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File 156387472268.jpg - (231.72KB , 640x480 , lonely-house-in-the-meadow-4608x3456_30362.jpg )
657 No. 657 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Less noise, less congestion, less corporations, less rules, less taxes, less concrete... maybe not quite a world of hunter-gatherers and stone huts, just a simpler and more free one.
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>> No. 716 [Edit]
I dont mind primitive living, I go camping/hunting all the time. Some people dont care that its gross or dirty, they prefer the simplicity and connection to nature.
>> No. 718 [Edit]
You always have a comfortable house to return to though, right? Camping and sleeping in a tent is different from actually permanently living in a filthy shack.
>> No. 750 [Edit]
Barring internet connection, a lot of the pleasantries of a home in the city can be recreated small-scale in the country. At the risk of blogposting, my mom moved from the city into a trailer in the middle of fuckall about 2 years ago with no money and very few working faculties (like a decent toilet or consistent electricity). And as of posting this, she's dug up underground and set up the pipes, gotten a generator for electricity, built a chicken coop, and revamped the shed into a studio.

Not to mention that well water is, at least in my opinion, a lot nicer than the bitter city water. I would never personally be willing to forgo an internet connection for the other niceties, but you can live an incredibly comfy life provided you put in the initial efforts to recreate it, with the added benefit of near complete independence. But of course a lot of it comes to personal preferences and what trade-offs someone is willing to make.
>> No. 751 [Edit]
Yes, it would also be nice if the country was less populated and more wild in general, the problem now is that all land is owned by somebody and used for something.

Maybe, you could opt for a middle ground and live in the middle of nowhere but in a developed country where you will have all that anyway. Basically what we have now but with less people.

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684 No. 684 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Psychiatry only exists as a means for charlatans posing as doctors to trick individuals into forking over large amounts of cash in exchange for complicated excuses for their terrible behavior as well as access to otherwise illegal addictive feel-good pills.
Agree or disagree and also would an airplane be able to take off from a treadmill or not?
>> No. 685 [Edit]
What do you mean by terrible behavior?
>> No. 686 [Edit]
Oh no not this stupid airplane question again (>>/navi/1012). I'm also not sure why it needed to be posted since it's probably going to derail any discussion towards your main point.

I think that the field of psychology and psychiatrists in particular are mostly ineffective. That being said for a large majority of normal people's problems (hypothetically sadness due to a breakup or some other surface-level trivial issue) it's possible that just having someone to "talk it out" with and being patted on the back with platitudes is sufficient to re-patch their facade of life. But psychiatrists are pretty much ineffective for anything else, and any advice they give is vastly overpriced for what amounts to items found in self-help books.
>> No. 837 [Edit]
Mental illness is real. People who deny this are honestly the far worse version of flat earthers and anti vaxxers. I'm not really sure how you can deny the existence of mental illness unless you think brain scans and measures of chemical balances in the body are all faked by aliens. The way I see it, it's just another way for people to replace complex reality (mental illnesses exist and each one requires special treatment) with a simple fake reality (mentally ill are just lazy and should be put in work camps, maybe not what YOU personally believe but where the movement is headed) that allows them to remove inconvenient people without having moral qualms.

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112 No. 112 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do you feel about the concept of global overpopulation?
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>> No. 122 [Edit]
Africa and South Asia aren't countries.
>> No. 123 [Edit]
"developed nations" isn't a nation either, it refers to a set of nations. My point still stands.
>> No. 665 [Edit]
>> No. 667 [Edit]
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Too many niggers and chinks, every day I pray to Ebola-chan.

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445 No. 445 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What has you political evolution been like?
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>> No. 635 [Edit]
Americans as a whole are extremely opinionated and self-righteous in general. They have an inflated sense of self-worth. American losers are both extremely dissatisfied with life and frustrated by their inability to change the world around them in a way that's meaningful to them. That's why you see people circle-jerking to politics in english speaking boards. Nobody else cares about whatever esoteric label you want to put on yourself guys.
>> No. 653 [Edit]
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Nothing -> Minarchist -> Fascism -> SocDem -> Anarcho Syndicalism -> Socialist -> Marxist-Leninist.
>> No. 654 [Edit]
This is the low-intelligence route

[group] as a whole are extremely opinionated and self-righteous in general. They have an inflated sense of self-worth. [group] losers are both extremely dissatisfied with life and frustrated by their inability to change the world around them in a way that's meaningful to them. That's why you see people circle-jerking to politics in english speaking boards. Nobody else cares about whatever esoteric label you want to put on yourself guys.
>> No. 663 [Edit]
libertarian > anarchist > anarcho-primitivism > anti-society anarchism

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659 No. 659 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
it's not that you're sad. The worst thing is the complete lack of motivation. It's useless. You don't want to eat, you don't want to sleep, walk, work, watch movies. Literally nothing. So you often end up staring at one point without even thinking about anything (at least that's how it is with me).

I feel that I am not helped by medicines, psychiatrists, psychologists, motivational speakers, etc. In general, a strange belief that a psychologist is able to get to know my psyche better than I am during a short conversation and convince me to choose life. Can they read minds? I have no idea why doctors turn into such alpha and omega doctors. I think that I know myself best and going to psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists is a waste of time and money. These people are only… people. They will serve me their standard speech, ask me questions that I could have come to myself if I had just thought about it and tell me what I already know very well. Most of us know the answers to the questions they can ask us and can imagine what we will hear during such a conversation with a psychologist or a psychiatrist. Nothing new, nothing we don't know. Nonsense about them offering me a new perspective and turning back from a depressing path can be put between fairy tales. If you are a man who thinks about his life and knows himself well enough, psychiatrists with all their talk become useless. I know all that they can tell me. The problem is that I can't apply this knowledge. It is like listening to a logical and rational argument and when a part of you nods your head that "yes, right, you are right! The texts about talking on the phone support line don't convince me either. Depressed people don't really want to talk to the receiver, to strangers, because most of them are so closed in themselves that they'd rather hang themselves on a dry branch than talk to strangers about their problems. "Talking is a myth. You will tell someone about your problems and what? What will it actually change? The problems will still remain the same, the weight will be lighter for a minute, and then it will come back with a doubled force, because the truth is that we are always completely alone in the end.

I feel that with age man simply becomes limestone, I see it particularly clearly in myself. The
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>> No. 1820 [Edit]
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Looks like a good general thread
Just wanted to rant that it hurts when people lash out at you for being "new"? It is wrong to be new? Is it bad? Why everywhere I go I have to tiptoe around everything and everyone to make sure I don't present any offense? Why is it that despite always trying my best to do what I can for any community I participate in, all I get is being gate kept?

It's just it isn't it? Just leave. Leave this place, leave that place, leave all places. But posting things I'm interested in on localhost sickens me. Bleh. I nearly vomited writing this post.

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655 No. 655 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
True communism, never existed in the world. We can talk about communists -people with a certain definition of communism, views and possibly communal ownership, in a state reality which has as much to do with communism as design space ferries with chicken farms.Even
the communist government, composed of communists, does not determine the communist regime and sooner on the more or less real or more or less utopian version of socialism.

First of all, communism has never been built, maybe apart from the Sultanate of Brunei and the United Arab Emirates, where thanks to the small size of the country and with large oil deposits, a system was introduced that the citizen gets what he needs from power and for free. But even there there are class differences and money,which in communism should not be necessary.

Meanwhile in a society which fully understand idea of communism , each individual will intuitively know what to do and where to go
to enter into resonance with another unit that is able to provide it (whether it's a service or a good). There will be no currency in this a society. Everyone will do what he is passionate about and excitement. For example, one person is passionate about producing healthy food and other person is passionate about producingtools for the production of this food. Some of them will satisfy the needs of others without the need for money. In our present society, this solution exists partly among passionate people. The one who lives with passion and excitement will notice the same as "things" always happen in the right place and time, and one does not have to strain too much to live in abundance.

Unfortunately, today's society is dominated by the desire to dominate and having more than others. This creates a hierarchy and social problems . Let changes take place they must occur at the level of the individual and then at the level of the collective.
>> No. 656 [Edit]
>Meanwhile in a society which fully understand idea of communism , each individual will intuitively know what to do and where to go
No, they won't. People are not blank slates and people are not ants. What if there is not enough people passionate about growing food, or driving buses, or cleaning toilets, or working in a factory? If I want a laptop, how would I get it and how would it be made? Would there there be a laptop guild? Would they have the resources to get the supplies and equipment plus maintenance and electricity for it? With the help of people who just happen to be passionate about providing those things? What would I give in exchange for the laptop? Would they really just give it to me, let alone 500 other people? How long would it take to get mine?

How would the people passionate about growing food decide on who gets what land? I don't want to share land. Who will stop me from fighting over it? What if the guys who grow food decide to only give it to people in exchange for servitude and other forms of authority? They could team up and basically form a new, non-real communism government? They'll want to do it to, regardless of how well they know communism. What about their kids? Will they give a shit about ideology? Who will be responsible for teaching real communism if not a government?

Any government will take advantage of their power to live better than others. You need a government to stop another government from being formed by people who posses necessities or weapons. "Domination" is simply a means to an end, a better life for you and your family.

Or, I could just do nothing and live off others work. What about people who are passionate about nothing or watching TV all day? Or eating and breeding? What if way more people are "passionate" about things that aren't beneficial to others?

If I work harder than some fucker, I want to live better than him, otherwise, why bother? Many people think like that, at least to some extent, and then things turn to shit. You can't reprogram human nature, which did not evolve to be compatible with communism
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554 No. 554 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Crunchyroll is finally starting to catch flak for something we've known for years
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>> No. 630 [Edit]
I've been pirating since I first got into anime and if I absolutely MUST use crunchyroll, I do so through adblock. I trust everyone else does the same.
>> No. 634 [Edit]
When I have the money for it, i'll just buy the blue-ray of any show I like after streaming it if it's available. It would be nice if animation studios had a donate option.
>> No. 644 [Edit]
I'm not sure what to tell people who get mad corporations not for the amount that a corporation takes off for themselves, but for the mere concept of taking a cut off the top for themselves. That's their motivation to invest in the system in the first place. And that's not a defense of Crunchyroll, but a criticism of any company involved in the middleman role.

And I'm pretty sure that the animation studios will get paid for fulfilling their orders some point down the line, even if the compensation for demand/supply is not representatively distributed.
>> No. 677 [Edit]
People seem fairly ignorant of what it actually takes to run a business.
And also sometimes offended that somebody tries to make a profit.

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538 No. 538 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
you ever think of all the humans in the past that struggled so hard for whatever cause they believed in? and now they're all gone like dust in the wind.

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493 No. 493 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
do you ever worry that certain elements of society misinterpret the enthusiasm we express for 2d girls and think that it somehow means that we value human females in the same way? does drooling over anime cuties empower feminists?
>> No. 494 [Edit]
>does drooling over anime cuties empower feminists?
They might be delusional and insane, but "anime cuties" display a type of female that psychotic feminists hate. Those girls are in good physical shape, they're well liked with good personalities and style, and purity to match.
Feminists tend to be fat whorish entitled nasty bitches. What anime girls represent is 'possible' for women, but it takes a lot of work to stay fit and take care of yourself among other things. Most of them are too far gone anyway to ever be decent people. So instead it's easier to just lash out with bitterness and hate, call anime girls whores and unrealistic standards, and claim the men who like them are pathetic sexist pigs virgin losers ect. If they had it their way they'd ban anime, or make all anime women masculine fat sluts with shaved heads.
>> No. 500 [Edit]
No. Women hate being compared to idealized females, real people are imperfect and ultimately shitty.
This is also why fujoshi almost never have boyfriends, noone can match up to what is designed to be perfectly attractive instead of to function in the real world. Men resent competing with fictional characters, same as women.
The queers seem to be more of a mixed bag, as usual. Some gay men read yaoi or crossdress cosplay, I've seen some lesbians identify with lesbian characters.
2D girls and guys are closer to religious idols than people, they are superior yet incomplete imitations of people, that's why some people adore them and other people mock them.
Whatever happens with this supposed Animegate nonsense, the truth will be buried in insults, attacks, and lies from both sides.
>> No. 530 [Edit]

Yeah this is why feminists nowadays latch to cartoons with animesque elements instead since cartoon females are as ugly, if not more so, than themselves.

SJWs love to see themselves "represented" on fictional media for reasons I just don't get, Anime is aspirational and idealistic, so it represents what the Japanese people value as ideal.

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467 No. 467 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The Korean War, and I guess the Vietnam War, would technically be civil wars wouldn't they?
>> No. 468 [Edit]
yes and so was the communist revolution in tibet
>> No. 501 [Edit]
Technically, both the Galactic Civil War and the Clone Wars were civil wars.

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429 No. 429 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
as an example on how things never play out the way they do in the movies, here's the ending to the original 1964 Willy Wonka as is followed by how it would play out in real life

>Willy Wonka movie

Grampa Joe: it's an elevator

Wonka: it's a wonka vator! an elevator can only go up and down, but the wonka vator can go up and down, side to side, long ways and short ways, and up and till now I've pressed them all! except that one! go ahead Charlie!

now lets see how that same scene would play out if Willy Wonka had Aspergers syndrome

>Willy Wonka real life

Grandpa Joe: it's an elevator

you: it's a wonka vator! an elevator can only go…
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>> No. 430 [Edit]
WARNING: Please refrain from misusing the quoting function in the future. I understand it's tempting to use it as a way to "format" a post, but it's still an infraction.

With that said, and taking the mod hat off, I don't really get the point you're trying to bring across regarding Asperger's, specially since there's little to debate. Fiction in general is hardly ever realistic so it'd be silly to expect such property from a children's novel, specially a fantastical one where a chocolate factory has a river of chocolate in it. To double down, expecting a children's book to be a guideline for how to behave towards people with mental issues is unrealistic at best and entitled at worst.
>it's the responsibility of society... that these types of societal problems don't stick around for future generations of Aspergers to suffer through
Society doesn't owe you nor others with Asperger's anything. It's not society's fault you have such issues and it's certainly not its responsibility to pander to you. Regardless, it'd be nice people in general were less adamant to keep a double-standard regarding personality and developmental disorders where they are embracing of some yet despondent to others.
>clean up your act and your reward is a brighter tomorrow.
Only eugenics will achieve that.

Post edited on 14th Jan 2018, 5:00am
>> No. 431 [Edit]
From both personal experience and observation of those with aspergers doing something similar to people on TV or even flat out mimicking word for word something a character said they end up getting a completely different reaction in real life then what the character on TV got, that's what the op scenario is meant to convey.
>> No. 432 [Edit]
"Please refrain from misusing the quoting function in the future."

Sorry about that, I actually copied and pasted this op to several different sites, and didn't remember that rule before pasting it here.
>> No. 433 [Edit]
>flat out mimicking word for word something a character said they end up getting a completely different reaction
Yes, I understood that. What I meant was that you may not think it but it would have a different reaction with people that don't have Asperger's as well. Conversations in media are scripted, written in particular way to achieve a particular goal. They don't generally follow a realistic scenario. I don't consider myself normal, but I'm relatively certain I don't have Asperger's, and yet the scene would have been vastly differently as well if I was opposite to the Wonka character.

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