231x273 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
This is fun. I couldn't help doing this. Spoilered for massive dick. I started out just wanting her to jack off with a ridiculous face, but I thought her pointing at her dick was kinda funny, so went with it.

Also, what does the button in the heart tab with the face with a tongue sticking out do?

Post edited on 27th May 2014, 9:13pm
>> No. 2466 [Edit]
File 141941767218.png - (505.96KB , 1104x1200 , ScreenShot.png )
Oh! It's been a while... and there's new stuff! Let's see what we can churn out of this thing...
>> No. 2467 [Edit]
File 141941883796.png - (603.83KB , 1600x1200 , Spoiler Picture.png )
>> No. 2469 [Edit]
File 141958231691.jpg - (41.25KB , 802x568 , dressupgameJPG.jpg )
Gave this another try. Been a while.
>> No. 2470 [Edit]
I find it almost hard to believe that it's been two years since this thread was made. Time really does go by fast.
>> No. 2671 [Edit]
File 146428642575.jpg - (95.71KB , 440x942 , 茉莉花.jpg )
Pretty hard without the right clothes. Realized I've made a few mistakes but I'm too lazy to correct them.
>> No. 2860 [Edit]
I didn't know you could add dresses. I can't seem to find them in the creator.
>> No. 2861 [Edit]
File 150888616193.png - (679.37KB , 3200x2400 , Hex Maniac.png )
I tried making a Hex Maniac.
>> No. 2863 [Edit]
File 151083802419.png - (44.92KB , 800x600 , suika beach 2.png )
Wonderful day with Suika at the beach!
>> No. 2868 [Edit]
File 151480939536.png - (134.83KB , 1195x764 , Person.png )
I'm on the left, and some girl I made up to be my friend is on the right.
>> No. 2869 [Edit]
File 151480959398.png - (124.56KB , 1195x779 , Spoiler Picture.png )
Oh, and the fanservice version.
>> No. 2870 [Edit]
Cute; I wish more anime characters had freckles. Ironically, the fan-service version looks less fan-service-like due to the lack of the cowbell, the ribbon, and the star-shaped nipple covers.

I gave this little thingy a shot, but after like an hour I accidentally hit reset-all on the settings menu (thinking it would reset the zoom options) and I gave up.
>> No. 2871 [Edit]
Thanks! Yeah I agree that would be a pretty tame fan-service episode. I made a slightly lewder one but it seemed kind of tasteless so I didn't upload it.
If you want to try it again you should take a screenshot every now and then, that way you can remember what it looks like incase something happens to it.

How do you change the facial expression?
>> No. 2872 [Edit]
Yeah I'll try again some time. I don't how to change the expressions, but you can try by randomizing until you get the expression you want and then modifying.
>> No. 3065 [Edit]
File 158888884995.png - (142.68KB , 960x628 , Stone oni 2.png )
>> No. 3124 [Edit]
File 159944097256.png - (638.54KB , 1058x1205 , pretty people.png )
It's been a long time, we met up again and did some pictures. The new girl on my right was my imaginary girlfriend for a bit. Tried to wear the same stuff as before (I was missing some of it), we even went back to the beach and took a fanservice shot. I thought 2 3/4 years was a lot, but looking at when this thread started it doesn't seem too much.
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