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File 140848056890.jpg - (529.57KB , 1280x750 , gyakuten-kenji-2-a.jpg )
1815 No. 1815 [Edit]
>> No. 1816 [Edit]
Now that I look through the board we didn't even have a thread for Gyakuten Saiban 5 so maybe there's not much of an interest in this but...

Some two months ago the entire English translation patch for Gyakuten Kenji 2 has been released. I stopped following the translation progress for a short while because it seemed slow and then bam, the entire patch is out and I missed it entirely.

Works fine for me, using both flashcard as well as an NDS emulator. No problems with anything so far (so saving/loading pretty much) but I'm just midway through Case 1. Translation looks pretty good. I'm not that fond of the new chess thing, though, mostly because it's time-based. As well as plain unneeded.
>> No. 1819 [Edit]
Took me a month but I finally finished it. It sounds almost as if it was a chore but it's the opposite - I enjoyed it a lot and thought it's one of the best entries in the entire franchise. I felt there's a bit too much hand holding this time around and Logic Chess were kinda annoying but it's a great VN nonetheless. I was reminded how great the music is in Gyakuten titles, too.

IS-7 Incident is of particular interest here. It's a case that has been namedropped countless of times in previous games (the one where Von Karma was found guilty of using fake evidence) and this time around you don't only learn what it's all about, you actually get to solve it. Great stuff.

I wanted to include a vid of either Lang or Kay theme (or the new Lang remix which is really great) but I found something else that has little to do with Gyakuten Kenji 2 but which will definitely be of interest to all Gyakuten fans. Makes me want to go buy a 3DS.
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