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File 129858943599.jpg - (291.63KB , 682x890 , 1297190386601.jpg )
949 No. 949 [Edit]
Anybody from /jp/, give up and hide here?
anyway akiha thread.
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>> No. 950 [Edit]
File 129859044489.jpg - (342.35KB , 800x1000 , d11589ab1e862d7ad24382cdc08e4065.jpg )
I did. Also hell yes, Akiha. Such elegance, such class.
>> No. 951 [Edit]
I'd say a large chunk of this place's users are /jp/ refugees (I am, at least).
>> No. 952 [Edit]
File 129859153493.jpg - (191.65KB , 960x1280 , 1297123248367.jpg )
would you say most people that are on /jp/ now,aren't the /jp/ers from before the last raid, or even the puddi thing?? I just want to know if everybody left.
>> No. 953 [Edit]
Likely. I still visit /jp/ every once in a while though. I hope it was not you who created the thread back on /jp/ asking about tohno-chan. You're only going to bring in the attention of the shitposters from over there into here.
>> No. 954 [Edit]
I wish this place had more posts..
>> No. 955 [Edit]

Really? I like it this way.
>> No. 956 [Edit]
File 129859399251.jpg - (68.79KB , 700x525 , f2bb4f4276f9e6f814d8e798dec83d45704cf863.jpg )
Better that it has fewer but better posts than more but worse.
>> No. 957 [Edit]
>> No. 958 [Edit]
I like 4chan, but it has changed a lot during the last few years, specially /b/. I feel like most of the users are normals or underaged, and it's hard to have discussions about things I like. I like this place better
>> No. 959 [Edit]
>I feel like most of the users are normals or underaged

That's the case for pretty much every board but /jp/, which is probably why all the other boards (and the 4chan staff itself) seem to be so intent on ruining it. Let's not turn this into another "4chan sucks" thread though, since the mods don't like that (and this is hardly the board to have such a discussion)
>> No. 960 [Edit]
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I'm not sure if I can see most /jp/ers migrating to Tohno-chan. It's true that 4chan has mostly gone to shit. Some of the slower boards are still alright, but even then the cancer from /b/, /v/ and /a/ slowly advances. /jp/ especially has the problem now where weeaboos from /a/ see the words "Otaku Culture" which seems to attract them like shit attracts flies, and then they see the board is slow and don't see a whole page of new posts every time they hit f5, and some how they get the idea that a slow board is just an empty canvas for them to dump random shit allover.

But I think what keeps most /jp/sies from making the jump to here is the boards' speeds. This site already has such a small userbase, and dividing that base among so many boards means that the boards generally move at a snail's pace. Unfortunately when people see extreemly slow boards it makes them less inclined to post. While most /jp/ users are glad their board isn't as retardedly fast as something like /a/ or /v/ or /b/, I think they see sites like Tohno-chan (and other alternatives like /bun/) as being too far to the other extreme, too slow. Unless we up the post count, it's hard to get new users. Of course without new users its hard to up the post count.

I myself still browse /jp/. I'll probably keep going to /jp/ until it either gets axed or fully transforms into /a2/. But by that point in time I'd hope that most of the /jp/ oldfags will have migrated here. Despite the slowness of the boards, Tohno-chan really does have a much better good-post-to-shit-post ratio than /jp/. I can only hope that any new posters brought in will bring more of the good posts, and less of the shit.
>> No. 961 [Edit]
Its silly to stick to individual boards on Tohno chan. It wasn't designed that way. Use the front page to see new posts and browse Tohno chan as a whole.
>> No. 962 [Edit]
/jp/ really has turned to shit lately, I gave up on it completely. Every thread is either Japanese bird or people posting their waifu who is the most popular girl this season.
>> No. 963 [Edit]
Wrong board for this type of thread.
>> No. 964 [Edit]
Imagine if you saw a post complaining that /jp/ was too slow and that they should attract more /abv/ posters. Think about how you would feel.
>> No. 965 [Edit]

I'm not saying I want random posters to come here just for the sake of increasing the speed.

I'm saying I think there are still good posters on /jp/, people capable of having rational discussions that don't solely consist of spouting memes and retardation, and I think it would be nice if they, the good posters, would come here and join in on the discussions. Only I think the relative slowness of Tohno, with the small userbase spread across so many boards, is off-putting to some of those people, and keeps them from coming here. If there were good posters on /adv/ (haha), I'd welcome them on /jp or here, too. The more the merrier, as long as they don't shit up the board.
>> No. 967 [Edit]
This >>342. But as for the topic on hand, I haven't really "lurked lurked" /jp/ ever since late 09. I don't know if it's just the few vocal minority who're shitting up the board or not, but I've honestly seen much better discussions on /a/ as of late despite all its normalfags and retards.

Also, I'm not sure what the exact post rate for Tohno-chan is these days but it's actually gotten pretty fast (especially compared to the early days) and is just a little under the ideal speed I personally want this site to be.

I used to think like you and I suggested to Tohno long ago about having fewer boards but then I saw how /bun/ turned out with its 70+ pages for its general board. Considering how most people tend to post replies to threads on page 0 and that they’re not going to bother looking back through all 70+ pages to find a thread that they like, all those pages seem like a big messy waste, if you ask me. That’s one of the reasons why I got bored with /bun/, since the only threads that were getting active replies seemed like the same threads I saw on page 0 every time I visited that place. Although the same could be said of Tohno-chan, having multiple boards help create more “page 0s” and thus, it seems like I’m getting more variety when I visit this place.
>> No. 968 [Edit]
There are still good posters on /jp/, but there's no practical way of opening up to them and not to the shitposters. For every one good poster, imagine that we gain two bad posters. It's not worth it.

Most of old /jp/ knows about this board already anyway. As more of the good posters get frustrated they'll naturally find this place. I don't think there's any need to change the board to attract more people; the kind we want will find it by themselves.
>> No. 969 [Edit]
There's also a chunk of /jp/ that hates this place because "some idiot from /a/ founded it"
>> No. 970 [Edit]
Those are their words, not mine of course. I love Tohno!
>> No. 971 [Edit]
Yeah, it applies to me, too. It became unbearable during last summer for me. No regrets, though.


As a matter of fact lately we're getting too much traffic to my liking. I preffered it when ~10 walls of text were posted daily and that was it. But that might be just me.


>/jp/ especially has the problem now where weeaboos from /a/ see the words "Otaku Culture"

It's funny because pretty much everybody on /jp/ welcomed this change when it happened. It was suggested on /a/ and moot did it to troll /jp/ but it sort of backfired as everybody liked it. ... At that time.

>This site already has such a small userbase, and dividing that base among so many boards means that the boards generally move at a snail's pace.

That's exactly what I love about /tc/, I can take it easy here. I hope it won't change.
>> No. 972 [Edit]
>/jp/ especially has the problem now where weeaboos from /a/ see the words "Otaku Culture"
You forgot /b/ and /v/. And /soc/.

/jp/ has been awful the past few weeks. There's this huge surge of normal lately, and it is not stopping. It's like normals are purging the nerds out of 4chan. I wonder if other boards get worse shit than /jp/.

I wonder if moot changed 'Otaku Culture' to 'Akihabara Culture', will everything get better and keep off the other boards. Sounds more specific to me. Though I think it's too late for that.
>> No. 973 [Edit]
File 129887184372.jpg - (272.20KB , 726x1000 , tsukihimechibi.jpg )
This is where I come to actually communicate with decent and funny individuals about my hobbies.

>> No. 974 [Edit]
Holy shit, have you guys seen /jp/ this past week, its over man, that board has nothing but /a/ and /v/ troll. Where did everybody go...
>> No. 975 [Edit]
After all this time, I am still frustrated about the lack of a good end route with Akiha. True and normal ends just don't cut it.
>> No. 976 [Edit]

There's always Akiha's post-true end sidestory in Kagetsu Tohya.
>> No. 977 [Edit]
Which was incredibly unsatisfying. And not canon.
>> No. 978 [Edit]
It was canon and I found it rather satisfying. It's better than without added material.
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