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458 No. 458 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Don't you think it's just a little suspicious that the first nation to get a drug bust, in the Korean Winter Olympics, was Japan?
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>> No. 1613 [Edit]
>Even in these small studies they show issues and potential issues
You go back and forth between saying the positive effects can be dismissed because it's a small study, and the negative effects shouldn't be dismissed even though it's a small study.

>I already addressed alcohol
By hand-waving the issue, making baseless claims about it being less unhealthy, and appealing to cultural norms.

>even if it's simply culturally. I don't think anybody could deny that drug posters are terrible or that many of the most insane and annoying people are people that use them
This is your real problem with "drugs". Everything else is window dressing.
>> No. 1614 [Edit]
I never denied them, I never said it would not work as an anti-depression. As I said, more research needs to be done to find out how serious these negative impacts are, how much could be attributed to it being a small study and then it needs to be compared to existing treatments.

If that's the way you see it but the point is I did address it. I keep saying as I said and that is annoying as it shows that you are not really reading what I actually write. But again. As I said, even if it is as bad as other substances, that does not mean that we should just open the flood gates and these other substances should then be legalised as well, that just adds more issues.
Alcohol has been with us for so long and is so engrained into our culture that the idea of banning it is simply unfeasible, we even have trouble banning cigarettes and there is no doubt about the health impacts they have.
I never said alcohol was healthy, there is an argument about whether it is more or less healthy but I never denied that it is unhealthy.
But, it is also a known evil.

That alone is a big issues but I have other issues that I already talked about as well.
>> No. 1626 [Edit]
tobacco societies > alcohol societies > psychedelic and stimulant societies > weed societies

had to be said
>> No. 1631 [Edit]
Weed truly is awful.

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1566 No. 1566 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Are they nuts? Do they want to end up like tumblr? And why the fuck do they listen to Master Card instead of telling them to fuck off?

Post edited on 16th Nov 2022, 7:07am
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>> No. 1572 [Edit]
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Ah I see Kaiko has good company
>> No. 1573 [Edit]
They should look into supporting Bitcoin and especially Monero. Ont he technical-side, shouldn't be an issue. Instead, the blocker would most likely be instructing users how to obtain BTC/XMR and use it in a transaction. And more than ever, people need to understand what 'private' means in 'private key.' Putting that aside, there are other platforms, so whatever.

Whether they're for-profit or not wouldn't change this decision, and non-profits are just as prone to this kind of behavior.
>> No. 1576 [Edit]
It's only going to get worse as newer generations are incredibly uncomfortable when something is just allowed to be done without legal intervention. At this point I'm not going to distinguish between the law and the terms of use of companies, as large corporations have well more than enough power over everyday life to rival most governments at this point. At some point the legal status of the organization doesn't effect how much it impedes your freedom.
>> No. 1577 [Edit]
>large corporations have well more than enough power over everyday life to rival most governments at this point
They're just branches of the government: corporatism.

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519 No. 519 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
So, what's your current political standing? Find out:
Mine, pic related and:
>Additional characteristics (textless icon at the bottom):
>Pragmatism : politics objectively boil down to looking at where the problems are and trying to solve them according to the means available.
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>> No. 1408 [Edit]
>those are piddling, meager efforts of an inferior people compared to what literally any other nation has acheived.

I'm going to stop now. I don't really see a point in continuing this if you are going to continue saying ridiculous things like that. Clearly what you are saying has no basis in reality.
>> No. 1409 [Edit]
>I'm going to stop now. I don't really see a point in continuing this if you are going to continue saying ridiculous things like that. Clearly what you are saying has no basis in reality.
I was gonna drop the reveal and post a timestamp with the guy down the street's union jack from his backyard flying in the background, but he put up his fucking wiltshire flag this week, so that's ruined.
>> No. 1557 [Edit]

That test its awful and superficial try filteries
>> No. 1568 [Edit]
>> I would also remind you just where exactly it was that the industrial revelation was started, who exactly discovered gravity and who it was the coined the term dinosaur and laid the ground work for the theory of evolution and who had the tallest building in the world for a quite substantial period of time.
>those are piddling, meager efforts of an inferior people compared to what literally any other nation has achieved.
Of all it's achievements, most impressive of the British Empire is not that they managed to conquer a greater portion of the earth than any other people before or since, nor even that they managed to conquer the tongue of every person on the planet, but that they managed to colonize the mind and conquer the intellect and spirit of every other peoples on the planet. Never has a single group more wholly retained the attention and the spite of the entire world.

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1428 No. 1428 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does a religion need any kind of supernatural element? Let's say I invited a religion called Soupism. The only rule is that you have to eat soup at least once a day. To be a Soupist, the only two conditions are that you follow this rule and consider yourself a Soupist. That's it. The symbol of Soupism is a cursive s. Does Soupism count as a religion?
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>> No. 1463 [Edit]
>if it's just a group of people that decided that eating soup once a day is good for you or that eating soup once a day with like-minded people brings people together and is good to create lasting friendships
Sounds pretty casual. What if you add fanaticism?
>> No. 1464 [Edit]
>philosophical debates are really just bickering over the definitions of words
The bickering over "consciousness" always seems like this. People always redefine the term so they can defend a viewpoint that no one really meant in the first place. The "compatibilists" are a prime example of this.

At it's core there are only 3 options for the question of free will:

* The universe is completely deterministic (á la superdeterminism) at which point you obviously have no free will at all, and the notion of science itself which depends on the notion of independence faces a radical paradigm shift (maybe independence only holds at the macroscopic level or something, who knows). That is to say, the future is "predetermined" but not predictable given the complexity. Either way this is the option that no one dares to accept.

* The universe has true randomness at the quantum level, and our decisions/thoughts at any point in time are purely a function of our sensory inputs and brain patterns which evolve over time (plus maybe some minor random noise). In this case the future is "locally" predetermined (depending on the amount of random noise), and in the long term is undetermined (given the randomness). But if there's no mechanism by which you can influence the randomness, then there's no "will" here either.

* There is some unknown physics by which we can influence events at a non-material level. This is seemingly what most people cling to when confronted with the question.

But either way philosophy contributes nothing here. If this _is_ a decidable question it is one that can only solved by experimentation to learn more about the nature of the universe and how our sensory inputs are converted into thoughts.
>> No. 1465 [Edit]
It would not change anything, many non-religious movements are quite fanatic, for example communism, anarchism or fascism.
>> No. 1554 [Edit]
I think this is approaching the problem fundamentally backwards.

For context: first, if you were to simply declare that Soupism is a religion, on what grounds could that be refuted? We have no objectively true and correct English dictionary as penned by an almighty god himself. And we have no objective truth machine into which we can feed non-empirical questions and receive irrefutable results. And citing an authority would simply be pushing the problem off onto someone else. Webster's, for instance, also has no magic truth machine.

Second, how is anything determined? If you start with assumptions you can make logical inferences from those assumptions. e.g. "If we assume A and B, then we can deduce that C must also be true". But because that starts from assumptions, any conclusions derived this way are hypothetical. And I don't think you were asking for a hypothetical. If you had intended to start your question with: "If we assume that religion means _", then you wouldn't have needed to ask at all. Else, because the only way for outside information to get into your brain is through your senses, the only other means of determining anything is through observation. And starting from observation, the experience of whatever it is would have to come first, and then the term applied to it would simply be a reference to that experience. You couldn't, for instance, have the concept of soup before you had the experience of it (real or imagined).

Getting to the point: so to define what a term means from observation, you would have to designate a particular experience as the archetype of that thing, and the characteristics of that chosen archetype define what the term means. For instance, you're eating your bowl of wet food, you decide "this is soup", and then whatever else is or isn't soup is defined by whether it is sufficiently similar to The Soup. It could also be a cluster of archetypes, a group of things by which their collective or common features define the term. You could have subtypes of the thing ("tomato soups") or partial fits (cereal as a "demi-soup"), certain features might be weighed more heavily than others, and specific definitions may vary with individuals or with groups or with time.

So, rather than asking "is Soupi
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1262 No. 1262 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Do you believe in the existence of non-material phenomenon (not necessary god but things like reincarnation, collective consciousness, astral/ethereal "bodies", etc.)? Or do you instead view the world only in strictly material terms? Or maybe there's a third option?

Note again that this question is not strictly speaking about any sort of god; (of course clearly if one existed then non-material phenomenon exist, but we can still have non-material phenomenon without needing to invoke a god).

I personally ascribe to a more materialist viewpoint since while it's true that our knowledge of the world is ultimately mediated by our senses (and hence potentially imperfect), most (all?) non-material phenomenon seem to implicitly mark humans as "different" from things like rocks or insects and this seems apriori unlikely.

On the flipside, I recently read about how one guy seemed to have documented cases of "reincarnation" [1] (but the fact that all of these rebirths seemed to have happened in a geographically close town seems quite suspicious).

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>> No. 1363 [Edit]
>Are you saying that the sun orbits around the earth then?
i would say thats the next best thing now that heliocentrism is out of the way.

>If you want to invoke the aether, then what would explain lorentz invariance?
honestly i had no idea what lorentz invariance was until i read about it a few minutes ago, from my understanding it means the laws of the universe dont change no matter where you are. if i do have this right then i think it would be you that has to explain how lorentz invariance exists without any underlying fabric on the universe. the ether easily explains it because everything is the ether and therefore everything is bound by its laws. without an ether, what is stopping something from not following the laws of physics or even leaving the universe altogether?

btw the random bullshit i was talking about was lorentz contraction, which to my knowledge was invented solely to account for the failure of the michelson morley experiment.

>If you can reliably reproduce this, then sure
i mean in principle how psychic communication and magnets work are the same. hypothetically if it did exist then it would work through the same medium magnets do, so its nonsensical to classify magnets in a different domain.

>I'm not sure what you're arguing against
what im trying to do is show that there is something non-material enveloping the whole universe that would be the foundation for all other types of non-material phenomenon.

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>> No. 1364 [Edit]
>now that heliocentrism is out of the way.
This is opening up a whole new can of worms – if you reject heliocentrism then the assumptions we're working under are so radically different that it's not going to be productive to continue this line of discussion. (You'd have to go back to epicycles to explain orbits, let alone the tangible evidence from telescopes)

I think it'd be prudent to at least understand a bit more about SR (and GR) before dismissing ideas outright. And if you dismiss lorentz contraction then you're implicitly dismissing time dilation which we know is experimentally true given the correction factors needed for GPS.

>and one low frequency but having much more energy than the high frequency one
Please lookup the planck equation.
>> No. 1366 [Edit]
>Please lookup the planck equation.
i think you misunderstood me, i know high frequency means more energy. i guess what im trying to say is you can have a high amplitude low frequency beam of light that doesnt produce the photoelectric effect, meanwhile a low amplitude high frequecy beam of light will produce it.

>if you reject heliocentrism then the assumptions we're working under are so radically different that it's not going to be productive to continue this line of discussion
it is much easier to just accept the results that the michelson morley experiment showed than to claim that distance contracts in order to explain why the motion of the earth cant be detected.

>I think it'd be prudent to at least understand a bit more about SR (and GR) before dismissing ideas outright
it would be
>> No. 1553 [Edit]
>you can have a high amplitude low frequency beam of light that doesnt produce the photoelectric effect, meanwhile a low amplitude high frequecy beam of light will produce it.
Yes, what's wrong with that. There's a thresholding effect depending on frequency, and amplitude (square of which roughly corresponds to intensity) determines the current. Wave-particle "duality" is a pop-sci "meme" as it were, there is only the wavefunction and its evolution through time. Trying to say it behaves "like a classical particle" or "like a classical wave" is just as wrong as saying that sound is caused by something invisible like air but is caused by ripples like watter so sound exhibits "air-water" duality. Under the modern field theory interpretation I believes photons are nothing but what we call excitations of the EM field. And quantization is a result of an effect similar to how classical standing waves are constrained to multiples of the base harmonic.

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125 No. 125 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If this board is to be "like /pol/", we absolutely must have a thread about Jews.

What do you think about Jews? Is the extent of their wealth and control over media troubling to you? Do you think they're actually behind the promotion of things like miscegenation and a poor education system (ie: Common Core) to keep the population at large easier to control, or do you think that's just a Stormfront conspiracy theory?

Post edited on 25th Mar 2017, 7:23pm
19 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1473 [Edit]
Tribal identification is inefficient in globalized industrial society. To that end, Europeans are attacked because their culture is too puristic and they aren't easily assimilated into a massive global population/workforce. It's simply and honestly in my opinion regular old greed. International mega-corporations do not have it in their long term or short term interest to maintain or tolerate a population that doesn't want to cooperate with it or become another segment of the squirming, slaving brown masses.

We live in the delusion that humans behave and form ideas, philosophy, and civilisation because it works well, but the reality is that no human social behavior can be known to have the most optimal results in the long run. Sometimes a system that works well for thousands of years suddenly runs up against a problem it wasn't developed to solve, and it disintegrates under the pressure of it's new environment. I believe that industrial society, or more importantly global economic society, was that obstacle for European civilization. It ended up pitted against groups, largely run by individuals from it's own culture and genetic background, that simply didn't care about loftier ideals like race, culture, religion, etc. and used their acquired economic power to blot out opposition. To that end, European societies are being destroyed simply because they are too costly to maintain. Europeans expect too much of their resources for themselves, and too much autonomy over their own land, and within recent history ( say 30,000 years ) they have been the most opposed to mixing or cooperating with groups outside their own, as is evidenced by their genetic situation. By the way you should read about that kind of thing, Europeans form such an insanely tight cluster on the global scale and are one of only two super-populations to have effectively zero modern mixing.

Although greed may be the wrong idea here. I can't see human society past a certain point as the result of individualistic human ideals, desires, and motivations, like for example "the Jews want to ( personally ) destroy the white race". I see things as a big system sort of deal, where
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>> No. 1474 [Edit]
>a population that doesn't want to cooperate with it or become another segment of the squirming, slaving brown masses
Isn't physical and low-skilled labour becoming increasingly obsolete?
>> No. 1489 [Edit]
The context doesn't really matter, the refusal to integrate into a globalised system is a major threat to the control of the people who are consciously or unconsciously sending us in this direction. Even if they got rid of manual labor today it would be a major threat to have an entire chunk of civilisation that doesn't want to go your way. Their pursuit of a mono-civilisation that they control may even be some twisted form of self-defense. After all no individuals with power can stay on top forever, I think that no matter who they are or what their desires are, it would just make sense that if you had reached the top, with the power a major global corporation has, and you could visualise it's destruction, you'd want to destroy that threat or assimilate it into your own resources.
>> No. 1547 [Edit]
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This board being like /pol/ isn't enough, and since the coomers on this chan are few and unactive, an real touhou fan raid and conquest would be happen and would be 100% effective.

Der problem is that we're in the middle of the end of the world so we're not sure of wasting time since the end of Satan's kingdom is near and in any moment the totality of real touhou fans would disappear due to what is told in Armageddon.

At least I hope we would join to the angels in the final war against the devil and the jews

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1539 No. 1539 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
3dpd, not even once

>In a 1991 study, sex researcher Shere Hite found that 70 percent of married women have cheated on their partners; a 1993 follow-up study found that 72 percent of married men have as well.

>According to a 1999 study in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 68 percent of female undergraduates also cheat. (Whether they cheat for sexual or emotional reasons remains unclear.)

>The June 1977 issue of Marriage and Divorce stated confidently that "70 percent of all Americans engage in an affair sometime during their marital life."

>Percentage of men who say they would have an affair if they knew they would never get caught: 74%
>Percentage of women who say they would have an affair if they knew they would never get caught: 68%

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>> No. 1541 [Edit]
Additionally, sometimes I found statistics on cheating over a 12 month period

>Annual prevalence of infidelity was 2.3%.

>2–4% of spouses report having sex with a secondary partner in the preceding 12 months.

Which is interesting as one of they studies I quoted(or tried to) gave an annual cheating rate of 10% and that same study gave lifetime rates of 28% for men and 15% for women.

I also found a study form China.

>In 2020, 26% of married Chinese (35% of married men and 23% of married women) reported ever having been sexually unfaithful to their current spouse.
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>> No. 1542 [Edit]
Most of these studies seem to be before 2007 or so, it'd be interesting to see statistics post-2008 when the barriers to finding other promiscuous people became lower with the rise of various websites and mobile applications.
>> No. 1543 [Edit]
>2–4% of spouses report having sex with a secondary partner in the preceding 12 months.

Was from 2017.

>In 2020, 26% of married Chinese (35% of married men and 23% of married women) reported ever having been sexually unfaithful to their current spouse.

Was from 2020.

>Almost one-quarter of men (23.2%) and 19.2% of women indicated that they had “cheated” during their current relationship

Was from 2011.
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>> No. 1706 [Edit]
>so many studies are behind pay walls now, I can't even gleam anything form the abstract.
Use sci-hub for free access.

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1468 No. 1468 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What are your thoughts on western companies trying to pass their stuff as Anime? Specially stuff like Turning Red or High Guardian Spice. Who are they trying to fool?
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>> No. 1527 [Edit]
If you interact with western 'anime fans' you'll just get angry. Actually if you interact with westerners in general at this point you'll just get angry.
Of course we are all westerners and western anime fans but you know what I mean.

But look at the bright side. If the west does start making 'anime' and it takes off then maybe they will leave real anime alone.
>> No. 1528 [Edit]
>we often watch a copy of one of Mr. Miyazaki’s films for inspiration
I'm not even much of a fan of his works, outside of the actual animation, but they must have been blindfolded each time they watched something.
>> No. 1532 [Edit]
They don't call it a blindfold, they call it a "lens".
>> No. 1535 [Edit]
Of course they do.

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460 No. 460 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Food production is a big issue for the world. Food shortages, booming population, deteriorating croplands are usually the reason for the collapse of many earlier civilizations... And now the whole world is feeling the same kind of pressure. It's hard to feed so many people. I read a book called "full planets, empty plates" by lester brown, i thought it was a good book... it has a sense of dread and urgency, makes me feel like the problem is beyond our saving.

There are too many humans on earth. The eternal struggle to reproduce. How do you feel about all of this?
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>> No. 516 [Edit]
Indians mostly eat chicken, and SEA Asians are freaking out about their health and only eating fish.
Meat is just as efficient as vegetables, otherwise we would not be evolutionarily inclined to eat it. That is, it provides much more calories the body needs per gram than vegetables.
>> No. 546 [Edit]
Read the book Can Life Prevail? by Pentti Linkola for more info about deep ecology and overpopulation. Technological Slavery by Ted Kaczynski is another good book which critiques modern industrialism and cultural issues. The Collapse of Western Civilization by Erik M. Conway and Naomi Oreskes is also okay (it's about climate change), though it has an annoyingly liberal slant to it. Linkola's brand of right-wing ecology and advocacy for small and sustainable communities is nicer, in my opinion.

Capitalism and democracy will be the death of humanity. We will continue to consume unsustainably and increase our numbers if we don't make drastic changes to society.
>> No. 560 [Edit]
The issue as I see it will not be a lack of food but the type of food. Meat takes much more to produce than rice or wheat does, if it ever came to such that we were facing food shortages the answer would be to stop producing meat in as large amounts.
>> No. 1442 [Edit]
The populations of many advanced countries are now at a point where they have stopped growing and are even declining. This tends to be what happens when a nation becomes overpopulated, housing prices go up meaning it is much harder to get a large house to raise children in or even a house at all so by the time you do get it your wife is over 30 years old and will only have maybe one child.

But it doesn't happen so much like that in developing nations and the other worry is while there is food now these nations are not the most stable or developed so there are many events that could trigger catastrophic food shortages leading to mass famine and unrest. Nigeria would be a good example of that but even Egypt falls into this, if the Nile dries up they are done.

By your own calculations that would give us 14 grams of rice a day... I don't think that is happening. This doesn't include the impact that 500 billion people would have on the land required to produce this either(or the impact it would have on the world as whole for that matter). Even so, 1Kg isn't really that much and probably does not take into account waste or poor quality crops that get given to animals because they are not really fit for people(and the fact that animals themselves produce food).

If only Covid was more contagious, we might at least rid our selves of all the old people(which would be good for the economy as well).

True but most meat is produced in areas where crops do not grow(think central Australia) and also livestock isn't that bad for the environment, Methane has a short lifespan compared to other green house gases and much doesn't reach the atmosphere.

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1433 No. 1433 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
what does tc think about the jews?
>> No. 1434 [Edit]
I think you should use the catalog

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733 No. 733 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Can Nazis and fundamentalist Christians and Muslims be otaku? Iran is kind of like modern Nazi Germany. Look how that turned out.
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>> No. 1420 [Edit]
On the Muslim note, both ISIS and the Taliban have expressed that anime is okay with the Taliban saying "It's just a cartoon"
>> No. 1421 [Edit]
If this is your source, it's not very convincing.
Libtards are also "okay" with video games. See how that turned out.
>> No. 1426 [Edit]
they're far more accepting than Conservatives, see Jack Thompson
>> No. 1456 [Edit]
Of course they can, I am one.

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