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File 152796676011.png - (192.48KB , 800x1200 , index.png )
519 No. 519 [Edit]
So, what's your current political standing? Find out:
Mine, pic related and:
>Additional characteristics (textless icon at the bottom):
>Pragmatism : politics objectively boil down to looking at where the problems are and trying to solve them according to the means available.
Expand all images
>> No. 520 [Edit]
don't click the link its malware
>> No. 521 [Edit]
Explain? Looks fine to me. No warnings from any safety sites either.
>> No. 522 [Edit]
File 152813606487.jpg - (193.33KB , 1920x1080 , politiscale.jpg )
You call yourself a hikineet?
>> No. 523 [Edit]
File 152813954277.png - (34.14KB , 281x683 , fags.png )
Pic are creators of politis.cales, probably datamining site.
Remember to use VPN, Tor, etc. Or don't participate.
>> No. 525 [Edit]
In an ideal world where normals aren't obnoxious mouthbreathers, leaving the house doesn't expose me to abrasiveness, meddling and selfish people, and work wasn't basically glorified slavery, yes, I wouldn't mind working. For now I'll ride the HikiNEET train as far as I can.
Fair enough. I don't have any "data" worth hiding, so can't say I care in exchange of the little fun I had taking the test.
>> No. 526 [Edit]
File 152829823054.jpg - (121.37KB , 564x798 , 1505036413173.jpg )
The only thing that'll change that is force.
I mean, it's not like care to change.
>> No. 527 [Edit]
This survey is just bad. The questions focus mostly on a black and white version of politics where only two opposing ideologies exist. I answered neutral to so many of the questions, and often some were just poorly written english that made no sense. Not even gonna post my results, because the thing is pointless and badly made.

Post edited on 7th Jun 2018, 3:42pm
>> No. 531 [Edit]
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There is this one, won't work if you're a filthy Commie though.
>> No. 539 [Edit]
File 153164570624.png - (211.13KB , 694x966 , 1gFTIO3.png )
Can't say this survey is particularily good. The questions can be hard to understand, and don't leave any detail for interpretation.

I think it's cool it seems to give you a flag and some descriptors based on your choices though. I wish other surveys did something like that.
>> No. 542 [Edit]
File 153167667299.png - (243.44KB , 851x997 , Screenshot at 2018-07-15 13-43-48.png )
I put only partially agree for every answer and got a frowney face flag.
>> No. 544 [Edit]
File 153196030918.png - (142.69KB , 558x716 , Screen Shot 2018-07-18 at 7_30_41 PM.png )
>> No. 545 [Edit]
this test said I'm alt right

I don't know if I'd necessarily use that label to describe myself though
>> No. 551 [Edit]
I wouldn't take it too seriously, it isn't a scientific test or nothing.
That said, the definition of alt-right changes quite fast being a new ideology.
>> No. 553 [Edit]
>the definition of alt-right changes quite fast being a new ideology.
That's because it was never a ideology too begin with. It was a made-up blanket term resurrected by Hillary Clinton's 2016 election campaign. It conflates MANY groups (that never liked or agreed with each other in the first place) into one. Of course fucking faggots like that cingelord Dicky Spencer or that Millennial Woes faggot allow their enemy's too define them playing right into their hands.
>> No. 559 [Edit]
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>> No. 565 [Edit]
I am apparently constructivist, rehabilitative justice oriented, progressive, and a whole lot less definitive answers. Not sure if I fully agree with this, as I would feel these answers need more nuance. Equality, humanity, work. Also pragmatism with mild hints of missionary.
>> No. 566 [Edit]
File 154605746057.png - (205.15KB , 800x1200 , political_opinion.png )
I got a pretty boring flag
>> No. 627 [Edit]
File 155414897843.png - (105.85KB , 517x748 , pol.png )
>Additional characteristics (textless icon at the bottom):
>Pragmatism : politics objectively boil down to looking at where the problems are and trying to solve them according to the means available.

Hmm, I see myself at least a little bit more nationalistic. At least the capitalism part is true.
>> No. 641 [Edit]
Anon, you deleted the thread but where are your results ?!
>> No. 642 [Edit]
File 156017367543.png - (191.17KB , 693x916 , 2019-06-10_08-30.png )
>This survey is just bad. The questions focus mostly on a black and white version of politics where only two opposing ideologies exist. I answered neutral to so many of the questions, and often some were just poorly written english that made no sense.
I agree, the absolute nature of many of the questions kind of ruined it.

For example, I am generally extremely pro-reformist and believe that revolution as a last-ditch effort, but I firmly believe that there is a point at which reform fails and revolution is required. By affirming this, I am considered to favor revolution, which is not the case.
>> No. 670 [Edit]
I tried taking this, but the questions were loaded and stupid.
>marriage should be abolished
When the real question should be:
>should the government be involved in marriage by providing tax incentives
>> No. 671 [Edit]
File 156645137810.png - (221.24KB , 800x1200 , eco-fash gang.png )
It's barely close to what I believe, but probably the closest there is. Eco-fash? Sorta.
>> No. 688 [Edit]
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>> No. 712 [Edit]
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>> No. 873 [Edit]
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>> No. 916 [Edit]
File 159868878446.png - (56.29KB , 528x532 , 2020-08-29_09-14.png )
did this one since the site for politiscales was down for me. I'd say I'm right-wing so it should have worked, would be interesting to see a leftist take it though, honestly.
>> No. 1125 [Edit]
File 161474468071.png - (37.08KB , 512x543 , fuck the alt right.png )
I don't get it, but maybe I misunderstand what the "alt-right" means. I definitely would not consider myself alt-right, and I tend to despise them for being more or less the same kind of people as modern leftists, but with an edgy pseudo-right-wing appearance instead. The description does indeed fit me, but my main belief boils down to the idea that homogeneous societies are good societies. This goes for imageboards and anything that is at risk of the culture being diluted. I would say I think race matters more than anything else and I would rather be in a modern industrial socialist country with ethnostate policies and limited social regulation than a country that was traditional in all things but race. Maybe that's where my problem lies because as far as most of the stuff in the questionnaire was concerned, I could go either way although I'll always be suspicious of ideas that came out of communism, any left-wing group of thought, and anything classically liberal and afterwards in general. But when it comes to race I've got a very solid idea. I think countries can self-moderate more or less regarding their other problems, as long as they first and foremost look at who exactly is in their country in the first place. In a similar vein I think imageboards can self-moderate very easily when women and obvious outsiders or facebookfags are outright removed on sight. In the modern world no country does this, race and immigration restrictions being the most weakly supported right-wing policies today.

Incidentally, I didn't see any options tailored to monarchism, I guess that's just seen as a joke by most people now.
>> No. 1126 [Edit]
I would also add that I have a special dislike for Richard Spencer.
>> No. 1127 [Edit]
Alt-right might be the answer given for people who give a lot of "contradictory" answers. Why do you care? Nothing will change.
>> No. 1128 [Edit]
That's what I figured it was to be honest. Why do I care? I don't fucking know. I don't know why I care when realistically nothing is going to stop globohomo.
>> No. 1129 [Edit]
I'm a monarchist. It's the best system by far, even Plato agrees(for what it's worth). The masses are ignorant and have been under the thumb of socialist propaganda for years now so of course they do not like it.

Oh, and Tolkien thought it the best system as well.

Post edited on 3rd Mar 2021, 6:26am
>> No. 1132 [Edit]
The problem with Monarchism is often royalty becomes figureheads and socialites at worst. I think Saudi Arabia is the only powerful country that does it right.
I'm not really into politics nor can I relate to most western politics that are discussed on the internet but im glad there are people following stuff outside of the cancerous modern right-left dichotomy.
>> No. 1133 [Edit]
Monarchism is stupid as hell. The inbred descendants of glorified war lords larping as either chosen by a deity or actually being a deity is not the best system. Especially when said "special beings" aren't even from your own country and were imported from Germany. Maybe you're conflating having a monarch with having a strong sense of national pride. For what's it worth, Diogenes agrees.

Post edited on 3rd Mar 2021, 7:11am
>> No. 1134 [Edit]
...I'm not sure if you knew this or not but using the inbred meme is kind of dumb for a number of reason. One being that it is massively overplayed and usually uses one guy in every case who was the exception and had very specific circumstances that lead up to that but second;y and more importantly, incest was common all over the world through all class anyway. Wow! Prince married a princess who is his second cousin but also has blood from completely unrelated peoples. Villages were interbreeding within cousins for hundreds of years, not only that but they were breeding within a very small gene pool, it's not like a royal who may have blood from England, Spain, Germany, France and Russia. They all had the blood of a village with a few hundred people.

Being descended form a warlord just proves that they are from breed from stock that rose to the top.
>> No. 1135 [Edit]
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The inbred meme is there just to make fun of those massively self-important people. Villages weren't plagued by people whose blood can't clot, and people in cities obviously had a larger pool of people especially later on, so I would say they were less inbred as a whole. Of course that's what you chose to make most of your post about instead of anything else I wrote.

In genetics, there's a phenomena called return to the mean, there's also epigentics. Basically, expecting the descendants of a war lord to be nearly as exceptional as their first member, if that first member was exceptional in the first place, is incorrect. Their environment is also quite different from their first members, tending to be much more leisurely and comfortable.

The assumption that what makes a good war lord, necessarily makes a good ruler in peaceful times, is also inaccurate and unfounded.

Meritocracy and secularism has led to most of the greatest leaps forward in technological progress.

Post edited on 3rd Mar 2021, 9:55am
>> No. 1136 [Edit]
>Meritocracy and secularism has led to most of the greatest leaps forward in technological progress.
Well, actually, that was war, nuclear weapons, and operation paperclip. Still a nice fantasy for neocons and other types of liberals I guess.
>> No. 1137 [Edit]
Human beings are nothing but filthy pigs and religion is a plague on society. Monarchy denies both of these truths and is the ideology of pretentious, larping foot lickers. Decadent, wasteful monarches and the families belong on a pike. Nobody is chosen by god to rule. Nobody has special blood or deserves familial titles. This is the self-respecting mindset. What kind of limp-wristed maggot wants to bow down to some fat, arrogant fuck just because of the cunt they crawled out of?
>> No. 1138 [Edit]
Even cities were not that diverse and still suffered the same issues.

>Of course that's what you chose to make most of your post about instead of anything else I wrote.

What other aspects to you post where there? Foreighn monarchs? Diogenes? Don't blame me for your poor post.

Regression to the mean is obviously based on what the mean even is and the mean for a royal or noble is not the mean of a nation as a whole, it's the mean of the other warlord descendants(plus some introduction from the more common people but even then, to get raised to nobility from common stock you have to be somewhat special).

>Their environment is also quite different from their first members, tending to be much more leisurely and comfortable.

Depends on the monarch and the era. Constitutional monarchs are not really monarchs.

>The assumption that what makes a good war lord, necessarily makes a good ruler in peaceful times, is also inaccurate and unfounded.

What makes a good warlord? What makes a good ruler in peaceful times?

>Meritocracy and secularism has led to most of the greatest leaps forward in technological progress.

Meritocracy exists within a monarch as well as does secularism. Technology builds on itself, it was always advancing now it is advancing at a faster rate simply due to the advancements already made. Also, many early scientific advances were made by members of the church anyway.

Religion gives humans morals in the hope of raising them above pigs. Without morals we are no better than animals, we are pigs. Monarchism doesn't deny this but accepts it. 'The greatest argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter' said Winston Churchill, why then give these people a say in the administration of the nation? I see that the socialist propaganda has gotten to you fairly well.
>> No. 1139 [Edit]
Okay, footlicker. You belong on a field slaving away for your lord and wasting your leisure time in church. You don't deserve freedom of thought.
>> No. 1140 [Edit]
What is that even supposed to mean? What you think you are not a boot licker either, that your vote actually matters and that you are not being run by oligarchs? Do you actually have an argument or are you just going to sling insults and compare your poor understanding of medieval society to modern society? Slaving away on a field? You can only plant once a year and harvest once a year, peasants of the Teutonic order had to give a week a year of labour to their lord. A week. And another thing, if a peasant was injured the lord was obliged to look after him even if he could not work and would never be able to work again. We have better technology now(naturally) leading to more industries and in theory leading to an easier life but we are slaves to corporate overlords that do not care about us in the slightest nor do our democratic governments even care to stop them. I live in a first world country where it is common for industries to demand 12 hour shifts, not only that but they demand these shifts to be on a rotating roster, they demand that you be unable to keep a sleeping pattern even though we know damn well how important that is to health. There isn't even a reason for it, our governments just could not care less and we lack a central authority to stop it(even the Kaiser made attempts to bring Europe together to improve workers rights).
>> No. 1141 [Edit]
Whoa there buddy, calm down. I just was pointing out that your ideas about technology are basically wrong. I didn't say monarchies had anything to do with it, but I don't think you can attribute it to secularism either. No government, backwards or otherwise, will ignore the call to advancement that war brings, and pretty much everything we ever developed was because we needed to kill better than the other guys. If you really want to discuss monarchy though, this was already covered by Plato, and basically, you're fucking retarded and full of half-understood ideals fed to you by a system who benefits greatly from having a populous who prefers having their life decided for them by bob and joe down the street, or more precisely, bob and joes banker. Not that monarchy is going to be any better inherently, but if you think you're free because the mob decides what happens to you instead of an arguably more educated lord, you're pretty fucking stupid and clearly haven't thought about government at all beyond what makes you feel good in your head.
>> No. 1142 [Edit]
File 161483074750.png - (505.13KB , 650x750 , ZZY 0019.png )
>>1140 Here again. Adding to this subject in more detail.

But anyway, that post touches on it but not really. The problem with using the middle ages as a reference is that they are the middle ages, you cannot really compare the working conditions or whatever of somebody in that era to now or to monarchism, the example I mentioned myself was of the Teutonic order, a Theocracy not a monarchy but the way life of the common peasant was largely the same as were most laws and rules(though tournaments were banned) it's nothing to do with the government but the times, you could find republics that had similar laws as well. So it's interesting but not so relevant.

So anyway. The problems with democracy are many. Really it's a competition between two parties of oligarchs, you will find that politicians either are businessman, were businessman, have close relations with businessman or rely on businessman. Therefore the manner in which the country is run is to the benefit of big business. That is the overall theme. Within that you have two competing parties of the aforementioned that are trying to both appease business(or themselves) and tell sweet lies to the masses in order to get them to vote for them(or get in bed with the media and have them do it). The common person has no right to impact politics, he has no knowledge in it and is often misled and even then, his vote only choses which oligarchical party gets in power and maybe what social policies get enacted in order to appease the masses(such as gay marriage). Another issue with democracy is the short term nature of it, a democracy struggles in enacting long term plans. Long term plans don't win votes, a government elected now can't boast about the completion of a goal that is completed in 20 years, in fact his opposition may get that right. The other issue is the instability of it, even if the government did enact a long term plan, the head of sate generally has a fixed term anyway and his successor may not have the same views on the pan as he did, particularity if he comes form another party. Democracy also lacks the direct control over the nation that authoritarianisms does, often if a democratic government wants to change something the tools at their disposal are very limited. The last two reason are why China has been able to grow so rapidly, Chinese foreign and internal policy is often quite bad but they are able to create and complete long term goals and they are able to directly get the nation to follow the course they want it to(that and the limited tools, short term nature and oligarchical influence of the west limit their ability to combat it).

Authoritarianism(in a non-monarchist form) lacks many of the above but is still not ideal. It falls victim to much internal politics and the head of state is often not so much competent as well connected(democracy has this issue too). A good example would be the Nazi party, the successor to Hitler was planned to be Goering. Another issue is that they are not bred to rule, a monarch is raised from birth with the intention that he will be monarch, he learns that skillset through his whole life.

Often when a monarch was poor historically it was because he was not meant to be monarch. Which leads to another point. In the event of a poor monarch the sate and people have much more inclination to remove him, just look at the US. A vast mass of the nation hated the old President and now hates the new one, what are they going to do about it? Nothing. There is nothing they can do, they can only wait for the next election and hope to win, they are given the illusion of impact and therefore are content to do nothing. In a monarchy poor governance leads to direct intervention, either the nobles get together and force you to sign the Magna carta or the nobles and/or peasants have you removed and executed, the nation has more power in removing a poor monarch. Not only this but the health of the nation and the competence of the ruler directly impacts the ruler himself. If the nation prospers, he prospers. If the nation does poorly, he does poorly, it is his nation. Unlike in a democracy, if the Monarch is removed he can't just fly to Florida and relax in his mansion, if the monarch is removed he is likely to have his land confiscated along with his head removed.
>> No. 1143 [Edit]
You are both pretentious, ungrateful foot lickers who don't understand the inherent restrictions caused by a monarchy. Our society having problems in no way supports the idea of returning to a superstitious, decadent antiquated system. Do you SERIOUSLY think "peasants" would be able to revolt against a monarchy in this day and age where the military has tanks and machine guns? Today, everybody in the first world has access to information and education. Some children from a specific family being "specially tutored" because of their parents would not in fact necessarily make them more qualified to control society.

We may not have control over our environment, but at least we're free to openly hate and despise our leaders and shout down the street how much we hate them. You would not a be a king. In your pretentious little heads you see yourself as royalty, or nobility, but you wouldn't be. In this place, the most greedy and conniving succeed. Their family does not limit them. This is an improvement. There's a reason the industrial revolution eventually led to so many nobles going bankrupt. They weren't special to begin with.

Fuck the king. Cut off his head and rape his daughter and then kill her too. Fuck them and their regalia and heirlooms and titles and everything else.

Plato was wrong about a lot of things. Don't name drop plato like a pretentious dick head. Somebody should be able to lead or do anything they want regardless of their family. Nothing should be guaranteed because of their family. We haven't reached this ideal, but we've gotten closer. Not fucking complicated and only a foot licker would want to go backwards.

Post edited on 3rd Mar 2021, 8:42pm
>> No. 1144 [Edit]
>You are both pretentious, ungrateful foot lickers who don't understand the inherent restrictions caused by a monarchy.

Aren't you the biggest foot licker here though? You just mindlessly abuse others to support your own love of whatever ideology you have.

>Do you SERIOUSLY think "peasants" would be able to revolt against a monarchy in this day and age where the military has tanks and machine guns?

Well that is the thing, the nobility would be in control of that and they certainly could. Even peasants alone could cause issues enough that monarch had to act. They don;t have to overthrow the nation.

>Today, everybody in the first world has access to information and education. Some children from a specific family being "specially tutored" because of their parents would not in fact necessarily make them more qualified to control society.

And look how that works. Would you say that everybody is informed and educated then? Seeing as they all have access to information and education. You cant go to uni and study to be a ruler anyway, and even if you could that still would only prepare you from adult hood, not birth.

>We may not have control over our environment, but at least we're free to openly hate and despise our leaders and shout down the street how much we hate them.

And there is no reason why the same could not be true in a monarchy.

>You would not a be a king. In your pretentious little heads you see yourself as royalty, or nobility, but you wouldn't be.

I never said I would, you would not be president either.

>In this place, the most greedy and conniving succeed. Their family does not limit them. This is an improvement.

Well their family does and the greedy and conniving succeeding and running the nation is far form an improvement.

>There's a reason the industrial revolution eventually led to so many nobles going bankrupt. They weren't special to begin with.

Well no, many nobles did quite well out of it. The reason nobles don't frequently end up on the forbes rich list is because they are so rich, so well established that they don;t need to be a part of something so visible and misleading as company management. I say misleading because the wealth of CEOs like Jeff or Musk is based on an illusion really, sure they are rich but the vast amount of his worth comes form the worth of the company and the worth of the company on the stock market.

>Fuck the king. Cut off his head and rape his daughter and then kill her too. Fuck them and their regalia and heirlooms and titles and everything else.

...Do try to act like a grown up.

>Plato was wrong about a lot of things. Don't name drop plato like a pretentious dick head.

Didn't you name drop Diogenes? Anyway I was more doing it as a joke to make fun of the fact that people put so much stock into the opinions of people like that. Sorry if you didn't get it, it was not very good.

>Somebody should be able to lead or do anything they want regardless of their family. Nothing should be guaranteed because of their family. We haven't reached this ideal, but we've gotten closer. Not fucking complicated and only a foot licker would want to go backwards.

Monarchism doesn't affect that at all, you are not going to be the president and you never could.

Post edited on 3rd Mar 2021, 9:01pm
>> No. 1145 [Edit]
Also, I find it funny that you call humans pigs and yet you make the most revolting, mindless and base posts in this discussion. If anybody here is a pig it's you.
>> No. 1146 [Edit]
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You can't separate monarchism from the way it manifested in real life. Monarchism is characterized by the monarchies that actually existed and nothing else. So every time you say "monarchies don't have to do with that", you're ignoring reality. Monarchism is inherently tied to feudalism, theocracy and a restriction of free speech. Those things fuel a monarchy.

Every time somebody from a poor family ends up successful later in life, a doctor or magistrate, that alone makes getting rid of monarchism and by extension feudalism worth it. Every time somebody is able to express them self in a way that conflicts with Christian values, that alone makes secularism worth it.

The idea of revering and referring to somebody by a title they got just because of their family infuriates me. The idea of somebody getting a position just because of their family infuriates me. The idea of a human pig strutting around and claiming they were chosen by god and having to accept it infuriates me. You want to lick and kiss the feet of a human pig with a crown on their head. You think that's oh so sophisticated of you. It makes me sick. Human beings don't deserve anything like that.

All humans are pigs. It doesn't matter how eloquent you try to come across or how much history trivia you know or what family you come from.

Post edited on 3rd Mar 2021, 9:22pm
>> No. 1147 [Edit]
Well you can as you must understand the context it existed in, a completely different context and environment than that of today(many issues you might have with a monarchy were not solely an issue with that monarch in question but also with republics and such of the era).

>Monarchism is inherently tied to feudalism, theocracy and a restriction of free speech. Those things fuel a monarchy.

And again, one could level that accusation toward Venice or the Teutonic order as well, both not being monarchies. Hell you could level it at the democracies of today.

>Every time somebody from a poor family ends up successful later in life, a doctor or magistrate, that alone makes getting rid of monarchism and by extension feudalism worth it.

It happened commonly enough back then as well, not that it is ever common then or now.

>Every time somebody is able to express them self in a way that conflicts with Christian values, that alone makes secularism worth it.

Which again, they often id back then but again you are talking of a different time and context. Back then we lacked the understating of the world we do now so of course religion is going to be taken much more seriously.

>The idea of revering and referring to somebody by a title they got just because of their family infuriates me. The idea of somebody getting a position just because of their family infuriates me.

Well they are just feelings, the idea of being run by a country of suits and oligarchs and the votes of the masses(the most pig like of pigs) infuriates me.

>You want to lick and kiss the feet of a human pig with a crown on their head. You think that's oh so sophisticated of you. It makes me sick. Human beings don't deserve anything like that.

What, they don't deserve a nation run by those that are above pigs? Instead we should be run by the masses, the most base and pig like of all. I would think that if you hated these pig people so much you would both not act like them(which to be fair this post was better) and not want them having such sway over government and over you. Instead you want to lick and kiss the feet of the most pig like.

At the lowest and most natural level yes we are pigs but the idea is to try and rise above that not to accept it and wallow in filth.

Post edited on 3rd Mar 2021, 9:36pm
>> No. 1148 [Edit]
There's no reason to think things would better with a monarchy then. Why wouldn't them and their nobles adopt the same ideas as leaders in the current system if "context" is the only thing that matters? The current pope is a good example of that sort of thing. Saudi Arabia, which somebody else mentioned as a monarchy with a "traditional" mindset, is an Islamic theocracy. That's their context and I don't want any of it.

With suits, oligarchs and the masses there's no or at least way less pretenses and grandeur. I would rather everything go to hell because of collective stupidity or the greed of a few shadowy figures than have to kiss up to another person and look up to them. People never deserve to be revered.
>> No. 1149 [Edit]
Being self-hating about your species is a new one.
>> No. 1150 [Edit]
>There's no reason to think things would better with a monarchy then. Why wouldn't them and their nobles adopt the same ideas as leaders in the current system if "context" is the only thing that matters? The current pope is a good example of that sort of thing. Saudi Arabia, which somebody else mentioned as a monarchy with a "traditional" mindset, is an Islamic theocracy. That's their context and I don't want any of it.

That would still be preferable for the other reasons I mentioned, they would still have a stable government able to enact long term plans and that was not subject to the whims of ignorant masses. Many of the worst policies are being enacted for the masses which would not be an issue in a state that doesn't need votes. They would still be connected to business as well but as they would have their own stable assets and income and would not rely on appeasing big business to stop them pulling funding for their political campaign or launching media campaigns against them it would not be as necessary.

Looking at the Saudis the monarchy has nothing to do with it, there are plenty of Islamic theocracies that lack monarchs such as Iran, Indonesia or even previously Afghanistan(though the US ended that). It would be that way regardless(well maybe, if it was more fragmented and vulnerable the US probably would have invaded it and put up a puppet regime).

Grandeur isn't a bad thing. Nobody goes to Dubai to look at their flat deserts and the housing of the common folk, they go to look at the tallest building in the world. likewise the Queen is a huge asset to the way the UK is viewed and also brings much tourism and soft power. The UK without a monarch would be bland and lifeless even though she doesn't do all that much. Merely because she is head of state the UK is viewed in a completely different way by the average person. Nobody says you have to kiss up to monarchs or even look up to them either(or that you don't have to do such things in non monarchist states).
>> No. 1151 [Edit]
Your whole premise assumes a monarchy would be stable, the rulers would be competent and the government would have "enough" of its own assets to not be swayed by corporations, also assuming they wouldn't try to amass more wealth if they can. Any society would be good under these circumstances. There has been many cases of unstable, awful monarchies where one or more of these weren't the case. The noble system as a check of power is no more reliable and working in the people's interest than having a million competing government agencies. At least you have to pay off more people in the latter case.

The assumption that a person can be "bred to rule" is unfounded. Lenin wouldn't have been miles superior as a leader than Nicholas II if that was the case. The assumption that a person who was treated specially their whole life and disconnected from average people would be a better leader is unfounded. Restricting people for these unfounded assumptions is not worth it. Grandeur is a bad thing when its hogged by individuals and their family. Grandeur should be shared by society.

If you want a non-democratic system, come up with something new. Raising child geniuses to lead, Genetically modified leaders, computer ai, something new. Monarchy is old, filled with antiquated, nonsensical baggage, and should stay dead.

Post edited on 3rd Mar 2021, 11:16pm
>> No. 1152 [Edit]
>Your whole premise assumes a monarchy would be stable, the rulers would be competent

They generally are stable and competent particularly if raised well.

>and the government would have "enough" of its own assets to not be swayed by corporations, also assuming they wouldn't try to amass more wealth if they can.

Well again, for the reasons I mentioned already even if they were the same they would still be less mailable as they would not be subject to big business for election. And then there is the culture and raising of the nobles themselves, the thing about businessman and politicians is that they are raised in a getting money is everything environment to begin with. They are businessmen.

>Any society would be good under these circumstances.

Not really, even under those circumstances, again for the reasons I mentioned.

>There has been many cases of unstable, awful monarchies where one or more of these weren't the case.

Of course, most of our history was monarch controlled(which is stability in itself) there would always be bad ones. Generally this wasn't the norm and when it was the monarch in question was not meant to lead and was often removed.

>The noble system as a check of power is no more reliable and working in the people's interest than having a million competing government agencies. At least you have to pay off more people in the latter case.

Not really, you don't. You pay of the president and that is all you need, or if you would like to go down the chain you pay of the minister of environmental planning and you have your mine etc.

>The assumption that a person can be "bred to rule" is unfounded.

Well they did a fairly good job historically and often(usually) when a peasant or whatever has become a ruler it has gone terribly most of the time.

>Lenin wouldn't have been miles superior as a leader than Nicholas II if that was the case.

Was he actually though? And where did that lead in the end?

>The assumption that a person who was treated specially their whole life and disconnected from average people would be a better leader is unfounded.

Well again, it's not unfounded as it has historically been the case. What usually happens when a peasant comes to power is they manage the nation terribly and fill the administration with their own supporters. Even if a good ruler existed, the chances are that he will hand power on to the biggest sycophant.

>Restricting people for these unfounded assumptions is not worth it.

They are not really restricted. How many people become president? One out of 200 million or so? You are restricting one in 200 million people.

>Grandeur is a bad thing when its hogged by individuals and their family. Grandeur should be shared by society.

And it is, how many people visit Buckingham palace a year do you think? Or saw the coronation of the Queen? And you don't think the politicians aren't doing anything grandiose behind closed doors?

>If you want a non-democratic system, come up with something new. Raising child geniuses to lead, Genetically modified leaders, computer ai, something new. Monarchy is old, filled with antiquated, nonsensical baggage, and should stay dead.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel.

>Raising child geniuses to lead

Yes, and intelligence has been shown to collaborate with genetics and environment, so that goes back to monarchism. Have a smart king, he will pick a good wife and he will raise his child in a good environment and prepare him to rule.

Otherwise you end up in a situation where the child is a pawn for political games.

>Genetically modified leaders

That's the same as above just with the king genetically modifying his child.

>computer ai

AI is incredibly flawed and will probably never reach the point where it can act as a human would. Even if it did, an unusual situation that it's programming could not deal with would throw it off completely and instead of a child being a pawn it would be the AI that would be the pawn of whoever programmed and maintained it. And it could be hacked.
>> No. 1153 [Edit]
Who makes sure they're raised well? Nicholas II wasn't. Where were the nobles to do something about that? Ivan the Terrible wasn't raised great. Neither was Vlad the Impaler. When things do go wrong, it sure has taken a lot of death before things get corrected.

>they would still be less mailable
No. And nobles at certain points have been raised to lead a leisurely lifestyle, perform glorified errands for the king like in Versailles and collect money from their serfs. You're also assuming they wouldn't genuinely agree with liberal ideas and act accordingly(destroy the middle class). See current pope.

>You pay of the president and that is all you need
You vastly overestimate how powerful the president is.

>And where did that lead in the end?
It doesn't matter. As a leader he was vastly better. Nicholas II wouldn't have been able to accomplish the same thing. Lenin wasn't trained to rule and he didn't come from a family of rulers, yet he beat somebody who did.

>when a peasant or whatever has become a ruler it has gone terribly most of the time
You flip flop constantly between saying things associated with monarchies depend on the context of the times like theocracy and freedom of speech restriction and being forced to revere the monarch, or constant factors like royalty being smarter than "commoners", depending on what's convenient. The US has had good presidents, some of which grew up in an average environment.

>behind closed doors
I don't care what they do behind closed doors. Royalty thrives on public displays of their special, non-taxable wealth. Public Grandeur means open to public use buildings. Not people's living quarters. Moscow's marble metro is an example.

>intelligence has been shown to collaborate with genetics and environment
Neither of which "go back" to monarchism. Prince Harry and Charles are idiots. And they're ugly. Plenty of super rich business men have idiot children too. Lots of silicon valley people are far richer than their parents on the other hand.

>There is no need to reinvent the wheel.
Monarchy isn't the wheel. Hunter-gatherer societies are the wheel. How about a magnet train instead? Where would you even find new kings? Try to trace the lineage to whoever is the closest living relatives of dead royalty? That is so stupid and arbitrary. Stop larping. I am so fucking glad there is no monarchy where I live and am embarrassed on your behalf. My eternal gratitude goes out to all those great men who committed regicide. I have no choice but to be "base" because getting through your thick, footlicker skull is impossible.

Post edited on 4th Mar 2021, 12:48am
>> No. 1154 [Edit]
Ivan and Vlad both achieved a lot actually.

>No. And nobles at certain points have been raised to lead a leisurely lifestyle, perform glorified errands for the king like in Versailles and collect money from their serfs.

They do but there are factors underlying that it is not the rule. Even so, once that occurred the were removed. Well kind of, there are currently more nobles in France now than there were even before the revolution.

>It doesn't matter. As a leader he was vastly better. Nicholas II wouldn't have been able to accomplish the same thing. Lenin wasn't trained to rule and he didn't come from a family of rulers, yet he beat somebody who did.

How is it meant to be difficult to use a populist movement to overthrow a nation that has very nearly lost the war it is fighting way? And it does matter.

>You flip flop constantly between saying things associated with monarchies depend on the context of the times like theocracy and freedom of speech restriction and being forced to revere the monarch, or constant factors like royalty being smarter than "commoners", depending on what's convenient. The US has had good presidents, some of which grew up in an average environment.

It's not a flip flop it's an easy to establish truth. Intelligence is largely genetic and environmental, nobles are raised in better environments and come form better stock. That context remains the same.

>I don't care what they do behind closed doors. Royalty thrives on public displays of their special, non-taxable wealth. Public Grandeur means open to public use buildings. Not people's living quarters. Moscow's marble metro is an example.

So you don't care if they waste the money in private but if they use the money to build a marble metro then you have a problem? I already addressed that anyway. Although 'Grandeur is a bad thing when its hogged by individuals and their family. Grandeur should be shared by society.' Isn't that literally what you are describing as being a bad thing? And you accuse me of flip flopping.

>Neither of which "go back" to monarchism. Prince Harry and Charles are idiots. And they're ugly.

Well one thing I would not say they are either stupid or ugly(even if I don't agree with what they do) and of course the elephant in the room here is that there mother was a commoner.

>Plenty of super rich business men have idiot children too. Lots of silicon valley people are far richer than their parents on the other hand.

It often depend son how they achieved their wealth. Poor people that become wealthy often have idiot children, well they are common and still raised in a common environment.

>Monarchy isn't the wheel.

It's an expression, I would have you had heard of it before.

>Where would you even find new kings? Try to trace the lineage to whoever is the closest living relatives of dead royalty? That is so stupid and arbitrary.

This is an issue but it's not an issue with the system itself(well in a way maybe it is, in the sense that it's not as difficult to remove a monarchy as to reinstate one).

>Stop larping.
>Fuck the king. Cut off his head and rape his daughter and then kill her too. Fuck them and their regalia and heirlooms and titles and everything else.
>My eternal gratitude goes out to all those great men who committed regicide.
>Human beings are nothing but filthy pigs and religion is a plague on society. Monarchy denies both of these truths and is the ideology of pretentious, larping foot lickers. Decadent, wasteful monarches and the families belong on a pike. Nobody is chosen by god to rule. Nobody has special blood or deserves familial titles. This is the self-respecting mindset. What kind of limp-wristed maggot wants to bow down to some fat, arrogant fuck just because of the cunt they crawled out of?

....Explain to me how it's me that is larping here?

>I have no choice but to be "base" because getting through your thick, footlicker skull is impossible.

For a simpleton like you it would be.
>> No. 1155 [Edit]
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Your ideology is based on an an extremely idealistic, fantasy, "modern" version of monarchy and is dependent on your lack of understanding of genetics and cultural change. You've misinterpreted things I've said or have too many misconceptions for me to laboriously explain each one. "I am a monarchist" is a euphemism for "I am a pretentious idiot".

Me shitposting to offend your "refined sensibilities" and demonstrate the freedom people have today is different from having an incredibly stupid and impractical fantasy ideology. Next you'll say "well there could be internet in a monarchy". Okay, look at China, Iran and Saudi Arabia then dumb ass. You've tried convincing me that something works well in your magic version of reality. I'm a magicist. The world would be perfect if magic existed and wizards controlled everything.

Post edited on 4th Mar 2021, 7:51am
>> No. 1156 [Edit]
>Do you SERIOUSLY think "peasants" would be able to revolt against a monarchy in this day and age where the military has tanks and machine guns?
So you think you can do that against your rulers right now? Really? I hope you realize that the narrative of the "peoples revolt" is largely a lie and that in reality what happens is a military coup drums up support from the populace so that one of the established powers can fuck over the other ones.
>You would not a be a king.
No shit? Why would I want to be a king?
>Fuck the king. Cut off his head and rape his daughter and then kill her too. Fuck them and their regalia and heirlooms and titles and everything else.
Ah, what a charming person. See revolting shit like this is exactly why I'd rather have a king rule me than the guy down the street. Time and time again the average person has proven themselves to be a disgusting, base individual who cares so little for anything other than his most primitive desires or revenge and freedom that you'd be better off under the worst tyrant.

Uh, I mean, don't tell me you really believe that "all men are equal" bullshit right? It's so obvious that all men are NOT equal, and by the way regents exist for a lot of the problems you've described. I think it's pretty funny that you have this idea in your head of monarchs being some kind of crazy tyrant king who forces everyone to go back to the stone age. You do realize that the gun was invented during the middle ages right?
>> No. 1157 [Edit]
I will die on the hill that most people are into extremist philosophies because they like the aesthetics and talk themselves into the rest.
>> No. 1158 [Edit]
It's not, I have explained it and you have failed to provide an adequate argument to what you even attempted an argument at while still ignoring large parts of it. Now you are completely resorting to Ad hominem attacks in lieu of an argument.

I don't know if you know this but China and Iran are not monarchies, have not been for some time now actually. And again, context is everything. Asian was never as free as Europe was, monarch or no monarch. Though communism has not helped and it is likely they would have a more free system of internet under the emperor. Also it's not like the west is doing so great with Internet freedom now, it's only getting worse too.
>> No. 1159 [Edit]
I wrote out some shit about my political views but I doubt most of you know or care about desi politics
>> No. 1160 [Edit]
>Lenin wouldn't have been miles superior as a leader than Nicholas II if that was the case.
Oh no
I'm sorry I replied earlier, if I'd read this I just wouldn't have bothered
>> No. 1161 [Edit]
There's nothing extreme about things that were normal for the vast, vast majority of human history like openly preferring your own ethnicity, supporting your own country or government over others in a pre-nationalist way, I mean most of the things called "extreme" now are just ideas that were declared ideological heresy after the classical liberal cultural revolution. Which, incidentally, is as extreme and unfounded as anything else, it just happens to be the ideology you grew up in and were taught from birth. Not that it doesn't make sense to prefer what you're used to, but the only real "extreme" ideologies would be something retarded like NazBols that has no basis in reality. Keep in mind that fascism had a tendency to greatly improve countries economically and lowered crime and unemployment, until they ended up in a world war and were excommunicated from what people were allowed to believe. So it is a valid political theory and isn't just some retarded shit to look cool and wear fancy uniforms, even if you do fundamentally disagree with it you have to admit this.
>> No. 1162 [Edit]
>So you think you can do that against your rulers right now?
The same old "what about now" bs I already addressed.

>don't tell me you really believe that "all men are equal" bullshit right
What I don't believe is that a singular family or handful of families chosen by arbitrary means can be vastly superior to everybody around them who is genetically almost the same, certainly not enough to give them and their descendants power. Certainly not enough for pointless theatrics celebrating their greatness. Monarchy is the dumbest solution to accounting for variable human ability.

"but China and Iran are not monarchies" this one line demonstrates why talking to you is pointless. You can't make connections in your head. You're incapable of it. You never think about the why. You just take things for granted like the west being inherently "more free" than Asia, which I would disagree with. Being more individualistic culturally to some extent does not equal more free. The west is getting worse in that respect because it's abandoning certain ideals that are incompatible with monarchy.
>> No. 1163 [Edit]
The west is a monarchy, they are ruled by the Blue Checkmark Dynasty
>> No. 1164 [Edit]
I don't think you addressed anything with any argument of substance besides repeating the same tired, pretentious phrasing used by every would-be revolutionary. I guess you must be having a lot of fun getting to pretend that you're some freedom fighter against evil tyrants on an anonymous imageboard. You had almost no arguments aside from ridiculous caricatures of what you think a monarchy is, most likely taken from fictional depictions made for children, supplemented by propaganda spiels mish-mashed together from a variety of different revolutionary speeches and then butchered by time and pop-culture.
>> No. 1165 [Edit]
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Well that's the "context" that I live in. Every revolutionary was inspired by the culture around them, which is the same process you call "butchering", another demonstration of your lack of understanding of how culture changes. People have ignored a lot of my arguments too. Considering the system you want to revive despite the impracticality of it,
>where would you even find new kings
which ignoring everything else, should be enough of deterrent to you being a "monarchist", I'm glad that you're unhappy with the way things are. Substance =/= pretending things are facts which aren't actually facts like monarches being genetically superior to everyone else or inherently more capable rulers despite all the evidence I've presented to the contrary. Kill the king, and rape his daughter, and then kill her too.
>> No. 1166 [Edit]
>People have ignored a lot of my arguments too.
You haven't made a single argument. There are plenty of valid arguments against monarchy, but all you've done is pretty much just make up some fantasy to fight against in your head. If we're going to actually TALK about politics, I want to hear criticism of a monarchies effectiveness to manage the banking system, law enforcement, tariffs, immigration, etc. You seem to be under the impression that every monarchy is some god-emperor authoritarian dictatorship, a pretty silly idea at best. Most Monarchs were restricted by the local lords, joint-ruler arrangements like Egypt or Rome, and in a lot of ways acted more like a hereditary presidential position than the fantasy you allude to. All things said and done, whether it's a king, lords, a parliament, or a council, the actual quality of the leadership and management of a country is not improved by democracy. The possibility to change major laws and aspects of the government at any time is incredibly weak for long term stability, and is only really useful during massive expansion periods. Even then, historically the military bears the brunt of the work in expansion regardless of the system of government. And this idea that it somehow makes you more "free" to have decisions made by a popular vote rather than individual leaders is an illusion. You are no more free when decisions are made by the mob than when they are made by a prime minister or a lord or whoever. You still are ruled by a government of law and order, and decisions can still be made against you and entirely without your consent. As long as two people live in the same universe, no one will ever be truly "free" in the autistic sense that libertarian minded people think of freedom. Taken to its logical conclusion, freedom as the highest ideal is just stupid. Your own freedom is determined by how much actual power and control you take over your own life. This is completely independent from what system of government you live under. If the "democratic" government decided tomorrow that you were a danger to the social order and needed to be removed, there is nothing you could do about it aside from staging an ineffective and ultimately futile last stand. And that decision could very well be made by a vote of the people of the country. Would you gladly acquiesce because the people curbing your agency you were "the people" rather than a king? Of course that is also a pretty ridiculous scenario, but still on a daily basis you make concessions in every aspect of life to the rulership of "the people".

Again there are a lot of actual criticisms against monarchy as a form of government. Emotional revolutionary platitudes are not one of them.
>> No. 1167 [Edit]
You didn't mention any of those things when trying to support monarchy. Everything you said in support of monarchy was incorrect gibberish and idealistic fantasizing that ignores reality and real life examples. Your idealism, like monarchs being geniuses with better moral character or whatever, is worse than my idealism.
>This is completely independent from what system of government you live under
mmmhhhhhmmmmm, yeah, in your fantasy version of reality where the government system is disconnected from culture. Where really everything is disconnected from each other unless you want it to be connected.
>> No. 1168 [Edit]
>"but China and Iran are not monarchies" this one line demonstrates why talking to you is pointless. You can't make connections in your head. You're incapable of it. You never think about the why.

It's you that is unable you do what you describe though... And also haven't I already addressed it before? Why Yes I think I have >>1142

I can add more to it though. Communist China is still on paper a populist Government, it has to justify everything it does as being for the people whilst hiding the issues I mentioned before it has more inclination to restrict the internet to begin with but added to that is the fact it is a communist nation. You attacked me for not making connections but maybe you should look up communism, their ideology and implementation and try to make some connections yourself? Communism always did try to have more control over the life of the average citizen. As for Iran(and the Saudis) again, I already mentioned it(which I am frequently having to say with you). Again, you attack me for not making connections but you lack the ability to make even basic ones like China and communism or Saudis and Wahhabism. Don't you maybe think that Communism and Wahhabism(plus the Iranian Islamic school of though) might impact the way they are run? Regardless of weather or not they have a monarch or not? Again, it's context.
>> No. 1169 [Edit]
China is communist on paper only. In fact, there has never been a communist nation. The Soviet Union was self-described as having "advanced socialism". "True communism" is completely impossible in real life. China is in actuality fascist. Wahhabism supports the monarchy in Saudi Arabia culturally, just as Christianity supported European monarchs. The current western culture in no way supports monarchy. If you could make the connection between government style and supporting/resulting culture, I wouldn't have to explain something so basic to you. Monarchy that isn't supported by the culture around it only exists in your fantasy version of reality. You can't fit monarchy in our "context" anymore than you can fit sex slaves harems.

Post edited on 4th Mar 2021, 5:43pm
>> No. 1170 [Edit]
Sure but you have to agree that whether they are true communist or not they do share similarities in how they behave.

>Wahhabism supports the monarchy in Saudi Arabia culturally, just as Christianity supported European monarchs

Well it's a state that follows it and allows it to thrive, why would they not support it?

The relations between Christianity and European monarchs is nowhere near so clear cut and nice as you make it to be, they were frequently in competition with each other. The HRE and Catholic Church were almost always hostile to each other or even outright at war, then of course we have the wars of reformation where many northern monarchs decided they had had enough of the Catholic church altogether.

>The current western culture in no way supports monarchy. If you could make the connection between government style and supporting/resulting culture, I wouldn't have to explain something so basic to you. Monarchy that isn't supported by the culture around it only exists in your fantasy version of reality. You can't fit monarchy in our "context" anymore than you can fit sex slaves harems.

That's not a fault of the system of government now is it? Or are you going to say that because Democracy will not work in current China that it is flawed too? You have to change the context but for the introduction of ANY radical new government you would have to do that anyway. Most of these radical changes come about as a result of huge wars. It is possible to implement it softly but that would take far longer and involve reversing decades of Hollywood propaganda. But the masses can be swayed to any view given enough time and effort.
>> No. 1171 [Edit]
My point was that I don't want to live in the kind of culture where a monarchy would work. That's not a desirable goal. Conflicts between the church and royalty does nothing to undermine my point. European royalty depended on religion being part of the culture. We've already been through this, and you denied it the first time, because you failed to recognize the connection between these things.

Post edited on 4th Mar 2021, 6:23pm
>> No. 1172 [Edit]
>My point was that I don't want to live in the kind of culture where a monarchy would work.

That is a separate argument entirely. Though I still don't agree with you.

>Conflicts between the church and royalty does nothing to undermine my point. European royalty depended on religion being part of the culture.

They don't actually.

>We've already been through this, and you denied it the first time, because you failed to recognize the connection between these things.

Because there is not one. If the Church was so integral to monarchism then why when the Catholic Church excommunicated a ruler did that not have humongous consequences? Often it barely impacted anything at all. Also why have monarchs existed in mixed religion states? Why have non Monarch sates continued having such a strong religious influence? You often place communism and Monarchism in the same basket, are you infact aware that Communist China is an atheist state? Again, context. Monarchism is an old system and was around during the time Religion was taken more serious(because we did not know better) but many non monarchist states were around then and took religion equally as seriously or even more so in some cases.
>> No. 1173 [Edit]
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The church and religion in culture aren't the same. A culture can continue to be religious even if the specific church is replaced by another one the monarch likes better. A society can also be religious without having a monarchy. That's what's unrelated. You're completely missing my point.

We don't "know better". Saudi Arabia doesn't know better. If we "knew better" there wouldn't be any theocracies on earth. You take these things for granted. Monarchism feeds off of religion in culture, so that system doesn't encourage the undermining of something which strengthens it. Juche is a modern example of religion being manufactured by what's basically a monarchy to justify its existence. "Communism" also restricts people, but that goes to show that there are many paths to that. There a very few paths which give people more freedom. Monarchy is one of the former, not one of the latter.

>Though I still don't agree with you.
What do you disagree with? You want to live in that kind of culture. I have no more posts for an impractical, thick-skulled, ungrateful, stuck in the past footlicker.

Post edited on 4th Mar 2021, 10:23pm
>> No. 1174 [Edit]
>The church and religion in culture aren't the same. A culture can continue to be religious even if the specific church is replaced by another one the monarch likes better. A society can also be religious without having a monarchy. That's what's unrelated. You're completely missing my point.

You are going to have to explain why exactly you think that a monarchy requires a church, I am pretty sure I know what you will respond with if you indeed can articulate it and it's wrong but you at least need to try to create the argument.

>We don't "know better". Saudi Arabia doesn't know better. If we "knew better" there wouldn't be any theocracies on earth. You take these things for granted.

I'm more referring to us, the modern west(well maybe not America so much). Region is playing an increasingly minor role and often only is paid lip service, many of these 'Christian' nations have had referendums resulting in gay marriage. Of course in places like Saudi Arabia, Iran and Indonesia(a democracy) things are different.

>Monarchism feeds off of religion in culture, so that system doesn't encourage the undermining of something which strengthens it.

It doesn't. The church itself is often the most undermining part of a monarchist state. It is what has lead to numerous wars including some of the biggest wars in Europe. The Church and the Crown were constantly competing with each other.

>Juche is a modern example of religion being manufactured by what's basically a monarchy to justify its existence.

And it's also an atheist state. Yes, it's religion like but it is not actually a religion. It's more a cult of personality(which we of course know exist in democracies as well).

>"Communism" also restricts people, but that goes to show that there are many paths to that. There a very few paths which give people more freedom. Monarchy is one of the former, not one of the latter.

Monarchy isn't the former or the latter as it is the culture of the nation and context it is in that shapes that regarding a monarchy. And democracy doesn't lead to freedom either, as we are seeing more and more in the west.

>What do you disagree with? You want to live in that kind of culture.

I disagree with your opinions on freedom and religion within a monarchy.

>I have no more posts for an impractical, thick-skulled, ungrateful, stuck in the past footlicker.

I would say I am the least fitting of those words out of the two of us but you are free to have that view.

Post edited on 4th Mar 2021, 11:11pm
>> No. 1175 [Edit]
You're responding to more than one poster.
>>>Your own freedom is determined by how much actual power and control you take over your own life. This is completely independent from what system of government you live under.
I fail to see what's wrong with that statement, but maybe you could enlighten me.
>> No. 1176 [Edit]
Your freedom can be(and is to a certain extent) restricted by the government or the people around you via the law and culture. It's not only up to the individual. A monarchy needs something to justify its existence and why specific people and their children should receive such a position rather than others who will certainly want it and may be more popular and better for the role. Religion, a cultural force, has universally been used by monarchs to suggest they are divine beings or were chosen by divine beings. That's how they justify their existence. The weaker religion is in culture, that justification, the less others(educated people especially) will put up with somebody receiving a role without working for it and that role being closed off to somebody they like more. Cult of personality is weaker the more democratic a system gets because loyalty gets divided up so easily.

There is no purpose or way to return to a monarchy, not one where people have inherited roles with power behind them, which could possibly justify the sacrifice of progress that would take. Anybody who's head isn't in the clouds can see that.
>> No. 1177 [Edit]
Not him but this isn't true.

Monarchy doesn't need the justification of religious authority. While yes it is often the case that religion does superficially justify the monarch if you dig even a tiny bit deeper than that you will see that it's a very thin layer. I have mentioned religious wars and clashes with the Church, if you logic was true and the reason the people accepted a monarch was religious then what would happen once that Church excommunicated that ruler? He would lose all that justification and according to you be overthrown. Now is that what actually happened? No, rulers were frequently being excommunicated and it changed nothing. Again, if this was true would a ruler be able to(or have the motivation too) remove the Church and set up his own even at the cost of a huge war? No, he would be removing the justification he had and the people would not follow him. And again, if the Church crowned a monarch and that monarch was removed by nobles would that not also remove that justification? How could you justify removing that monarch if he was there by gods will? How could the new monarch have any justification on a religious basis? And yet again, what if the monarch was never crowned by the Church to begin with? As happened on a few occasions when a ruler was at war with the Church, he would have no justification to begin with. The idea you have is simply groundless. And this does not even cover all the atheist that still followed a monarch, the Christians that rebelled against one or the nuances of how different religions treated the monarch.

Simply put while in theory the Church placed the King as ruler by gods will in actuality that had little bearing on how the people(both common and noble) saw the king or treated his rule. This thin layer of justification is not even removed by the democratic system, you just replace the will of god with the will of the majority.

>Cult of personality is weaker the more democratic a system gets because loyalty gets divided up so easily.

Well Hitler, Trump and Putin were all democratically elected(well Putin arguably, depending on who you ask). That still doesn't address the fact that personality cults are not religions.

Post edited on 5th Mar 2021, 8:47pm
>> No. 1178 [Edit]
Actually tl;dr. Wasting your time for nothing is your punishment.
>> No. 1179 [Edit]
No need to be so hard on yourself, maybe at least some of this will get through to you.
>> No. 1180 [Edit]
Yeah, and then I'll be a monarchist too. Give me a break, sped.
>> No. 1181 [Edit]
>A monarchy needs something to justify its existence and why specific people and their children should receive such a position rather than others who will certainly want it and may be more popular and better for the role.
Eh, not really. A wise country might just justify a monarchy by pointing out that it's been the most stable system relative to other systems in the same time. Keep in mind, Rome and Greece both humored republics for quite some time. It's not exactly new and it's not exactly that great. This idea that monarchy = outdated and bad and democracy = new and good is just silly. Most kings just said "I'm here, I'm in charge, so that's how it is". The reason you stick with a single family is, well, someone who did a good job will probably have kids who are also pretty intelligent. I used to believe that all men were born with roughly the same potential, but that belief has long since decayed into nothing. Actually, the idea that all men were born equal is pretty ludicrous. But I guess democracy lets people believe that anyone can be important. Even though that isn't true and it's just the same as before with the elite ruling the country, with the added negative that the system is malleable and sensitive to outside influence. The idea that democracy will allow a people to rule over themselves is a lie. Far from it, but I suppose if you can be tricked into thinking that every man on earth is of "your" people then the illusion isn't so obvious.
>> No. 1182 [Edit]
A "wise country" is impossible in my opinion. There has never been a wise country. A wise country would do fine as an anarchy. It's easy to see monarchies as more stable when they've had a lot more time to be "play tested". They were stable because they worked with people's "unwiseness" in a way that wouldn't work now. You would have to make people more ignorant than they are now. Monarchies' disappearance in the west was an inevitability.

A modern, ethnostate one party government would be miles more stable and probably better run than a modern, diverse, multi-party, secular monarchy, assuming you could magic the latter into existence to begin with. Even then, stability isn't the end all be all. I would rather live in a less stable nation with better living standards and more personal freedoms than a more stable one with less of both. As for people who did a good job having children who will do a good job, I already wrote why that's a huge and "unwise" assumption to make. People should be tested in some way before they get a position. What happens when the first descendant fails? Wait for the next one? At that point there's no purpose to any of it and the parliament or whatever will take control.

Post edited on 6th Mar 2021, 9:12am
>> No. 1183 [Edit]
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>A modern, ethnostate one party government would be miles more stable and probably better run than a modern, diverse, multi-party, secular monarchy, assuming you could magic the latter into existence to begin with

Kind of off topic, but isn't this what Bangladesh is? They are an Islamic, 98% Bengali, Unitary dominant-party parliamentary constitutional republic. In the west, this is almost impossible but in the east (and some island nations, whatever they're classified as) they still exist. They are very unremarkable though and nobody wishes they lived in them, aside from maybe the East Asian ones like the Koreas and aside from them are only known for the novelty of their existence in the modern age and sometimes as a "home base" for the diaspora of that ethnic group. Regardless, Bangladesh is better run than it's neighbors, but it's not a high bar to clear. I'm only mentioning it because it's one of the most homogenous states in the world, something that seems to be deeply desired by political imageboard types. It technically has existed in some fashion since the 1300s, and that finely parlays into your next point.

>Even then, stability isn't the end all be all. I would rather live in a less stable nation with better living standards and more personal freedoms than a more stable one with less of both.
Which is a fair point, but there's a conversation to be had about accepting your nationality, personal connections for the citizens of a nation, but yeah, from a government and idea perspective that should be prioritized.

>People should be tested in some way before they get a position. What happens when the first descendant fails? Wait for the next one? At that point there's no purpose to any of it and the parliament or whatever will take control.
If you MUST be a monarchist, there's an easy solution to this, use a mix of the Egyptian and Saudi systems, instead of having a traditional king/queen just have a figurehead king but have his family run things by committee, and then have a dynastic system to replace the family. In Egypt, the heir to a pharaoh in a dynasty was often chosen deliberately rather than just having the first-born son or whatever take over. It sounds an awful lot less like monarchy when run like that though.
>> No. 1184 [Edit]
Not him again but there are a few issues here.

>A "wise country" is impossible in my opinion. There has never been a wise country. A wise country would do fine as an anarchy.

The common man is dumb in every society, the problem with the hypothetical you put forth is that for an anarchy to do fine as a wise country everybody has to be wise, in a monarchy only the top does(and again it's genetics, education and environment that dictate this so it's not actually impossible to achieve).

>It's easy to see monarchies as more stable when they've had a lot more time to be "play tested". They were stable because they worked with people's "unwiseness" in a way that wouldn't work now. You would have to make people more ignorant than they are now. Monarchies' disappearance in the west was an inevitability.

I already addressed that before but your believe that the only reason people accepted monarchy is based in religion is unfounded. And the common person was always ignorant and still is ignorant, that's an argument against democracy not monarchism. In fact I would even argue that the ignorance of the population benefits democracy more than it does a monarchy, the vast majority of the population don't know or care about politics or how the nations is actually being run, they hear a few sound bites the media shoves down their throat and decide based on that if they give any thought to it at all. And these are the people that form the majority of the vote. The system itself also encourages those that do have differing opinion or know better to allow it as well, after all democracy is to be cherished they have been fed all their life and they can always wait another 4 years, so they are manipulated into not doing anything even though they disagree with what is happening.

>A modern, ethnostate one party government would be miles more stable and probably better run than a modern, diverse, multi-party, secular monarchy, assuming you could magic the latter into existence to begin with.

Well I already mentioned the issues with that very early on.

>Even then, stability isn't the end all be all. I would rather live in a less stable nation with better living standards and more personal freedoms than a more stable one with less of both.

Stability drives growth and investment, this is one of the reasons economists believe China has developed into what it has while India has not, even though India had many things going for it that China did not, India has many English speakers, much of the way their country runs stems from Britain giving them a lot of common ground with the west and they are not a threat like China is. Yet because of the instability inherent in a democracy and also the lack of long term planning that is also a part of democracy, they were never able to reach the level China did or anywhere near it.

Plus again, I don't agree with your assertion that a democracy guarantees rights and a monarchy does not. There are many issues with this that have already been argued over but ask yourself this, if the government decided it wanted to ban sexualised little girls in anime who would stop them? The people? Democracy? Do you really think if they held a referendum on that that 51% of the population would say 'yes actually. this should be legal'? In many ways democracy is worse at guaranteeing rights than a monarchy is, if the democracy works perfectly and all citizens are fully educated and aware of exactly what the government is doing and exactly what that will do, even in that dream world it only guarantees your rights so long as 51% of people don't care that it is taken away. You may even be lucky that the majority stops at your rights and it does not end up in a situation like Rwanda or like what has happened to the Rohingya.

>As for people who did a good job having children who will do a good job, I already wrote why that's a huge and "unwise" assumption to make.

I have explained to you already why it is not a mistake to make.

>People should be tested in some way before they get a position. What happens when the first descendant fails?

If that happens they get removed, what happens if a democracy fails though? Nothing, look at the US, according to the left democracy failed last election and according to the right it failed this election, did either side do anything about it? And on top of that what if both parties failed?
>> No. 1185 [Edit]
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Bangladesh might seem unremarkable, but at least it manages to exist. You can't compare it to the second thing since the second thing existing to begin with is approaching impossible in real life and is purely hypothetical.

>If you MUST be a monarchist
I don't. Some people get off on the idea without thinking about it too hard. That's the only reason this conversation is happening. Your suggested system sounds a bit more practical in practice, but equally if not harder to set up without being sufficiently better. Predictably enough, the pharaoh position also had religious connotations. First born sons weren't chosen, but it seems the criteria was still arbitrary(which wife he liked better), based on whims and not formalized.
>> No. 1186 [Edit]
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>I don't. Some people get off on the idea without thinking about it too hard. That's the only reason this conversation is happening.

...Really? I'm not sure how you manage to say that when you your arguments where weak to begin with and now you have given up entirely and resort to cowardly and snide comments like that.
>> No. 1187 [Edit]
>Predictably enough, the pharaoh position also had religious connotations. First born sons weren't chosen, but it seems the criteria was still arbitrary(which wife he liked better), based on whims and not formalized.
The choice of figureheads is gonna be like that, I imagine the family ruling is gonna be more important and that changing is more of consequence. I also don't really know if it's possible to have a non-religious monarchy, especially in this day and age.
>> No. 1188 [Edit]
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>I also don't really know if it's possible to have a non-religious monarchy, especially in this day and age.
Even if "monarchists" conceded on that, next they'd argue about whether religion is necessarily restrictive, or restrictive in a "bad way". Honestly. >>1157 was right.
>> No. 1189 [Edit]
>Even then, stability isn't the end all be all.
I mean, how is it not? First and foremost you want to not be getting killed/raped/eaten. Everything after that is just a luxury. A sane society would value social stability and homogeneity over abstracts like freedom.
>> No. 1190 [Edit]
Stability just means less conflict in the government and between the government and people. A bit more conflict doesn't mean complete lawlessness.
>> No. 1192 [Edit]
Taken just from a chronological viewpoint, anything classical liberal and diverging from that theory is the real example of the extreme. Well, maybe being hyper-traditional to the point of disassociating from the last 200 years of politics is an extreme position in the modern world, but if it is then it's only because the world has shifted so extremely in a new and strange direction. Is it really that hard to believe that some people exist who still genuinely hold beliefs that were common for a much longer time? Just calling someone or something "extremist" so you can discount it and feel safe in your belief in the superiority of modern philosophy is intellectually dishonest. And I don't think I've seen you or anyone else make a single attempt to actually explain your dislike of monarchies or why the classical liberal ideology is so good beyond ad hominems, very strange projections, and a couple strawmen about how monarchy is backwards and religion is for slaves and yada yada. No system is perfect and monarchy definitely doesn't come close, so there are a lot of genuine arguments against it. Pretty much the only valid one posited so far is that relying on a single strong individual for leadership can backfire if their children go horribly wrong. There are of course safegaurds for this like regents, which deviates somewhat from pure monarchy, but the most important thing about a system or country is that it cannot easily be changed, especially from the outside. If a country is good, there is no point in making drastic changes beyond tariff adjustments and maybe addressing unforeseen problems like a new factor in solving crimes. Because if a system is good, why change it? And if a system constantly has to be changed, when and how was it ever good to begin with? That's my own fundamental problem with democracy. I don't see why people should be able to change the government in the first place, monarch or no. If it wasn't going to be monarchy, then a limited oligarchy would be good, or ideally a system with a fixed core constitution that cannot be changed or amended, where the governing bodies function only to uphold the law, not to revise it. I don't like the idea that a country can theoretically transform into something completely different. Which is a big part of why I don't like any of the revolutionary movements in the first place.

Monarchy is just the best possible option I arrived at by reductive reasoning and getting rid of possible systems in order of which ones presented the biggest potential for problems. All said and done, a monarchy provides the greatest chance of long term stability. A lot of what you've heard about monarchies problems are most likely greatly exaggerated. After all, who or what led YOU to your ideology?
What value does that conflict have at all though? And why should a people be in conflict with their government at all? This idea of looking for tyrants in your own government is pretty ludicrous and can only be a result of attempts to divide people from rulers who are actually OF them. And one main benefit to having a monarch with biological inheritance is that, assuming they came from the people of that country, they will be the same race and thus a people can be assured that they are ruled by themselves. A people is not capable of ruling themselves if anyone can become a ruler. But, I guess you probably don't think much of valuing race or racial tribalism either. So you probably can't see the benefit in having rulers that are guaranteed to be the same race and religion.
>> No. 1193 [Edit]
I preferred monarchies originally because, just from a standpoint of trusting a political ideology to be honest, the entire republican revolutionary movement in France, Spain, etc. was incredibly destructive and incredibly repulsive. I was raised by a very religious family so maybe I'm just biased to begin with, but any movement that praises itself for burning down churches and killing people out of jealousy is a non-starter for me. And in general I strongly suspect all the movements that attack traditional culture of sinister motives. It's hard not to when you can see such an obvious pattern with the end result of the truly vile modern state of things. Now, if you look at the world today and it's okay to you the way it is, that's fine, and it puts the conversation into an entirely different light. I'm not going to try and argue with you if your core values are fundamentally different from mine. But you have to understand that from my point of view, the classical liberal movement, egalitarians, communists, are the extremists. I don't see myself as extreme, because my beliefs are supported by thousands of years of human civilization. I see the modern world as insane. It feels like a nightmare that I can't wake up from and it doesn't seem real. Because how, how the FUCK can I really be living in a country where a nigger can be a politician?
>> No. 1194 [Edit]
>I was raised by a very religious family
So you've been poisoned. I'm glad I don't have any of that in my head aside from some cultural osmosis.
>my beliefs are supported by thousands of years of human civilization
Humans have spent far longer being uncivilized than civilized. From that perspective, it makes more sense to go back to hunter gatherer societies. Maybe people would be happier or whatever then. This whole society thing is crazy. Other animals don't do it and they've been around for even longer. The point is, time scales don't matter.
>if you look at the world today and it's okay to you the way it is, that's fine
I have problems with the way things are, but I feel right now is the best time to be alive and there has never been a greater time than the present.

You could find my problems with any of what you've written here in my other posts, so I wont repeat myself.
>who or what led YOU to your ideology?
I think about what I like and what would realistically be good or bad for the things I like. That's all.

Post edited on 7th Mar 2021, 12:59pm
>> No. 1195 [Edit]
>So you've been poisoned.
No I just actually have a background that spans further than the French revolution instead of being a rootless cultural infant.
>> No. 1196 [Edit]
Your Americana, protestant nonsense is hardly older than the French revolution. How often did your parents listen to Bach? Everybody has access to the same cultural resources. What you call "roots" are vices that entrap your mind. What are you doing on an website for otaku? Shouldn't you be focusing on your "roots" a bit more?

Post edited on 7th Mar 2021, 4:14pm
>> No. 1197 [Edit]
And yet more cowardly and snide comments. But then I don't know why I should expect better from you...

And it's not true so why concede? I already even addressed it but you lack an argument.
>> No. 1198 [Edit]
>Your Americana, protestant nonsense is hardly older than the French revolution.
I was raised Roman Catholic
>How often did your parents listen to Bach?
Quite a lot actually. Or, at least, my mom made sure we listened to it while in the car as kids.
>What are you doing on an website for otaku?
>> No. 1199 [Edit]
So your parents worship an old guy on the other side of the planet and corpses people pretend were saints. Okay. I actually prefer protestantism despite it being newer. Another example of time scales not mattering. Your way of relaxing makes you a Japanophile race-traitor. If you actually cared about your roots you wouldn't soak yourself in heathen, squinty-eye shit.
>> No. 1200 [Edit]
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Religion is a tricky subject for me, I understand for the average person the social aspect of it is pretty much the whole reason it still exists but supporting it because of the tradition to fight destructive ideas like self-hating communists trying to make inroads into your country isn't bad in my opinion.
There is an amusing irony in a Roman Catholic being a monarchist, though.
>> No. 1201 [Edit]
Supporting something you don't believe in for utilitarian purposes related to "their group" is for normalfags. People here aren't supposed to have any sense of group identity and those who do are fakers and hypocrites. It's not about hating yourself, it's about hating everyone else who doesn't understand and accept your interests and personality.

Post edited on 8th Mar 2021, 11:10am
>> No. 1202 [Edit]
>Your way of relaxing makes you a Japanophile race-traitor. If you actually cared about your roots you wouldn't soak yourself in heathen, squinty-eye shit.
You know, I don't know where you got this impression, but most religions and even most fascist systems don't really give that much of a shit about that kind of thing. It's not like I'm actually fucking anime girls. And my take on "racial loyalty" is a pretty utilitarian one in reality. There's a lot of retarded shit in modern fascist groups, mainly because they are imitating elements of older countries unique fascism that they don't understand, and don't realize were time-sensitive to the cultures that created them. In my opinion it's about preserving (1) the memory of your culture and (2) the actual, physical existence of your race, and to a realistic extent its purity. Because at the end of the day, no matter what you tell yourself, niggers, arabs, and most asians are fucking stupid so if you like being around smarter people, you should dislike race-mixing and mixed societies. And as to the second post, I just can't help not liking people of different races and cultures. I used to be a really big individualist and to the extent possible, I still am, but I realized somewhere along the way that you have to base your actions on what gives you real power and real resources to take your own freedom for yourself in the world. Mindlessly cutting yourself off and trying to go it alone doesn't make you more free, because freedom is a measurement of power available to you at the moment, and nothing more. If you want to be "free" you have to aspire to the nietzschean ubermensch, not in the sense of being physically built and masculine, but in the real, mental sense of putting yourself and your actions "above man". The Ubermensch was someone who would be morally and physically above humanity, who would use their power to shape the world to their desires. This is freedom. Being a bum, being an anarchist, that is not real freedom. It only gives you freedom "from" things by cutting them off from yourself, but it does not give you freedom "of" things, of action, of mobility, of real world power. And so, in the end, real freedom is achieved when you find a group with the same goals and some amount of real-world power who can supplement your own ambitions. You are not wrong to hate the world, and you should not take it lightly and just attempt to be okay with normalfags, just because you prefer white people or hate niggers more and have certain preferences doesn't make the average dumbass anymore pleasant to be around. For me it was just a clarity of mind when I realized that just because I don't like a lot of the people who would live in a "white" society or a religious society doesn't mean I have to like niggers and faggots. And last of all, was the realization that life was a compromise. It's not about the perfect world but the one that you'd be best off in. After weighing all the options, turns out that as a white person it's just best to be in a homogeneous white society. Even if I'm a recluse, and even if it means I'm expected to work, it's preferable to what we have now.

I also just thought that your post is kind of silly considering Hitler admired Japan to an extent and genuinely considered them worth keeping around as an ally for cultural reasons alone, more than Italy.
>> No. 1203 [Edit]
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>niggers, arabs, and most asians are fucking stupid
Most white people are stupid too. In fact, the average east asian is probably smarter than the average white person.
>you have to base your actions on what gives you real power and real resources to take your own freedom for yourself in the world
Real power? Are you joking? How much of your life have you already used up? Did you manage to "shape the world to your desires" even a little? Are you delusional enough to believe what you're saying? When you're rotting in the ground, living members of your race wont give two fucks about you. If you really commit to normalfaggotry, you'll try having kids to better delude yourself.

The most powerful people on the planet are also the ones who take advantage of others the most and say whatever is advantageous to them. Having any principles or convictions makes it less likely for you to become a "powerful person". Start a company, invest in stocks and never mention racial purity if you want the most "freedom of action" possible.
>they are imitating elements of older countries unique fascism that they don't understand, and don't realize were time-sensitive to the cultures that created them
Culture isn't a function of time, and the cultural changes we've undergone weren't inevitable. You take certain things for granted and assume these changes are time based to avoid confronting how the modern world has also influenced you despite your insistence that you disagree with every political idea from the last 200 years or whatever nonsense you like to tell yourself. Hitler was embarrassed by and hid his own disney fan art. If even a leader like him, who's less affected by the consequences of cultural taboo did that, what would it be like for the average person?

>Hitler admired Japan to an extent and genuinely considered them worth keeping around as an ally for cultural reasons alone, more than Italy.
"My association with Japan was never popular. We will furthermore cause unrest in the Far East and Arabia. Let us think of ourselves as masters and consider these people as best as lacquered half-monkeys who need to feel the knout"
Even if you aren't convinced by this quote, there's no way in hell Hitler, a wannabee classical artist, would prioritize Japan over the center of Rome and birthplace of the renaissance culturally. If he suggested so, that's more proof that he had no problem with lying for political purposes.

Post edited on 8th Mar 2021, 2:17pm
>> No. 1204 [Edit]
Power to do what? Sure if you have a job you have spending power but no other power plus the job has power over you, being in any group gives that group power over you. To gain the most power you would accrue resources in as solitary a way as possible and not form connections with those that can not benefit you. Most people don't offer any thing that can help you.

>I also just thought that your post is kind of silly considering Hitler admired Japan to an extent and genuinely considered them worth keeping around as an ally for cultural reasons alone, more than Italy.

I think it is silly too but I would not agree with that either, the reason Hitler wanted to keep Britain in shape(which was possibly partly why he let them go at Dunkirk) was actually to combat Japan(as well as the US and Soviets), he recognised that if Britain was destroyed Germany would not be able to fill that world wide void(they lacked the navy, though so did the Soviets...) and he preferred that Britain did it than the others.

>Most white people are stupid too.
>The most powerful people on the planet are also the ones who take advantage of others the most and say whatever is advantageous to them. Having any principles or convictions makes it less likely for you to become a "powerful person"

And yet you still support democracy...

Also, Adolf Gallant had a picture of Mickey Mouse on his plane so it most not have been that big of a taboo.

Post edited on 8th Mar 2021, 5:20pm
>> No. 1205 [Edit]
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>> No. 1206 [Edit]
>Most white people are stupid too. In fact, the average east asian is probably smarter than the average white person.
You clearly don't understand just how stupid niggers actually are. Or "most east asians" for that matter. I can assure that Japan is something of an anomally and there's a reason that the islanders, Koreans, and Vietnamese were considered on the same level as actual africans. People in the west only believe in the "asians are smart" stereotype because they only see the rich ones that could afford to travel to western countries. What they fail to realize is that there are something like 2 billion east asians and the vast majority are actual monkeys. The average white person is certainly "stupid" from an upper middle class point of view, and if you were raised in suburbia and ran into some trailer park wiggers or city "people" you'd be pretty shocked, but taken all together and compared with just how unbelievably retarded other races get, the average white person, as stupid as they are compared to standards for intellect and logic, is still much more intelligent.

And I'll just say this to both of you, if you really think that cutting yourself off from civilization and humanity will give you more objective, comparative power over your own life, you're a fucking idiot. The first rule of war is not to use superior tactics, or technology or whatever, as it turns out the first rule is "always outnumber the enemy army". The reason I bring this up is because people have this idea in their heads, probably given to them by superhero or action movies, that a single person can outwit and outdo a much larger group if they just act smarter, or fight smarter, or think smarter or whatever. This is only true when you hold a massive advantage already like being three steps ahead technologically or dealing with actual retards. But it doesn't work in general. When I say "real power" I'm not talking about some grandiose bullshit. That's just the word I use because, well, there isn't anything else to describe it with. Your relationship with reality can be described in terms of how much power you have relative to your environment.It's just that simple, it's the basic thermodynamic equation. I'm not talking about actual warfare necessarily, I just use it as a metaphor because people understand macro-scale ideas better. It's easy to understand why a 500lb rock will overcome a 5lb rock, but when you deal with smaller scales people can be tricked by their own personal self-delusion that warps their perspective of reality. While you might think that as one person, you could just go off with a camper and some belongings and steal or barter your way through life, that could only ever work if a system was there to make your plan possible. If taken to it's superlogical extreme (superlogical is the assumption that other people will behave the same way as you in the same situation, so for example if everyone became a nomad and society collapsed) it's not a sustainable way to live and you would lose the little freedom you gained. This is an example of one school of "personal freedom" taken to a logical conclusion in a semi-realistic way. You could become a homeless wanderer, and cut off all ties, and you would be "free" in that you had relations with no other humans beyond what you take from society to survive, but you definitely wouldn't have a lot of power over your own life. You would be restricting the possibilities of your life to the limited amount of things you can do with no money, no property, no legal residence, and no substantial societal momentum to use to fix your problems when and if they arrive. It is "freedom" only in freedom FROM things, in being cut off, estranged, "freed" from the majority of humanity. It is not freedom in the objective, measurable power that can be exerted over your own life. This is, I think, what Stirner was trying to get at in his book. There's a delusional idea that freedom for humans consists of cutting off things and removing them from your life. When you view reality as a power equation instead, which physically at least is the true model, then you realize how little freedom someone who is cut off really has.

I'm not going to say you're wrong or call you an anarchist degenerate or some stupid bullshit because I think there's nothing wrong with wanting that kind of isolated lifestyle and personally, it's what I wanted for the majority of my current lifespan. But when you view reality in terms of the power you have to do what you want, you realize that it doesn't give you very much and takes a lot more in return, which sadly means that true isolation is either impossible or very unpleasant.
>The most powerful people on the planet are also the ones who take advantage of others the most and say whatever is advantageous to them. Having any principles or convictions makes it less likely for you to become a "powerful person". Start a company, invest in stocks and never mention racial purity if you want the most "freedom of action" possible.
Who says that isn't what I do? It's not like I say this stuff around normalfags, or like I even interact with them that much. Again just because I prefer white people on a sliding scale doesn't mean that most white people are high up on that scale of mine.
>> No. 1207 [Edit]
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Using /tat/ as a real board was fun but I see why it's mostly used like /trash/ containment now.
>> No. 1208 [Edit]
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Koreans are genetically nearly identical to Japanese and iq results, for what they're worth, do place East Asia above Europe and the US. Also, East Asia =/= South East Asia. Whatever anecdotal bs you have to justify your impression doesn't matter.

I obviously don't believe in cutting myself off from civilization since I'm using the internet. I don't live in the woods or anything like that either. Cutting yourself off and not having a sense of group identity means doing so mentally. While I highly doubt it, if you are a super rich person, congrats I guess. Maybe "internet rich guy" should become a thing. Did you do it by only hiring white people, or are you more of a hypocrite than I thought? While I was pissed off and felt like pissing off other people in some of my posts here, I think you're somewhat mentally sick and not in a good way based on this non-sequitor, gibberish wall of text you've got there.

Post edited on 9th Mar 2021, 10:13am
>> No. 1209 [Edit]
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I'm not racist, even though I used to be. People are so programmed by the media these days that I respect anyone of any race that dares to think different.
>> No. 1210 [Edit]
Racism is nothing more than the belief that different races have different behavioral tendencies and average intelligence. Being not racist means you don't think any patterns associated with race exist.
>> No. 1211 [Edit]
That's racialism. Using slurs is pretty racist
>> No. 1212 [Edit]
>Your relationship with reality can be described in terms of how much power you have relative to your environment.It's just that simple, it's the basic thermodynamic equation.

And you don't need to be a part of a group for that, really in this world that requires money and you don't need to be a part of a group to have money. You are comparing being a loner to a nomad or a homeless person but it is nothing like it al all, you could be a billionaire with his own mansion and seclude himself in it. You would still have far more power than 99% of people.

>But when you view reality in terms of the power you have to do what you want, you realize that it doesn't give you very much and takes a lot more in return, which sadly means that true isolation is either impossible or very unpleasant.

What actually do you think it takes and why do you think it is impossible?

IQ does not mean much it's just a rough guide. There are some major issues with it, such as the fact it is a test so it can be trained for and certain systems of education will better do that, the fact that IQ tests are not actually all the same and that they may not be taken from the same kind of people. Some IQ tests take into account different averages, so a nation might base their IQ test around the average intelligence of the EU and another might base it around the Average intelligence of the world. Meaning that the EU averaged test would give a lower result because the average it is compared to is higher and the global test would give you a higher result as you are comparing yourself to many developing nations.

I am in the most primal terms, I just simply find Europeans to be more attractive, and largely in a cultural terms but things like intelligence are so incredibly complex that I still don't have a set view on just how race based it even is, because a large amount of it can be attributed to diet and education. The genetic element is there but is that because some Genetics are superior and were always so(and even then does that mean that every races has such genes and it is just a matter of how drowned out they are by inferior ones?) or is it that generations of good nutrition and education have made the genetics be better? Or is it that the best genes tend to succeed and breed with each other making them pool upwards in society and that is what causes it? So this may mean it is environment based, caste based or a combination of the two.
>> No. 1213 [Edit]
That's just my style of speaking, I tend to ramble. I also tend to make connections from one topic to the next that most people don't see. I guess that's just a jarring part of my personality, I've been aware of it from elementary school onwards. Don't think too much about it. I response to both you and >>1209, I would say my racism is primarily as >>1212 described. I also definitely tend to associate with people based on race. I think it's just normal to want to be around people of the same race, and regardless, I just prefer it. I tried not be racist for a long time but eventually I just came to the conclusion that there was nothing wrong with feeling most comfortable around people from the same culture and ethnic group, and that admitting that some groups were clearly, historically, greater or lesser, was just admitting reality. I guess some parts of my behavior are just "racialist" for example while I would not (in a hypothetical scenario where I do for some reason have kids) have kids with an East Asian, I don't tend to have a problem with them and I can admit their cultures accomplishments, being farther up the technological and societal ladder than pretty much anyone but Europeans. However in other cases I'm just genuinely racist, when it comes to sub-saharan africans and aboriginals they're clearly just on a lower rung of development. I find it very hard to believe that there are no distinct genetic predispostions to lower intelligence and other behaviors among them.
>> No. 1214 [Edit]
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The only people of my "own race"(I'm debatably a halfie) which I've liked are a few members of my family who live abroad. Other than that, I've either been indifferent or had negative experiences with them. Personality was always more of factor in how much I could tolerate my classmates than race. The people I talked to ranged from white, indian and asian, in more or less equal amounts. Overall I probably feel most comfortable around non-religious Slavs, and non-Chinese asians despite having no relation to the latter. Basebal/football loving, wonderbread, white, Christian Americans are ugly and put me on edge. "White" is too broad to begin with and grouping them together is part of the "retarded shit" modern fascist groups like to do.

>I don't tend to have a problem with them
You called Koreans monkeys despite them being practically the same as Japanese people. If you're on this website, that means you're supposed to prefer the cultural products of east asians more than those of your own people you're "more comfortable around". How do you explain that?
>than pretty much anyone but Europeans
You can't even compare places like Moldova and Romania to Japan, or South Korea for that matter. Some Europeans are really unimpressive. I'm inclined to believe the baton is just being passed, from Mediterraneans/Middle Easterns, to Europeans and now to Asians.
>> No. 1215 [Edit]
Very off-topic but I remember controversy when Encyclopedia Dramatica was the first result for aboriginal. Good times.
>> No. 1216 [Edit]
>If you're on this website, that means you're supposed to prefer the cultural products of east asians more than those of your own people you're "more comfortable around". How do you explain that?
It's simple, really. Japanese 2D media actually tries to be aesthetically appealing, and it succeeds. There's a lot of other things I like about it of course, but that's really all there is to it when you ask what stirs my emotions. Even the crudest, most degenerate works are actually more beautiful than a modern hollywood movie. King Arthur is probably both more compellingly, heroically, and accurately portrayed in Fate/Stay Night garbage of all things than a recent TV interpretation. That's not a joke. And if you think about it, you'd probably agree I'm right. Again, you brought up the whole "why would a right-winger watch anime" cliche, and again, I fail to see the problem. It's not a problem for me, so why should someone who doesn't even share my values care?

As for race, well, there are obviously many different levels you could start separation at, but when I tell you that I"m blonde haired, blue eyed, fair skinned, and speak English, you know exactly what I mean when I say "white" and exactly what civilization I'm referring to when I talk about their accomplishments. Comparing western europeans and nordics to romanians, when saying that "white" or "European" are too vague, is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Personally I've always gotten along best with people of the same ethnic makeup as me, not to say I ever got along with anyone WELL. You and other posters don't seem to like my long rambling style, so I won't continue this post. I could say a lot about a lot of things in reference to a lot of things that you've mentioned and it bothers me that I can't explain everything I think in such a limited space. Even when I talk for hours on end I often feel like I only just started cracking into the heart of the topic when the conversation ends.

And don't ever compare the copycat trash made by South Korea with what Japan has done. If the Japanese and Koreans are "practically the same" then they left all the most retarded ones on the mainland.
>> No. 1217 [Edit]
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>I fail to see the problem.
It feels half-assed and hypocritical. Like somebody is reluctantly dipping their toes in because they think they have no choice. It also calls into question how comparable you are to myself. I don't know where I stand with somebody who hasn't burned all their other bridges and claims to support a cause which doesn't easily and cleanly fit into things. There are right-wingers with a vehement hatred for otaku media and that makes more comfortable sense. I also try to be a purist about these things.

>I tell you that I"m blonde haired, blue eyed, fair skinned, and speak English
That can describe a Nord, a Brit, a Russian or a Jew. Do you use Caucasian as a synonym for white, or are you part of the "wholly European descent" crowd? How should I know?

>Comparing western Europeans and Nordics to Romanians, when saying that "white" or "European" are too vague, is throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
What the hell does that even mean? Do you think there's no blue-eyed, blonde Romanians? What about Spaniards and Mediterraneans? Francs aren't the same as Nords. They just aren't. I'm not of "wholly European descent", but I have pale skin, blue eyes and, when I was a kid, blonde hair. Can I or can I not "take pride" in Issac Newton and Bach too? It's nonsensical.

Koreans have been better copycats than white people for the most part, so what does that say? A smaller market is probably more to blame for South Korea's lower quality than anything else

Post edited on 12th Mar 2021, 10:24pm
>> No. 1218 [Edit]
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>You called Koreans monkeys despite them being practically the same as Japanese people. If you're on this website, that means you're supposed to prefer the cultural products of east asians more than those of your own people

They are different as is the media they produce, one doesn't actually have to like Koreans or the Chinese to like Japanese media. It's not like the Japanese themselves all like Koreans to begin with(or vice versa), even now relations between the two can get tense at times.
>> No. 1219 [Edit]
>It feels half-assed and hypocritical.
I don't really see how. I like the things that I like. Maybe you've been listening too much the the right-wingers who vehemently hate anime, I dunno. I like anime when is aesthetically appeals to me, and when it appeals to my interests. But, I also very much admire old European tradition and culture, and their people and the empires they built. Keep in mind, just because I'm distrustful of philosophy created after the introduction of communism and marxism into political theory doesn't mean I don't read it. There's nothing hypocritical about looking into every side of the equation, and that's why I don't have a problem with anime. All things considered, 2D media has more national pride than any modern western media and that alone makes it "okay" in the autistic sense you seem to expect, although of course those aren't the real reasons I watch it. If it's not trying to shape your worldview against yourself and your own interests, it's not a problem to just enjoy it. It also keeps your mind fresh and open when you engage in other types of media, and prevents your thought from getting stale and creating "fixed ideas". After all, in the end all philosophical and ideological forms exist to serve real world practicalities. There would be no point in clinging mindlessly to any one of them if they no longer served their purpose. For me, the primary purpose of my right wing ideologies is the continued existence of a northern european race in any form that fits the commonly understood definition, and secondly that they rule over themselves and are not ruled over under an all-administrating world government that does not represent any one peoples or groups. Everything else beyond that is tertiary and can be discarded if it no longer serves the primary function. There are a thousand small problems like "where do you draw the line of being white" that will be addressed when it comes to it. People talk about race like it's not black and white, which is true, but in reality it's still black and white with grey borders. You might meet someone whom you can't decide which race they are closer to, but if you meet someone who is 99% from the british isles you're obviously not going to have a problem. For most people, it's closer to that latter case. There are actual, definable "racial border" zones like the southern balkans, the asian steppes, the sahara, etc. Trying to confuse black and white by pointing out the fringe cases of grey is a dishonest argument. You KNOW what I mean I and anyone else say "white" or "aryan" even if you pretend you don't just to be a smartass.
>> No. 1220 [Edit]
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>2D media has more national pride than any modern western media
For all you know, there could be African or Indian media that's super nationalistic. Does it make sense for a white nationalist or whatever you like to call yourself to spend most of their free time watching Indian and African movies and listening to their music? Would most people who share your self-described ideology agree with you on that?

>all philosophical and ideological forms exist to serve real world practicalities
Disagree. Most of it is fodder for entertainment, especially philosophy.

>that will be addressed when it comes to it
Most likely by the most aggressive, extremist nut jobs once the more "moderate" people like you stop being useful, assuming success in the first place.

>You KNOW what I mean I and anyone else say "white"
Most people consider Ashkenazi Jews to be "white". Fringe right wingers on the internet are actually in the minority when it comes to their opinion on that. So no, I don't know what you mean unless you clarify that. "Aryan" as used by modern political groups is a completely nonsense misnomer that came from incorrect translation and confirmation bias. Besides that, how much "ownership" can Russians or even Poles claim of German and British culture and accomplishments? How much in common culturally do Francs, Swedes and Greeks have with each other? Are Greeks "bathwater" to you? That's not a minor point, it's people's lives. Even if they're not "most people", how do you solve a "problem"?

Post edited on 13th Mar 2021, 11:26am
>> No. 1221 [Edit]
Korea is a very strange case that I don't think can be compared to most eastern states. They are still racially and linguistically Korean but have been very westernized, this is why I think that they really can't be compared to Japan even if they share the same DNA. There is a rather well-known sci-fi H-Manga about this where giant flies are a metaphor for Koreans and getting brow-beaten into tolerating them with the DNA argument. There is a reason Indian politics are very much based around allegiance, caste, religion and even language rather than ethnicity for a lot of it and the fact some ethnicities and a certain religion have gotten their own countries. These things are more important than DNA and race and it could easily explain how one could like Japan and not Korea.

Anyway, I disagree that the media you consume for entertainment has anything to do with your poltiical views. I consume very little western media, but I don't think watching old Sci-Fi and western wrestling (but I don't know if you really can call AEW western, considering Tony Khan is a Paki and a lot of influence is taken from Japan) takes away from the fact I dislike western influence in my country politically. Entertainment and political views are usually compartmentalized from each-other, I understand westerners have blurred the line between the two but I think this is a silly conversation, and it's not like liking anime while being a nationalist will invalidate all of your views.
>> No. 1222 [Edit]
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Here's an example.
Zimbabwe is playing a test series against Afghanistan today.
For the former who were nationalist against European colonization in their country, do you think they feel playing an English sport takes anything away from that?
>> No. 1223 [Edit]
>There are right-wingers with a vehement hatred for otaku media and that makes more comfortable sense.

In a way it actually makes more sense for them to like it as Japanese media is actually more conservative, traditional and closer to right wing views than western media.
>> No. 1224 [Edit]
You know what, I'm not going to use /tat/ if posters aren't going to argue honestly. When I say white, I mean anglo-saxon, celtic, and nordic. Are you happy? Are you going to start asking if I include the black irish and the finnish? Are you going to start asking if I'm going to shove your ugly mutt face in? Congratulations, I'm fucking mad. Thank you for wasting my time.
>> No. 1225 [Edit]
>When I say white, I mean anglo-saxon, celtic, and nordic. Are you happy?
Well then, was that so hard? You can't claim that's what most people think white people means though, because it's not.

You're mad because I've exposed how hypocritical, full of shit and deluded you are. You don't even belong here. You're just another /pol/tard asshole. Dime a dozen, pathetic and deserving of misery.

Post edited on 13th Mar 2021, 5:28pm
>> No. 1226 [Edit]
>You can't claim that's what most people think white people means though, because it's not.

As a third party, yes it actually is. Slavs are genetically different to begin with and most people don't call them white, hell the Coalition of communities of colour even added Slavs as coloured people.
>> No. 1227 [Edit]
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>> No. 1228 [Edit]
The coalition of whatever the fuck doesn't matter. Any random person on the street will tell you Russians, Poles and Ukrainians are white. Plus Italians too.

Post edited on 13th Mar 2021, 8:59pm
>> No. 1229 [Edit]
No they won't. Yes maybe a good portion would but a good portion and most likely the majority also would not. It certainly isn't so clear cut as to be the common assumption.
>> No. 1230 [Edit]
You're also delusional. Regular people go off of skin color and don't know or care about any of that.

Post edited on 13th Mar 2021, 6:03pm
>> No. 1231 [Edit]
Says who? Not the Coalition of Communities of Colour. And where does that leave fair skinned Japanese? Are they White according to you and the person on the street?
>> No. 1232 [Edit]
They have squinty eyes, so no.
>> No. 1233 [Edit]
Ahh, so you agree then. Seeing as Slavs have narrower eyes on average as well.
>> No. 1234 [Edit]
Very off-topic but nonwhites calling themselves people of colour always sounded racist as fuck. Wasnt "Coloured" a huge slur outside of Africa?
>> No. 1235 [Edit]
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Either you know what I meant and you're being a smartass, or your mental disability is showing again. Either way I'm tired of it. Funny that somebody as pedantic as you would accept a label like white when even Irish people weren't included at one point. If a slav like me isn't white, then white people can all go to hell, and they probably will which puts a smile on my face.

Post edited on 13th Mar 2021, 7:07pm
>> No. 1236 [Edit]
>Either you know what I meant and you're being a smartass, or your mental disability is showing again.

Well that is just it isn't it? I assume the other fellow here would think the exact same thing from you.

>Funny that somebody as pedantic as you would accept a label like white when even Irish people weren't included at one point.

That's actually true, I don't like the term but it is often necessary to simply things. Though it can be a problem because there are people like you that would include Slavs as being white and others that include Southern Italians, Southern French and Spaniards as being white and others that might not include one group or both. But then everybody agrees that the British, Germans and Northern French are white which is what usually the term refers too.

Celts are a funny odd thing, they once controlled basically the entirety of Europe yet they end up being pushed back by basically everybody as well, to the point of being confined to a tiny Island off of a small island. I think Germanic is a better term but that has Nazi connotations and also may be slightly misleading as the Angles, Saxons and Jutes bred with the Celts in Britain and the Franks bred with them in France and the Eastern Germanic Tribes bred with Slavic people. But all in all, it is agreed by everybody that when talking about Whites anything with a substantial Germanic admixture is to be included.

>If a slav like me isn't white, then white people can all go to hell, and they probably will which puts a smile on my face.

Ahh, this explains your bias and thus your view on this. Also you aren't even religious, idiot.
>> No. 1237 [Edit]
>> No. 1238 [Edit]
Yes but the context you used it in was different than that.

For example, I might be an atheist and tell somebody to got to hell but that really is me being angry with them and telling them to go away, leave me alone or that I don't care about them or what they think but in more hostile and forceful terms. So if you had said, 'If a slav like me isn't white, then white people can all go to hell' and left it at that then yes it could have meant that you were saying White people can all rot, they can all die for you all you care etc. Essentially you are saying you don't care about them or what they think and they can just go away.

However, you then added 'and they probably will which puts a smile on my face'. Which then brings it back to religious grounds or at least to the implication of some kind of deterioration in their situation(which given the context religious grounds would be more likely as there was nothing mentioned that would imply the deterioration of their situation in your post). You are now saying that they are actually going to go to a hell of some kind and not just telling them to bug off.
>> No. 1239 [Edit]
You know what, that's actually going just a little bit too far. I do actually understand your confusion at the contradiction of my ideologies and I understand why you think it's strange for me to be posting here if all you've seen is my opinions on governance and what is mostly just my assessment of things I like the least relative to things I dislike slightly less. I'm sorry to Tohno for being an asshole and potentially shitting up the board.

This post originally was a cheap ad hominem insult.

Post edited on 26th Mar 2021, 9:46am
>> No. 1358 [Edit]
just as America was a far superior evolution of primitive English Constitutionalism, so too is Robert Jordan a superior mythmaker reflective of America's zeitgeist. Tolkien was also an Anarchist though, which is quite amusing.
>> No. 1359 [Edit]
>But then everybody agrees that the British, Germans and Northern French are white which is what usually the term refers too.
nobody agrees that the British are white. leaving aside the fact that Britain is three quarters celtic (northern ireland, wales, scotland - heck even cornwall), have you not seen all the eternal anglo posts? there is a particularly strong case to be made by the "southern europe" memers with regard to that grey, cold, depressing island and it's miserable inhabitants.
>> No. 1365 [Edit]
Superior in what way? Robert Jordan is quite boring too.

He was not an anarchist in the way the one thinks of an anarchist these days. As I said, he was also a monarchist, the two do not connect. He was an anarchist in that he believed that community identity and self management was important. He essentially wanted to go back to the middle ages.

... Pretty much everybody will agree that they are, the term white was basically invented to refer to the British. Not even basically, I would not be surprised if it quite literally was, seeing that colour based classifications make much more sense when you actually have colonies.

I don't know or care about your memes.
>> No. 1368 [Edit]
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>Superior in what way?
being a better writer. Tolkien's fine, but whereas Jordan uses narrative consistently to portray his world, Tolkien falls back on a lot of chronicling. The Silmarillion's a good read, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't really convey information as entertainingly, which is, after all, the purpose of fantasy.
>Robert Jordan is quite boring too.
well firstly he's not boring (unless you have a short attention span), but what do you mean by "too"? Tolkien's not boring either.
>He was not an anarchist in the way the one thinks of an anarchist these days.
yes, he specified that he was a philosophical anarchist, like Godwin.
>... Pretty much everybody will agree that they are, the term white was basically invented to refer to the British.
everyone outside of /pol/ will agree, yes, but most people outside of /pol/ don't really care what's white or not. even when referring to the British it's complex, after all you have the divide between people who believe in haplotypes and therefore the genetic disparity between the Celts and the English, and then you have people that deny the Saxons existed in order to claim that there is no such genetic difference.
>Not even basically, I would not be surprised if it quite literally was, seeing that colour based classifications make much more sense when you actually have colonies.
if the term was invented to refer to the British, how does it then follow that the term arose due to comparison with colonial subjects? Britain did not exist until 1707, European colonialism started in the 1500s, and even if we count the colonial endeavours of Britain's constituent countries, the Spanish and Portuguese far predate them anyway. I'm not dismissing the claim necessarily, but it does seem a little outlandish.
>> No. 1369 [Edit]
I meant in what way was America superior.

He's not a better writer but I'm not going to argue over that, it's personal preference.

>everyone outside of /pol/ will agree

And that is all that matters. /pol/ is a minority.

>if the term was invented to refer to the British, how does it then follow that the term arose due to comparison with colonial subjects? Britain did not exist until 1707, European colonialism started in the 1500s, and even if we count the colonial endeavours of Britain's constituent countries, the Spanish and Portuguese far predate them anyway.

I'm not sure if it was used to describe native Americans or not, it seems to be a more African and maybe even Indian thing. Britain did not acquire Africa until it was Britain. I'm not sure what the policy of Portuguese or the Spanish to natives were so I can't say whether they had these classifications(though I do know the Spanish church had a different view on them in that it recognised them as humans, hence why there are still so many natives in Spanish former colonies). As I said, I would not be surprised if it was the British that invented it, not saying it was, just that I would not be surprised.
>> No. 1370 [Edit]
>I meant in what way was America superior.
ah, ok. well today it's pretty obvious why America is superior, it still has freedom of expression after all, but I assume you mean more broadly than that. Well, just as the English Civil War led to the expansion of the principles of the old Magna Carta into the Bill of Rights of 1689, so too did the American War of Independence expand the English Bill of Rights and the unwritten constitutionality of common law, along with the forefront of English philosophy and ethics at the time, into the United States Constitution and it's founding body of law. now, English Common Law is overall mostly a better legal system today than America's, I'll concede, and their body of constitutional law, that is, the unwritten constitution, was in the Victorian age one of the better ones of Europe. but most of these originally English ideas and concepts, having not been codified in Britain, now exist in America but not Britain - like the balance of powers, for example. this was a well understood idea in Britain, of balancing power between parliament, the courts and the King, and it had been an idea in circulation ever since Lord Coke's revolutionary concept of putting the law above the king (the concept that would eventually lead to the dramatic conclusion to Charles I's life), but it's pretty obvious to look at what has happened since that the unspoken rule has not held all that well, as now the legislative branch of parliament holds nearly total sway, and even seems to be leaning to abolish the house of lords rather than reform it. now, say what you want about the senate, but you do not want congress to have unchecked power, to make a comparison. these factors, along with a more open culture that enabled America to accept waves of immigrants from Europe in the 1900s and to also then expand markets further (there wasn't some old church every mile blocking the construction of a mall that the local community would screech about being knocked down, for instance), which allowed America to invent the consumer culture that makes life easier for so many people today. Britain at it's peak merely made a fuckton of steel in Rotherham, woo-hoo. (well, it was essential for railway lines, which were a huge modernising force back in the day, to be fair.) so all in all I'd say those are the broad reasons why America is better than the UK. that and the fact we don't have a bloodsucking lizard as a hereditary monarch ruling over us for life.
>As I said, I would not be surprised if it was the British that invented it, not saying it was, just that I would not be surprised.
I'm not really sure how relevant it is - being white isn't something you need a classification for, after all, Europeans have been observing that they have lighter skin than people from other places since antiquity. in terms of categorising races, I believe I am correct in saying the first texts on the matter were French, having done a very cursory search.
>> No. 1371 [Edit]
The Upper House of the UK is superior in that it is not actually made up of politicians and therefore can and will bring up issues that don't have a basis in the support base of the democratically elected lower house. If the upper and lower house are both politicians then they are both subject to the same issue that any democratic body is, it really does not matter which one has power and maybe having one house be dominant is actually a good idea in that case.

The British system for head of government is better as well. It means that you don't end up with a Donald Trump, riling up the masses and appealing to the lowest common denominator and then forcing the party to accept that sate of affairs and live with it or die. It's what has killed the republican party, I really don't see it being elected anytime soon unless Biden does something incredibly stupid.

Immigration had nothing to do with open culture and everything to do with open lands. The reason these immigrants were going to the US and not Britain(and also leaving Britain in the first place) was because Britain had no room for them but America had plenty of it. Britain is the home of the Mall... Well the real mall, the good kind of mall, some German or other invented the US kind(and he regretted doing so). The British consumer culture was perfectly healthy. Any issue was more to do with the fact the the US was so large and the economy could expand so much rather than any problem with British shopping centres.

Having a Lizard Queen is good, the only problem is she doesn't have enough power.

Post edited on 6th Jun 2021, 10:00am
>> No. 1372 [Edit]
>being white isn't something you need a classification for, after all, Europeans have been observing that they have lighter skin than people from other places since antiquity.

Categorising Race is nothing new. You say that Europeans have been observing lighter skin tones than others since antiquity but remember, Europeans don't all have the same skin tone. Much of the time this observing was actually a Greek or Roman fellow commenting on how pale the fellows up north are.
>> No. 1373 [Edit]
>The Upper House of the UK is superior in that it is not actually made up of politicians
even though the hereditary peers don't control a majority, there's still a lot left to be desired by a primarily appointed seat. for one, Lords aren't dismissed as often as MPs, creating a far lower level of accountability and competition - which is why they're always prattling on about nonsense issues none of the rest of the country cares about, if you turn on the tv.
> If the upper and lower house are both politicians then they are both subject to the same issue that any democratic body is
there's nothing wrong with a technocratic upper house, but that's decidedly not what the House of Lords is. it's largely a showroom for aristocrats and celebrities, the only people in there who have a clue about anything are the law lords.
>The British system for head of government is better as well. It means that you don't end up with a Donald Trump, riling up the masses and appealing to the lowest common denominator and then forcing the party to accept that sate of affairs and live with it or die. It's what has killed the republican party
The British executive branch is complex to keep track of and subject to immense change - I would say that ever since the union of England and Scotland we couldn't clearly point to a singular executive office holder. in the early 1700s, the monarch was still theoretically supreme, but the Bill of Rights and the precedent set by the Commonwealth suggested that there was really more of a doctrine of parliamentary supremacy, and it was well understood that parliament could, if it felt like, exercise executive power. then in the latter half of the 1700s and early 1800s, executive power drained further from the monarch as the right to crown land was ceded also to parliament, and around this time too the practice of the "First Minister" started, beginning a precedent that would share more and more executive power with this office. By the Victorian Age and the latter 1800s, ministers of the crown had separated somewhat from their parliamentary peers, forming the Privy Council. the Privy Council is probably the closest thing Britain has ever had to the executive powers of the United States, in fact since it also included for a time the powers that would later be given to the House of Lords and then the Supreme Court, it could be said to be even more powerful. here the precedent was set that the monarch exercised her powers with the advice of her Council only. power continued to solidify more and more in the hands of the Cabinet on the Privy Council until the first world war, when the real sleight-of-hand occured, as it were. here the government seized unprecedented emergency powers, and in order to exercise them freely, the Privy Council now operated much more independently from the monarch, and much more under the direction of the Prime Minister. sometime between then and the end of WW2, the Privy Council was phased out, but the executive powers remained properly in the hands of the Cabinet, and the wars had established the Prime Minister's position as head of that hierarchy. where before the Privy Council merely advised the Queen on how to use her powers, now "advice" means that she is legally obligated to use her powers as advised, when advised. So all in all I'd say that the Glorious Revolution inadvertantly abolished the effective power of the monarchy. As for the Republican party, well, the Founding Father's intentions, at least as I understand it, was that the office of the Presidency would not be reliant on parties. the party system generally is a bit of a perversion of the Anglo-Saxon principles of government. Having said that, I'm not sure if the defeat of the Republicans is necessarily all bad, it may lead to the rise of a more suitable alternative to the Democrats.
>Britain is the home of the Mall... Well the real mall, the good kind of mall, some German or other invented the US kind(and he regretted doing so). The British consumer culture was perfectly healthy. Any issue was more to do with the fact the the US was so large and the economy could expand so much rather than any problem with British shopping centres.
British shopping has since adopted the US model, since it is more efficient. healthy consumer culture is a whole different matter, but I think that has more to do with the human response to more efficiency - something the Brits will know all about from their experience with smog. the cost of building factories within reach of commuting workers was that industrial cities across the country were caked in black, a lot of it had to be physically cleansed under Atlee.
>Having a Lizard Queen is good, the only problem is she doesn't have enough power.
this statement feels like it belies a particular kind of person. if my guess it right, then I'd like to point out that the last time a Monarch tried to truly put their weight behind something was when Queen Victoria supported the Chartist movement.
>You say that Europeans have been observing lighter skin tones than others since antiquity but remember, Europeans don't all have the same skin tone. Much of the time this observing was actually a Greek or Roman fellow commenting on how pale the fellows up north are.
therein partially lies the stupidity of "anti-dnc" posters, yes. it's obvious to anyone that there are many, many competing definitions of "white", and that there are fairly few clear distinctions.
>> No. 1374 [Edit]
>which is why they're always prattling on about nonsense issues none of the rest of the country cares about

That's actually a good thing and was my point, they are willing to bring things up that the average people don't care about.

>the only people in there who have a clue about anything are the law lords.

So it's no different than the lower house either, or politicians in general.

>British shopping has since adopted the US model, since it is more efficient

It's more efficient at covering a nation in cheap and soulless monoliths of franchisees surrounded by car parks.

>something the Brits will know all about from their experience with smog. the cost of building factories within reach of commuting workers was that industrial cities across the country were caked in black, a lot of it had to be physically cleansed under Atlee.

That's nothing to do with malls, that's just how industry was done back then and it was actually efficient. It is a good metaphor for American malls though, a Smog covering the country in soot.

>I'd like to point out that the last time a Monarch tried to truly put their weight behind something was when Queen Victoria supported the Chartist movement.

Because she knows if she actually did try to put her weight behind anything she would be removed. Whilst yes, theoretically she has the power, the moment she actually tries to use it in any serious way will be her downfall.

>therein partially lies the stupidity of "anti-dnc" posters, yes. it's obvious to anyone that there are many, many competing definitions of "white", and that there are fairly few clear distinctions.

I don't know what an anti-dnc poster is but while there may be many ideas on what white actually is the common denominator is that they are referring to people that are white(heh). Pretty much everybody agrees that the fair skinned Europeans(the white skinned Europeans) are white aside from maybe some that don't include Slavs(personally I kind of lean towards not including them). The British not being white meme seems to be more of a /pol/ thing. I guarantee you that if you ask the average man on the street if the British are white they will say yes. Well maybe not but if they say no it will be to do with immigrants or something not because of Celtish blood or rainy weather or whatever makes /pol/ think they are not.

Post edited on 7th Jun 2021, 5:31am
>> No. 1375 [Edit]
>That's actually a good thing and was my point, they are willing to bring things up that the average people don't care about.
Like animal voting rights? I've never seen them discuss things that need to be discussed at all. I couldn't find the specific example, so it's entirely possible I'm taking far too basic a view, but they certainly seem totally ineffectual.
>So it's no different than the lower house either, or politicians in general.
to a degree yes, but politicians have to at least appear to know something about what they're doing. most Lords are openly incompetent, and, as I said, this situation cannot be rectified by their removal. so if they are simply equivalent in value to lower house politicians, this seems to me a point against the particular nature of the Lords.
>It's more efficient at covering a nation in cheap and soulless monoliths of franchisees surrounded by car parks.
yes, a system of effective food distribution. oil to grease the economy - less time cooking with raw ingredients, convenience decreasing wasted time nationwide.
>That's nothing to do with malls, that's just how industry was done back then and it was actually efficient. It is a good metaphor for American malls though, a Smog covering the country in soot.
the point rather being that Britain's consumerism was a threat to public health so serious it was believed it lost them the Boer War at the time - and yes, rather more serious than obesity, my point simply being that Britain was not a healthier consumer culture than America at any point in history, nor healthier or culturally superior in any other sense either, at any point in time.
>Because she knows if she actually did try to put her weight behind anything she would be removed. Whilst yes, theoretically she has the power, the moment she actually tries to use it in any serious way will be her downfall.
yes, but your point was not that the Queen ought to use unused power, but that her powers ought to be restored, no? so therefore, the point is to demonstrate how such power, when it's last vestiges remained, was used. and I think it was used in a way you'd disapprove of, even though it was the result of the usage of the powers you'd wish to restore to the British crown.
>aside from maybe some that don't include Slavs(personally I kind of lean towards not including them).
I don't think any even remotely ordinary or normal person excludes Slavs from being white. I've certainly never heard even the slightest inkling of such an idea outside of /pol/, or pretty old history.
>Well maybe not but if they say no it will be to do with immigrants or something
the only cities in the whole country that are majority nonwhite are London and Slough. and London only counts if you exclude miscellaneous whites. I know you didn't say that, but it's not stated enough to Americans who just sort of assume that the UK is less white than the US.
>> No. 1376 [Edit]
Well female circumcision was one of the issues the house of lords tackled that the lower house would have shied away from.

>to a degree yes, but politicians have to at least appear to know something about what they're doing.

They really don't.

>so if they are simply equivalent in value to lower house politicians

Even if that was true, as you say they are willing to bring up 'nonsense' that would have others removed, that is important. As they are not appointed through standard political processes and they are harder to remove as you also say, they are more independently minded too.

>yes, a system of effective food distribution. oil to grease the economy - less time cooking with raw ingredients, convenience decreasing wasted time nationwide.

What do you mean raw ingredients? You know that a butcher is a thing. Or are you referring to fast food which is just ludicrous. Fast food is garbage and most people don't eat it all the time anyway. Plus corner shops are a thing.

>the point rather being that Britain's consumerism was a threat to public health so serious it was believed it lost them the Boer War at the time - and yes, rather more serious than obesity,

Standards at the time and knowledge of the impacts were of course different back then, the context as a whole was completely different. Not so now. You know that the average height of the united states is shrinking now? Like what happened in the industrial revolution. Only as I said, times were different back then.

>my point simply being that Britain was not a healthier consumer culture than America at any point in history, nor healthier or culturally superior in any other sense either, at any point in time.

Well the industrial revolution started in Britain and Britain is of course much smaller than the US so industrial zones were going to be closer to human habitation and times were different.

I would be careful though, not healthier? Who is more obese now and who actually has proper healthcare? Culture is a broad and difficult idea to tackle, I would say the Britain is culturally superior in most ways though.

>yes, but your point was not that the Queen ought to use unused power, but that her powers ought to be restored, no?

No, I simply said she should have more power. If one has the power to do x but the moment one does x one is removed from office and whatever action was done to x was repealed once one was gone, then one does not have the power to do x now does one?

Post edited on 7th Jun 2021, 7:53pm
>> No. 1389 [Edit]
>Well female circumcision was one of the issues the house of lords tackled that the lower house would have shied away from.
I don't really care about obscure feminist issues tbh, I don't see why circumcision (how would that even effect women?) needed to be brought before a branch of government.
>as you say they are willing to bring up 'nonsense' that would have others removed, that is important. As they are not appointed through standard political processes and they are harder to remove as you also say, they are more independently minded too.
independent-mindedness is a tradeoff with accountability. maximum accountability at this level of government (that is, not decentralized) are referendums - point being if we left something as important as Brexit up to the House of Lords, they'd apply that same weird religious (they have bishops and shit there lmao) and feminist (as you pointed out with the weird circumcision thingy) thinking, and would certainly keep the country under tyranny.
> Who is more obese now and who actually has proper healthcare?
The US has proper healthcare, mate, it's way better quality than the fucking joke of an NHS lol
>Culture is a broad and difficult idea to tackle, I would say the Britain is culturally superior in most ways though.
that's absurd. what even is their culture apart from cold, grey depressing rain upon the heads of hoodie-wearing yobbos and thugs going about getting shitface drunk at pubs and threatening people? there's nothing on that horrid, disgusting little island of any worth whatsoever.
>If one has the power to do x but the moment one does x one is removed from office and whatever action was done to x was repealed once one was gone, then one does not have the power to do x now does one?
reversing that would amount to a restoration of power, like I was saying.
what a weird argumennt. are you British or just some weird Teaboo? I wake up every morning and thank everything around me that I wasn't born British, truly it is the worst country on the planet.
>> No. 1392 [Edit]
>how would that even effect women?
They cut the clitoris off.
>what even is their culture
Agatha Christie wrote some good books. Mary Shelley. Technically Bram Stoker and Oscar Wilde too. Purcell. They have some nice architecture too.

Post edited on 22nd Jun 2021, 7:54am
>> No. 1393 [Edit]
They remove the clitoris which also makes it cause pain every time a woman does so much as pee. The Idea is to remove the ability to feel pleasure from s*x so therefore a woman won't cheat on her husband. So yes, it really did need to be brought up by somebody and it's not just some 'feminist' issue.

>independent-mindedness is a tradeoff with accountability.

Accountability to who? The ignorant plebs? They will only be angry about what the media tells them to be angry about and even that is not always enough if other parts of the media contests that cause a large enough portion of society to think what the politician did was okay or that he never did it. Ahh wait, sorry. I know very well who politicians are accountable too. Big business and the media.

>maximum accountability at this level of government (that is, not decentralized) are referendums - point being if we left something as important as Brexit up to the House of Lords, they'd apply that same weird religious (they have bishops and shit there lmao) and feminist (as you pointed out with the weird circumcision thingy) thinking, and would certainly keep the country under tyranny.

It's hardly feminist logic as I explained and the fact that they are Bishops does not matter.

>The US has proper healthcare, mate, it's way better quality than the fucking joke of an NHS lol

Really? So all healthcare is free? All surgery is free? Well they are still obese, have shorter life expectancies, some of the highest rates of Child mortality in the developed world and other issues.

>that's absurd. what even is their culture

Well they have thousands of years of history that has created many artists, scholars, writers historical institutions and buildings. It's a broad topic as I said but you mention hoodie wearing yobbos, it's funny you should say that as really that is an American thing and those doing it in Britain are inspired by American culture, after all who is it that one actually sees in hoodies all the time and where is it that things like rap music and that lifestyle come from? That actually supports my argument because that is what America is exporting and that is what is ruining the world. American culture is the destruction of culture.

>what a weird argumennt. are you British or just some weird Teaboo? I wake up every morning and thank everything around me that I wasn't born British, truly it is the worst country on the planet.

I'm not British or American. If I had the money I would probably move to Britain though.
>> No. 1395 [Edit]
>They cut the clitoris off.
I neither know nor care what a "clitoris" is.
>Agatha Christie wrote some good books
mostly Conan Doyle ripoffs.
>Mary Shelley
I highly doubt you've read any of her work besides Frankenstein. Frankenstein is important to the later development of speculative fiction, no doubt, but you can see some far finer examples of that from authors with much better bodies of work beside, such as H.G Wells.
> Technically Bram Stoker and Oscar Wilde too.
I don't know about that, Stoker was in favour of home rule and Wilde a Socialist, which, although neither were particularly opposed to the union, does suggest a pretty independent Irish spirit to me - that is to say, they give me the distinct impression that they saw themselves as Irish more than British.
>Purcell. They have some nice architecture too.
I can't say I'm at all a fan of Purcell's opera. only the French came close in my estimation to the first masters of opera in the Italians, and their successors in the Germans (well - perhaps THE German, one might say). it is just opinion on my part for most of these artists though. in terms of architecture I can agree where their neogothic works are on show, though that's hardly "British" more than "European", and many of the neogothic examplars such as the houses of parliament were only barely saved from a fate of neoclassicism, a style which sadly seems more prevalent on their putrid little rock, utterly ruining that most odious and revolting of cities, Bath, in particular.
>They remove the clitoris which also makes it cause pain every time a woman does so much as pee.
well, I suppose that has taught me more than I ever wished to know about the subject already.
>The Idea is to remove the ability to feel pleasure from s*x so therefore a woman won't cheat on her husband. So yes, it really did need to be brought up by somebody and it's not just some 'feminist' issue.
fair enough I suppose, I still don't particularly care about it. if the British do that more for whatever reason, like the Americans do male circumcision more commonly for whatever strange reason, then it's better for reason to overcome culture, I agree.
> Ahh wait, sorry. I know very well who politicians are accountable too. Big business and the media.
which in turn makes them unaccountable to the "ignorant plebs" aforementioned - in this sense I'd much more regard the two houses as two sides of the same coin, similarly as unaccountable as the other.
>It's hardly feminist logic as I explained and the fact that they are Bishops does not matter.
the fact they are bishops means they're bringing irrational myths into the governance of the country in an official capacity, it's totally unacceptable and primitive.
>Really? So all healthcare is free? All surgery is free?
it's not free in either country. free healthcare is a fine thing, but the UK is perhaps the worst possible iteration of it (hardly surprising that such a lowly, stupid people as the British should bungle it so badly, I suppose) - the German system, to keep it just within Europe, has innumerable advantages from federalising the system, and Scotland has it's own organization within the NHS that outdoes it's English leash-holder by leaps and bounds. at any rate, any healthcare system, including the American one, can easily be said to surpass the utter farce that blights Britain.
>Well they have thousands of years of history that has created many artists, scholars, writers historical institutions and buildings.
all of it replaced by Norman and Saxon invaders, setting the clock back a bit further. the French, Germans and Italians consequently have always been light-years ahead of their simple-minded counterparts on the barren island of the north sea.
> it's funny you should say that as really that is an American thing and those doing it in Britain are inspired by American culture
but despite taking an American mask, these people are acting in a long tradition in Britain. they inherited their role from the gangsters of the early 20th century that invented the Glasgow smile, who were descendants of the vast, sprawling and unchallenged criminal underground that Dickens and Henry Fielding wrote so much on, the largest in Europe at the time.
>I'm not British or American. If I had the money I would probably move to Britain though.
I didn't say you were American. I wish you luck in your efforts to move to Britain though, even if they'll massively mistreat you there.
>> No. 1402 [Edit]
The British Don't do it, it's an African/Muslim thing.

>which in turn makes them unaccountable to the "ignorant plebs" aforementioned -

The plebs that are brainwashed by the media which is my point.

>in this sense I'd much more regard the two houses as two sides of the same coin, similarly as unaccountable as the other.

Well then it's not a trade off between independence and accountability then is it? Seeing that you admit they are both as unaccountable as each other.

>the fact they are bishops means they're bringing irrational myths into the governance of the country in an official capacity, it's totally unacceptable and primitive.

Are they though? And are no American politicians ever bringing religion into governance?

>it's not free in either country.

Well in Britain it is.

>all of it replaced by Norman and Saxon invaders, setting the clock back a bit further. the French, Germans and Italians consequently have always been light-years ahead of their simple-minded counterparts on the barren island of the north sea.

Where do you think the Normans and the Saxons came from... I would also remind you just where exactly it was that the industrial revelation was started, who exactly discovered gravity and who it was the coined the term dinosaur and laid the ground work for the theory of evolution and who had the tallest building in the world for a quite substantial period of time. Yes I am sure the Continentals were light years ahead of that... Now I don't dismiss them but to say that they were light years ahead and that the British were simple minded is just ludicrous and belays one having even a basic knowledge of the field. I think barren is unfair too, after all as you keep going on about, it's far too rainy to be barren.

>but despite taking an American mask, these people are acting in a long tradition in Britain. they inherited their role from the gangsters of the early 20th century that invented the Glasgow smile, who were descendants of the vast, sprawling and unchallenged criminal underground that Dickens and Henry Fielding wrote so much on, the largest in Europe at the time.

London was the largest city in Europe at the time(I think it may have even been largest in the world) and the most industrialised so it makes sense it would have the largest crime network. But even they were more cultured than the Americans and their street youth culture and the American street youth culture is not just restricted to the criminal underground, it's American pop culture now as well.
>> No. 1403 [Edit]
>I neither know nor care what a "clitoris" is
Are you not a heterosexual man?
>but you can see some far finer examples
I'm only arguing that Britain HAS a culture with some significance and tangible achievements. Never said it's the greatest on Earth.
>a fate of neoclassicism
I'd take neoclassicism over Brutalism at least.
>> No. 1404 [Edit]
>The plebs that are brainwashed by the media which is my point.
if they were brainwashed by the media they wouldn't have voted for Brexit, the whole media was against that.
>Well then it's not a trade off between independence and accountability then is it? Seeing that you admit they are both as unaccountable as each other.
the lower house is independent insofar as "corporate voters" in the form of donations can outvote any normal voter. I think that there is a greater accountability to be had at the expense of this existing independence for the lower house also.
>Are they though? And are no American politicians ever bringing religion into governance?
at least Americans don't do so in an official capacity. Christians are luckily a much weaker force in Britbongistan these days, but they still have their grip and aren't gone yet.
> I would also remind you just where exactly it was that the industrial revelation was started, who exactly discovered gravity and who it was the coined the term dinosaur and laid the ground work for the theory of evolution and who had the tallest building in the world for a quite substantial period of time.
those are piddling, meager efforts of an inferior people compared to what literally any other nation has acheived.
>Are you not a heterosexual man?
no, but a clitoris (as I have since researched) is a feature of 3D women, and as a heterosexual man I am obviously only attracted to 2D women. 3D women are the exclusive province of the most homosexual of men.
>I'm only arguing that Britain HAS a culture with some significance and tangible achievements. Never said it's the greatest on Earth.
a middling Victorian culture means nothing if it has no descendants, and it doesn't. Brits today have nothing at all to do with the authors we named, they only know Pub and Greggs, Simple As.
>> No. 1407 [Edit]
File 162448593879.png - (472.86KB , 992x766 , 70a878722108125b5b8ef01608530361.png )
>a clitoris is a feature of 3D women
>literally any other nation
>> No. 1408 [Edit]
>those are piddling, meager efforts of an inferior people compared to what literally any other nation has acheived.

I'm going to stop now. I don't really see a point in continuing this if you are going to continue saying ridiculous things like that. Clearly what you are saying has no basis in reality.
>> No. 1409 [Edit]
>I'm going to stop now. I don't really see a point in continuing this if you are going to continue saying ridiculous things like that. Clearly what you are saying has no basis in reality.
I was gonna drop the reveal and post a timestamp with the guy down the street's union jack from his backyard flying in the background, but he put up his fucking wiltshire flag this week, so that's ruined.
>> No. 1557 [Edit]

That test its awful and superficial try filteries
>> No. 1568 [Edit]
>> I would also remind you just where exactly it was that the industrial revelation was started, who exactly discovered gravity and who it was the coined the term dinosaur and laid the ground work for the theory of evolution and who had the tallest building in the world for a quite substantial period of time.
>those are piddling, meager efforts of an inferior people compared to what literally any other nation has achieved.
Of all it's achievements, most impressive of the British Empire is not that they managed to conquer a greater portion of the earth than any other people before or since, nor even that they managed to conquer the tongue of every person on the planet, but that they managed to colonize the mind and conquer the intellect and spirit of every other peoples on the planet. Never has a single group more wholly retained the attention and the spite of the entire world.
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