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1764 No. 1764 [Edit]
How do you keep yourself in good physical shape? What exercises do you do?
>> No. 1861 [Edit]
Bit late, but I have 3 main guidelines:

1) Look at yourself in the mirror as frequently as possible. That should motivate you to remedy or prevent hungry skeleton mode, skinnyfat mode and excess weight

2) If you never feel genuinely lively at any time of the day (e.g. you feel like running through an empty hallway), you are probably inflamed and there's something awfully wrong with your diet and your lifestyle

3) When it comes to physical exercise, focus on what you actually ENJOY doing.
Try out as much stuff as you can to get an idea.
Sense of duty will only get you out of the bed for a few weeks or so, you have to be genuinely motivated, you have to feel like your body should move and struggle more

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