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File 129901799249.jpg - (96.04KB , 800x453 , schooldays_01.jpg )
946 No. 946 [Edit]
JAST continues their crusade of plucking fan translations and turning them into official ones. This time, it's School Days, and Sekai Project (the group that's been working on School Days for years) are heading the project. The JAST release will be called "School Days HQ", and they're hoping for a year end release (lol). New features for the HQ release:

- High Quality remake and graphic upgrades of the original School Days
- Additional ero scenes in the HQ version, all uncensored

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>> No. 947 [Edit]
File 129902908118.gif - (431.49KB , 640x360 , 1291318608378.gif )
>- High Quality remake and graphic upgrades of the original School Days.
>- Additional ero scenes in the HQ version, all uncensored.
>> No. 948 [Edit]
>Will you skillfully maneuver your way to one of the game’s more than a dozen happy endings, or will you end up on the road (or boat) to perdition?

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