No. 960
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I'm not sure if I can see most /jp/ers migrating to Tohno-chan. It's true that 4chan has mostly gone to shit. Some of the slower boards are still alright, but even then the cancer from /b/, /v/ and /a/ slowly advances. /jp/ especially has the problem now where weeaboos from /a/ see the words "Otaku Culture" which seems to attract them like shit attracts flies, and then they see the board is slow and don't see a whole page of new posts every time they hit f5, and some how they get the idea that a slow board is just an empty canvas for them to dump random shit allover.
But I think what keeps most /jp/sies from making the jump to here is the boards' speeds. This site already has such a small userbase, and dividing that base among so many boards means that the boards generally move at a snail's pace. Unfortunately when people see extreemly slow boards it makes them less inclined to post. While most /jp/ users are glad their board isn't as retardedly fast as something like /a/ or /v/ or /b/, I think they see sites like Tohno-chan (and other alternatives like /bun/) as being too far to the other extreme, too slow. Unless we up the post count, it's hard to get new users. Of course without new users its hard to up the post count.
I myself still browse /jp/. I'll probably keep going to /jp/ until it either gets axed or fully transforms into /a2/. But by that point in time I'd hope that most of the /jp/ oldfags will have migrated here. Despite the slowness of the boards, Tohno-chan really does have a much better good-post-to-shit-post ratio than /jp/. I can only hope that any new posters brought in will bring more of the good posts, and less of the shit.