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File 16698735903.png - (1.55MB , 1920x1080 , SUPPA HAKKA.png )
3044 No. 3044 [Edit]
Hello gentlemen, and welcome to the Advent of Code: TOHNO-CHAN Edition.

Post your solutions!
Ask questions!
Have fun!

Leaderboard: 1795791-8781b07c
51 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 3290 [Edit]
The Advent of Code approaches once more. Is anybody up for another round?
>> No. 3291 [Edit]
File 170062139441.png - (82.63KB , 596x957 , aoc12gold.png )
yeah I'll try to make time for the first week at least
>> No. 3294 [Edit]
File 170141869435.png - (90.04KB , 1748x512 , aoc2023day1.png )
Part 1 was easy, but part 2 was probably the hardest day1 puzzle of any year.
I wonder if Eric was trying to trip up ChatGPT with this.

You can still use the leaderboard in the OP for this year's calendar, by the way.
>> No. 3295 [Edit]
File 170152261647.png - (56.67KB , 1048x306 , AOC.png )
Day 2
>> No. 3296 [Edit]
File 170189886355.webm - (944.09KB , aoc2023day12.webm )
>> No. 3305 [Edit]
File 170257879120.png - (76.03KB , 800x786 , aocday14part2clojure.png )
today's puzzle was pretty fun
>> No. 3357 [Edit]
File daythree2023.txt - (19.28KB )

C dude here. Last year(2023) I tried Advent of Code again and surprisingly succeeded at first. I did the first day part 1 in around 2 days, then part 2 also around 2 days. I progressed this way doing all problems until day 3 pt1. When I finished it, it was already day 12 or something. I eventually got sidetracked and returned to this a few days ago to finish day 3 pt2. Well, I did the thing and my program apparently works flawlessly, I have it printing every individual value and manually checked for many numbers, but the fucking site gives me "wrong answer". How do I debug this? How to find the one fucking * that is causing me all this trouble? My program is still written in the same style as my 2022 attempt, pure C, parsing every single char at a time. It is too long and contrived and so I wouldn't want to force anybody to wade through the spaghetti swamp. I kindly ask any anon that have done this if they can check my input with their code at at some random lines(binary search recommended) so I can find the fucking line with the faulty exception.
>> No. 3358 [Edit]
Just run my input and say something like:
Up until line 40: Total gear sum value is: XYZ
Up until line 100: Blah, blah, blah.
Just a few lines so I can compare with my results.
>> No. 3360 [Edit]
>How to find the one fucking * that is causing me all this trouble? My program is still written in the same style as my 2022 attempt, pure C, parsing every single char at a time. It is too long and contrived and so I wouldn't want to force anybody to wade through the spaghetti swamp
Have you considered using a different language?
>> No. 3362 [Edit]
Ah, I bet you're the guy on SO who responds to every JS question with "use lodash" (or if this were the 2010s, "use jquery").

I looked at the file but it just seems to be the output, and I don't really want to read the AoC text to figure out what this is supposed to be and how to parse that. Probably you're failing on some edge-case, can you just get a solution off the internet, run it on that, and diff the results compared to yours?
>> No. 3374 [Edit]
The spam filter has claimed yet another innocent victim. I apologize for the inconvenience and removed your ban.
>> No. 3375 [Edit]
Yes, the problem was caused by reading the schematic and writing it without the \n character. This was useful for part 1 and I was building on part 1 to do part 2, but I did part 1 months ago and didn't suspect anything about that.
Here's a link that will help you debug your programs(using a URL shortener because i suspect something in the url triggered the spam filter.)
Thanks. First time seeing that ban video, very fun.
>> No. 3394 [Edit]
File 171245977282.png - (145.87KB , 1336x1015 , aocsolutions.png )
>> No. 3395 [Edit]
File 171246030411.gif - (189.94KB , 1023x1000 , つらら005a294e19aa4e7ab9315f0fd703aca2.gif )
oh, maybe I should've read the rest of the thread...
>> No. 3457 [Edit]
File 172643848254.jpg - (737.69KB , 1080x2052 , intcode computer.jpg )
if you're wondering which year is the most fun to do, it's 2019
>> No. 3514 [Edit]
Not really, I'd just embarrass myself and that doesn't feel either fun or fulfilling.
>> No. 3515 [Edit]
Sorry I replied to the wrong post. I meant that one in /ot/ mentioning Advent of Code 2024.
>> No. 3516 [Edit]
File 173093561225.png - (742.41KB , 2752x4342 , interviewQuestionsFizzbuzz.png )
Fair enough, but I will say that writing bad code should only be embarrassing if you're a professional programmer.
>> No. 3526 [Edit]
File 17330440192.png - (30.31KB , 1199x232 , aoc2024day1gold.png )
>> No. 3527 [Edit]
File 173308135671.png - (110.03KB , 1176x1008 , event1-1.png )
How are we feeling, boys?
>> No. 3528 [Edit]
File 173309115170.jpg - (88.31KB , 1010x340 , aoc2024day1.jpg )
I'm having fun

is that D?
>> No. 3529 [Edit]
File 173310141584.png - (892.15KB , 955x955 , 1733090889539438.png )
>> No. 3530 [Edit]
If anybody else would like to participate, please check the OP for our leaderboard ID.

>I'm having fun

>is that D?
It is. In the interest of time I chose the language I'm most familiar with.
I see you're still rocking Clojure. Your solutions are always enviously succinct.
>> No. 3531 [Edit]
File 173312292457.png - (53.88KB , 731x598 , day1.png )
This took embarrassingly long for me, but it works now and I'm glad it does. At some point was contemplating just doing it in Excel really quick, but I'm glad I solved it now.
>> No. 3533 [Edit]
File aocd1.c - (2.40KB )

Very easy to double check with
awk '{sum += $2 - $1} END{print sum}'

Can't post images
>> No. 3534 [Edit]
File 173313775226.png - (80.51KB , 833x755 , aoc2024day2goldClojure.png )
>In the interest of time I chose the language I'm most familiar with.
yah, same here with clojure at this point
>Your solutions are always enviously succinct
thank you
I also wrote a solution in Dart yesterday, it's obviously a lot less succinct:
I'd like to turn the whole event into a Flutter app and also add animations etc. if I can make the time for it

>contemplating just doing it in Excel
I mean, whatever works
>> No. 3535 [Edit]
File aocd2.c - (3.58KB )

You must be really angry with me to forbid posting images, heehee
>> No. 3536 [Edit]
File 17331544245.png - (117.86KB , 1920x1023 , aoc2024day2ClojureDart.png )
>I'd like to turn the whole event into a Flutter app
I just integrated the clojuredart compiler so I can use my clj solutions for the app instead of solving everything a second time in a worse language
>> No. 3541 [Edit]
File 173320472887.png - (91.34KB , 746x540 , aoc2024day3python3.png )
Playing on easy mode again as per the suggestion by >>/ot/43099
>> No. 3543 [Edit]
File 173321662970.png - (52.93KB , 1469x410 , aoc2024day3Clojure.png )
yeah today was a regex day
>> No. 3546 [Edit]
File 173334022749.jpg - (382.41KB , 999x1108 , aoc2024day4clojure.jpg )
day 4 seemed more tedious than anything.
>> No. 3547 [Edit]
File 173334218865.png - (1.37MB , 1024x1024 , elf aoc crossword.png )
>> No. 3548 [Edit]
File 173337978090.png - (180.38KB , 1396x1678 , event3-2.png )
I've been occupied elsewhere, sorry! Glad to see you guys are still trucking along.

The full solution is almost 100LOC, so I left out my basic parser implementation.

>I just integrated the clojuredart compiler so I can use my clj solutions for the app

Day 4 looks familiar to a past event.
>> No. 3549 [Edit]
And evidently I'm tired because the sum is mislabeled as a product. Oh goodness.
>> No. 3550 [Edit]
File 173342494052.png - (112.82KB , 5874x1608 , calendar elves.png )
I was busy today with preparing my 3-day trip to my aunt, but the train just left the station without me (from a different platform than it said on my ticket as well as on the schedule when I checked 5 minutes before it arrived) so... I guess I'll have time do some more puzzles this week...
>> No. 3551 [Edit]
You are fated to do AoC.
>> No. 3552 [Edit]
File 173344787833.jpg - (390.42KB , 989x1235 , aoc2024day5Goldclojure.jpg )
>> No. 3553 [Edit]
File 173348488757.png - (168.54KB , 993x967 , aoc2024day6goldClojure.png )
brute force, but it works
>> No. 3554 [Edit]
File 173349078719.webm - (205.79KB , day6.webm )
>> No. 3555 [Edit]
File 173355165427.png - (97.68KB , 847x614 , aoc2024day7python3.png )
Painfully slow, but it works


Clojure looks like a nice Lisp to use.

>> No. 3556 [Edit]
File 173355882725.png - (40.01KB , 658x419 , aoc2024day7gold.png )
>Painfully slow
How slow are we talking?
Picrelated takes 3.65 seconds for my input
>> No. 3557 [Edit]
File 173357204926.jpg - (179.21KB , 770x754 , aoc2024day7gold40msClojure.jpg )
here's a smarter algorithm I stole from someon on 4chan. This finishes in 40ms on my phone.
>> No. 3558 [Edit]
File 173364127867.png - (178.63KB , 746x987 , aoc2024day8python3.png )
>How slow are we talking?
My dumb solution runs embarrassingly slow at over half a minute. But my leaderboard clear times for that day are relatively good compared to other days, including today.
>> No. 3559 [Edit]
File 173375096020.png - (76.12KB , 754x524 , aoc2024day8goldClojure.png )
>> No. 3560 [Edit]
File 173380230842.png - (2.81KB , 594x326 , defrag_working-1.png )
today's puzzle was fun because it made me feel nostalgic for the Windows 95 days
>> No. 3561 [Edit]
File 173392682036.png - (80.32KB , 680x604 , aoc2024Day11Clojure.png )
if you want a hint for today's puzzle, it's basically a slightly harder version of Lanternfish from the 2021 edition:

Eric even put this hint into the example input
>> No. 3562 [Edit]
File 17339650933.gif - (357.27KB , 1000x707 , aoc11.gif )
>> No. 3563 [Edit]
File 173406462714.png - (183.21KB , 938x1033 , aoc2024day12Clojure_.png )
And here's my last one for this year. It's starting to get tedious.
>> No. 3564 [Edit]
File 173407446139.png - (116.99KB , 671x652 , aoc2024day13python3.png )
I might not continue this year either, because it looks like there isn't anyone else here who's still participating.
>> No. 3565 [Edit]
This solution is incorrect in the general case. It happens to work for my input but it doesn't work for all valid inputs. For example, it fails on this input:
Button A: X+2, Y+2 Button B: X+1, Y+1 Prize: X=2, Y=2
The correct answer for this should be 2. Press Button B 2 times, spending 2 tokens in total. Pressing Button A 1 time is suboptimal because it costs 1*3 tokens.
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