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File 138868323584.jpg - (22.46KB , 800x600 , the first vn i ever read.jpg )
1169 No. 1169 [Edit]
I know this board is mostly dead, but I was wondering, what are /tc/'s favorite VNs? Language doesn't matter.

Also wondering, are there any good VNs you all have read that don't emphasize romance/ero? I know I can look at vndb but I was looking for your opinion. Thanks!
>> No. 1170 [Edit]
> are there any good VNs you all have read that don't emphasize romance/ero?

all of the fantasy stuff sans alicesoft stuff.
Umineko, f/sn, s;g, muvluv, baldr sky, etc.
>> No. 1171 [Edit]
my favorite is Saya no Uta.
>> No. 1172 [Edit]
I'm not sure what to say about Narcissu except that it's important to me.
May Sky is a sweet little love story that doesn't use too many cheap tricks.
Katawa Shoujo is an almost embarrassingly earnest coming of age story. Most people who read VNs don't think too highly of it. I guess I just read it at the right time in my life.
>> No. 1799 [Edit]
I'd probably have to go with Utawarerumono and Kamidori as my favorites.
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