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733 No. 733 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Can Nazis and fundamentalist Christians and Muslims be otaku? Iran is kind of like modern Nazi Germany. Look how that turned out.
83 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1420 [Edit]
On the Muslim note, both ISIS and the Taliban have expressed that anime is okay with the Taliban saying "It's just a cartoon"
>> No. 1421 [Edit]
If this is your source, it's not very convincing.
Libtards are also "okay" with video games. See how that turned out.
>> No. 1426 [Edit]
they're far more accepting than Conservatives, see Jack Thompson
>> No. 1456 [Edit]
Of course they can, I am one.

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409 No. 409 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Is earth flat, round, or upside down?
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>> No. 1108 [Edit]
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It's inside out.
>> No. 1382 [Edit]
It's both flat and hollow, thus cylinder shaped.
The bottom of the cylinder is likely occupied by a mirror-world where everything is opposite, similarly with the lower portions of the interior, though that's a mirror of the interior of the earth.
It is possible that the mirror-interior (and through it the mirror-earth) can be accessed through the bottom of the inner earth, though if that is the case then one would likely fall up until one hit the bottom of the mirror earth, what with it being mirrored, and that wouldn't be conductive to one's health.
The sides meanwhile, are likely to be occupied by a large serpent, be it Leviathan or Jormungandr and can thus not be traversed without being eaten.
>> No. 1424 [Edit]
its probably flat since its velocity/direction of velocity doesnt change. if the earth was going in a circle around the sun then you would be heavier during day time and lighter during night time, since during the night the earth is between you and the sun so it cant push you onto the orbital path and has to use purely gravity to keep you held down, meanwhile during the day the earth can push you in the right direction while also using gravity to keep you held down.

i hope thats clear enough, if not, think of it like a car doing donuts. you get thrown against the side of the car and you feel a constant force because your velocity of your body is constantly being corrected onto the path of the car. on the scale of earth it wouldnt be that much of a difference if the earth moves around one degree every day in the circle in makes around the sun, but i think with good enough equipment it should be detectable.
>> No. 1425 [Edit]
You'd actually be lighter during the day since the earth is pulling you towards it while the sun is pulling you away from the earth. The sun is so far away though, that this difference is negligible on any normal scale.

The earth's gravity is also sufficient enough for people and the earth to act as one object accelerating together.

Post edited on 4th Oct 2021, 7:46am

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1036 No. 1036 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Over the last two weeks I've had an inordinate amount of free-time, a lot of which I wasted torturing myself by exposing my mind to normalfag neurotoxins because I'm masochistic, self-destructive and frustrated by my complete inability to control the enviroment around me. The result of all this was a list I made about feminism. So lets talk about it to heal our addled minds and restore a bit of sanity.

Feminism, regardless of whatever someone's nonsensical personal interpretation of it, tends to have a few common tenets:

1. There is a patriarchy, a society-wide, concerted effort to keep woman down. Every man who does not "fight it" is part of the patriarchy.

2. Promoting feminism is the way to promote general equality. If society reached "peak feminism" there would be no issues that disproportionately affect either sex. Quality of life and happiness will also certainly be higher for everybody.

3. Women are a victimized class of people today and in the western first world. They are victimized more so than men. Feminism cannot exist unless woman are "the victims" and will never become obsolete because the goalposts will be perpetually changing.

4. Human beings are born blank slates. There are no innate psychological differences between men and women that tend to occur. If there are any exceptions to a potential trend, that proves that the trend does not exist. (extension of Marxism)

5. Feminism cannot be characterized by the words and actions of individuals or groups with money and power who identify as feminist. It is only characterized by vague, theoretical ideas.

6. Women are not a hive mind and are all unique individuals who can not be generalized in any way, but they should have a strong sense of group identity and work towards common interests. "Sisterhood" and individualism are somehow not contradictory. A shared victimhood should be the unifying factor among women.
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>> No. 1414 [Edit]
I agree with them so far as photographic depiction of 3D women goes, but as 2D is the best realistic alternative to this, 2D is in fact the only way of achieving what they wish to achieve. that plus the fact that a lot of the focus on anime specifically arises from the extremely racist stereotype of the "yellow peril" being perverted and arriving to rape white women. but it can only be expected that such bigotry remains amongst radical feminists such as Clare Short.
it's best to ignore all 3D
>> No. 1415 [Edit]
>so far as photographic depiction of 3D women
Why? People are individuals. Nobody owns any body but their own. The rest of what you wrote is incomprehensible.
>> No. 1416 [Edit]
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why? well to combat objectification of women, which psychologically speaking only occurs through photographic depictions. so the government should crack down on 3D, and promote anime as a healthy alternative.
>> No. 1475 [Edit]
Even if objectification can be proven to exist as something real, and separate from natural male sexuality, what is wrong with it? No one ever explained that to me. Okay, so let's say I'm treating women like an object of my lust rather than a person. And? Women DON'T own the concept of the female body, that's the point. They can't, no-one can, only the mind that imagines it owns it.

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867 No. 867 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
I'm worried. They're already here in Europe. It makes no sense.
How do you feel about it?
53 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1390 [Edit]
absolutely this. what a supremely based post.
>> No. 1391 [Edit]
absolutely this. what a supremely based post.
>> No. 1410 [Edit]
Plugging your ears and calling something a spook doesn't make it not a reality.
There were demonstrations in Europe, it's not as fuck it nevermind someone who stills parrots old /lit/ memes isn't gonna understand anyway
>> No. 1422 [Edit]
For a "european" that's a suspiciously American sentiment which was only formulated and disseminated by filthy yankee kike driven media during the past 5 years.

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1059 No. 1059 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you guys believe in anything that might be called a conspiracy?
Pic might be related
I think a global Orwellian state is coming into existence
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>> No. 1384 [Edit]
Since the moment I came to conclusion that the phrase "conspiracy theory" was created to discredit all discussions of potential hidden plots and agendas, and that most people start associating the word "conspiracy" with some nutjob rambling, I started giving everything with the label attached at least a deeper consideration.

Some people are pulling the strings and the world politics are coordinated in some way. You can see who influential people meet with, maybe see some money flows. The politicians seem to use the same language, last phrase I heard was "build back better".

It's just modern form of slavery.
>> No. 1386 [Edit]
Why should they have had to leave their homes and the lands they have lived in for god knows how long? I don't agree that those that stayed can't be serious about there faith either. This is quite a simplistic view of things that you seem to have that fails to give even a passing glance to the thoughts and realities of those that are actually there.
>> No. 1387 [Edit]
>Why should they have had to leave their homes and the lands they have lived in for god knows how long?
Because they're a bunch of assholes who choose to follow a violent, militaristic ideology.
>> No. 1388 [Edit]
I'm not denying that but it doesn't factor into why they should themselves feel the need to leave or even have the ability to practically leave.

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1007 No. 1007 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If China takes over the whole world, what do you think would change? Do you think there's anything that would be improved? What would it look like?
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>> No. 1011 [Edit]
>Would they stop putting effort into stuff that makes them seem more "normal" like anime related stuff
They'd probably continue to do it to make themselves more friendly and palatable. It's also a cheap method of exerting and maintaining soft power.

>forced into being less religious
They seem to hate falun gong and uighurs but I think that's because within China, they don't want any organized opposing force (not sure why they hate falun gong in particular since it just seems like a blend of taoism/buddhism). I don't they would particularly care about exerting control over religions in other regions since it really doesn't pose much of an issue to them.

Overall the changes would be done very slowly. E.g. rather than mandating Chinese from the start, they would first gradually increase foreigners' exposure to hanzi, and then slowly introduce it in the school curriculum, and so by two or three generations it would come to be ingrained in the culture as the defacto medium for communication. Although when we're speaking about that long of a timescale it really depends on how the successor of Xi will take things; because as I understand it there are various factions still trying to gain control.
>> No. 1025 [Edit]
>Also religion, would people be forced into being less religious
The Chinese today seem to be embracing traditional Chinese religions more and co-opting it to work with the already-existing Communist system, so as to fill the spiritual void of the modern Chinese. I think they may make some attempt to spread things like Confucianism and Taoism, as people will feel more intrigued by the more exotic aspects of their society than by the boring, soulless Marxist aspects. Xi Jinping
The Chinese governments is also attempting to forcefully reform other religions like Christianity or Islam, to make it work with the political system, by creating their own edited/censored versions of the Bible for example.
>> No. 1086 [Edit]
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In my opinion, China "taking over the whole world" would be its undoing. Over-expansion, and an angry United States, Russia, surrounding Asian countries who dislike China like Taiwan and Japan and their allies would also not just let them take over unopposed. Especially since these countries have pretty nasty technology developed that they wouldn't be afraid to use when they're not intentionally prolonging war for profit. The Chinese do as well but we all know how they fare in open war.

People who support China because they dislike the powers that be in the west don't know what they're asking for either.
>> No. 1261 [Edit]
I kind of agree. It's my biggest criticism of their foreign policy right now. They keep pushing at other nations, bullying them and threatening them and claiming their lands. It's only making them enemies and even militarising the region against them. A good example of that would be the Quad alliance of Australia, Japan, India and the US. Australia actually dissolved that as they wanted to get on well with China and trade with them, now they have started it up again due to Chinese aggression.

If China had just waited, just bided their time, build up their navy in peace, build their defence industry up and set up their belt and road nobody would have bothered them about it indeed nobody was, as I mentioned Australia even dissolved an alliance against them but not only that some Australian politicians wanted to be part of the Belt and Road(they have changed their tune about that now). They could have waited until it was to late and then revealed themselves for that they are.

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242 No. 242 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
>refers to a post-war council consisting of the Big Four that U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed as a guarantor of world peace. The members of the Big Four, called the Four Powers during World War II, were the four major Allies of World War II: the United Kingdom, the United States, the Soviet Union and the Republic of China
>As a preventive measure against new wars, countries other than the Four Policemen were to be disarmed. Only the Four Policemen would be allowed to possess any weapons more powerful than a rifle.[2]

'Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.'
- Benjamin Franklin

'In America everybody is of opinion that he has no social superiors, since all men are equal, but he does not admit that he has no social inferiors, for, from the time of Jefferson onward, the doctrine that all men are equal applies only upwards, not downwards.'
- Bertrand Russell
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>> No. 247 [Edit]
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>That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed.

Citizens of foreign nations didn't consent to US rule. Maybe in some exceptions, don't nitpick me.
>> No. 248 [Edit]
The Declaration of Independence is different from the Constitution. The Constitution is an agreement between the Federal Government and the people. Even state governments aren't held to the Constitution in the same way that the Feds are. The point of the document was to establish the Union out of the then independent colonies.

I agree with your point that the very notion of such a thing as the Four Policemen is very hypocritical, but it does need to be said regardless.

Post edited on 3rd Jun 2017, 10:29am
>> No. 1124 [Edit]
>>As a preventive measure against new wars, countries other than the Four Policemen were to be disarmed. Only the Four Policemen would be allowed to possess any weapons more powerful than a rifle.[2]
Isn't this exactly what the NPT does? I find it really fucking funny that the only country to actually use a nuclear weapon in combat, against civilians no less, makes the claim that they, yes THEY in particular need to keep those weapons out of the hands of everyone else, including their allies. I guess they're smart about one thing; being a U.S. citizen would suddenly become very unpleasant, if the U.S. military lost a war hard enough to lose its place as a superpower, after all the enemies we've made in the last century.
>> No. 1131 [Edit]
But US militia only get rifles as well.

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1087 No. 1087 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you like ancient Egypt?
>> No. 1088 [Edit]
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Hittites are better.

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986 No. 986 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This thread is for talking about the general trend of certain fields of science becoming more focused on supporting pre-existing, politically correct ideas than observing reality.

Today I looked at the wikipedia article on Mongoloid and noticed how bereft of information it is. Then I looked at the talk page and I think I finally get why some people hate wikipedia.

The Japanese version of the article on the other hand is still full of infoモンゴロイド
The Chinese version is sparse, but based on my translator, the opening paragraph mentions higher IQs in East Asian children than European and African ones. It also links to this
>Using improved methods and public data, we have revisited human evolution and found sharing of genetic variations among racial groups to be largely a result of parallel mutations rather than recent common ancestry and admixture as commonly assumed.

The Japanese race article人種 has a section about dna which includes charts and plenty of references to Chinese and Japanese studies. There is no Chinese or Japanese version of the Scientific racism article.
>> No. 987 [Edit]
Social sciences always had an undertone of politics. Sadly even biology/medicine is starting to fall under its sway.

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374 No. 374 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Did you know that, ever since the US forced Japan to do Democracy, the Japanese have elected the Liberal Democratic Party 95% of the time?
That means the LDP has been in government ever since 1945, with only maybe two exceptions.

What ever the Americans had hoped Democracy would do, I don't think they achieved it.
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>> No. 983 [Edit]
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historically Japan likes cute from the start which is why Bokko will always be better received than garbage like Minnie Mouse and the only reason westerners complained over Minnie looking sexy in that fashion commercial is because the west is a mentally ill culture, after all the west celebrates fat women.
>> No. 984 [Edit]
>the west celebrates fat women.
I'd say it's something that a lot of people here are reluctantly forced to live with. Yes there are some people who claim to like it, but for every one who does I think there's another who's only saying as much to hopefully win some favor. I refuse to believe everyone here is okay with it. I see average sized men with women twice their size all the time, and I wonder to myself how these guys don't mind that. Call me vain but I think physical attraction is half of a relationship, and you can't have a healthy relationship if the sight of your partner naked makes you want to vomit.
I think it's something men here accept because there's not much choice. They want companionship, but they can't be picky. When most of the women are like this and complaining would get you ostracized, they must feel like there's no alternative.
Ironically, these same men would consider someone like me pathetic for not giving in and taking whatever I can get.
>> No. 985 [Edit]
>Yes there are some people who claim to like it, but for every one who does I think there's another who's only saying as much to hopefully win some favor.
It seems like it's a commitment thing. Very few guys actually prefer fat girls and if you dig down into those who claim to it's because "they try harder" or "are more loyal". I've seen women use the same logic to justify dating someone far larger than them. I can understand the visual appeal of chubby but these people try to talk people who are downright obese into being sexy when fat fetishism is really rare. Just look at porn and then look at the amount of self proclaimed "chubby chasers". It's gross that people view a partner fatter than them as a plus because they "try harder" and "won't leave". The extreme of this is feederism but you see the same thing play out in a much lighter way all the time.

Polite sage for off topic.
>> No. 1085 [Edit]
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Fat acceptance is widely mocked even by progressive types, the only celebration of that is by fat fetishists and that happens in the east too if you dare to brave certain tags on Pixiv.

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660 No. 660 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Regardless of :



-skin colour

-political views



Most people in every country in the world is just uninteresting and boring .
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>> No. 943 [Edit]
Apparently you yourself did not understand what I meant in my post, so I'll spell it out for you: I'm under no delusion of my self worth, I am among or indeed even am the most worthless of humans to ever live in history. Wow, holy shit, what a big fucking ego, that's definitely what I said or suggested in any way in the slightest in any of my posts. Because I hate normal people that must mean I think I'm better than them, right? Even though that's the metric by which I hate them? Bottom line is either kill me so I don't have to live in the same world as them or kill all of them.
>> No. 945 [Edit]
Yes, i didn't understand what you meant in your post, it had seemed as if you mockingly quoted my post when actually you were quoting yourself. We'll forget about those two posts and continue with the discussion. Still you did not understand my post about vanity which meant that all pursuits and interests are vanity. Throwing a ball around and thinking about philosophy are the same at the end of the day because both are vanity. What does it matter if someone is extraordinary or normal? Both of them will die in the end. Unless you have included yourself in the category of boring uninteresting people, which you have definitely implied you aren't in, then yes you do think you're better than other people. Your interests are no better than anyone elses because interest is subjective. If someone likes football trivia and talks to another person with the same interest, then that is an interesting conversation (relative to the participants), regardless of whether you are interested or not.
>> No. 946 [Edit]
There's nothing wrong with vanity. There's also other metrics to compare one interest to another, like how mentally strenuous it is, or how disconnected it is from reality. It seems like you're trying to make some nihilistic point about equality. I don't really buy it.
>> No. 950 [Edit]
>which meant that all pursuits and interests are vanity.
in the abstract yes, but it is the nature of groups that I in the group that hates football will also be seen as similarly dull and uninteresting by those who play football, the point ultimately is that from the point of view of those in the same group as me there is no purpose to interacting with a foreign and hostile group.
>What does it matter if someone is extraordinary or normal? Both of them will die in the end.
The purpose is self-determined, just as you determined to spend time making the post. All choices in this regard are objectively equal, I agree, but very little of human existence is governed by consideration of the objective.
>Both of them will die in the end. Unless you have included yourself in the category of boring uninteresting people, which you have definitely implied you aren't in
The point I meant to imply is that I am not in the category of people who are exciting and interesting to other people, which is to say that they are the opposite to me just as I am boring and uninteresting to them. Because they hate me I hate them, that's the crux of the matter, and I wouldn't have it any other way, I'd sooner die than be one of them.
>If someone likes football trivia and talks to another person with the same interest, then that is an interesting conversation (relative to the participants), regardless of whether you are interested or not.
Objectively, sure. Subjectively, I'd wish they'd die so they'd leave me alone.

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