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File 12939443669.jpg - (77.76KB , 600x450 , gss12.jpg )
929 No. 929 [Edit]
Why do people hate Black Cyc?
Is it because non-virgin waifus threaten them?
>> No. 930 [Edit]
Virgin or not, Yuka is one of the best waifus ever.

I'm not sure about Black Cyc in general, but I think a lot of people disliked Gore Screaming Show because they were expecting a lot of action and violence and didn't get very much of it. I don't really like action so I liked it. Ironically, the reason I've only played GSS is because other Black Cyc games look like they have too much action for me, so maybe I'm making the same mistake as people do with GSS.
>> No. 931 [Edit]

MinDead Blood. Seriously. It takes full advantage of the VN medium. The Vampire hunter ED is the sequel out end. The White Wedding path explains the past and the other explains what makes Shizuru and Yuka tick. Speaking of Yuka , this is probably the only game where a character will blow your brains out or have consensual love and blowjobs depending on your choices.
>> No. 932 [Edit]

I wish GSS had a real harem. Kyouji just boned A,A,and K and Mashiro before that and you get a shit end.If could write it, Gore would break free of his enslavement and become stronger than ever. He'd marry all 5 girls and the end would be him molesting and blasting all five girls in semen to their utter delight. He'd also use the crystal to make Yuka a woman.
>> No. 933 [Edit]
I might give it a shot once I've finished the games in my backlog.

Yeah the harem end was really weak. But your idea lost me at
>He'd also use the crystal to make Yuka a woman.
>> No. 934 [Edit]

Lost you how? you didnt understand or didnt like it?
I mean the pendant Yuka used to bring Kiika back to life would age Yuka 8 or 9 years.
>> No. 935 [Edit]
Didn't like it. You need to have at least one loli in your harem.
>> No. 936 [Edit]
Is there any website that has uncensored streams of GSS? I'd like to download it,but if the uni I'm in saw what it was there would be unpleasantness and unending butthurt. I just want to see the boning and bad ends.....;_;.
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