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No. 1788 [Edit]
what do you guys think of the Brownies?
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>> No. 1789 [Edit]
File 172526542292.png - (102.07KB , 500x500 , anon i poni.png )
Because my limited exposure to mlp and them came from imgboards of the eastern bloc, wherein they weren't as cancerous as I've heard that they were in english speaking boards, I still retain some modicum of respect for them when viewed under that light.
In one word - indifferent.
>> No. 1790 [Edit]
I prefer brownies that are nicely crisped at the edges, and not cloyingly sweet.

But based on the response and removed image I imagine you meant mlp fans instead (not sure if there is a word filter that was attempted to be avoided). There's some discussion in >>/ot/42600 and >>/ot/42192.

I don't really have any strong thoughts, they don't bother anyone else and mostly stay out of the limelight. I've even watched some episodes of Friendship is Magic and it easily beats most of the trash on "disney" or other american cartoons. They have even managed to remain mostly separate from "furries" which is surprisingly unexpected [1].

[1] From - "21% of furries consider themselves to be bronie[s], 44% consider themselves to be anime fans". And 20% of bronies consider themselves furry according to the "2014 herd census"(!?).
>> No. 1791 [Edit]
>img deleted
why? it gives context
>> No. 1793 [Edit]
Rule 5
>> No. 1803 [Edit]
>I prefer brownies that are nicely crisped at the edges, and not cloyingly sweet.
Yeah, this.

Negros and Indians I don't mind as long as they stay in their own countries. Just like the My Little Pony fans, that's one community who seemingly learned to keep to themselves and not bother or invade others. They used to be a pest in the very early days, but it's nothing you ever think about because you hardly ever see them now.

What few episodes I saw of Friendship Is Magic I remember were mediocre, but I agree it's better than most modern cartoon garbage.
>> No. 1843 [Edit]
In a way they are lucky, their culture isn't being actively diluted like otaku culture is. If you meet someone else who claims to be a brony, there's a good chance they can actually have an in-depth discussion of stuff, which is more that can be said for "anime fans" these days.
>> No. 1844 [Edit]
I don't think it's comparable. It's a lot easier to have in-depth knowledge about a single series than to have it for hundreds.

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