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File 172627098381.jpg - (8.60KB , 201x251 , HNI_0044_JPG.jpg )
1795 No. 1795 [Edit]
Okay so a little background,i tend to worry a lot and i am stuck in the state of being independent because my parents are both in the right wing "cult" and sometimes i am afraid to say the wrong thing around them. Aside from that,i get along okay but it seems like with every discourse we have they try to get me to agree with everything their side says and sometimes i don't really agree. I live on my own in an apartment but i have to go to their house every other weekend so i can't really have no contact quite yet.I am just hoping i can get some advice or words of encouragement through this thread,maybe it would be sort of a hugbox for others who are going through the same,i don't know,but i need to get this off my chest and if anyone has decent advice for me (and possibly others like me) let me know i would appreciate it.
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>> No. 1796 [Edit]
You being independent means you're already well past half-way there. Good job. Every other weekend isn't even that often. I would just nod my head and zone out whenever they want to talk about politics.
>> No. 1797 [Edit]
Isn't that the case with most normalfags? If you say anything that goes against their views they take it personally.
>> No. 1798 [Edit]
File 172627785572.png - (1.25MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jut.png )
Political topics pertain to /tat/.
>> No. 1808 [Edit]
I don't know how they are, if they're just normal people who have gone and become politically obsessed, don't worry about it and try to change the subject. If they still need to bring it up and don't like you disagreeing with them either tell them you don't know anything because you're not interested in and do not follow politics, or go uh-huh, yeah and agree without elaborating to whatever they say.
I live with my mother and have every day for the past near decade been forced to hear about American politics and how Trump is like the second coming of Christ who's going to fix everything just trust the plan!! I don't even live anywhere near the US. I wouldn't care if it only was every weekend instead of daily and if I never had to hear any of the talking heads she listens to again.

All of politics are a cult, fuck em all. This shit is the new sports for normalfags. Wish people could go back to arguing over sports teams instead of which kidfucker suit is going to save us the most. Spoiler alert, none of them will.
>> No. 1834 [Edit]
You are an idiot. Why would it scare you? You literally just claimed that every single individual who is on the right is a "cult", even though extremely few of them even come close to actually fitting that definition at all, if any. That means that you are not scared of Kamala winning, which would make a lot more sense since she is unfathomably condescending and has literally specifically stated that she will literary ignore the Constitution. Instead, you are actually afraid if Donald Trump becoming president. When Donald Trump becomes president, your daily life will not change in any way, because we have already had elections for 200 years, and all presidents do not generally (at least not quickly, or noticeably) change the everyday lives if people, such as going to the grocery store and having conversations with your mother and the fact that people who go to public school will go to a different building when they change from 8th grade to 9th grade. Presidents do not change your life at all for normal people. Prices change, surveillence increases (or maybe, someday, could actually decrease, maybe!), organizations begin to exist or stop existing, and you still have the same job and the same friends and the same house and the same police. Aside from the incredibly obvious fact that presidents do not change daily life in our current paradigm under which Donald Trump continues, you have somehow also forgotten that DONALD TRUMP WAS ALREADY PRESIDENT. During that time, your daily life did not change whatsoever as a result of who the president was (any covid-based draconianism was done by counties and by employers, not by D.C., except for draconianism about entering and leaving America, for which even that, does not change daily life, but also was not fully prohibited nor permanent nor a policy of Trump's invention. And possibly if they had draconism regarding ability to enter federal court buildings, in which case I am not aware that it happened and in which case also, once again, does not significantly change 99.999% of people's daily lives... especially not people who are afraid of Donald Trump, since all such people likely already have injected themselves and already wore papers on their face everywhere, perhaps even in their own cars while alone, in which case, EVEN IF they had a federal criminal trial for which they are innocent and also have irrefutable proof of and for which they would be imprisoned for 40 years if they are not allowed to go to court and for zero minutes if they are allowed... they STILL wouldn't have impact on their life, because THEY *would* have been allowed to go to court!). During Donald Trump's presidency which ALREADY happened... you continued to go to the store and school and play games and whatever (except covid)! If you had any legitimate psuedo-fear, meaning that no emotions or anxiety is involved t all, but rather, there might be some problem with immigration or taxes might change or something like that. Then you would have said so. Instead of this just really vague really generic thing, like you are having actual anxiety about something that... already happened "to you". For four continuous years. With zero effects that are worth actual anxiety.
>> No. 1836 [Edit]
>> No. 1841 [Edit]
i personally do not like both sides since they both believe i am dangerous, i never voted since its invasive to my privacy and rights. people who follow sides i find it difficult to talk, and believe in whatever is morally right.
>> No. 1842 [Edit]
People being afraid of his second presidency is just more proof that democracy needs to be taken back behind the shed and shot.
>> No. 1856 [Edit]
>i personally do not like both sides since they both believe i am dangerous

Why is that?
Are you a registered sex offender?
That's the only thing I think both GOP and Dems could agree about, when it comes to defining "dangerous individuals"

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