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1280 No. 1280 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
A bit late with this one, but whatever. To start off:
136 posts and 22 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3482 [Edit]
If/when IA falls, what do you reckon are the chances/amount of data lost, aside from what they intentionally remove from the archives. Forgive me for my ignorance, but what's there to stop splinter groups from forming with the partial amounts of the data they have access to?
IA could go down or become unaccessible and that would suck, but what I am scared is if that meant any amount of data that is not backed up being lost/deleted, inaccessible to the public or not.
I recall them having some backups internationally, but from what I can tell they all are only partial backups, outdated and stagnant.
If only some benevolent oil barons spent money creating backups of the archive in various countries...

Post edited on 10th Oct 2024, 10:21am
>> No. 3483 [Edit]
IA has always felt like it was run on tin cans. I'm not surprised this happened, they really don't seem to have much technical competence (for the longest time the wayback machine scraper failed at its basic job and never saved resources like images, this was only fixed in 2017). And of course others already commented that for some reason they seem oddly fixated on trying to poke the law with their ebook lending program rather than shutting up and staying out of the limelight (Anna's archive has already mostly solved the ebook archival problem).
>> No. 3484 [Edit]
Oh and don't forget that if they aren't brought down by this, an earthquake eventually will: Whose bright idea was it to put their datacenters in a city that's known to be at risk for severe earthquakes? I cannot find any evidence that they've taken measures to seismically retrofit the buildings, so I assume they haven't.

Post edited on 10th Oct 2024, 1:17pm
>> No. 3493 [Edit]
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The .io TLD might get deprecated.

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3445 No. 3445 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Post your pc part picker list.
3 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3461 [Edit]
It's a damn pain if it isn't however...
>> No. 3462 [Edit]
I also have a 6tb HGST enterprise drive and a pcie->m.2 adapter, but couldn't find either on pcpartpicker. The 450w power supply is basically a ticking time bomb, have had it for almost 10 years and been edging it for the past 5...
Want to upgrade to AM5 but it's so god damn expensive.
>> No. 3463 [Edit]
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Some caveats:
the PSU is actually an FSP Si series FSP700-50ARN, but I couldn't find it in the list. That other one looked close enough.
Couldn't bother to check if that is the exact model of the optical drive, but it's that line of drives.
I also have some mystery tan-coloured SM SD/MMC MS/MSPRO CF/MD card reader/writer 3,5 inch drive.
All of the peripherals are too ancient or obscure to be listed.
>> No. 3464 [Edit]
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An internal multi-card reader isn't something I've heard of before, but it makes sense for photographers and the like. Amazing how that functionality can be found in a USB device now.

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3456 No. 3456 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I have a relatively old graphics card laying around, that once broke for a reason, that I don't remember anymore, and since I didn't know what to do, I bought a new one. Years have past and the old graphics card has been collecting dust ever since. Until now, because I want to find out what's wrong and how to repair it. It's an R9 280X, like the one in the picture. While I want to get the card repaired, I see it primarily as a learning experience and as such I don't mind the price of the tools and items needed, exceeding the final worth of it. It seems to be fairly accessible from the outside, having normal screws and nothing particularly hidden.

I knew a guy, a while ago, that could do this stuff, so I'm confident, that it can't be too hard to learn, but I don't do anymore, so I'm asking here if anyone knows how to go about this.

1) How do I learn about this besides reading hardware documentation?
2) What tools (if any) do I need to repair it?

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2130 No. 2130 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does anyone here have experience with ham radio (perhaps even getting a license)? I recently stumbled across and it's been kind of fun playing around with it, tuning into random parts of the spectrum and catching people's conversations (it's also mind-blowing that we now not only have enough computing power to do the demodulation and signal-processing that used to be done with dedicated circuits directly in software, but that we can do so in real-time inside a browser). Seems like ham radio is a dying hobby these days, and the only people left doing it are the older generations, but the sort of insular culture is also kind of neat – almost like an imageboard community.

Most of the topics I saw being discussed were people talking about their setups, but aside from the communications aspect there's got to be some other cool stuff you can do with broadcast/receive permission for all that spectrum.

Post edited on 23rd Dec 2020, 7:03pm
7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2435 [Edit] was a nice recent article on the current state of ham.

I guess "ham radio" as a community is dying, which makes sense since there are endless ways to communicate these days. Moreover, from a technological standpoint the ability to transmit information over distances via radio is no longer as captivating as it once was, since the Internet suffices for the vast majority of use-cases (especially since you don't need to get a license to experiment with it, equipment is ubiquitous, and development can be done at the software-level).
>> No. 2436 [Edit]
Apparently you can use ham radio to make a mesh network.
>> No. 3454 [Edit]
I have a Baofeng GT-5R (which is basically a copy of the notorious UV-5R), but I never managed to receive anything with it, or at least no voice, which is what I hoped for. From my understanding, you need to connect to a repeater, to receive anything, so I tried programming it manually, to connect to it, but it didn't work and a second time I tried doing it with a programming cable connected to my computer, but it didn't work out either (apart from changing some trivial settings). I used a software called Chirp for it.

I probably agree with this Anon's >>2131 notion, that it probably sounds more interesting, than it really is. HAM Radio is heavily regulated, very expensive and at the end of the day, when you jumped through all the hoops, you just end up in a glorfied audio call, where you can say your name and location. Maybe there is more to it, but I think at that point you'd have to either spend an inane amount of money and time for it or do it professionally.
>> No. 3455 [Edit]
Yeah the FCC restriction that HAM communications be "in the clear" kind of makes things boring.

It seems most of the recent attention in the radio-space has been around LoRaWan (using the unlicensed 900MHz band), since it's not subject to such constraints and unlike 2.4GHz the 900MHz frequency gives you enough range to do cool things.

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2209 No. 2209 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
tfw I'm posting from an e90 communicator. idk how to update internet (I tried everyhing, trust me) and this chan is one of the few sites which my phone is able to surf.
23 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3426 [Edit]
>type of attack that you believe TLS will protect you from
In the developed world I think it is most likely going to be limited to sniffing.
>there are no non-public messages
TLS provides padding of data, so AFAIK there is no plausible way to tell that you made a certain post just by observing the encrypted stream of data.
>> No. 3427 [Edit]
>TLS provides padding of data
No, only tls 1.3 does, with an optional extension (I also don't know whether this is actually used in practice). Padding also only reduces the granularity of content length that can be observed (because there is an inherent tradeoff between padded cipher text length and overall throughput). Moreover, you are completely forgetting about the whole suite of traffic correlation attacks that are trivial when messages are public. Even if you use DoH and use TLS with ECH or ESNI (which are both perpetually in draft state, and currently not widely deployed), the destination IP is sufficient to deduce the site you are visiting (even on "shared host" sites like TC.) From there, correlate packet timestamps with post time and content length again allows you with high probability to attribute a post to a given source IP. That's not even mentioning the wealth of metadata present in the TLS handshake itself (even with ECH, other side-channels like the cipher suites the client/server negotiate, packet latency, etc. make targeted deanonymization feasible).

All of these are table stakes for the adversary you are concerned about, because they are pretty much the same techniques use to deanonymize TOR traffic.

Post edited on 12th May 2024, 3:53pm
>> No. 3428 [Edit]
Seems TLS 1.3 padding is not used much in practice (based on anecdotal experiments in wireshark by others). Go doesn't support it either [1]. Makes sense since no one wants to waste bandwidth for a feature that's made pointless by the bevy of other side-channels anyway.


>admins of many small imageboards are more trustworthy than an average ISP.
That really doesn't matter if things are not self-hosted. TC uses DreamHost I believe. They are based in LA, the implications of which should be clear. In fact apparently in the past they've already had a warrant to hand over all info.

Post edited on 12th May 2024, 4:23pm
>> No. 3429 [Edit]
>Seems TLS 1.3 padding is not used much in practice
OK you win. The only more or less valid point I have left is that targeting plain text traffic is sweeter than elaborating with timing attacks.

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3230 No. 3230 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
A thread to speculate where technology is headed.

I'll start by asking whether you think PCs have a future. You may have heard that Microsoft is planning of making Windows 365 available to consumers. So thin clients that rely on an internet connection to be used, will probably become more mainstream at some point.

Right now, there's a few things I can think of which would prevent thin clients from rendering full-fledged PCs from becoming "obsolete". Latency being one obvious barrier, but internet speeds are getting faster.

There's also the issue of gaming. While there is a niche of people who expect 120 fps at a minimum, that might not be a large enough market to keep PCs afloat. Maybe normal people playing on consoles, and a hostile landscape, will kill off the temporary boom that PC gaming is having.

Lastly, a lot of companies would get fucked over if thin clients became the norm, like ones that specialize in certain PC parts(Crucial, AMD, Noctua, etc.). There would also be no justification for higher-end hardware in stuff like laptops.

What do you think?
7 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3238 [Edit]
The point I think he's making is that there's way more more "semantically meaningful" information handled by the client (i.e. text buffers, codebase metadata, etc) with the "LSP" (specialized client + RPC mechanism, really) approach, which might make it easier to leak remote data (either intentionally or, say, by local caching and whatnot), as opposed to the desktop streaming approach, where all you have is a bunch of pixels from your remote screen and all of the meaningful state is on the remote end.
>> No. 3239 [Edit]
At my dad's job, he uses all kinds of software, not just an IDE. Database managers and all kinds of built-in-house stuff. They also use Excel files stored in Windows network folders, and stuff like that. None of that can be accessible from his host OS.
>> No. 3240 [Edit]
Yeah that's fair, although I find it hard to imagine a threat model where an adversary can access in-memory text buffers but wouldn't be able to just capture the entire framebuffer (thereby accessing remote content). Usually the threat model with regard to thin-clients for FAANG companies is to avoid any code hitting disk, which is fairly easy to guarantee even with an LSP-type approach.
>> No. 3353 [Edit]
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A few things have come out in the months since this thread was made. First of all, ARM CPUs are coming to the mainstream. Apple has already made the transition, but now both NVIDIA and AMD are planning on getting in on it. I think this will constitute a new "era" of personal computing, ending the one that started with Windows XP.

On the software-side, compatibility with win32 applications will become less emphasized, and maybe even gradually phased out. Compatibility layers are bound to be imperfect, and most users don't care enough about that for it to affect their purchasing decisions. Web-based applications have become popular even in the corporate sphere, and while there's a few irreplaceable professional-applications, all of those will get ported. On top of all that, emulating a windows 7 machine is becoming increasingly trivial on modern hardware.

On the hardware-side, lower-end GPUs will probably go extinct as iGPUs get better. Power efficiency might become more emphasized, which ARM contributes to. Those 1300W PSUs might disappear. Socketed ram might also go extinct because there's performance and energy advantages to coupling it together with the CPU. Most people upgrade everything all at once anyway. It really depends on how AMD and NVIDIA decide to handle desktop ARM.

The gaming industry as a whole doesn't seem to be doing too well. Games have become too expensive to make, and they're kind of crap now for the most part. I don't know how much interest there is among the general populace in non-mobile stuff. This will affect PCs too, but I'm not sure how and to what extent.

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1813 No. 1813 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How do I get this?!?! I wanna have Miku sitting on my desktop like that!
My OS is linux ubuntu, by the way. I've been searching all over the internet but I can't find a way to install this!
9 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1872 [Edit]
Actually I didn't check before posting because I thought the software died years ago but it got updated in June, my repos is lagging two versions behind. I compiled the new one the menu works fine now. According to dmesg it was a GTK problem.

Thanks anyways.
>> No. 2062 [Edit]
I had some linker errors trying to get this to build on Linux. Seems like some GCC defaults changed since this was working to disallow for some undefined behavior, which MaCoPiX needs to be patched for. In the meantime, it can be worked around using `make LDFLAGS=-Wl,--allow-multiple-definition` for the make step.
>> No. 3338 [Edit]
I couldn't get this working by building from the source, because it kept saying it couldn't find X11/XFree despite me having the most up to date version of xorg and all of those related packages.

In any case, I got this to run just by using sudo apt-install macopix.
It's a little janky and all of the official mascots are from 2007 and take forever to download despite being tiny (less than 1mb) files and I honestly don't think I'd run this outside of a VM, but it's still very cute and quite fun to have a look at.
>> No. 3339 [Edit]
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Image for reference.

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2260 No. 2260 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Surprised this doesn't exist yet.

So what do you think the future of AI is? Do you think eventually, we'll be able to give an AI general instructions and have it program something based on that? Like "write a play station 5 emulator" and then it would actually be able do it? Would that be a good or bad thing?
40 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3171 [Edit]
> it wouldn't know how to properly deal with the concepts
It well might, assuming that diffusion models can reproduce any source distribution (which is a big claim). But I agree it would be a lot trickier, one pixel off in a photorealistic (or anime-esque) image will not matter much, while one pixel off in a pixel-art will ruin the thing. But jaggies/anti-aliasing should be handled trivially since even conventional 2D image processing can do it via simple conv filters, same for outlines and dithering.

Also fine-tuning doesn't require as much hardware as de novo training, supposedly even few-shot training would work.
>> No. 3308 [Edit]
Looks like music generation is about to have its diffusion moment:

What I can't find is what the actual model they're using is. Previous attempts at music generation used some sort of autoregressive thing (e.g. MusicLM) or diffusion-type (Noise2Music). My guess is that they're basically combining several recent achievements: something like MusicLM to generate the beats, then using some TTS model (vall-e?) on top for the lyrics. Presumably they might actually train both of these at once so they can share some information in embedding space, so that lyrics and musical downbeats align.
>> No. 3309 [Edit]
Do let us know when it can generate a song on the level of The Gates of Delirium that won't sound like garbage.
>> No. 3322 [Edit]
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Hopefully. Regarding percieved standalone potential of present models (i.e prompting only, no assistive file to mimic) generative music has far more of interest to offer, and so piques mine. I don't think it will be capable of generating anything that tops good creative direction, especially for any genre which has a heavy focus on atmosphere, lengthy progressions or production nuances (with the exception of ambient drone I suppose). Similarly I think attempting to mimic vocal music (in a single pass, for everything) is a mistake. However, for genres that are instrumental, purely monotonous in tone but quite varied yet very similar in melody composition (of which there are many) I could see it being very satisfactory, for instance: most any traditionally influenced genre (Bossa Nova[!] and celtic especially), Math rock to an extent, and dnb/jungle.

It would be made more interesting if it was capable of producing tracker formatted music, given that format is far more efficient in file size, more configurable and is more structurally specified and so easier for it to produce, and easier to reference. Though I imagine the methods used aren't suitable for doing such directly as the database is certainly raw audio, so the best one could hope for is a post-convert...
Maybe one day I'll be able to run a bgm generator that either live generates and appends a running mod file in ram or simply generates an 18h file that I can listen to throughout the day, for only 50mb and maybe 2-3 minutes of peaked resource usage, at startup.

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3312 No. 3312 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hey everyone,

I just read this cool article (1) about mulberry fruit extracts and how they might slow down skin aging, thanks to their polyphenols. It's on and talks about how these extracts help fight glycation and boost antioxidant functions.

This got me thinking – what's the real deal with polyphenols and anti-glycation? I mean, are all polyphenols equally good at this, or do some work better than others? And does their structure make a difference in how well they stop those AGEs from forming, especially for skin health?

Also, is there any debate among scientists about how effective these polyphenols really are? I’m curious to know what both sides are saying.

Would love to hear your thoughts or any cool studies you might know about!


Post edited on 3rd Jan 2024, 6:34pm
>> No. 3313 [Edit]
I can't tell if this is an absurdly high-effort version of the "miracle berry" spam ads, or an actual discussion topic from someone with biochem experience.

Unless there's other biochemists lurking here I think you might have to break things down for us layman a bit more: I have some vague knowledge of polyphenols being good antioxidants, but beyond that what's the particular role between anti-glycation and skin health? Is there a particular reason you're interested in skin health (it seems like other factors like metabolic health or basically any other body part would be more substantive).
>> No. 3315 [Edit]
Might be a spam ad, generated by AI.
>> No. 3316 [Edit]
Why would I want to extend my life and misery though?
>> No. 3317 [Edit]
You may actually be right, that "" website seems a bit suspicious, it basically has a pagerank of 0, not having any inbound links from a reputable site. And the only links to that site that exist on the web are either from random spam domains, or from other chans/forums, which use the same copy-pasted text as OP.

The thing that confuses me is that the site itself is fairly "clean", it doesn't have any trackers besides google analytics, no ads from what I can see, minimal JS. So what's the point of this: high effort SEO farming? I'm guessing the article may be auto-generated, but it seems to have valid relevant citations which is not really something that LLMs are known for.

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2992 No. 2992 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Well, I want to wanna learn. Blows my mind reading some of these threads where it's like I'm reading another language. The whole thing is overwhelming, which only intrigues me more. How did you get started with coding/internet languages/programming. I don't even know what to call it, see? Where does one begin? I remember buying a C64 a few years ago with the goal of learning basic and creating a very simple game like the protagonist in RPO, but I gave up pretty fast and sold the god damn thing. Bought a Vic-20 too for some reason, but I still have that. Think I was just obsessing over old computers at the time. Had some experience with python in my physics class, but that didn't last long cuz I dropped that major the next semester lol.

Please, I at least want some kind've a general idea about what the fuck you guys are saying sometimes. It's so intimidating, but fascinating. Like I know another reality exists within my own, but I can't perceive or interact with it in any meaningful way. Where do I start?
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3011 [Edit]
>subtopics pertaining
You mean restoring vintage computers? There's a decent amount of people into retrocomputing (not on TC but elsewhere on the internet), and you don't even necessarily have to know anything about programming to do that. In fact having some soldering knowledge will probably be more useful since you'll probably need to replace bad capacitors and such. But I'm not sure what people do with them once they get it running.
>> No. 3012 [Edit]
Good point haha, I guess the only real thing you can do is mess with software formats that aren't compatible with today's computers. I have a lot of old floppy discs I'd love to check out. Maybe even buy some vintage games and run them on their original hardware for that authenticity. I'm not too sure haha, but I know for sure it spikes my interest. What interested you and what subtopic do you thrive in?
>> No. 3013 [Edit]
>what subtopic do you thrive in?
I wouldn't say I'm interested in a particular subfield more than any other, I find all of them interesting and will eagerly seek out opportunities to learn more about them.

>What interested you
I don't really remember. I think it's just that I spend a lot of time on the computer, so it was a motivation to know enough to be able to have unilateral control over my environment. And to be able to confidently mess around with things, you need to know how they work.
>> No. 3286 [Edit]
My issue with programming is that I am extremely stubborn and can't focus on things that I have no interest in. So, in python class for example, when they tell me to code something that figures out how to perform some sort of function based around division of numbers or whatever, I just lose interest. If the language were written in such a way that classes, objects, strings etc were called "swords", "spells", "dragons" etc I would be more mentally stimulated and pay attention...

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2447 No. 2447 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you think about the open source, UNIX-inspired Fuchsia(aside from it being developed by google). I am an ignoramus and windows user, but in spite of that, Fuchsia has(or will have) a few things that seriously appeal to me.

>Zircon is the core that powers Fuchsia. It is composed of a microkernel and a small set of userspace services, drivers, and libraries necessary for core system functions such as booting.
>Fuchsia’s filesystems live entirely within userspace. They are not linked nor loaded with the kernel; they are simply userspace processes that implement servers that can appear as filesystems. As a consequence, Fuchsia’s filesystems themselves can be changed with ease
>Due to the modular nature of Fuchsia’s architecture, it is straightforward to add filesystems to the system.
>Zircon is an object-based kernel. User mode code almost exclusively interacts with OS resources via object handles.
>In Fuchsia, almost everything is a component and it is the unit of executable software... Components can only use shared libraries that are included in the same package as the component... There is no concept of inter-package dependencies
>A given release of the Fuchsia platform typically supports multiple ABI revisions, which lets the platform run older applications
>This document proposes a mechanism for running unmodified Linux programs on Fuchsia... the Fuchsia system does not impose an opinion about the internal structure of components. In order to interoperate as a first-class citizen with the Fuchsia system, a component need only send and receive correctly formatted messages over the appropriate zx::channel objects... The programs are run in a userspace process whose system interface is compatible with the Linux ABI. Rather than using the Linux kernel to implement this interface, we will implement the interface in a Fuchsia userspace program

I like that it uses a microkernel, the filesystem implementation is so flexible, the kernel is object-based, and there's no possibility of dependency hell. As a windows user, I can't really understand
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>> No. 3265 [Edit]
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Version 12
>> No. 3285 [Edit]
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Version 14

A lot of work has been done on Starnix, the Linux comparability layer. Some risc-v stuff too.
>> No. 3321 [Edit]
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Yeah, people were right to doubt the longevity of this project. How sad. Looks like everybody is still going to be stuck with the same 3, shitty options. Windows with its updates and privacy concerns and ui fuckery, MacOs with its vendor lock-in, over-priced hardware and walled-garden, and Linux which is just shit.
>> No. 3365 [Edit]
In spite of the bad news, I'm still checking up on this. Version 16 has been released.

A bunch of additions and improvements to starnix
>Added support for /dev/uinput and route it appropriately to the Fuchsia input subsystem.
>Enabled RISC-V support in Starnix with basic tests running (Starnix with vDSO tests).
>Initial implementation of SELinux server in Starnix.
Also some connectivity improvements.

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