No. 268
I've been having this really bad problem with my laptop lately.
it seems like there's a limit to how many things I can have open at once, windows, programs even tabs in programs.
after restarting the laptop, that limit might be around 7 - 10, but after being on for some time, it gets to where I can't even have 3 things open at once.
I mean, damn, you know you're shit's fucked up when your computer wont let you open a folder, until you close an unused tab in mirc.
This laptop used to be pretty cool, and ran nicely, but now it's acting like a pc from 1990.
It's running windows XP pro
2gb of ram
1.6 processor
also, I haven't downloaded much of anything onto the thing, haven't been using it for much other then streaming a radio, which I did for a long time before without complications.
scanned for viruses and found nothing.
I thought that I maybe put something together wrong when I took it apart and put it back together a few weeks ago, like maybe the ram isn't connected right, but it all shows up to be working fine, and the laptop isn't being slow, it just doesn't want to do anything, can't even right click the desktop if to many windows are open, don't matter how long you wait, it just wont.
any clue what could cause it to act like this?
Post edited on 15th Aug 2011, 1:37am