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File 129789486150.jpg - (95.83KB , 640x360 , W75iE.jpg )
1015 No. 1015 [Edit]
Ever17's getting an HD, Xbox 360 remake done by 5pb that's scheduled to be released this summer in Japan. More info/screenshots at the link.

Looks pretty good, but the one 3D model shot of Sara is questionable. Probably looks much better in motion, given they're fully animated and will be more expressive than just sprites.

I'd say there's a small chance of this being brought over after 999 was so well-received. Hopefully Aksys or some other company can work something out. I'd pick up a CE if it was, despite not being huge on the VN.

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>> No. 1016 [Edit]
File 129789497681.jpg - (90.92KB , 640x360 , MvK0T.jpg )
And here's a shot of Sora redone in HIGH DEFINITION, since you apparently can't do that in VNs on PC. What's up with that? I'm sick of developers opting for 800x600 and lower resolutions, to be honest. I'm sure some higher resolution titles are out there, but I don't know of any that are translated.
>> No. 1017 [Edit]
I was pretty huge on the VN, and I'd get this if I owned an Xbox 360 and if it were translated. I wonder if it can really ride on the popularity of 999, though, since that game had puzzles and traditional gameplay elements familiar to western players and Ever17 is just a straight up visual novel.
>> No. 1018 [Edit]
>Conversation and dialogue segments that now utilize 3-D character models with a variety of expressions and movements.

I don't like that.
>> No. 1019 [Edit]
...that's HD?
>> No. 1020 [Edit]
I wouldn't mind animated sprites, but 3D models are ugly compared to 2D drawings. Still if I had a 360 and this got translated, I'd get it.
>> No. 1021 [Edit]
I think translating it would be pointless. I can't see Ever17 being that enjoyable the second time around, when you know all the twists, and the upgrades don't look like enough to replay the game for. I'd rather a company work on something that hasn't already been translated.
>> No. 1022 [Edit]
>I'd rather a company work on something that hasn't already been translated.

and thats why fan translations are killing the industry
>> No. 1023 [Edit]
Because we're running out of VNs that need to be translated?

Plus in this particular case Ever17 was translated commercially.
>> No. 1024 [Edit]
And the translator that was responsible for a fair bit of it has admitted it's a poor translation (It's Ryan Payton, if you're interested).

No one outside of MangaGamer or JAST are going to pick up any of the 18+ VNs that look interesting -- which is, for the most part, the majority of VNs.
>> No. 1025 [Edit]

That 3D model really is pig disgusting.
>> No. 1026 [Edit]
If you guys are interested in seeing this localized, help out the rest of us fans over at the Aksys forums!


As for if another release would be pointless... looking at the list of changes, I'm sure playing a remake will be worth it. Remember, over in Japan, they are also aware of the fact that they are selling a remake to a crowd that has likely played it already, so pretty sure 5pb has tricks up their sleeve to motivate such players to buy again.
>> No. 1027 [Edit]
I'd rather see a remake of R11 with an extra story route or something. Everyone who wanted to read E17 probably has and the end left little to expand upon.
>> No. 1028 [Edit]
>Everyone who wanted to read E17 probably has
Well I haven't. Been putting it off all the time because of its length, and I got into VNs only fairly recently anyway.
Then again, I don't even have a 360.
>> No. 1029 [Edit]
It's not that long. Shorter than F/SN, Clannad, or even Tsukihime. I finished it in a week, and I wasn't spending all my time playing it or anything.
>> No. 1031 [Edit]
PV. The re-recorded bit of Karma played at the end of the video sounds good.
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