No. 181
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I think the bigger problem is that nobody gives a damn about our culture, our history. It's routinely reshaped, reinterpreted and thrown to the side for whatever cheap thrill comes next. When you talk to the average American today they don't know many of our influential figures. They're not even familiar with the founders outside of what they've been told by the media, who distort it wildly. Liberals honestly believe Jefferson was a closet muslim and conservatives honestly believe Franklin (among others) were fire and brimstone conservatives. Granted, you can't really blame people too much. Whites are instilled with massive guilt and browns are given colossal inferiority complexes. It's no wonder people go to such lengths to invent clear bullshit, they're all suffering trauma from things that they never did or experienced. The lies wouldn't be so bad if they weren't ripping the country apart.
I actually somewhat agree with >>159 despite despising his tone of "America never made anything good.". We DO lack great artists, philosophers, scientists. We have them, but how many? And of those how many are first, second generation immigrants instead of people who've put roots down into this soil? In fact a lot of them are people who've just came here because of economics; not because they actually wanted to come here.
And America, it seems to take people in and rip them apart. When I look around the people who've been here for most of our history aren't that well off. People come in, do well for a time and begin to degenerate. I'd know because my family is no different. We've lived in the same general area for almost two-hundred years. The first several generations did great. We owned huge farms, took part in local politics, people had dozens of children. But now... well, we're shit. Reduced to emotional children without a clue in affairs of finance, nature, philosophy, religion. Just barking about some perceived slight or inconvenience so we can pretend we have worth, pretend we're something. Disgusting.
People like us, people discontent with the current state of affairs. We need to work on creating
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