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File 173601197051.jpg - (4.18MB , 2472x2530 , europid_women_1725168244662.jpg )
1849 No. 1849 [Edit]
In the future people will use bioengineering to turn themselves and others into Whites. This is terrible because authenticity exist, people will always think about authenticity, and people have always been thinking about the authenticity, especially authenticity of looks, and more specifically authenticity of feature commonly associated with Europids. Hence, we must preserve, secure, contain, and record Authentic White people. And sterilize and move all POCs to a single or multiple place that are isolated.

All we need to do is convince the POCs to sterilize them self and be moved to a single isolated place. Which is actually pretty easy since the vast majority of POCs in the world have the same thinking as above, it's just that media and politics clouds their mind with neurotics, them being emotional, triggers, financials, "muh source??", and etc. Trust me, I have done it irl trust me, it is actually easy. The thing is we need actual existing organization or some sort of trends and movement that are famous, but trends and movement are hard to make unless you are some sort of big business. Hence, creating organization IRL must be top priority. This organization must have the very specific aim to sterilize and move all POCs to a single or multiple isolated place. The organization must recruit as many people as possible regardless of authentic looks, race, and ethnicity and must gather as many support as possible from the country the organization is in and from aboard. For the in-country support and recruit part; have a broad way of persuasion and advertising of the cause and organization, it doesn't matter how ridiculous, diverse, vast, broad, contradicting, extreme, moderate, of many opposites, and etc. For The persuasion and advertisement part; as long as the main cause is still told to them and is enforced then it is safe. Don't recruit anyone who will get in the way of the main cause, people can disagree, but soon they will stop caring. Remember to have people who have position and control to be people who you know is 100% in support of the cause. Do NOT ever give people who are not 100% into the cause any position and control. Do the usual stuff political parties do. Gather investments, donor, and funds in general. Do networking, it doesn't matter if it's just some small-mid business owner, university orgs, or some guy who have plenty of connections, just do it. Pitch the idea to businesses of any size and of any formality. Pitch the idea to other organizations no matter what you think their political alignment are. Pitch your idea to the Internet and social-media sphere of your country. Pitch your idea to the government. You guys get the point.

also question for the staff; is linking discord server or forum post from another website allowed here?
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>> No. 1850 [Edit]
Nvm I forgot, staff can delete this thread since the picture is lewd. I will repost if that's the case.
>> No. 1852 [Edit]
Some westerner organisation one day decide to label my people as a 'people of colour', so despite myself being paler than porcelain snow, I find it fun to poke fun at it.
So to uphold the spirit of good humour, I say this: shaddap cracka.
>> No. 1853 [Edit]
>“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.”
― St. Antony the Great
>> No. 1854 [Edit]
>In the future people will use bioengineering to turn themselves and others into Whites

There's no single "White" gene that you can turn off or on in a laboratory while manipulating human cells.

Races, if it makes sense to use this word, are the product of tens of millennia of separate evolution. Just think of the never-ending debate about the safety of GMO food and then multiply it by 100 when it comes to creating actual human beings, as opposed to an apple that doesn't rot.

As a solution, try aiming lower, like being able to freely decide your offspring's eye color (including red and yellow maybe, why not?)
>> No. 1857 [Edit]
Whiteness, authentic or not, is a quality that one would intenselycare about only if they were am*rican or heavily am*ricanised.
Something much, much better to care about the authenticity of and in general would be one's nationality and hating on neighbouring nationalities, white or not; that's where the spice of life is.
${nation1} [which is considered white] is the best and coolest and the most awesome-est! those filthy and putrid pigdogs of ${nation2} [which is also white, neighbours ${nation1} and likely shares a long history between the two] should just leave, or better yet, simply vanish from existence without a trace!!!“

Would red or yellow eyes even be possible, without some new mutation? As far as I am aware the only possible colours are a mix of brown, green, blue, white, and black. Maybe one can get yellow eyes, but red seem quite farfetched... of course discounting jaundice and pink eye, haha!
>> No. 1858 [Edit]

Why do some people follow me whenever I go to some online place? Am I destined to be involved in some story? are you people some observer figures that are waiting for me to be trust into a certain event? are you guys glowies? are you guys company men? am I Insane? am I what the people of this era call "Schizo"?
>> No. 1859 [Edit]
File 173650087544.jpg - (28.88KB , 1000x561 , 1768938302943.jpg )
All I can say is that imageboards are known to attract both actual glowies and do-it-for-free stalkers
>> No. 1865 [Edit]
have you seen it first-hand? just asking
>> No. 1866 [Edit]
>In the future
I was not meaning to say "in the future". Bioengineering is already happening for a long time in places like S.Korea
>> No. 1867 [Edit]
Huh? Plastic surgery does not modify your genes
>> No. 1868 [Edit]

I have had some of my best online conversations via IBs, but let's face it, not everyone here is both in good faith and mentally sound
>> No. 1869 [Edit]
they do cell implants and when it comes to designer baby this year, they will probably have the highest number among the asian nation next to PRC
>> No. 1870 [Edit]
Asian nation? Doesn't seem right... yet it does rhyme.
>> No. 1877 [Edit]
do you guys think this new era will do something about the preservation of individuals and identity groups with authentic Europid body?

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