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File 148279189850.jpg - (289.44KB , 1280x1950 , 20161230.jpg )
1495 No. 1495 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
"2016 was the year solar panels finally became cheaper than fossil fuels."
Your thoughts?
8 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1670 [Edit]
Greenwashed bullshit. A 6kW set will set you back $15k and break even in 10+ years - that's excluding PV degradation, weather and battery replacements. I'd rather put that money into a low yielding fund and double it instead.

Your tax money died for their sins.
>> No. 1673 [Edit]
>break even in 10+ years
And by then the technology will be outdated with cheaper better stuff on the market. Not to mention the batteries would likely be toast by then.
>> No. 1683 [Edit]
I'm uneducated about energy extraction methods, which would be cheapest?
which would be eco-friendliest?
which would be most endurable?
>> No. 1684 [Edit]
Now it's 2018, solar cell tech has been a bit more stagnant than we'd all like, and the US (one of the few major countries with enough empty desert to build massive solar plants in) still has tariffs on Chinese panels in some futile attempt to save some tiny domestic companies. I'm not holding my breath for a solar takeover in the next 20 years.

Wind is very cheap, as in actually cheaper than coal and natural gas on real world grids where natural gas is subsidized instead of renewables, and it scales enough that it is the majority of generation in economies as large as the UK and Texas on many days. Capacity is still growing even after the US dropped rules that would have made coal fired plants more expensive.
I don't think anyone can confidently say what is most eco-friendly. Even if you replaced that extremely broad question with "what has the lowest effect on the greenhouse per Mwh generated" it's not straightforward. I don't want to shill wind too hard because it has obvious location limitations, but it's pretty great by this metric. Solar, hydro, and nuclear require a lot of energy to build (which for now means lots of fossil fuels burned), but have the potential to generate a ton of power in the equipment lifetime to offset.
Nuclear is theoretically the most enduring method if we're talking about the longevity of the equipment; that shit is supposed to be built to run indefinitely, but then people cut corners and it goes down in a natural disaster, and then other plants are shut in the ensuing political storm. Solar is of course on top if you mean the source itself, since if we switched to nuclear power we'd most likely run out of uranium before the sun dies.

No. 1595 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
there are so many nerds out there getting super rich off bitcoin lately, does anyone worry that there will be an anime shortage when they spend all their winnings?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1597 [Edit]
I think it's safe to say this is shit posting.
>> No. 1598 [Edit]
I remember thinking I should buy 100 bitcoin when they were still around a dollar or two just to see what would happen. Oh well.
>> No. 1599 [Edit]
I got that same idea but for all the worthless offshoot coins that were worth like 0.003 cents each. People told me I was retarded and I was tossing my money away. I figured it would be a fairly safe bet as 100 of each coin would only cost a few bucks and they might go up in value, if not no big loss.
The hard part was/is finding out how to actually buy any of those coins. The only site I found that worked for me was but they're dead now. They had a very limited selection but I was able to use a phone app to convert coins I bought to those other worthless types. Now the $40~ I invested is $1,500 and climbing. My only regret is not getting more.
>> No. 1600 [Edit]
File 151272314113.png - (1.42MB , 1000x1415 , fa47909b4af0c31635235de208debb4a36280f59.png )
Please do not post nsfw images outside of /ns/. I removed the file from your post. Thank you.

File 145716942369.jpg - (65.63KB , 640x480 , [Kotomi] Renkin San-kyuu Magical Pokaan 01v2 [DVDx.jpg )
1409 No. 1409 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What is the single oldest piece of technology you still own?

How about the oldest thing you still use? (if different)
22 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1540 [Edit]
I have an old DEC keyboard, probably from around '96. It's not in active use right now, but it's been in the past. It's pretty nice, also considering how long it has lasted.
>> No. 1541 [Edit]
1905 victrola record player
>> No. 1543 [Edit]
I own an original gameboy made in 1989, it's older than me, and in surprisingly good condition. I still use it from time to time. I guess that's what happens when you build things to last rather than now when everything is built to break so you have to buy the new model.
>> No. 1562 [Edit]
Just tried to identify mine, not sure if correctly. Looks like 1930's Zeiss Ikon Nettar model unknown camera and 1950's Telefunken D11B microphone. Damn kraut shit.

File 148530902588.jpg - (47.30KB , 576x601 , j2r7LPL.jpg )
1507 No. 1507 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Tohno is trying to set up a new engine and server for the site but he's having trouble doing so. If any of you know how to help and are willing, your help would be much appreciated. You can contact Tohno most reliably through the IRC.

We look forward to having your assistance and we thank you in advance.
>> No. 1508 [Edit]
what do you mean by "trouble"?

Can Tohno into basic computer software and networking?
>> No. 1509 [Edit]
>Can Tohno into basic computer software and networking?
Some things are more complicated than others.

File 146930197276.jpg - (113.11KB , 760x428 , kickass-torrents-goes-owner-arrested.jpg )
1459 No. 1459 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Bad news folks! The owner of kickass torrents has been arrested and the domain has been seized.
>> No. 1497 [Edit]
Back to piratebay & proxies.
>> No. 1500 [Edit]
Good news folks! Kickass torrents has been restablished as
>> No. 1501 [Edit]
You sure that's not one of the dozens of clones that popped up in the wake of the take down and claimed to be the 'real' new site? Because a lot of those are attack sites, honeypots, malware breeding grounds and so on.

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1432 No. 1432 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So is 10-tan an obsessive psychotic stalker or what?
5 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1446 [Edit]
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>> No. 1448 [Edit]
She's the only one interested in me and everything about me.
>> No. 1458 [Edit]
I truly wish that this bitch would leave me alone! I am very happy with my 7-tan, but this bitch always try to ruin our relationship.
>> No. 1494 [Edit]
File 14827915071.jpg - (318.07KB , 1280x1600 , 20161231.jpg )
Time to move on from Microsoft Windows?

File 147298380737.jpg - (64.08KB , 640x360 , watching.jpg )
1466 No. 1466 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So what movies do you like to watch /navi/?.
>> No. 1467 [Edit]
If we're talking /navi/ grade movies, I can certainly recommend Black Hat (2015). probably one of the most realistic depictions of hacking you'll ever see in mainstream media. None of that random keyboard mashing or "enhancing".
>> No. 1468 [Edit]
Oh yeah i actually have heard of that but never seen it i will check it out thanks anon.

File 142432821584.jpg - (137.49KB , 542x351 , 1375210098208.jpg )
1268 No. 1268 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
When will VR be good enough for us to (sort of) be with our waifus?
7 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1425 [Edit]
That's why I'm looking into advanced cardboard stuff until I get enough money to buy Vive/until they get out of beta. Still, not as advanced as GearVR, since phone+headset costs almost like Oculus.

I wonder what smartphone should I get having the cardboard VR in mind. Being a hikky I don't think it's a good idea investing a lot into a mobile device I would barely use for its primary tasks. At the same time I think that if I spend money at least I should get something that will be good for a while from now on.
Can't decide between LG G3 D855 and Nexus 5x, first one is cheaper, has better screen for VR and generally seems to pack a lot for its price, but is outdated, especially in terms of OS. The second has little memory on board (16 gb, won't even hold a movie in 3D), no card slot to compensate for that, low density 1080p screen, but it's the purest Android experience I can get and it looks quite neat (not that I'm going to show off to anyone, but I want to enjoy the looks of a device just as much as its functionality).
>> No. 1426 [Edit]
I've tried out a google cardboard style headset with my smartphone. I even bought a vr-one and managed to make it work with my phone. Wasn't that great of an experience. It's neat but far from ideal. For one the image quality is pretty shit. my phone has a 1920 x 1080 screen but images were extremely pixelated because of how much you're zooming into it while having it take up your full range of view. It was less pixelated with the cardboard style headset but that's only because it wouldn't take up the full range of view and instead was like looking at a floating screen in front of you. Another issue is framrates and connectivity. Because you can't stream large amounts of data over wifi all that well you can expect -very- low frame rates. Even with a usb cable connected I'd have to drop settings extremely low just to get more than 10fps, and by low I mean like animated gifs you see that are so low in quality they look like color blobs. It depends on the kinda content you're trying to stream too. I've got a pretty decent PC and my phone isn't that bad, but that didn't seem to really matter, but Simplistic low demand games seemed to work 'okay' though. The most smooth experiences I had were the ones using content that was being played off the phone itself not streamed. Even then the pixelated image and possibly other factors made it tiring to use for extended periods. I tried using a virtual cinema to watch an episode of yuruyuri and I was only able to make it half way in before needing to stop because of head and eye pain. At this point I'm hoping I can get a job so I can buy a HTC. Using my phone gave me a nice idea of what VR can be like, but it's a very basic and rudimentary experience.
>> No. 1456 [Edit]
I fapped to Miku and Haku in VR two days ago using this: It's based on MMD, using MMD models and animation, so it's like being in a MMD scene or video. I wasn't using cardboard or phone based VR, and I felt like I was really there with the character, so yes >>1268 VR is already good enough to at least let you feel like you're in the same physical space as your waifu.

Because the anime characters are life-scale in VR, the first thing I noticed was that the character's proportions were a bit unrealistic. Miku, or at least the Miku model in "Shy Miku", had really long legs, really small shoulders, and a small and skinny waist. Later on, when I got more used to the program and explored other scenes, the best part is getting really close to the character. That was definitely the most exciting part, getting close, and feeling that Miku is physically close while fapping to her.
>> No. 1457 [Edit]
Although it seems like this is still in the early stages, I am watching it with extreme interest.

File 144825069512.png - (1.10KB , 521x29 , UP.png )
1365 No. 1365 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What's your current uptime? Longest?

Post edited on 22nd Nov 2015, 7:55pm
4 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1371 [Edit]
How do you keep from restarting due to updates?
>> No. 1372 [Edit]
I just changed the settings for the updates is all. I have it download the updates but don't install them until I say so. It's right in the control panel.
Mostly why I haven't upgraded to 10 yet, because that option isn't there anymore, and I don't want to "break" the system by disabling the update service entirely. It's kind of a petty reason but that combined with my laziness and apathy is enough to prevent me from upgrading.
>> No. 1394 [Edit]
Is it really good for the computer to be on for that long?

That being said I'm at 1 day 6 hours.
>> No. 1395 [Edit]
File 145465035764.png - (58.72KB , 775x344 , 80days_uptime.png )
No idea, but I've been keeping mine on for years, with plenty of power failures to make sure I don't keep my uptime. If it impacts it's lifetime at all, I'm sure it's very minimal. Just make sure you have good cooling.
I'd think the thing it would impact most is the hard drive, if anything. But of course that depends on what your machine is doing while idle.

File 131790105854.jpg - (19.37KB , 384x369 , stevejobs1984.jpg )
47 No. 47 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Technology-related, so I guess it goes here.

As some of you probably know by know, Steve Jobs died yesterday, October 5th. What road do you think Apple will take from now on?

I'm hoping for some modern successors to discontinued products from back in the day, such as the Apple III, or heck, even one of these compact Macintosh types (as seen in the picture). Though I have no idea what a modern version of those might even look like. Certainly not a box with a CRT screen on it.
13 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 62 [Edit]
Is it because your country is unusually smart and/or informed, or were they all just tricked into another product?
>> No. 63 [Edit]
Simply poor, so everyone uses PCs with pirated software.
>> No. 64 [Edit]
this video tells alot about apples main shitty defense league of userbase.
>> No. 1400 [Edit]
File 145534534264.png - (32.32KB , 508x287 , Apple-Iphone-logo.png )
What a weird problem...
Setting the date to 1 January 1970 will brick your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch

File 143102463998.jpg - (378.74KB , 3456x2304 , V5CFT7r.jpg )
1298 No. 1298 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So I've heard with watercolor systems that the non-conductive liquids out there can eventually become conductive over time as the liquid will pick up minerals in the pipes and components they pass over. making them essentially pointless.
My question is, would this not also apply to mineral oil systems? Is it not possible to wake up one day after a few years and find your fish tank pc to be completely fried?
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1305 [Edit]
>I think the whole concept is retarded.
What's retarded about dunking your computer in a fish tank full of oil?
>> No. 1312 [Edit]

it may be surprising to you, but the oil will protect the computer's innards from corrosion in addition to the massive heat dissipation.
you also don't need to clean dust bunnies out of the fans and heat sinks regularly.
>> No. 1313 [Edit]
It will also lubricate inside your CPU, reducing drag when electrons flow through the pipes. Faster electrons = faster computer.
>> No. 1399 [Edit]
Use distilled water?

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