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File 154790467287.png - (6.71KB , 392x448 , CodeCogsEqn.png )
1767 No. 1767 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

I recently noticed that one could express a polynomial in terms of combinatorials and so I am curious as to how far one could go with this.

My requests are:
1) An expression of n^4 purely in terms of combinatorials
2) A method for finding these combinatorial-expressions
3) Clarity regarding what the term is for this field of study my question would fit into (if there is one)

I notice Pascal's triangle appears consistently (albeit with the rightmost '1' cut off) so perhaps, keeping the positive-negative alteration in mind, the n^4 combinatorial-expression is actually quite predictable but I have yet to test this and to be honest, I'd rather find a method than apply what I predict could be the cheat-sheet.
21 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2041 [Edit]
File 159374777716.jpg - (146.34KB , 1280x720 , gj_club.jpg )
Japanese university math is pretty advanced (relative to the equivalent in US).

Post edited on 2nd Jul 2020, 8:44pm
>> No. 2042 [Edit]
This just looks like sequences and (finite) series, though.
>> No. 2045 [Edit]
OP, you did well in asking if there was such a subject beforehand. Lately I was asking myself if there was something on sequences that are like arithmetical progressions, but with a different ratio between every number. I research deep in every possible related topic and couldn't find anything, even describing the problem didn't help. I ended up finding some formulas of my own, in the end, and was even going to post them here and ask about, but eventually I found they actually exist and are called quadratic sequences. There isn't a lot about them, though. The existing formulas are very different from the ones I made, and it appears that there are (as I suspected) even higher orders of magnitude, like cubic etc. What do you guys think of this whole thing?
>> No. 2046 [Edit]
I think you can just generalize everything by writing it as a recurrence relation. For a quadratic relation we know that we must have

d(n) = f(n+1) - f(n) = an + b, which implies that f(n+1) = f(n) + an + b.

Now for the particular case of quadratic sequences I think finding a general formula for the nth term is relatively straightforward because we know how to do sums of arithemtic sequences, so you can apply this to find d(1) + d(2) + ... + d(n) which immediately gives you a formula for what f(n+1) is. Same thing applies for "cubic sequences" as well and so on since we have nice closed form solutions for those.

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2036 No. 2036 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Why aren't dual screen laptops a thing?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2038 [Edit]
Hard to implement cleanly, since you'd probably have to double the thickness of the display part. Maybe with the new fancy paper-thin/foldable displays it's possible, but it doesn't make sense ergonomically since it'll be off-center.
>> No. 2039 [Edit]
>it'll be off-center
I've seen home made mods that have the screen fold out on top. Which places one of the screens at eye level, making for a more comfortable view.
>> No. 2040 [Edit]
That'd be neat! And the vertical real-estate would be very useful. Tangentially I don't know why almost all laptops are 16:9, even though 16:10 gives you that extra bit of valuable vertical space.
>> No. 3130 [Edit]
There's a neat youtube video of someone making a pretty stylish portable 3-screen setup (yt: "Triple-Screen Laptop done right", by "DIY perks"). It's not quite a laptop since there's no inbuilt keyboard, but I think if for some reason you ever wanted a portable 3-monitor computer setup, that's the way you'd go.

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1996 No. 1996 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Hello, this is not a shill post. So I decided to create my own chan in python as a hobby (using the flask library) and this is what I have come up with so far. Just give me feedbacks here in this thread or there.

Currently you can only upload jpeg , jpg , png , gif below the size of 4mb.

(IDK shit about frontend btw)
9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2020 [Edit]
Wouldn't a booru be better than an imageboard then?
>> No. 2021 [Edit]
Isn't a booru technically a type of imageboard?
>> No. 2022 [Edit]
You could say those are the real imageboards, and these places are message boards.
>> No. 2023 [Edit]
Boorus are more of a mass collection site with little to no quality control. I'm thinking of a place where people post the cream of the crop, not just dumping images for the sake of it but sharing things that hit all the right strokes for them. Maybe a scene in an anime which spoke to them, or a single piece of erotic art that they could get off to several times. Also, I'd like people to have discussion about those images, albeit with the stipulation that EVERY post would have to contain an image. I don't want something like 4/h/ where half the thread is people shitposting or arguing without posting anything.

File 134309204868.jpg - (6.06KB , 240x240 , 070927-old-cell-phone.jpg )
3 No. 3 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Greetings /mt/!

I am looking to buy a "smartphone" (is this what they call them now?). I have no use for the actual phone itself, but I'd like it for other little things, like IRC and other crap like that.

So, where do I start?
30 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 34 [Edit]
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cold boot attack with default encryption on android 4.0 galaxy nexus
>> No. 35 [Edit]
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set your phone free
>> No. 1502 [Edit]
Is there a reason why adblocker apps for android always seem to use vpn connections? Why is this necessary? Are there any out there that don't use one(rooted phone or otherwise)?
>> No. 2012 [Edit]
Because you cannot set the hosts file on an unrooted phone, so the only way to do it at a global level is by tunneling all traffic through a local vpn which can then be locally filtered. If you just want adblock in a browser you can get that via firefox plus extensions or similar chromium variants that support adblock.

If you're rooted you can use adaway which uses the hosts file method (last I checked). There is also the option of using a custom dns pointed either at a local pi-hole server or a publicly hosted pi-hole. It seems the option to use a custom dns was only added in android 9, so for older versions you'll have to root it and modify one of the initrc files to override the dhcp-acquired value.

File 130374324176.jpg - (38.12KB , 500x500 , internet_freedom_457935[1].jpg )
462 No. 462 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
This thread is computer/technology related, so /mt/ is probably the best place to post it.

Anyway, to the point. I've been hearing many rumours that the soon to come Windows 8 will have forced "Live integration", which means (you guessed it), forcing you to register on Live before being able to use the OS. From that moment on, I realized that Microsoft will either fail completely as a Software manufacturer or the oblivious masses will bend over. To my (almost expected) disappointment, it is the latter. The masses will accept this as they have done so far. I'm talking about the social networking shoved in people's faces everywhere. You can't go to a large website without seeing facebook and twitter links everywhere. Hell, even online gaming has turned into one big social network (see Steam, Xbox Live, etc.)

The question I pose is, what's next? Requirement to have your real name visible everywhere you post? Or maybe forced cloud computing? Web 2.0? Seems likely.

They're already putting tracking devices in smart phones:

And don't get me started on the backdoors they've put in proprietary software.

Well, this concludes my pointless post. Any thoughts?
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417 posts and 48 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1828 [Edit]
I think most of the internet isn't going to bother.
It's going to be cheaper for them to just cut off the EU peasants from the greater net than to try and conform to EU's fantasy demands.
Only the multinational goliaths will prevail, though I doubt they will be able to make significantly more money off of us anyway.
I mean the majority of us euro-peons is already poor as niggers and we're only getting poorer. It's going to be hard to squeeze out anything more.
Fucking Eurogulag.
>> No. 1829 [Edit]
>Regarding Youtube and Co
As >>1828 mentioned, the big companies are going to be pretty unaffected. They can afford to (and already have) developed ML based content ID systems to automatically take down content. Google, Facebook, and co. will probably set it to be even stricter in the EU and call it a day.

Meanwhile the law will only hurt small startups and indie businesses because they can't afford to/don't have the manpower to do the above. And it'll also hurt end-consumers as an end result in two ways: 1) there'll be less competition from these small businesses and eventually people won't bother trying to create services catering to EU citizens so they'll be stuck with big goliaths that will only become entrenched and incumbent. 2) Smaller niche content/sites may also become unavailable to EU citizens, as even those possibly under the exception clause mentioned may not want to risk violations or bother so they'll just block EU IPs.
>> No. 1977 [Edit]
OP here again. Ya'll hangin' in there?
>> No. 1978 [Edit]
I guess "internet of things" is how they're sneaking in their privacy violations now. You can't even take a walk outside without being in the sight of shitty "smart" doorbells.

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1946 No. 1946 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Nanotechnology! It's the future of everything. Every machine can either be replaced or greatly improved upon by nanotechnology, including the human body. From medical delivery to computing. Nanotechnology also has a lot of applicability in weapons. The hypothetical "pure fusion" bomb doesn't require fissile material, which is a major barrier for making nuclear weapons now, but creating it requires pressure and heat that's not practical with current technology. Nanotechnology however could create the necessary conditions and massively reduce the weight of the bomb. Then there's the grey goo scenario where in one day self-replicating nanobots designed to "take things apart" dismantle the entire planet. Are you terrified or excited?
5 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1953 [Edit]
Nanotechnology in medical delivery has been approved by the FDA and is used. Doxil is encased in liposomes to extend their period of effectiveness for example. There's also titanium dioxide in sunscreen. Nanotechnology is also used to improve products which alredy exist like bandages fused with silver nanoparticles. Here's an entire website about this.

Nanorobots however do still seem stuck in the research phase.
>> No. 1954 [Edit]
That's a neat website! Thank you for sharing it.
>> No. 1974 [Edit]
Nanotech engenieering student here, yes ,nanotech has been since 1990s, in a lot of products most of it casues cancer,, there are a lot of nanomaterials, i hate nanomedicine but it is one of the most advanced areas, besides nanoelectronics, nanomagnetism is the future, idk what tell, some examples of nano in your everyday lives are titanium dioxide as a catalizer for som windows or as a food aditive which causes cancer but no enterprise want to aknowledge it, uh there are a lot of nanocarbon composites in some products uhhh have i mentioned carbon fiber?, nanotransistors etc etc etc
>> No. 1975 [Edit]
Is nanotechnology your actual major, or is it material engineering? Would you say a biomedical engineering major could get in the field?
>i hate nanomedicine

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1964 No. 1964 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Have any of you guys heard of the SAFE network project? The basic idea is that the network will be fully automated and use spare resources from users' computers to store all data in exchange for some cryptocurrency(I don't like this part so much). Data is both enycrypted and distrubted in such a way that makes its source and destination impossible to determine rather than just masking activity. The system automatically splits data up and makes multiple copies of the parts. As a consequence, it will be impossible to delete information once uploaded. I don't have the technical know-how to say how legitimate it is.

Post edited on 11th Dec 2019, 1:02pm
>> No. 1965 [Edit]
>to store all data in exchange for some cryptocurrency
The mention of cryptocurrency tends to lead me to dismiss projects on sight.

That said, it seems the primary advantage this has over bittorrent based protocols is the routing encryption? I've also heard of IPFS but haven't looked into that too much, and am not sure what significant benefits it offers over bittorrent+mainline DHT.
>> No. 1966 [Edit]
File 157610008498.jpg - (139.91KB , 850x703 , __cirno_touhou_drawn_by_arsenixc__sample-6b48d04f3.jpg )
I don't think you understand the scope. The goal of safenet is not to just to send and store files. It's meant as an entire replacmenet for the http protocol. Websites, applications, everything that currently exists on this "internet". The idea is a complete replacement with zero oversight on the overall network. Torrents rely on seeders and the information can't be accessed in real time. People who store data for safenet wont even know what they're helping to store. Nobody will.
>> No. 3368 [Edit]
File 171000707378.png - (64.62KB , 692x913 , maidsafe timeline.png )
Things are heating up. SAFE net is getting pretty close to a public beta launch. This timeline is probably too optimistic, but still. I think buying EMAID sometime around now, is a good idea, and I feel obligated to tell the people here about it.

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1696 No. 1696 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What is the end goal of technology?

Do you think that, overall, it is improving our lives, or making it worse?
3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1705 [Edit]
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Still a long, long ways away from singularity.

I'd welcome some innovative and new technologies, but everything for the last 3 decades has been iterative improvements to shit that already existed, combined with 'planned obsolescence' so that it stops working if you wait too long before buying the next iteration.
>> No. 1719 [Edit]
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The end point of technology will be our destruction. Man is a cosmic accident, there is no point to us, but we still can function because our environment is still reasonably close to the original. Our biological programing still good enough for our situation. Yet more and more technology changes the game faster than nature can alter her program. Take obesity as an example, for nearly all of human history there was no such thing as a problem of constantly having too much food. In the last hundred years technology has made food abundant, making our own biological drives so suited to millions of years of hominid life moot. How will man's programed urges react to the new weights on the scales? What will happen when chance no longer is a major factor on human lives? What happens when most people become useless, when the systems we make outstrip their creators? What happens when we can alter genes freely. Or when we can alter people's moods, their minds, their capabilities? What happens when one can retreat into a virtual world to reign as God?

We will break ourselves. We will see what we really are. Living automata, a biological paradox, an abomination, an absurdity, an exaggeration of disastrous nature. Nature will no longer be able to correct her mistakes, we will be a species made almighty without, but equally a menace to its own well-being.

The results will be disastrous. Technology will peak when we can freely change one of two things, ourselves or the environment. In time those who change themselves will become infinitely malleable nothings, true Sartreans who's existence may blink out in an instant, both more and less than human. Those that seek not to change themselves but that which is external to them will retreat into virtual worlds, induced feelings, human similcra, a solipsistic suicide. In any case it will be nothing short of collective death. So long as technology advances faster than nature can create counter-measures, we will overshoot her target, blowing us apart in the process.

In genesis man's original sin was to eat from the tree of knowledge. Technology, fruit of knowledge, will perfect our fall. It will be a final complete fall where we shall lose even the memory of paradise. We will finally know ourselves for what we are, stand apart from ourselves look upon our species and find
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>> No. 1754 [Edit]
The ultimate goal of technology is replacing us, soft bags of suffering flesh into a trans-species capable of the great sacrifices needed for conquering the universe.
>> No. 1957 [Edit]
>Do you think that, overall, it is improving our lives, or making it worse?
Well if you believe Kaczynski, "the Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race." Reading over his essay again, he was pretty prescient about political issues brewing today and his argument that technology takes away individual freedom and leaves purposeless "surrogate" activities in its vacuum certainly seems compelling. The issue is that it's really hard to make a definitive comparison since we have no frame of reference for the alternative Kaczynski seems to propose: reverting back to a hunter-gatherer style society. Sure we might have a greater sense of purpose in our lives, but that might only be because we're busy fending off tigers and too preoccupied food and survival to worry about anything else.

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1873 No. 1873 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Mazda hasn't produced a sports car for years, unless we consider the MX-5 to be such. Honda has narrowed down the range of Type-R versions and gave up production of many cult models. The Toyota has gone into urban hybrids, while the Nissan has a love for SUVs and crossovers. On Mitsubishi there's no more words at all, because , Mitsubishi brand completely lost its character (the eternal war between the EVO Lancer and the STI Impreza, the first one lost with a forfeit).

Self-driving cars will swarm roads within the next couple of decades. They'll be cheaper, safer, more efficient. Our grandchildren – heck, maybe even our children – will probably never learn to drive a car if they will live in an urban environment.While it's fun to think about in a futurism sense, there will be little excitement where the real change happens. Autonomous vehicles will, by their

nature, be boring. For the most part they'll have utilitarian looks. They'll be quiet and electric, they'll be slow and conservative drivers. They'll basically be a more personal version of public transport.
8 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1892 [Edit]
Car ransomware will also be horrifying. "Pay $300 or say hello to a concrete wall at 80 mph."
>> No. 1893 [Edit]
It's scary to think how likely this is. I bet the first waves of these cars will have shit security, and the automotive industry has already proven to have little interest in maintaining the software in older vehicle models.
>> No. 1894 [Edit]
If it's any consolation I don't think that the automotive industry will be the ones coming out with the first gen of this stuff. It'll probably be one of the SV companies, Waymo/etc. Of course given Google's track record in deprecating stuff this probably isn't any better, but at least they're someone with a culture of software and security.
>> No. 1948 [Edit]
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There's always the past, OP. Honda, Mazda, Nissan, and Toyota are starting to build reproduction parts for their legacy cars. The next decade will probably be the last one where combustion engine sports cars will be affordable or legal in most countries. I'm trying to find pic related next year before they start appreciating to the five-figure price range.

The "rent on demand" philosophy is already implemented on certain new models. I believe Volvo's Polestar brand is subscription only. Most luxury manufacturers have phone applications that allow you to rent most of their model range for a monthly fee, but it's currently limited to certain regions.

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1915 No. 1915 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
>Just giving you guys a heads up. Due to a soon to be forced update from our host, TC might break and go down.

How long will the downtime last? Is the "forced update" a bump in php version (which I think was mentioned was incompatible with the ancient codebase?). Has one of the more modern imageboard backends (e.g. Lynxchan) been looked into?
19 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1944 [Edit]
Whatever happens, please keep the edit function if you can.
>> No. 1945 [Edit]
I agree. It's a useful feature to fix little mistakes.
>> No. 1956 [Edit]
I would just like to say that I really like the layout and functionality of this site. I'm not into programming but all the other imageboard software I came across before feels worse.
>> No. 2024 [Edit]
Contacting Tohno-chan.

File 157342507350.png - (597.37KB , 800x800 , update.png )
1931 No. 1931 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If you look at the source of there's a redirect to one of those shady malvertising sites if your referrer matches one of the URLs in the "blockedurls" list. Based on the types of sites I'm assuming this is intentional on some part, but Tohno can you please change this to not redirect you to these sketchy sites.
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1935 [Edit]
Yes that's what I experienced too. It does seem it's only on the archived threads.
>> No. 1936 [Edit]
Sorry about that, yeah it was intentional to help prevent raids and such. I set it up years and years ago and kinda forgot about it. I thought I set it to redirect to a 404 page or.. something... oh! yeah that's right I think I was a NEET at the time and figured I'd use one of those ad clicking sites to at least make a buck off potential trolls. I'll fix that in a minute here. Some of those urls I should remove anyway. Sorry.
>> No. 1937 [Edit]
Bit embarrassing to ask but what file was that in? I've been looking around and can't find the entry.
>> No. 1938 [Edit]
It's an inline script as part of the main page. You should just be able to grep for "blockedurls" and find the corresponding file.

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