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File 129585413932.jpg - (280.77KB , 801x599 , demo1.jpg )
937 No. 937 [Edit]
Quartett's English translation patch is out. I honestly have no idea what this VN's like, other than having a unique presentation and cute art, but here's a description from VNdb:

>On the 17th of March, there is a classical strings concert unlike any other in the world. Ninety-six young musicians, divided into twenty-four quartets perform before an audience of the world’s greatest conductors and instrumentalists. Only one group - a single quartet - is chosen form these performers. Success brings prestige beyond imagination and guaranteed entry into any orchestra on the planet. It is a once in a lifetime chance for those striving to perfect the art of music. The ultimate dream… and possibly the ultimate nightmare.

>> No. 938 [Edit]

I hope that they mean translation
>> No. 939 [Edit]
Played this awhile ago. The art, music, and presentation are all excellent. It's short so the story is on the shallow side, but the characters are instantly likable and make it really enjoyable to read.
>> No. 940 [Edit]
I just finished this tonight, and I agree. The presentation outshines the majority of VNs I've read. It's enjoyable enough for its short length, and the amount of music/CG in it is insane. There's really no reason not to read it, as you can blow through all the routes within 5 hours. It turned out to be unexpectedly a little dark for what seemed like a simple slice of life at first.

I'm curious about other Littlewitch titles now. I know they were a highly regarded dev while they were still around.
>> No. 942 [Edit]
Oh, and someone made a voice patch, apparently, if anyone is interested.

>> No. 943 [Edit]

Sweet! First I heard of this!!!
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