No. 1776
I don't mind drama that much, so long that it doesn't over weigh the escapism stuff. Actually thinking back Key Visual Novels have been my favorites so far because in terms of the common routes and date scenarios it excels at making fun, loveable good moments to escape into.
Moments like kick the can in Little Busters, or all the scenes in the clubroom with Rewrite, the campfire scene in Sharin no Kuni, running away with Rin in Little Busters, standing up for Kud against bullies (I have no idea why but I have some thing for protecting little girls against bullies) also even (Rewrite Moon Route minor spoilers) Creating the visual model of earth and recreating life for the fun of it with all the girls in moon route.
One of the main reasons Little Busters was so fucking sad is because by the time Refrain route came, you have such a strong emotional attachment with everyone and it feels like you are actually there, and like you lived the life of the protagonist. One reason the Clannad anime was so good because they divided the escapism fun stuff and the tragedy stuff into two seasons giving it that same 'I'm in this world' feeling that the VN had. One of the only VNs that has actually brought that level of escapism onto me was Little Busters, Rewrite also had some good moments like that. Canvas 2 so far is good, but there are still complaints that prevent me from having a good level of escapism. For, I picked Hana, I hate that the story is still concentrated on the sister and childhood friend with like 2 moments a day talking to Hana. While I love 'same thing every day' scenarios, this needs to be done right. Teacher wakes up, sister compliments food, goes to school, some drama shit with childhood friend, Hana having problems with the editor, go home, sister is unhappy about something or drama about her past, go to bed, maybe have a drama dream, repeat. I picked Hano so I could date her and have fun with her, not this. Also since I will admit that I fast forwarded/skipped to the H-scene at the end because I couldn't wait to fap, I could also see that her route is really fucking short even if the carnival date scene looks somewhat promising. Am I really the only one here with these feelings about VNs, or am I just horribly picky?
Post edited on 16th May 2013, 1:36pm