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467 No. 467 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The Korean War, and I guess the Vietnam War, would technically be civil wars wouldn't they?
>> No. 468 [Edit]
yes and so was the communist revolution in tibet
>> No. 501 [Edit]
Technically, both the Galactic Civil War and the Clone Wars were civil wars.

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429 No. 429 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
as an example on how things never play out the way they do in the movies, here's the ending to the original 1964 Willy Wonka as is followed by how it would play out in real life

>Willy Wonka movie

Grampa Joe: it's an elevator

Wonka: it's a wonka vator! an elevator can only go up and down, but the wonka vator can go up and down, side to side, long ways and short ways, and up and till now I've pressed them all! except that one! go ahead Charlie!

now lets see how that same scene would play out if Willy Wonka had Aspergers syndrome

>Willy Wonka real life

Grandpa Joe: it's an elevator

you: it's a wonka vator! an elevator can only go…
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>> No. 430 [Edit]
WARNING: Please refrain from misusing the quoting function in the future. I understand it's tempting to use it as a way to "format" a post, but it's still an infraction.

With that said, and taking the mod hat off, I don't really get the point you're trying to bring across regarding Asperger's, specially since there's little to debate. Fiction in general is hardly ever realistic so it'd be silly to expect such property from a children's novel, specially a fantastical one where a chocolate factory has a river of chocolate in it. To double down, expecting a children's book to be a guideline for how to behave towards people with mental issues is unrealistic at best and entitled at worst.
>it's the responsibility of society... that these types of societal problems don't stick around for future generations of Aspergers to suffer through
Society doesn't owe you nor others with Asperger's anything. It's not society's fault you have such issues and it's certainly not its responsibility to pander to you. Regardless, it'd be nice people in general were less adamant to keep a double-standard regarding personality and developmental disorders where they are embracing of some yet despondent to others.
>clean up your act and your reward is a brighter tomorrow.
Only eugenics will achieve that.

Post edited on 14th Jan 2018, 5:00am
>> No. 431 [Edit]
From both personal experience and observation of those with aspergers doing something similar to people on TV or even flat out mimicking word for word something a character said they end up getting a completely different reaction in real life then what the character on TV got, that's what the op scenario is meant to convey.
>> No. 432 [Edit]
"Please refrain from misusing the quoting function in the future."

Sorry about that, I actually copied and pasted this op to several different sites, and didn't remember that rule before pasting it here.
>> No. 433 [Edit]
>flat out mimicking word for word something a character said they end up getting a completely different reaction
Yes, I understood that. What I meant was that you may not think it but it would have a different reaction with people that don't have Asperger's as well. Conversations in media are scripted, written in particular way to achieve a particular goal. They don't generally follow a realistic scenario. I don't consider myself normal, but I'm relatively certain I don't have Asperger's, and yet the scene would have been vastly differently as well if I was opposite to the Wonka character.

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254 No. 254 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Did you realise things like piracy and open-software are the tools of, and propogated by, anarcho-communists?
I would guess most people don't, yet lots are ardent defenders of such things but they probably do not even know why. I was once like that myself.

'Anarchist scholar Uri Gordon has said that:
"the collaborative development of free software like the Linux operating system and applications such as OpenOffice clearly approximate an informational anarchist communism. Moreover, for anarchists it is precisely the logic of expropriation and electronic piracy that enables a radical political extension of the cultural ideals of the free manipulation, circulation and use of information associated with the "hacker ethic" (Himanen 2001). The space of illegality created by P2P (peer-to-peer) file-sharing opens up the possibility, not only of the open circulation of freely-given information and software as it is on the Internet today, but also of conscious copyright violation. The Internet, then, enables not only communist relations around information, but also the militant contamination and erosion of non-communist regimes of knowledge—a technological "weapon" to equalise access to information, eating away at intellectual property rights by rendering them unenforceable.[129]'
22 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 434 [Edit]
yeah, cause capitalism works definitely well right?
fuck i'm becoming really tired of americans on the internet. You can't do anything against early-childhood macchartyist propaganda.
>> No. 435 [Edit]
I'm from the US but I've always hated the way people treat the concept of communism as objectively bad and the word itself like something foul. People here think no other system can work because humans are naturally selfish and greedy, ignoring the idea that they've simply been raised to be that way. Like programmed machines people point to Russia as the best and only needed example of why communism wont work, while conveniently forgetting what happened to Rome which had capitalist features and was just as big and powerful then as the US is today.
>> No. 436 [Edit]
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American-style Capitalism is a shit show. Fuck that and fuck Communism.
Both preach that 'all men are born equal', so both are equally as stupid.

The Roman Empire alone lasted over one thousand years. And the USA is closer to the Roman Republic than the Empire. Roman Republic was pretty shit, which is why Julius Caesar started a civl war over it.
>> No. 437 [Edit]
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>Clearly computer nerds can't accept the fact that they have been the 'useful idiots' for Anarcho-Communists.
We're "idiots" because we've created an environment where we can now start IT-related businesses without paying thousands of dollars for shitty software packages? Interesting.

Having an Open Source software infrastructure isn't any more "communistic" than having a system of roads that anyone can use.

I actually hate it when Commies take credit for Open Source. Communist governments didn't do shit to support Linux compared to corporations like Intel. The Copyleft principle also cannot function in anarchy, because it relies on an established court system and the rule of law to enforce the terms of the GPL.

As far as political groups go, the chief beneficiaries of open source software and related technologies at the moment are nationalists, since they are the only group that is actively being fought by most globalist corporations.

For example, websites like and are all banned from PayPal, and the Institute for Historical Review is even being refused service by all major credit card companies. So they all ended up relying on Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies for donations and payments.
Daily Stormer was the first website in US history to be kicked off of its own .com domain without hosting any content that is illegal under US law, so they went on TOR so people could still read the site.
When you look at how Twitter, Facebook, Cloudflare and most webhosting companies kick (white) nationalists off of their services all the time, it would actually be conceivable that people would start getting locked out of their iPhones and Windows computers for their political beliefs. Can't do that with Open Source systems though, so Microsoft and Apple aren't going to risk this.

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405 No. 405 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
this retard is going to die in jail because he was desperate to be one of the krazy kewl kids on 4chumps
warning that this link contains images of 3dpd larpers, tryhards, wannabes and posers
this loser was a scientology protester at one point a long time ago, a big fan of the chan clearly, but no signs he was never interested weeabootry of any sort.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 407 [Edit]
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But the USA was the one who funds ISIS with weapons to fight 'oppressive dictators' like Assad.
Does this mean the USA should be imprisoned for life?
>> No. 411 [Edit]
Yes. Very much yes. A million times yes. Yes.
>> No. 413 [Edit]
Over here in Germany and Austria, even sending funny pictures to your friends on whatsapp can land you in prison for a year:
>> No. 428 [Edit]
>help i'm being oppressed, i'm a victim! everyone give me upvotes for sympathy
i don't understand this instinct, but i would also like to point out that the entire genesis of online ironic nazidom is that people were upset about video games being banned in germany because of swastika content around the turn of the millennia. i think there was a lucasarts luftwaffe game that was one of them.
so its not like you're discovering some new issue or something, kid.

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376 No. 376 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
lets say there was a nation of otaku, the whole country populated exclusively by people who were only interested in anime, manga, and related games, merchandise and unauthorized pornagraphy, etc.
if a whole bunch of people who weren't otaku announced that they wanted to immigrate to otakuland and not adopt the local culture, but to try and change the otakuland culture so that it more closely resembles the place the immigrants originated from, do you think that the otakulanders should welcome the immigrants with open arms or do you think that they should try to keep the immigrants out?
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>> No. 387 [Edit]
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Japan's birth rate is up over the past decade.
>> No. 394 [Edit]
And it's not going to die. They don't need to breed to be; though some benefit from people believing this myth. If anything it's good because populations need to start shrinking dramatically.
Desperately throwing more and more bodies onto the pyres of glorious market won't work forever. It's killing humanity, what irony.
Even if people are considered disposable and free (as in "free beer") space and resources are not unlimited. But this barbarian economy keeps the rich and powerful in control so nothing will ever change. Even if it means misery for billions and eventually extinction for all they'll keep us living like yeast, trapped in futile cycle of consumption and multiplication until there's no more sugar left, only a deadly amount of alcohol.

Immigration is exploited to prolong this suffering. Immigrants are used to fuck up locals and break up homogenous nations into more manageable melange, they also provide dirt cheap slave-fuel needed to keep the machine going unchanged. They're strikebreakers.
>> No. 408 [Edit]

*throws acid on your dakimakura and rapes it*
>> No. 410 [Edit]
Pretty much on-point. Though I doubt the extinction part, even the Black Plague couldn't finish us off (in fact made life better after-wards due to culling of people raised an individual's worth).

And there's the paradox stated by pro-immigrants: 1) they'll do the jobs we won't want to do, 2) they aren't stealing your jobs, you're being a fear-monger.

Funnily, I learnt first-hand how mass-immigration just pushes you down a class, to make room, from when they moved the Koreans and Taiwanese to the Global Love Live SIF.
Before they came I would often get two SR with average effort (from events), now I don't even get one.

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400 No. 400 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
'OSS (Office of Strategic Services) also helped arm, train and supply resistance movements, including Mao Zedong's People's Liberation Army in China and the Viet Minh in French Indochina, in areas occupied by the Axis powers. Other functions of the OSS included the use of propaganda, espionage, subversion, and post-war planning.'

Wow, the USA's 'fund a terrorist group, what could possibly go wrong' plan has been going on since the 1940s.
>> No. 401 [Edit]
So, uh, what's there to debate? What's your question.
>"what could possibly go wrong"
Always a charade.

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364 No. 364 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I don't understand. How is Mexico still so piss poor after all this time? They've been sending swarms of Mexicans to the US for decades to collect money and resources, who then send those resources and money back to their families in mexico? Anyone who's lived around them would know how much of a drain they are on the American economy. They spend as little as they can here so they can send to Mexico everything they can. They're content to live in squarer or pack themselves into small homes like sardines just to save a few bucks to send to Mexico. The question is though, where is that money? Are corrupt police, politicians, and drug lords really sucking it all up or is there more to it?
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>> No. 396 [Edit]
It's not that different in Mexico than in other subject countries. I live in a Mexico-like slave reservoir.
Nothing can be done about it. They make too little money to really change anything back home and the master country is happy to have legal slaves.
They're not smart with that money sent from America and most waste it on distractions from horrible poorfag life. Everything goes back into pockets of businessmen, politicians and crime lords.
Even if they started being frugal and cautious they'd get robbed anyway. That's what happened here. Too many people were saving almost meaningful amounts money. Can't have that, the governments took steps to rectify the problem and increased taxes, working ages, took care to maintain that steady inflation to keep the money in the business and out of people's pockets. The usual stuff.
Now it's all clear: you'll be slaving for us until you die anyway so don't even bother trying to hoard OUR money. Go get a loan, buy a TV and get fucked on drugs every friday.
If you study in one of the trending fields maybe you'll achieve the status of winning at life by being able to afford bigger loans for bigger TVs and more extravagant drugs.

Where does the money go? It's a cliched thing to say but top 100 of the wealthiest people of the world have enough money to buy out 4 billion of the poorest. Less than 100 million owns more than the rest, 7.5 billion. The world is a fucking farm.
>> No. 397 [Edit]
Hoarding money is bad for the economy. If everbody starts hoarding money, then there's no money in the economy, then business can't pay wages, then government would have to print more, then the money becomes weaker meaning the people who saved haven't achieved anything.

It's easy to say the rich are greedy, but the poor aren't entirely blameless. They're too cowardly to do anything about their shitty situation, and too greedy themselves and only care about their own well-being.
If you gave those slum fuckers a billion dollars, they'd become exactly the elite rich that once subjected them.

It's not the mode of economics, it's the culture of the people.
>> No. 398 [Edit]
No one hoards more money than the wealthy elite. I think you missed the part where the anon said >100 of the wealthiest people of the world have enough money to buy out 4 billion of the poorest.
Some people trying to fill up their water bottles is nothing compared to just one person with their own privet lake. Those few wealthy fucks are what's killing the economy.
Money isn't printed because of people hoarding money, You can thank wealthy bankers for that and making our money worthless thanks to the money they create out of thin air. You know there's more debt in this world than there is money to pay it off? Up until not that long ago, money was backed by real solid precious metals. You couldn't just print off more money when money was just a stand in for the gold it represented, gold you could trade that money in for. Once that gold standard was removed, that's when money became worthless, because there was nothing backing it.

>If you gave those slum fuckers a billion dollars, they'd become exactly the elite rich that once subjected them.
Yeah, no. Most would eventually go back to living the same way that lead them where they are. People who are bad with money don't stop being bad with money just because you give them more money. I've seen people sue their way into tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars just to quickly burn it up on stupid shit and invest next to none of it. I've spent a lot of time at casinos and watched countless strangers manage to win only to keep gambling and piss it all away or walk out empty handed after going in with stacks of bills. Go watch the beverly hillbillies sometime, you might find it educational.
>> No. 399 [Edit]
We don't have that problem of super rich elite in Europe and Australia, so not my problem.
USA was founded by a bunch of rich people who didn't want to pay taxes to Crown (which payed to defend them from France), so, again, it's the culture of the people.

I wasn't talking how they'd end up poor. I was saying that those poor people, given wealth, would become the rich elite they once despised when they were poor. Nouveau Riche
There is no greater good for those sub-humans, only personal gain. A product of an inferior culture not yet exterminated.

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368 No. 368 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Have you noticed that when a guy is part of a leftist, multiculti, save the immigrants type group, there just happens to be a female involved.
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 370 [Edit]
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So that explains the term "SJW cuck" then.
For all the complaining people like to do about such people I haven't actually ever met anyone in real life who is like that.
I have only ever met one person who does that and that is a family member of mine. They don't try to make me think the way they do very often though.
Are they truly so common? Maybe they just aren't around where I live in the country?
>> No. 371 [Edit]
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I think (or maybe hope) it's vocal minority type of thing. Though there are some places where these types of ideas thrive such as West coast USA.
>> No. 372 [Edit]
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But is that even your own idea, or something Stirner told you?

I had been seeing it for awhile, but didn't really take notice until I watched a documentary and they were interviewing some leftist who houses refugees and some broad was at his side. His demeanor was typical of a normie who is rejected by normies.
>> No. 384 [Edit]
Absolutely. For as long as I can remember every time I see a SJW, male feminist, or whatever, I just assume they're whipped.

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262 No. 262 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Who here is racist? Against which race(s), and why? Was there any particular event which turned you into a racist?
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>> No. 345 [Edit]
Since I live in Europe I hold a huge disdain against Muslims and Blacks because they're savage rapists and murderers. Specially Muslims. They really should be removed.
>> No. 362 [Edit]
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I hate the Chinese so god-damned much. They are like Jews if you minus the intelligence and add billions (literally) of bodies.

They are also VERY ethno-nationlists, if you are not Chinese you are inferior (the irony is so many of them LEAVE CHINA because it is a shit-hole). Even if you are Chinese, if you are not rich, you are still inferior; all they care about is money and ethnicity.

I mean, this is a country so devoid of morals that they HARVEST ORGANS of their own god-damned people, and then cry about supposed Japanese war-crimes against them.
ANYTHING they do is to gain money or ehtnic superiority, they do not actually care about any sort of morals or politics or.

Suffice to say, I want them out of my country.
Places without mass Chinese immigrants think of them as hard workers, sure, they are, but they would sell your fucking liver if it was legal. They abide by the law out of fear of losing money, not any sort of moral grounds.
>> No. 367 [Edit]
I'm not racist in the sense of being a shittier person to certain races IRL or even having an emotional attachment or hatred with one race or another. But I am racist in the sense of being on the pro-racial side of the biological argument. Based on the scientific articles that I've read, I have become racist.
Usually, when a scientist or scientific journalist writes that race is an illegitimate idea or that races are not different mentally, they use little to no data and throw some bullshit sophistry at you, like "Intelligence and crime are caused by socioeconomic and cultural factors." when almost every adoption study from the past 30 years disproves this. They also love the argument from concensus, even though most scientists outside of the ideologically influenced West and ego-preserving brown person-populated countries, like scientists from China or Russia generally agree on racial differences.
>> No. 857 [Edit]
Even among "second generation" Chinese born in the US, I've still felt the vestigial lack of sympathy. They have no qualms taking advantage of others, and this behavior particularly emerges when they form their own cliques.

Relatedly, It's shocking to me how universities and companies in the United States welcome Chinese immigrants by the boatload (no doubt lured in by their money), when it's well-established that a majority of these people are sent by the PRC to spy and transfer intelligence/knowledge back.

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363 No. 363 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I can't wait for war with China. Those fuckers have been getting too cocky.
They'll learn their rightful place as national inferiors soon enough.

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342 No. 342 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
'We would not say anything if the U.S.A. were aware of its intellectual and moral defects and was trying to grow up. But it is too much when it behaves in an impudent manner toward a part of the earth with a few thousands years of glorious history behind it, attempting to teach it moral and intellectual lessons, whether out of innocence or a complete lack of genuine culture and learning. We can forgive the mistakes of youth, but this degree of arrogance gets on one’s nerves.

We therefore have no appreciation for the Americanism that can be found in certain of our circles. We fail to see why we as the leading musical nation in the world should borrow even a single note from the U.S.A. We have a level of culture and civilization that is denied to most Americans. One who understands this can hardly have much sympathy for what they understand as culture and civilization. Although we affirm the technical achievements of our age, we see behind them an intellectual strength that grows from the roots of our people. Machines are a means to an end, not an end in themselves. As much as we appreciate the achievements of modern civilization and use them to improve life, we know that they are not the sole meaning of life. There are national values that are the result of centuries of history and tradition. They cannot be purchased, only built by the labor of generations.'
>> No. 344 [Edit]
Condense it into one sentence, or explain your point without copy-pasting.

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