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1765 No. 1765 [Edit]
do you guys believe in the things they told you about the USSR? which one do you guys don't believe? which one do you think will soon be outed as bullshit?
>> No. 1766 [Edit]
I actually don't remember being told much about the USSR in history class other than a general vibe of "communism was awful and it was why the people were dirt poor".

I imagine most of the things they said about the USSR are similar to what is said about North Korea though (especially in south korean media).

USSR did some interesting scientific research on topics that the west won't really touch.
>> No. 1767 [Edit]
My parents grew up in the USSR in the 70s, and I believe what they told me about it. Garbage infrastructure, especially outside of cities; even phone lines weren't a given. Shit food that will give you food poisoning and had poor availability besides bread and some canned stuff. 20+ years behind in consumer electronics. Completely normalized corruption and casual thievery by employees.

It's disgusting how many young Americans view it with rose tinted glasses.

Post edited on 15th Aug 2024, 6:27am
>> No. 1768 [Edit]
OP here, any other more?
>> No. 1769 [Edit]
More and more people stop believing the big hoaxes, those hoaxes that have fancy tittle to name itself with, you guys know what I'm talking about. I'm not even from a Anglo country and I can attest to this. I'm from a SEA country that are anticom, full of liberal-progressives, and full of idiots who believes in literally any victim story narrative. Despite that people nowadays stop believing the mainstream narratives. Anybody from highschooler to the elderly just suddenly stop believing in them. it's not just my nation, I've heard same story from other nations. Take Ukraine and Russia for example. or USA and every other Anglo nation for example. something is about to go down.
>> No. 1774 [Edit]
I didn't hear much about the USSR in class either, it was mostly just how evil Germans were during the 30's and 40's over and over, and in passing that also Russians and the Japanese were evil too, but at least the evil Soviets defeated the more evil nazis.
I think many of the heinous things we're supposed to believe about current bad guys (Russia, North Korea, China, Iran, whatever other sand lands, etc) and former bad guys (USSR, Japan, Germany, etc) are either way overblown or made up propaganda bullshit.

These stories are the believable ones. >>1767
The young retards glorifying the USSR/communism wouldn't last a day under it. Would they even last a day during the 90's, without their damn phone.

Post edited on 25th Aug 2024, 5:15pm
>> No. 1776 [Edit]
>The young retards glorifying the USSR/communism wouldn't last a day under it. Would they even last a day during the 90's, without their damn phone.

True. I'm one of them. But I'll still glorify it.
>> No. 1781 [Edit]
It wasn't so bad as America portrays it. Wasn't so good as USSR itself makes it to appear. Persecutions were brutal, but it's not like EU/America is much different. Not brutal, but you just try publicly opposing SJW values. You'll get crushed with not even a glimpse of mercy. Apart from that, average quality of life was more or less as miserable as literally anywhere else.
>> No. 1863 [Edit]
>But I'll still glorify it.
Can't you just use anime for your escapism, like everyone else?

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