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File 172627098381.jpg - (8.60KB , 201x251 , HNI_0044_JPG.jpg )
1795 No. 1795 [Edit]
Okay so a little background,i tend to worry a lot and i am stuck in the state of being independent because my parents are both in the right wing "cult" and sometimes i am afraid to say the wrong thing around them. Aside from that,i get along okay but it seems like with every discourse we have they try to get me to agree with everything their side says and sometimes i don't really agree. I live on my own in an apartment but i have to go to their house every other weekend so i can't really have no contact quite yet.I am just hoping i can get some advice or words of encouragement through this thread,maybe it would be sort of a hugbox for others who are going through the same,i don't know,but i need to get this off my chest and if anyone has decent advice for me (and possibly others like me) let me know i would appreciate it.
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>> No. 1796 [Edit]
You being independent means you're already well past half-way there. Good job. Every other weekend isn't even that often. I would just nod my head and zone out whenever they want to talk about politics.
>> No. 1797 [Edit]
Isn't that the case with most normalfags? If you say anything that goes against their views they take it personally.
>> No. 1798 [Edit]
File 172627785572.png - (1.25MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jut.png )
Political topics pertain to /tat/.
>> No. 1808 [Edit]
I don't know how they are, if they're just normal people who have gone and become politically obsessed, don't worry about it and try to change the subject. If they still need to bring it up and don't like you disagreeing with them either tell them you don't know anything because you're not interested in and do not follow politics, or go uh-huh, yeah and agree without elaborating to whatever they say.
I live with my mother and have every day for the past near decade been forced to hear about American politics and how Trump is like the second coming of Christ who's going to fix everything just trust the plan!! I don't even live anywhere near the US. I wouldn't care if it only was every weekend instead of daily and if I never had to hear any of the talking heads she listens to again.

All of politics are a cult, fuck em all. This shit is the new sports for normalfags. Wish people could go back to arguing over sports teams instead of which kidfucker suit is going to save us the most. Spoiler alert, none of them will.

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