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File 156982332281.jpg - (91.26KB , 1335x1021 , Lain Sweet Setup.jpg )
1896 No. 1896 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I've used this site to try to figure out what is the best VPN to use:

I feel that I need to choose a VPN in a non-Five, -Nine or -Fourteen Eyes country, and one of those that come up as seemingly cheapest and best is Trust.Zone (, but it seems they have no refund policy. However, competitors like NordVPN has bad reviews for not actually refunding, despite claiming that they always will within a month (video about it (3DPD warning:

If anyone could give insight, or if I should choose something else, I'd be very thankful. I need this VPN very, very soon, so if you'd be able to help quickly, I'd very much appreciate it (I've kept procrastinating about it)...
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>> No. 1899 [Edit]
It's only urgent because of upcoming law changes. And what I'm mostly concerned about is getting charged from speaking my mind, really. However, it'd important that the VPN I choose allows torrenting, also...
>> No. 1900 [Edit]
You're worrying me. What the hell is going on in your country?
>> No. 1901 [Edit]
I also want to know. I don't pay attention to news so now I wonder if I should be worried.
>> No. 1904 [Edit]
And what do you know, turns out Nord VPN recently suffered a breach in their network. I stand by my assertion that unless you have a specific need (bypassing government or geo-restrictions), then using a VPN for day-to-day browsing is pointless.

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1792 No. 1792 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Can hubless cycles be the future standard?
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>> No. 1837 [Edit]
I thought this was some sort of joke until I looked up and found

funnily enough what I thought of as a possible disadvantage was listed as one of the first things on the page along with some others.
>> No. 1856 [Edit]
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Just buy a e-bike
>> No. 1859 [Edit]
Might as well, it's about as useless as a hubless wheel.
>> No. 1861 [Edit]
Eh. They seem to have improved a lot in the past ten years. This year I have seen e-bikes on my street going probably 45km/h without pedaling, and apparently the range of them is pretty good nowadays.

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1585 No. 1585 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Net neutrality will eventually die, wont it? As I see it they'll keep trying to take it down over and over endlessly until people get tired of fighting it and they win.
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>> No. 1847 [Edit]
Every single chan with a tech or g board is filled to the brim with political threads about policies, corporate/government spying and muh freedoms. I get why people care about these things, but there's a lot of more intersting things to talk about. These discussions always go the exact same every time.
>> No. 1857 [Edit]
Apparently a couple of tech boards are now focused on creating their own internet now that this one is being fucked over. Should be interesting.
>> No. 1858 [Edit]
isn't that just tor?
>> No. 1860 [Edit]
Whatever a tech board can come up with will be small-scale shit which they might use on the side to feel cool and above the system, but will never replace the current infrastructure. It's happened before. There is an interesting project called safenet, but whenever that actually becomes open the public is a mystery.

Also, tor isn't a "separate internet". Unless you make a new network of individual computers, you aren't making a "new internet". If you do that though, it wont be useful to people outside of that mesh network.

Post edited on 15th Jul 2019, 2:39am

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1809 No. 1809 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
How does /tc/ sort their files? Do you throw them all in New folder (62) or do you take the time to sort them nicely?
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>> No. 1812 [Edit]
I keep maybe 1/4th of my animu photos sorted by series. In some cases I have special sub folders for characters such as the waifu, saber, ect. the rest get tossed into a big general folder that I keep telling myself I'll sort out someday knowing full well I never will.

My audio is a bit better sorted. It's not ideal but I have a music folder, and from there groups/artists. few exceptions being folders for game music, soundtrack stuff, ect I do have a small general folder of sorts for music but that's just from when my only hdd died and I had to rip my music off my ipod, and because of how poorly it was stored the files were given randomized names and placed in random folders.

Videos is pretty straightforward. anime/tv/movies/other. sub folders with series names.

Games is also pretty simple. It's mostly just sorted by system.
>> No. 1819 [Edit]
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For pictures, I keep everything in one big "Pictures" folder. I rely on remembering when I save things and hopefully naming things properly to find them. For anime, movies, music, etc. I make folders and keep filling them until about 50 or so are in there and make a new one. I also rely on remembering when I saved things to remember where they are in this case. When I sort pictures by anime series or origin I feel like it makes it a lot harder to find. I did this once a few years back to my whole pictures folder, and later dumped everything back into one folder. Took a really long time too, not worth it, long as I can sort by modify date I'm good.

Post edited on 24th Mar 2019, 9:26pm
>> No. 1839 [Edit]
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I mostly sort my files in videos, pictures, documents, music, games.
In pictures and videos, files are categorized as board and non-board names ex. g, b, a/[serie]/[char], Art. there are videos in pictures tough, mostly webms.

Overall it's still a big mess, some loose files, duplicate files, wrongly saved. Then there's also the issue of files that fit within multiple categories, files on other drives yet to be merged and not having the same organization. Windows doesn't allow paths with more than 256 characters so long filenames causes a problem, a temporary solution is zipping the file so it can be moved or using Teracopy.

Hydrus as >>1810 mentioned before is a solution to file organization, but it requires all the files in one big folder, I don't want to lose my folder structure so Hydrus won't be used. some images can get tags automatically by looking at MD5 of your picture and those on x-booru.

One program that's been helpful is Everything, say you save a file, put some tags in filename it's easy to find back and it's MUCH faster default windows search.

Do you guys find saving annoying too? Depending on the content I might have to jump to many different locations for each file. now THIS is a hassle. Maybe one big folder is not so bad after all?
>> No. 1854 [Edit]
I have all my programs set to automatically download into one one big ingress folder and then organize from there. It's ugly but it's easier so long as you keep on top of shoving things into their appropriate places every few days. One trick is using temporary folders to group items as they come in. Say you're saving Touhou fanart. Clear out the base of ingress so only folders remain and let them all save there. Then when you finish drag them into a new folder so they don't mix with anything else. Even if you want to sort further (by character) it's still much easier than having to sit there and separate hundreds of pictures based on series which I find is usually the slowest part. And you can make other groups too like funny, infograph, etc depending on your needs and what you're saving.

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1842 No. 1842 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What are some unusual peripherals you've come across?
>> No. 1843 [Edit]
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The vertical mice as seen in your image are supposed to be pretty ergonomic. I haven't had a chance to try them but I really want to.

The recessed ergonomic keyboards are another thing that's supposed to be really ergonomic but looks a bit funky at first glance.
>> No. 1853 [Edit]
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Unless you constrain that to unusual and useful/functional, you'll find a lot of stuff made from shitty ideas that failed for clear and deservedly obvious reasons.

As for one that I thought was weird, but turned out to be immensely useful: the horizontal scroll wheel on a madcatz RAT mouse.
I just wish the quality of the mouse matched the price tag, because it was very hard to learn to live without it when I switched to a more normal mouse that would last longer than year before it starts to fail.


and here I thought DVORAK keyboards went extinct a decade ago....

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1832 No. 1832 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What do you think about companies and governments selling your genetic data? Is it invasive? Do you think there should be regulations when it comes to technologies when it comes to gene editing to prevent transhumanist bullshit?
>> No. 1833 [Edit]
If you voluntarily surrender information to someone you don't have any reason to trust and then it turns out that they were lying about why they wanted the information and they plan on abusing it, who is to blame? The people who get into positions of power are awful people, you were taught that from a young age. "Power corrupts" remember that?
If you go out for a walk into the swamp in the evening on a warm day in May and the mosquitos go wild on you because you didn't put on any repellent whos at fault? You can't blame a bloodsucker for trying to suck your blood and you can't blame corrupt authoritarian animals for abusing power, they're both things you're expected to be away of and protect yourself from.
They can't sell your data if they don't have it. As long as they never get mine they'll never be able to genetically modify a superior being because I'm the prototype of perfection.
>> No. 1834 [Edit]
That's the lowest effort bait I've read today.

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1830 No. 1830 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Anyone else seeing this message on the main page of tohnochan? It's an april fools joke right?
>> No. 1831 [Edit]
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Nah it's legit. You don't know how much I need that 10 cents a day from ad money. I need it to pay the ten thousand dollar a month server costs. So if you would be so kind, please disable your adblocker so those porn ads can infect your system with malware.

also here, have a photo of a cute cat to manipulate your feelings and make you feel bad about blocking the ads. Please think of the kittens!

Yes it's an April fools joke, ads are aids and TC has none.

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1101 No. 1101 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I've been wanting to try programming or game making for a while now but I don't know where to start. I have a vague idea of what I want to make. Ideally, something like a point and click adventure game but rather than having an inventory it'd be more about how your actions affect the things around them. If you've ever played ghost trick I wanted to make something like that. I really enjoyed that games puzzles and I liked how a scene was being played out as you solved them.

But trying to emulate that kind of gameplay is too ambitious for a first try so maybe something closer to "I wish I were the moon"
>> No. 1102 [Edit]
Making video games is difficult and learning any language is extremely tedious. The software I write nearly every day is what most people, myself included, would consider boring and the tedium is absolutely inescapable. It will more than likely take great resolve to do anything you have in mind today.

If you decide to program it yourself you should learn java and get comfortable with that. Java is a fine language for beginners and teaches useful OO concepts.

Assembly and Python are also excellent starting points for beginners, Python will teach almost everything a beginner should learn. It's easy to use and would make a great stepping stone if you want to later use a language like C/C++/Java. Python is great in and of its self and you can stick with it. Assembly takes a bit of effort to learn, but it's still by far the best way to really get to grips with programming, but I still recommend it less than Python and Java.

If you decide you aren't tough enough and programming is not for you, there are things like Wintermute Engine and Visionaire Studio that will let you make your game with little or no programming knowledge. They're really easy to use, so I hear, and they would suit someone with not so much time to invest in a hobby.

>Ideally, something like a point and click adventure game but rather than having an inventory it'd be more about how your actions affect the things around them.

That is a point and click adventure game.
>> No. 1794 [Edit]
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Try simple games first like this:

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1762 No. 1762 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Why do gpu makers put all their effort into making the top of the card look fancy when you're likely only going to see the side and the bottom? Why do the fans blow downwards anyway? wouldn't it make more sense to vent the heat upwards?

With these questions in mind it seems people are taking to side mounting their gpu, problem is that pushes the card right up to the case window and blocks the air flow. Anyways, what do you guys think about this? would you mount yours sideways, do you not care if it sags at the end when mounted traditionally, what's your take?
>> No. 1763 [Edit]
I am pretty sure the fans on most graphics cards blow air into the heatsink, leaving it to exhaust out the side or back of the card, then sucked up by the rear fan. Not much you can do about that but I think it works fine most times unless the computer not designed for a large card like that. There are also blower style graphics cards which use a radial fan to blow air through a duct and out the back of the slot covers, which works better in tight computers, it's pretty common. I think a simple reason for making the card look nicer on the fan side would be that those images are what is mostly shown in product pages where people purchase the cards, so people will buy the better looking one regardless of if they'll see it in their case or not. Most computers don't have a clear panel anyway so the majority of the time the side isn't even seen.

Post edited on 29th Oct 2018, 6:12pm
>> No. 1764 [Edit]
Air movement is more of a non-issue. The larger issues are generally going to be the heatsinks getting gunked up with dust. Make sure to blow out the dust every now and again.

With modern cases, there is plenty of room to prevent air from stagnating and heat up.

The real problem, as can be clearly shown in your image, is the PCIe ports being completely blocked. God forbid you want to use one of the new and fancy SSD drives, or a good quality sound card, or a network card.

Also, with multiple card set ups, you now have to remove everything to get to the card vice being able to lift out the problem card by itself. The cases and motherboards were designed with the vertical mount orientation in mind, both for air flow and ease of use. Changing that on a whim is a stupid idea, unless you *really* need to show off the LEDs on the fans of your graphics card which would be otherwise obstructed by another PCIe card.

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1419 No. 1419 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
/navi/ quality images, go!
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>> No. 1647 [Edit]
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>> No. 1667 [Edit]
It appears as if this one was designed for GPU based crypto-currency mining for a large rig with many graphics cards.
>> No. 1686 [Edit]
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>> No. 1694 [Edit]
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1521 No. 1521 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What is WannaCry? Well, some little asshole wrote some code that exploits a hole in SMB within Windows. WannaCry, also known as Wana Decrypt0r, WannaCryptor, or WCRY, like other nasty ransomware variants, blocks access to a computer or its files and demands money to unlock it. Once infected with the WannaCry ransomware, victims are asked to pay up to $300 in order to remove the infection from their PCs, otherwise it is rendered unusable, and their files remain locked.

In general getting this on your computer sucks a sweaty ball sack. But hey, the fun's not over. This isn't like other ransomware. This one has a little surprise that comes with it. That hole in SMB allows it to actively hunt a network for other vulnerable computers. So it's contagious. That means all your friends at the coffee shop can join you in your misery.

So what can you do? Well if you're already infected, not much. Hope you have good backups, and I hope even more that you don't pay the fucking ransom. The last thing these people need is more money.

If you're not infected, well you have some options. First is get the update that fixes the hole. This will make you much less likely to get infected. However, with most of the planet banging on Windows Update right now, it might be a while. However, Microsoft does allow you to install from a stand alone patch.

Microsoft even released a patch for Windows XP SP3. "So what?" you say? Well, it was extremely generous of them to do so. Windows XP is a deprecated operating system. Microsoft was under no obligation whatsoever to release such a patch, but they did anyway.

Anywho...Below are direct links to the patches from Microsoft. Your best bet is to install these if you haven't already updated.

Finally, don't open suspicious emails, and NEVER EVER FUCKING EVER open an attachment you weren't expecting. You're welcome.

Windows XP SP3
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>> No. 1610 [Edit]
how does this image change when opened? what's that called?
>> No. 1688 [Edit]
File 152986643811.png - (32.52KB , 509x646 , rensenware.png )
There was a far higher proportion of fun and harmless viruses back in the day.
>> No. 1689 [Edit]
I don't see how that's either fun or harmless.
>> No. 1690 [Edit]
The author provided a crack that automatically cleared that score too, if I remember correctly.

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