No. 1857
Whiteness, authentic or not, is a quality that one would intenselycare about only if they were am*rican or heavily am*ricanised.
Something much, much better to care about the authenticity of and in general would be one's nationality and hating on neighbouring nationalities, white or not; that's where the spice of life is.
„${nation1} [which is considered white] is the best and coolest and the most awesome-est! those filthy and putrid pigdogs of ${nation2} [which is also white, neighbours ${nation1} and likely shares a long history between the two] should just leave, or better yet, simply vanish from existence without a trace!!!“
Would red or yellow eyes even be possible, without some new mutation? As far as I am aware the only possible colours are a mix of brown, green, blue, white, and black. Maybe one can get yellow eyes, but red seem quite farfetched... of course discounting jaundice and pink eye, haha!