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File 130128765572.png - (1.73MB , 1280x960 , 1301187828724.png )
1042 No. 1042 [Edit]
Someone involved with Ammy Translations leaked the full translation patch for Muv-Luv Alternative today on /jp/. There are issues with it, however, including random crashes, and it's missing some translated images. There might be more, but I haven't tried the VN out yet, so I can't say for sure.

For those unfamiliar with Muv-Luv and want to jump right into Alternative, which is widely considered to be one of the best VNs, Ixrec has a great summary of Extra and Unlimited here: http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/mlplot/.

Installation process:
Download this http://www.mediafire.com/?z0n3df4bd8n3d0z
Extract, install using the exe provided.
Re-extract and overwrite data.ami with the one in the archive.
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>> No. 1048 [Edit]
>> No. 1049 [Edit]
I've been stuck playing Extra for a few weeks now. It's just too painful to get through. Somebody please tell me that Unlimited is better.
>> No. 1050 [Edit]
Unlimited is much, much better; don't worry. Just stick with it.
>> No. 1051 [Edit]
I thought Extra was better. Unlimited is just Extra with military school instead of regular school, and weaker comedy. Plus no Sumika.

It sucks that the beginning of Alternative is basically a rehash of Unlimited. Took me almost a day to get through. Coup d'etat Arc has been great though.
>> No. 1052 [Edit]
I will, but a couple of times I've considered just skipping straight to Unlimited. Takeru is unbelievably dense and the whole highschool harem thing isn't really doing it for me. I just want to get to Alternative ASAP since it's supposed to be one of the best VNs there are.
>> No. 1053 [Edit]
Unlimited does boil down to military training slice of life, but it's much more varied than Extra. Although I will agree that the humor was nowhere near as good as Extra's. Mostly due to the lack of Sumika.

I had the same problems with Takeru as you did, but he improves and has some growth in Unlimited.

It'd be nice if he was fully voiced the entire time in Unlimited. Although Souichirou Hoshi is one of my favorite male VAs, so I'm somewhat biased.
>> No. 1054 [Edit]
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Oh god what.

Why does Takeru suddenly have a voice?
>> No. 1055 [Edit]
Are there translations of the speeches somewhere (aside from the coup d'etat arc)? It's a shame they couldn't reverse engineer those parts.
>> No. 1056 [Edit]
There's only one other voice-only speech. There are two other times where voice-only lines come up (not counting background chatter) but neither are particularly important.

Anyways I finished Alternative. I didn't think it would live up to its reputation of best eroge ever and it didn't. It was still great, but I guess kind of a "normal" great when its near-universal acclaim made me think there would be more to it than that.

The battles and the scenes before/after them were awesome, but there were only five battles in the whole thing so there's also a ton of downtime. I'm not even a huge action fan, so I don't hate anything that isn't fighting, but in this case a lot of the stuff outside of the battles is really dull dialogue and repetitive infodumping. The story still throws twists at you consistently enough to keep you interested (though unfortunately the only major twists are also the most predictable) but nevertheless the game has some serious pacing issues.

Of course the story, themes, and character development were all good and there were a lot of great scenes, but nothing better than you get in other great eroge. So I really liked it but I would be lying if I said it didn't disappoint me after all the hype. Oh, and the ending really sucked.
>> No. 1058 [Edit]
I haven't read it yet, but I think a lot of the hype, at least from Japan, comes from just how popular mecha tends to be, and Muv-Luv Alt. being (to my knowledge), one of the few mecha VNs out there. Another one that's highly regarded is Muramasa.
>> No. 1059 [Edit]
>there were only five battles in the whole thing
That's it? For a 50 hour VN, I'd expect there to be a lot more than that. Unless the battles are really long or something.

Still, it's probably a thousand times better than Unlimited. All Takeru has done for the past 8 hours is whine and suck at everything.
>> No. 1060 [Edit]
I'm a pretty big fan of mecha myself.

A couple are pretty short, a couple are somewhat long, and one is somewhere in between, I guess.
>> No. 1061 [Edit]
Finally started on Alternative last night. Kind of sucks that Takeru has to repeat the whole beginning of Unlimited. He was really close with everybody by the end of Unlimited, so it sucks that he has to start all over again. It's fun seeing him whoop ass at training though.
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