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File 136595031523.jpg - (83.09KB , 498x500 , fragezeichen_mädchen.jpg )
1754 No. 1754 [Edit]
Do gameplay eroge belong on this board or /vg/? If they belong here, consider this a gameplay eroge thread.
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>> No. 1755 [Edit]
one drop rule. one drop of eroge-aspects make it a VN.

Things like rance and Utawarerumono go here, correct.
>> No. 1756 [Edit]
File 136689827677.jpg - (141.99KB , 800x600 , penetration.jpg )
Five playthroughs and I still haven't gotten the Takeda recruited or their bonus unlocked. When will my time come?!
>> No. 1757 [Edit]
Just finished Yandere and Mashou no Nie. I can only recommend the latter, unless you can enjoy Yandere's "nothing but bad ends" and plot.
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