No. 1698
Java is widely hated but still widely used. I have more experience with Java than any other language, though I'm trying to change that. It's verbose, has garbage collection, portable thanks to the JVM (with. couple exceptions), admittedly somewhat bloated, lots of documentation and libraries. Often seen as the poster child of the object-oriented paradigm, but has recently added more function features, such as lambda expressions. JavaFX isn't great, but it's easy enough to learn to make GUIs. One interesting thing about Java boilerplate and its verbosity is that you can write a hundred lines of Java that does essentially the same thing as a very short shell or python script. But it's still useful for a lot of things. I do think Java and OOP in general tend to overemphasize extensibility and modularity though. There are some bad design patterns and features in Java, like access modifiers or getters and setters. Not a big fan of that stuff. But it's a good way to learn about OOP and programming in general, like polymorphism, inheritance, control structures, and lots of other stuff I don't feel like writing out. Decent language despite all the flack it gets.
C++ is fast but easy to mess up with security and memory management. Widely used for things that depend on performance, such as games, but it just isn't worth the headaches. Learning C++ made me appreciate Java more -- garbage collection, references instead of pointers, and shit like that. For C++, you can use Qt or GTK. I personally never got into GUI development for C++, though I did for Java.
Python is okay. It's used for machine learning, Django (web dev backend), learning programming, and so on. "Forced indentation of code" is a meme on /prog/, since some people find it annoying that organization is syntax in this language. I'm surprised Python 2.X still exists, and it shows how making changes can cause fragmentation in a community. More people are adopting Python 3.X though, which is good. Paths for different versions of Python can be annoying. I've worked on a Project that involved a tool called Anaconda though, which made it easy for everyone to make sure they had the right versions of Django and Python and whatnot, to avoid the "well, it works on my machine" issues many people have. Lots of modules and community support too. However, Guido recently stepped down as BDFL, so who knows what the future of Python will be.
Ruby is dying. People use Django or Node instead of Rails. It's slow, basically competing with Python in the realm of relatively simple interpreted languages. Never really heard of it being used outside of RPG Maker XP and Ruby on Rails. Wouldn't recommend getting into it. It's a sinking ship.
PHP is a pile of garbage. It's ancient, full of security holes and black magic fuckery, and it should be avoided at all costs. Maybe you'll end up using it when maintaining some legacy web codebase, but it sucks ass. I know of some cool tricks for hacking poorly-coded PHP sides, using fun things like remote file inclusion and web shells. Interesting from an attacker's standpoint, but annoying as fuck if you're a web developer who has to deal with this. Don't use PHP.
C# is like Java, but for Microsoft shills. I never got into it, but it's only worthwhile if you're gung-ho about Microsoft (which I'm not).
JavaScript, despite all the hate (some if it deserved, for its weird quirks!), is one of the most important programming languages to learn. These days, you can't really do any web development without JavaScript. Very few people use vanilla JS, but you use shit like Angular, Node, Express, jQuery, and so on. EcmaScript 6 got class-based inheritance instead of the old weird prototypical inheritance of ES5, which is in JS. It's weird how JS is based on ES, but they're not exactly the same. I never really understood that. Anyway, JavaScript Object Notation is cool too, and you can even use it with non-web stuff. It's a cool alternative to XML. I'd never use XML these days. NoSQL/document-based databases like MongoDB are cool, and a good start if you're learning JS. With MEAN stack, you can have JS frontend, JS backend, and a JSON database. Makes things slightly easier, even though web dev is pretty complicated now.
Perl is extremely terse to the point of being unreadable. There are lots of cool one-liners you can do with it, and sometimes I even use a little bit of perl in my shell scripts, but overall, it's not really usable. I've seen some older sites using perl, but it's not aging well for modern concepts such as responsive design. Sort of reminds me of old-school cgi. I'm no perl connoisseur, but apparently perl6 was slow to be adopted. Many people stick with perl5, just like the split between Python 2 and Python 3. Wouldn't bother learning perl in 2018.
C is old-school procedural programming. Fast, but simple. You could think of it as like C++ without the OOP, or the other way around: C++ is like C but with classes tacked on as an afterthought. Wanna learn about pointers and compiling and other more old-school stuff? I guess you could learn it with C (or C++). But in the real world, you're not likely to use it, except for a CS undergrad class, or maybe legacy code. C++? Sure. Pure C? Not so much. Maybe if you do embedded systems shit where resources are tight, or you really need that extra performance squeezed out of something. But then again, it's good to have knowledge of non-OOP paradigms, like procedural, imperative, and perhaps even functional (though I'd never recommend function languages for anything other than messing around -- very few jobs with it, too obsessed with concurrency, no return statements, weird concepts like currying and monads, only real cool thing is lambda expressions, which I use in Java all the time). Anyway, got a little off-topic, but C is kinda old-school and not really something you'd want to base a modern project off of. If you want something faster, kind of like C or C++, maybe look into Rust, which is similar but with better memory safety built in.
I never got into Visual Basic.
I've heard good things about R, but I've never actually used it.
Never used Scala. Don't know much about it.
Shells are not programming languages. Shells are shells. Technically, you can do shell scripting, which is useful. But would I call that fully-fledged programming? Not so sure about that. I do a lot of bash/zsh one-liners and I like customizing my .zshrc and making cron jobs and all that jazz (though systemd is subsuming all that shit nowadays). Lots of cool and powerful stuff with shells. Definitely worth learning command line stuff if you want to program, no matter which OS or programming language you use. But be warned: PowerShell is a joke compared to Unix shells like bash or zsh.
ActionScript? Flash is dead. Not worth your time.
Other languages that aren't on that list, but are worth mentioning:
Swift -- optionals/nils are interesting, also it's what you need to make iOS apps, since Objective-C is being phased out
Kotlin -- successor to Java as the go-to language for Android development
Haskell (for academic or hobbyist purposes)
Assembly, such as MIPS or ARM or x86: if you wanna learn more about how computers really work, it can be useful to learn about assembly. You'll learn about registers and all that good stuff. It's a total pain in the ass. You'll appreciate higher-level languages more after doing shit in assembly. Assembly is very simple -- and that's the problem. It's hard to get an idea of how combinations of jumps and pushes do anything. Higher-level languages introduce extra layers of abstraction, so you can think more about the problem you're trying to solve and less about CPU registers and whatnot. A lot of compilers compile to assembly, because it's pretty hard to read or reverse engineer (though some languages compile to bytecode instead). But if you want to get into reverse engineering or malware, assembly is more important to learn. But it doesn't make sense to try and make a program in assembly as opposed to something like Java or C++ instead.
Markup and "that's technically not a programming language" languages: HTML5, CSS3, Markdown, YAML, LaTeX, preprocessors such as Sass, and so on. Still important to know. Might not be turing complete, but so what? Still useful to know. Pedants argue about what to call them, but regardless, you should know some of them anyway.
When some people ask "which programming language should I learn?" the answer is: many programming languages. You might only speak one language in daily life, but you might need to use multiple programming languages as a programmer. They have different design philosophies, different built-in methods, different libraries, run on different devices, and have different use-cases. They're not all general purpose, and even so-called general purpose languages are better for some things and worse for others.
There is no "best" language to learn, but stop obsessing over which one is best and just pick something. I'd suggest Python, HTML/CSS/JS, or Java to start with. When you learn your first programming language, you're learning programming, paradigm-specific stuff, and language-specific stuff. Then, for your second programming language (assuming it's in the same paradigm, which should ideally be OOP-based, even if it's not 100% OOP), all you're really learning is the syntax and language-specific stuff. It's way easier to learn another programming language after you've already learned your first one.
It's easy to learn programming, but only if you have realistic time expectations. If you think you're gonna make a game in a day, you'll be distressed by how complicated everything sounds. Rome wasn't built in a day. So you have to pace yourself, like learning linked lists one day, then stacks and queues, then binary trees the next, time complexity the day after that, and so on. That's not a really good order, just an example. But that brings up another topic: there is a difference between learning the basics of a language, and learning more in-depth topics, such as algorithms, data structures, software engineering, project management, best practices, devops/agile, tools, debugging, design patterns, etc.